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File: helper/parser.php

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  Classes of Chun-Sheng, Li   PHP APK File Download Collector   helper/parser.php   Download  
File: helper/parser.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP APK File Download Collector
Download Android app files from various sites
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 12,182 bytes



Class file image Download
<?php use GuzzleHttp\Client; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter; use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar; $output = new ConsoleOutput(); $output -> setFormatter(new OutputFormatter(true)); $progress_bar = null; $detect_os = PHP_OS; $messages = array( 'cannot find the file_lists.txt', 'downloading the apk files...', 'The Network error happened.', 'the apk file is existed.', 'wake up !', ); /* @request_url: @author: peter @date: 2016/07/06 functions: parse_apkmirror_html($urls, $html_contents) get_apkmirror_pages($html_contents) get_apkmirror_apk($url, $html_contents) apkmirror_file_name($url) download_apkmirror_file($url, $link) */ //seed the random number generator srand(); function parse_apkmirror_html($urls, $html_contents) { $crawler = new Crawler($html_contents); $link = $crawler -> filter('a[class="fontBlack"]'); $count = 0; $links = array(); foreach ($link as $key => $value) { $crawler = new Crawler($value); $url = $crawler -> filter('a') -> attr('href'); $res = in_array($url, $links); if(!$res && $res != "/uploads/") { $links[$count] = $url; $count += 1; } } foreach ($links as $value) { $client = new Client(); try { $response = $client -> get($urls . $value); get_apkmirror_apk($urls, $response -> getBody() -> getContents()); } catch(Exception $e) { global $output; global $detect_os; if($detect_os != "WINNT") $output -> writeln('<error>' . $e -> getMessage() . '</error>'); else $output -> writeln($e -> getMessage()); sleep_rand(); die(); } } } function get_apkmirror_pages($html_contents) { $crawler = new Crawler($html_contents); $pages = $crawler -> filter('span.pages'); $page = $pages -> text(); $page = str_replace("Page 1 of ", "", $page); return $page; } function get_apkmirror_apk($url, $html_contents) { $crawler = new Crawler($html_contents); //getting title whether the title is correct. $title = $crawler -> filter('title') -> text(); if($title == "Latest Uploads - APKMirror") { //abort downloading apk file return false; } try { $download_direct = $crawler -> filter('a[data-google-vignette="false"]'); $link = $download_direct -> attr('href'); } catch(Exception $e) { global $output; global $detect_os; if($detect_os != "WINNT") $output -> writeln('<error>' . $e -> getMessage() . '</error>'); else $output -> writeln($e -> getMessage()); file_put_contents("./helper/files/apkmirror/error_link_" . time() . ".txt", $html_contents, FILE_APPEND); //abort downloading apk file. die(); } if ($link == "#downloads") { //finding correct download link //e.g.(apkmirror) /apk/facebook-2/facebook/facebook-85-0-0-5-70-release/facebook-85-0-0-5-70-android-apk-download/ $find_download = $crawler -> filter('div[class="table-cell rowheight addseparator expand pad dowrap"]'); foreach($find_download as $key => $value) { $crawler = new Crawler($value); $link = $crawler -> filter('a') -> attr('href'); break; } $client = new Client(); $response = $client -> get($url . $link); get_apkmirror_apk($url, $response -> getBody() -> getContents()); } else { download_apkmirror_file($url, $link); } } //get the default apk file name function apkmirror_file_name($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); $last_url = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL); curl_close($ch); $arr = explode("/", $last_url); $file_name = $arr[count($arr) - 1]; return $file_name; } //downloading apk directly function download_apkmirror_file($url, $link) { $file_name = apkmirror_file_name($url . $link); $file_name = trim($file_name); $file_path = "./helper/files/apkmirror/" . $file_name; $is_exists = false; $file_lists_path = "./helper/files/apkmirror/file_lists.txt"; $handle = @fopen($file_lists_path, "r"); global $output; global $detect_os; global $messages; if(!$handle) { if($detect_os != "WINNT") $output -> writeln('<error>' . $messages[0] . '</error>'); else $output -> writeln($messages[0]); } else { while(!feof($handle)) { $str = fgets($handle, 4096); $str = trim($str); if($str == $file_name) { $is_exists = true; fclose($handle); break; } } } if(!file_exists($file_path) && !$is_exists) { if($detect_os != "WINNT") { $output -> writeln('<info>' . $messages[1] . '</info>'); $output -> writeln('<info>' . $file_name . '</info>'); } else { $output -> writeln($messages[1]); $output -> writeln($file_name); } $client = new Client(['headers' => ['Keep-Alive' => '1000', 'Connection' => 'keep-alive']]); $resource = fopen($file_path, 'w+'); initial_bar(); try { $response = $client -> request('GET', $url . $link, ["verify" => false, "sink" => $resource, 'progress' => function ($download_size, $downloaded_size, $upload_size, $uploaded_size) { // present the progress string if($download_size !=0) { $number = round(100 - (abs($download_size - $downloaded_size - 100) / $download_size * 100), 2); //echo "Progress: " . round(100 - (abs($download_size - $downloaded_size - 100) / $download_size * 100), 2) . "%\n"; global $progress_bar; $progress_bar -> setProgress((int)$number); } } ]); global $progress_bar; $progress_bar -> finish(); file_put_contents($file_lists_path, $file_name . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); } catch(Exception $e) { file_put_contents("./helper/files/apkmirror/error_download_list.txt", $url . $link . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); if($detect_os != "WINNT") { $output -> writeln(''); $output -> writeln('<error>' . "error download: " . $file_name . '</error>'); $output -> writeln('<error>' . $messages[2] . '</error>'); $output -> writeln('<error>' . $e -> getMessage() . '</error>'); } else { $output -> writeln("error download: " . $file_name); $output -> writeln($messages[2]); $output -> writeln($e -> getMessage()); } die(); } } else { if($detect_os != "WINNT") $output -> writeln('<comment>' . $messages[3] . '</comment>'); else $output -> writeln($messages[3]); } $output -> writeln(''); sleep_rand(); } /* @request_url: @author: peter @date: 2016/07/12 functions: androidapks_free_html($urls, $html_contents) androidapks_free_pages($html_contents) androidapks_free_apk($html_contents) download_androidapks_file($link) */ function androidapks_free_html($urls, $html_contents) { $crawler = new Crawler($html_contents); $read_more_arr = $crawler -> filter(''); $download_pages = array(); $index = 0; foreach($read_more_arr as $key => $value) { $crawler = new Crawler($value); $download_pages[$index] = $crawler -> filter('a') -> attr('href'); $index++; } foreach($download_pages as $value) { $client = new Client(); $response = $client -> request("GET", $value); androidapks_free_apk($response -> getBody() -> getContents()); } } function androidapks_free_pages($html_contents) { $crawler = new Crawler($html_contents); $page_arr = $crawler -> filter('a[class="page-numbers"]'); $max_page = 1; foreach($page_arr as $key => $value) { $crawler = new Crawler($value); $page = $crawler -> filter('a') -> text(); if($page > $max_page) $max_page = $page; } return $max_page; } function androidapks_free_apk($html_contents) { $crawler = new Crawler($html_contents); $download_link_arr = $crawler -> filter('a'); foreach($download_link_arr as $key => $value) { $crawler = new Crawler($value); $download_link = $crawler -> filter('a') -> attr('href'); if(strpos($download_link, ".apk") && !strpos($download_link, "email-protection")) { download_androidapks_file($download_link); } } } function download_androidapks_file($link) { $link = trim($link); $link_arr = explode("/", $link); $file_name = $link_arr[count($link_arr)-1]; $file_name = trim($file_name); $file_path = "./helper/files/androidapksfree/" . $file_name; $is_exists = false; $file_lists_path = "./helper/files/androidapksfree/file_lists.txt"; $handle = @fopen($file_lists_path, "r"); global $output; global $detect_os; global $messages; if(!$handle) { if($detect_os != "WINNT") $output -> writeln('<error>' . $messages[0] . '</error>'); else $output -> writeln($messages[0]); } else { while(!feof($handle)) { $str = fgets($handle, 4096); $str = trim($str); if($str == $file_name) { $is_exists = true; fclose($handle); break; } } } if(!file_exists($file_path) && !$is_exists) { if($detect_os != "WINNT") { $output -> writeln('<info>' . $messages[1] . '</info>'); $output -> writeln('<info>' . $file_name . '</info>'); } else { $output -> writeln($messages[1]); $output -> writeln($file_name); } $client = new Client(["cookies" => true, 'headers' => ['Keep-Alive' => '1000', 'Connection' => 'keep-alive']]); $resource = fopen($file_path, 'w+'); initial_bar(); try { //replace .nope with empty $link = str_replace(".nope", "", $link); $response = $client -> request('GET', $link, ["verify" => false, "sink" => $resource, 'progress' => function ($download_size, $downloaded_size, $upload_size, $uploaded_size) { // present the progress string if($download_size !=0) { $number = round(100 - (abs($download_size - $downloaded_size - 100) / $download_size * 100), 2); global $progress_bar; $progress_bar -> setProgress((int)$number); } } ]); global $progress_bar; $progress_bar -> finish(); file_put_contents($file_lists_path, $file_name . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); } catch(Exception $e) { file_put_contents("./helper/files/androidapksfree/error_download_list.txt", $link . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); if($detect_os != "WINNT") { $output -> writeln(''); $output -> writeln('<error>' . "error download: " . $file_name . '</error>'); $output -> writeln('<error>' . $messages[2] . '</error>'); $output -> writeln('<error>' . $e -> getMessage() . '</error>'); } else { $output -> writeln("error download: " . $file_name); $output -> writeln($messages[2]); $output -> writeln($e -> getMessage()); } die(); } } else { if($detect_os != "WINNT") $output -> writeln('<comment>' . $messages[3] . '</comment>'); else $output -> writeln($messages[3]); } $output -> writeln(''); sleep_rand(); } //sleep function function sleep_rand() { global $output; global $detect_os; global $messages; $sleep_number = rand(10, 20); if($detect_os != "WINNT") $output -> writeln('<info>' . "sleep " . $sleep_number . " seconds..." . '</info>'); else $output -> writeln("sleep " . $sleep_number . " seconds..."); sleep($sleep_number); if($detect_os != "WINNT") $output -> writeln('<info>' . $messages[4] . '</info>'); else $output -> writeln($messages[4]); $output -> writeln(''); $output -> writeln(''); } //initial progress bar function initial_bar() { global $progress_bar; global $output; $output -> writeln(''); $progress_bar = new ProgressBar($output, 100); $progress_bar -> setOverwrite(true); $progress_bar -> start(); } ?>