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File: amazon_class.php

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File: amazon_class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: webservice class definition for Amazon Parser
Class: Amazon API Access with PHP and XML
A PHP XML class to access Amazon API they released
Author: By
Last change: 04.10.2003 The scripts have been configure to connect to AWS version 3.0, because the old versions will no longer be supported.

04.10.2003 The main connection class contains now a system locking mechanism which will improve the overall reliability and performance of your websites during "hard aws times". If you are using a global caching mechanism, and you don't want to cache empty or malformed webpages, you can use a global variable called $_GLOBALS['bFeedError'] that you set to false before calling the scripts and then check if the value changed to true after the webservices call. In case the feed times our or failes, this constant will be set to true and you can avoid caching bad formed content,

04.10.2003 The amazon_class.php contains now most of the current tags present in the xml file from Amazon.

Date: 21 years ago
Size: 13,422 bytes



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<?php /* filename: amazon_class.php created: 7/17/2002, © 2002 Calin Uioreanu descripton: webservice class definition for Amazon Parser */ // lock mechanism for amazon webservices servers define('AWS_LOCK_FILE', 'aws_lock'); // if a query fails, we will not bother amazon webservices servers for a given time define('AWS_LOCK_TIME', 30); class Amazon_WebService { var $sData; var $arAtribute; var $iNumResults; var $sTemplate; /** void Amazon_WebService(void) constructor */ function Amazon_WebService() { $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); } // end func /** boolean parse(void) parses a XML file */ function parse() { if (!$this->testLock()) { // prevent html caching $_GLOBALS['bFeedError'] = true; return false; } // set the handlers xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'startHandler', 'endHandler'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'cdataHandler'); if (!is_resource($this->fp)) { $this->createLock(); return false; } while ($data = fread($this->fp, 2048)) { $err = xml_parse($this->parser, $data); if (!$err) { fclose($this->fp); return $err; } } fclose($this->fp); // free the parser resource xml_parser_free($this->parser); return true; } // end func /** void startHandler (obj , str , arr) Event handler called by the expat library when an element's begin tag is encountered. */ function startHandler($parser, $sTag, $arAttr) { // Start with empty sData string. $this->sData = ''; // Put each attribute into the Data array. foreach ($arAttr as $Key=> $Val) { $this->arAtribute["$sTag:$Key"] = trim($Val); } } /** void cdataHandler (obj, str) Event handler called by the expat library when Character Data are encountered. */ function cdataHandler($parser, $sTag) { $this->sData .= $sTag; } /** void endHandler (obj, str) Event handler called by the expat library when an element's end tag is encountered. */ function endHandler($parser, $sTag) { static $MODE, $ASIN, $PRODUCTNAME, $CATALOG, $AUTHORS, $ARTISTS, $STARRING, $DIRECTORS, $THEATRICALRELEASEDATE, $RELEASEDATE, $MANUFACTURER, $IMAGEURLSMALL, $IMAGEURLMEDIUM, $IMAGEURLLARGE, $LISTPRICE, $OURPRICE, $USEDPRICE, $REFURBISHEDPRICE, $THIRDPARTYNEWPRICE, $SALESRANK, $LISTS, $TRACKS, $BROWSELIST, $MEDIA, $NUMMEDIA, $ISBN, $FEATURES, $MPAARATING, $PLATFORM, $AVAILABILITY, $UPC, $ACCESSORIES, $PRODUCTDESCRIPTION, $REVIEWS, $THIRDPARTYPRODUCTINFO, $AVGCUSTOMERRATING, $CUSTOMERREVIEW, $THIRDPARTYPRODUCTDETAILS, $SIMILARPRODUCTS, $TOTALRESULTS ; // put the $this->sData into a string. $sData = $this->sData; switch (strtoupper ($sTag)) { case 'ACTOR': // build the list $STARRING[] = $sData; break; case 'ARTIST': // build the list $ARTISTS[] = $sData; break; case 'DIRECTOR': // build the list $DIRECTORS[] = $sData; break; case 'AUTHOR': // build the Authors list $AUTHORS .= ($AUTHORS?', ':'') . $sData; break; case 'LISTID': // build the list $LISTS[] = $sData; break; case 'TRACK': // build the list $TRACKS[] = $sData; break; case 'BROWSENAME': // build the list $BROWSELIST[] = $sData; break; case 'FEATURE': // build the list $FEATURES[] = $sData; break; case 'ACCESSORY': // build the list $ACCESSORIES[] = $sData; break; case 'PRODUCT': // build the list $SIMILARPRODUCTS[] = $sData; break; case 'AVGCUSTOMERRATING': // build the list $AVGCUSTOMERRATING = $sData; break; case 'CUSTOMERREVIEW': // build the list $REVIEWS[] = $CUSTOMERREVIEW; break; case 'THIRDPARTYPRODUCTDETAILS': // build the list $THIRDPARTYPRODUCTINFO[] = $THIRDPARTYPRODUCTDETAILS; break; case 'SELLERID': case 'SELLERNICKNAME': case 'EXCHANGEID': case 'OFFERINGPRICE': case 'CONDITION': case 'CONDITIONTYPE': case 'EXCHANGEAVAILABILITY': case 'SELLERCOUNTRY': case 'SELLERSTATE': case 'SELLERRATING': // build the list $THIRDPARTYPRODUCTDETAILS[$sTag] = $sData; break; case 'RATING': // build the list $CUSTOMERREVIEW['Rating'] = $sData; break; case 'SUMMARY': // build the list $CUSTOMERREVIEW['Summary'] = $sData; break; case 'COMMENT': // build the list $CUSTOMERREVIEW['Comment'] = $sData; break; case 'ASIN': case 'MODE': case 'PRODUCTNAME': case 'CATALOG': case 'THEATRICALRELEASEDATE': case 'MPAARATING': case 'RELEASEDATE': case 'MANUFACTURER': case 'IMAGEURLSMALL': case 'IMAGEURLMEDIUM': case 'IMAGEURLLARGE': case 'LISTPRICE': case 'OURPRICE': case 'USEDPRICE': case 'REFURBISHEDPRICE': case 'THIRDPARTYNEWPRICE': case 'SALESRANK': case 'MEDIA': case 'PRODUCTDESCRIPTION': case 'NUMMEDIA': case 'ISBN': case 'PLATFORM': case 'AVAILABILITY': case 'UPC': $$sTag = $sData; break; case 'ERRORMSG': // if this is a global error, avoid caching the module if (!$this->iNumResults) { global $bParseError; $bParseError = true; } break; case 'DETAILS': // offer some details $sBookUrl = PRODUCT_DETAIL_URL . $ASIN; //Details finished require($this->sTemplate); // empty the product related information $STARRING= array (); $ARTISTS= array (); $DIRECTORS= array (); $AUTHORS = ''; $REVIEWS = array (); $THIRDPARTYPRODUCTINFO = array(); $BROWSELIST= array (); $FEATURES= array (); $ACCESSORIES = array (); $AVGCUSTOMERRATING = array (); $CUSTOMERREVIEW = array (); $SIMILARPRODUCTS = array (); $ASIN=''; $PRODUCTNAME=''; $CATALOG=''; $AUTHORS=''; $THEATRICALRELEASEDATE=''; $RELEASEDATE=''; $MANUFACTURER=''; $IMAGEURLSMALL=''; $IMAGEURLMEDIUM=''; $IMAGEURLLARGE=''; $LISTPRICE=''; $OURPRICE=''; $USEDPRICE=''; $REFURBISHEDPRICE=''; $THIRDPARTYNEWPRICE=''; $SALESRANK=''; $MEDIA=''; $PRODUCTDESCRIPTION = ''; $NUMMEDIA=''; $ISBN=''; $MPAARATING=''; $PLATFORM=''; $AVAILABILITY=''; $UPC=''; // increase global counter $this->iNumResults++; break; case 'TOTALRESULTS': $this->arAtribute['TotalResults'] = $sData; break; case 'PRODUCTINFO': break; } } // }}} // {{{ setInputUrl() /** * Defines * * @param string sUrl (full url) * @param integer iTimeout (url open timeout) * @return resource fsockopen handle of the given file * @throws XML_Parser_Error * @see setInput(), setInputFile() * @access public */ /** bool setInputUrl(str, int) tries to open a connection to the given url with the given timeout */ function setInputUrl($sUrl, $iTimeout) { if (!$this->testLock()) { // prevent html caching $_GLOBALS['bFeedError'] = true; return false; } $arUrl = parse_url($sUrl); $sHost = $arUrl['host']; if (!@$iPort = $arUrl['port']) { $iPort = 80; // default HTTP port } $sFullPath = $arUrl['path'] . '?' . $arUrl['query']; $fp = fsockopen($sHost, $iPort, $errno, $errstr, $iTimeout); if(!is_resource($fp)) { // return an error echo '<!-- '. $sUrl . " issued: $errstr ($errno)\n" .' -->@'; $this->createLock(); return false; } else { fputs($fp,"GET $sFullPath HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " . $sHost. "\r\n\r\n"); // win32 if (function_exists('socket_set_timeout')) { @socket_set_timeout($fp, $iTimeout); } // in blocking mode it will wait for data to become available on the socket socket_set_blocking($fp, true); // get the first line and determine the answer-code $sLine = fgets($fp , 1024); $iCode = preg_replace("/.*(\d\d\d).*/i" , "\\1" , $sLine); // an error occurred if code is not between 200 and 399 $error = null; if ($iCode != 200) { // prevent html caching $_GLOBALS['bFeedError'] = true; error_log ( "\n". time() .':'. $sUrl .':'. $sLine .':'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 3, 'htmlcache/search/return_code_failures.log' ); fclose($fp); $this->createLock(); return false; } $sHeader = ''; // no error - now determine start of data (skipping header) while (!feof($fp)) { $sLine = fgets($fp , 1024); if (strlen($sLine) < 3) { break; } } $this->fp = $fp; return true; } } // end func /** createLock() lock */ function createLock() { //error_log ("\n". date ('D M j G:i:s', time() + 6*3600) .' : AWS Failed' , 3, 'htmlcache/search/aws_uptime.log'); if (!$handle = fopen(AWS_LOCK_FILE, 'w')) { echo 'cannot open lock'; return false; } fclose($handle); return true; } // end func /** testLock() test lock for a given time, eventually release it */ function testLock() { if (!file_exists(AWS_LOCK_FILE)) { return true; } if ((time() - filemtime(AWS_LOCK_FILE)) < AWS_LOCK_TIME) { //error_log ("\n". date ('D M j G:i:s', time() + 6*3600) .' : AWS call avoided' , 3, 'htmlcache/search/aws_uptime.log'); return false; } // release lock if (!$handle = unlink(AWS_LOCK_FILE)) { error_log ("\n cannot release lock: ". time() .'-'. filemtime(AWS_LOCK_FILE) .'='. (time() - filemtime(AWS_LOCK_FILE)).'<'. AWS_LOCK_TIME, 3, 'release_lock.log'); return false; } //error_log ("\n". date ('D M j G:i:s', time() + 6*3600) .' : AWS Recovered' , 3, 'htmlcache/search/aws_uptime.log'); return true; } // end func } // end class definition ?>