PHP Classes

File: authorizenet.cim.class.php

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  Classes of Ray Solomon CIM PHP Class   authorizenet.cim.class.php  
File: authorizenet.cim.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: PHP class source
Class: CIM PHP Class
Manipulate payment data with CIM
Author: By
Last change: * Some misc updates to the php class because of recent changes made to the CIM API.
* The only change that will affect users of this class is the removal of the Wells Fargo SecureSource implementation.
* Attached a README.txt file that explains various inconsistencies in the CIM API manual.
* Added $version and $responseDelimiter variables in the class. Make sure the $responseDelimiter is correct(read below).
* Updated regex for a few elements that required a dollar amount in the correct format.
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 56,425 bytes


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