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Classes of Insolita | PHP Composer Recovery | | Download |
![]() Composer-recoveryHelper for recovery composer dependency list (if you lost composer.json) from composer.lock or vendor/composer/installed .json NOTE: It is not file-recovery tool, and it can`t recover composer.json data same as it was in original. It just extracts package list and concrete versions (and also hash for dev-master dependecies) from composer.lock, or, if it absent too, from vendor/composer/installed.json If recover maked from installed.json - there are no way to separate default and dev dependencies See tests/stub/app1_expected.json as an example of result file NOTE2: If your project under vcs control, you don't need this package. You can easy restore composer.json from previous commit or another branch Installation:
Ensure that your ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory declared in $PATH
if not - you should add it in ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile Basic Usage:
Supported options:-p : path to project directory (by default - active directory where script was called) -o : path to directory where recovered_composer.json will be written (by default - same as project directory) -f : custom file name - (by default - recovered_dependecies.json) Examples with options: