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File: src/CSPBuilder.php

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File: src/CSPBuilder.php
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Class: PHP CSP Header Builder
Generate Content Security Policy headers
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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace ParagonIE\CSPBuilder; use \ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use \Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface; /** * Class CSPBuilder * @package ParagonIE\CSPBuilder */ class CSPBuilder { const FORMAT_APACHE = 'apache'; const FORMAT_NGINX = 'nginx'; /** * @var array */ private $policies = []; /** * @var array<int, string> */ private $requireSRIFor = []; /** * @var bool */ private $needsCompile = true; /** * @var string */ private $compiled = ''; /** * @var bool */ private $reportOnly = false; /** * @var bool */ protected $supportOldBrowsers = true; /** * @var bool */ protected $httpsTransformOnHttpsConnections = true; /** * @var string[] */ private static $directives = [ 'base-uri', 'default-src', 'child-src', 'connect-src', 'font-src', 'form-action', 'frame-ancestors', 'frame-src', 'img-src', 'media-src', 'object-src', 'plugin-types', 'manifest-src', 'script-src', 'style-src', 'worker-src' ]; /** * @param array $policy */ public function __construct(array $policy = []) { $this->policies = $policy; } /** * Compile the current policies into a CSP header * * @return string * @throws \TypeError */ public function compile(): string { $ruleKeys = \array_keys($this->policies); if (\in_array('report-only', $ruleKeys)) { $this->reportOnly = !!$this->policies['report-only']; } else { $this->reportOnly = false; } $compiled = []; foreach (self::$directives as $dir) { if (\in_array($dir, $ruleKeys)) { if (empty($ruleKeys)) { if ($dir === 'base-uri') { continue; } } $compiled []= $this->compileSubgroup( $dir, $this->policies[$dir] ); } } if (!empty($this->policies['report-uri'])) { if (!\is_string($this->policies['report-uri'])) { throw new \TypeError('report-uri policy somehow not a string'); } if ($this->supportOldBrowsers) { $compiled [] = 'report-uri ' . $this->policies['report-uri'] . '; '; } $compiled []= 'report-to ' . $this->policies['report-uri'] . '; '; } if (!empty($this->policies['upgrade-insecure-requests'])) { $compiled []= 'upgrade-insecure-requests'; } $this->compiled = \implode('', $compiled); $this->needsCompile = false; return $this->compiled; } /** * Add a source to our allow white-list * * @param string $directive * @param string $path * * @return self */ public function addSource(string $directive, string $path): self { switch ($directive) { case 'child': case 'frame': case 'frame-src': if ($this->supportOldBrowsers) { $this->policies['child-src']['allow'][] = $path; $this->policies['frame-src']['allow'][] = $path; return $this; } $directive = 'child-src'; break; case 'connect': case 'socket': case 'websocket': $directive = 'connect-src'; break; case 'font': case 'fonts': $directive = 'font-src'; break; case 'form': case 'forms': $directive = 'form-action'; break; case 'ancestor': case 'parent': $directive = 'frame-ancestors'; break; case 'img': case 'image': case 'image-src': $directive = 'img-src'; break; case 'media': $directive = 'media-src'; break; case 'object': $directive = 'object-src'; break; case 'js': case 'javascript': case 'script': case 'scripts': $directive = 'script-src'; break; case 'style': case 'css': case 'css-src': $directive = 'style-src'; break; case 'worker': $directive = 'worker-src'; break; } $this->policies[$directive]['allow'][] = $path; return $this; } /** * Add a directive if it doesn't already exist * * If it already exists, do nothing * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * * @return self */ public function addDirective(string $key, $value = null): self { if ($value === null) { if (!isset($this->policies[$key])) { $this->policies[$key] = true; } } elseif (empty($this->policies[$key])) { $this->policies[$key] = $value; } return $this; } /** * Add a plugin type to be added * * @param string $mime * @return self */ public function allowPluginType(string $mime = 'text/plain'): self { $this->policies['plugin-types']['types'] []= $mime; $this->needsCompile = true; return $this; } /** * Disable old browser support (e.g. Safari) * * @return self */ public function disableOldBrowserSupport(): self { $this->needsCompile = ($this->needsCompile || $this->supportOldBrowsers !== false); $this->supportOldBrowsers = false; return $this; } /** * Enable old browser support (e.g. Safari) * * This is enabled by default * * @return self */ public function enableOldBrowserSupport(): self { $this->needsCompile = ($this->needsCompile || $this->supportOldBrowsers !== true); $this->supportOldBrowsers = true; return $this; } /** * This just passes the array to the constructor, but hopefully will save * someone in a hurry from a moment of frustration. * * @param array $array * @return self */ public static function fromArray(array $array = []): self { return new CSPBuilder($array); } /** * Factory method - create a new CSPBuilder object from a JSON data * * @param string $data * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public static function fromData($data = ''): self { $array = \json_decode($data, true); if (!\is_array($array)) { throw new \Exception('Is not array valid'); } return new CSPBuilder($array); } /** * Factory method - create a new CSPBuilder object from a JSON file * * @param string $filename * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public static function fromFile(string $filename = ''): self { if (!\file_exists($filename)) { throw new \Exception($filename.' does not exist'); } $contents = \file_get_contents($filename); if (!\is_string($contents)) { throw new \Exception('Could not read file contents'); } return self::fromData($contents); } /** * Get the formatted CSP header * * @return string */ public function getCompiledHeader(): string { if ($this->needsCompile) { $this->compile(); } return $this->compiled; } /** * Get an associative array of headers to return. * * @param bool $legacy * @return array<string, string> */ public function getHeaderArray(bool $legacy = true): array { if ($this->needsCompile) { $this->compile(); } $return = []; foreach ($this->getHeaderKeys($legacy) as $key) { $return[(string) $key] = $this->compiled; } return $return; } /** * @return array<int, array{0:string, 1:string}> */ public function getRequireHeaders(): array { $headers = []; foreach ($this->requireSRIFor as $directive) { $headers[] = [ 'Content-Security-Policy', 'require-sri-for ' . $directive ]; } return $headers; } /** * Add a new hash to the existing CSP * * @param string $directive * @param string $script * @param string $algorithm * @return self */ public function hash( string $directive = 'script-src', string $script = '', string $algorithm = 'sha384' ): self { $ruleKeys = \array_keys($this->policies); if (\in_array($directive, $ruleKeys)) { $this->policies[$directive]['hashes'] []= [ $algorithm => Base64::encode( \hash($algorithm, $script, true) ) ]; } return $this; } /** * PSR-7 header injection. * * This will inject the header into your PSR-7 object. (Request, Response, * etc.) This method returns an instance of whatever you passed, so long * as it implements MessageInterface. * * @param \Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface $message * @param bool $legacy * @return \Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface */ public function injectCSPHeader(MessageInterface $message, bool $legacy = false): MessageInterface { if ($this->needsCompile) { $this->compile(); } foreach ($this->getRequireHeaders() as $header) { list ($key, $value) = $header; $message = $message->withAddedHeader($key, $value); } foreach ($this->getHeaderKeys($legacy) as $key) { $message = $message->withAddedHeader($key, $this->compiled); } return $message; } /** * Add a new nonce to the existing CSP. Returns the nonce generated. * * @param string $directive * @param string $nonce (if empty, it will be generated) * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function nonce(string $directive = 'script-src', string $nonce = ''): string { $ruleKeys = \array_keys($this->policies); if (!\in_array($directive, $ruleKeys)) { return ''; } if (empty($nonce)) { $nonce = Base64::encode(\random_bytes(18)); } $this->policies[$directive]['nonces'] []= $nonce; return $nonce; } /** * Add a new (pre-calculated) base64-encoded hash to the existing CSP * * @param string $directive * @param string $hash * @param string $algorithm * @return self */ public function preHash( string $directive = 'script-src', string $hash = '', string $algorithm = 'sha384' ): self { $ruleKeys = \array_keys($this->policies); if (\in_array($directive, $ruleKeys)) { $this->policies[$directive]['hashes'] []= [ $algorithm => $hash ]; } return $this; } /** * @param string $directive * @return self */ public function requireSRIFor(string $directive): self { if (!\in_array($directive, $this->requireSRIFor, true)) { $this->requireSRIFor[] = $directive; } return $this; } /** * Save CSP to a snippet file * * @param string $outputFile Output file name * @param string $format Which format are we saving in? * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function saveSnippet( string $outputFile, string $format = self::FORMAT_NGINX ): bool { if ($this->needsCompile) { $this->compile(); } // Are we doing a report-only header? $which = $this->reportOnly ? 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only' : 'Content-Security-Policy'; switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_NGINX: // In PHP < 7, implode() is faster than concatenation $output = \implode('', [ 'add_header ', $which, ' "', \rtrim($this->compiled, ' '), '" always;', "\n" ]); break; case self::FORMAT_APACHE: $output = \implode('', [ 'Header add ', $which, ' "', \rtrim($this->compiled, ' '), '"', "\n" ]); break; default: throw new \Exception('Unknown format: '.$format); } return \file_put_contents($outputFile, $output) !== false; } /** * Send the compiled CSP as a header() * * @param bool $legacy Send legacy headers? * * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function sendCSPHeader(bool $legacy = true): bool { if (\headers_sent()) { throw new \Exception('Headers already sent!'); } if ($this->needsCompile) { $this->compile(); } foreach ($this->getRequireHeaders() as $header) { list ($key, $value) = $header; \header($key.': '.$value); } foreach ($this->getHeaderKeys($legacy) as $key) { \header($key.': '.$this->compiled); } return true; } /** * Allow/disallow unsafe-eval within a given directive. * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setAllowUnsafeEval(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { if (!\in_array($directive, self::$directives)) { throw new \Exception('Directive ' . $directive . ' does not exist'); } $this->policies[$directive]['unsafe-eval'] = $allow; return $this; } /** * Allow/disallow unsafe-inline within a given directive. * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setAllowUnsafeInline(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { if (!\in_array($directive, self::$directives)) { throw new \Exception('Directive ' . $directive . ' does not exist'); } $this->policies[$directive]['unsafe-inline'] = $allow; return $this; } /** * Allow/disallow blob: URIs for a given directive * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setBlobAllowed(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { if (!\in_array($directive, self::$directives)) { throw new \Exception('Directive ' . $directive . ' does not exist'); } $this->policies[$directive]['blob'] = $allow; return $this; } /** * Allow/disallow data: URIs for a given directive * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setDataAllowed(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { if (!\in_array($directive, self::$directives)) { throw new \Exception('Directive ' . $directive . ' does not exist'); } $this->policies[$directive]['data'] = $allow; return $this; } /** * Set a directive. * * This lets you overwrite a complex directive entirely (e.g. script-src) * or set a top-level directive (e.g. report-uri). * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * * @return self */ public function setDirective(string $key, $value = []): self { $this->policies[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * Allow/disallow filesystem: URIs for a given directive * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setFileSystemAllowed(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { if (!\in_array($directive, self::$directives)) { throw new \Exception('Directive ' . $directive . ' does not exist'); } $this->policies[$directive]['filesystem'] = $allow; return $this; } /** * Allow/disallow mediastream: URIs for a given directive * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setMediaStreamAllowed(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { if (!\in_array($directive, self::$directives)) { throw new \Exception('Directive ' . $directive . ' does not exist'); } $this->policies[$directive]['mediastream'] = $allow; return $this; } /** * Allow/disallow self URIs for a given directive * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setSelfAllowed(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { if (!\in_array($directive, self::$directives)) { throw new \Exception('Directive ' . $directive . ' does not exist'); } $this->policies[$directive]['self'] = $allow; return $this; } /** * @see CSPBuilder::setAllowUnsafeEval() * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setUnsafeEvalAllowed(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { return $this->setAllowUnsafeEval($directive, $allow); } /** * @see CSPBuilder::setAllowUnsafeInline() * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setUnsafeInlineAllowed(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { return $this->setAllowUnsafeInline($directive, $allow); } /** * Set strict-dynamic for a given directive. * * @param string $directive * @param bool $allow * * @return self * @throws \Exception */ public function setStrictDynamic(string $directive = '', bool $allow = false): self { $this->policies[$directive]['strict-dynamic'] = $allow; return $this; } /** * Set the Report URI to the desired string. This also sets the 'report-to' * component of the CSP header for CSP Level 3 compatibility. * * @param string $url * @return self */ public function setReportUri(string $url = ''): self { $this->policies['report-uri'] = $url; return $this; } /** * Compile a subgroup into a policy string * * @param string $directive * @param mixed $policies * * @return string */ protected function compileSubgroup(string $directive, $policies = []): string { if ($policies === '*') { // Don't even waste the overhead adding this to the header return ''; } elseif (empty($policies)) { if ($directive === 'plugin-types') { return ''; } return $directive." 'none'; "; } $ret = $directive.' '; if ($directive === 'plugin-types') { // Expects MIME types, not URLs return $ret . \implode(' ', $policies['allow']).'; '; } if (!empty($policies['self'])) { $ret .= "'self' "; } if (!empty($policies['allow'])) { foreach ($policies['allow'] as $url) { $url = \filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); if ($url !== false) { if ($this->supportOldBrowsers) { if (\strpos($url, '://') === false) { if (($this->isHTTPSConnection() && $this->httpsTransformOnHttpsConnections) || !empty($this->policies['upgrade-insecure-requests'])) { // We only want HTTPS connections here. $ret .= 'https://'.$url.' '; } else { $ret .= 'https://'.$url.' http://'.$url.' '; } } } if (($this->isHTTPSConnection() && $this->httpsTransformOnHttpsConnections) || !empty($this->policies['upgrade-insecure-requests'])) { $ret .= \str_replace('http://', 'https://', $url).' '; } else { $ret .= $url.' '; } } } } if (!empty($policies['hashes'])) { foreach ($policies['hashes'] as $hash) { foreach ($hash as $algo => $hashval) { $ret .= \implode('', [ "'", \preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '', $algo), '-', \preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/=]/', '', $hashval), "' " ]); } } } if (!empty($policies['nonces'])) { foreach ($policies['nonces'] as $nonce) { $ret .= \implode('', [ "'nonce-", \preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/=]/', '', $nonce), "' " ]); } } if (!empty($policies['types'])) { foreach ($policies['types'] as $type) { $ret .= $type.' '; } } if (!empty($policies['unsafe-inline'])) { $ret .= "'unsafe-inline' "; } if (!empty($policies['unsafe-eval'])) { $ret .= "'unsafe-eval' "; } if (!empty($policies['blob'])) { $ret .= "blob: "; } if (!empty($policies['data'])) { $ret .= "data: "; } if (!empty($policies['mediastream'])) { $ret .= "mediastream: "; } if (!empty($policies['filesystem'])) { $ret .= "filesystem: "; } if (!empty($policies['strict-dynamic'])) { $ret .= "'strict-dynamic' "; } if (!empty($policies['unsafe-hashed-attributes'])) { $ret .= "'unsafe-hashed-attributes' "; } return \rtrim($ret, ' ').'; '; } /** * Get an array of header keys to return * * @param bool $legacy * @return array */ protected function getHeaderKeys(bool $legacy = true): array { // We always want this $return = [ $this->reportOnly ? 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only' : 'Content-Security-Policy' ]; // If we're supporting legacy devices, include these too: if ($legacy) { $return []= $this->reportOnly ? 'X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only' : 'X-Content-Security-Policy'; $return []= $this->reportOnly ? 'X-Webkit-CSP-Report-Only' : 'X-Webkit-CSP'; } return $return; } /** * Is this user currently connected over HTTPS? * * @return bool */ protected function isHTTPSConnection(): bool { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { return $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off'; } return false; } /** * Disable that HTTP sources get converted to HTTPS if the connection is such. * * @return self */ public function disableHttpsTransformOnHttpsConnections(): self { $this->needsCompile = ($this->needsCompile || $this->httpsTransformOnHttpsConnections !== false); $this->httpsTransformOnHttpsConnections = false; return $this; } /** * Enable that HTTP sources get converted to HTTPS if the connection is such. * * This is enabled by default * * @return self */ public function enableHttpsTransformOnHttpsConnections(): self { $this->needsCompile = ($this->needsCompile || $this->httpsTransformOnHttpsConnections !== true); $this->httpsTransformOnHttpsConnections = true; return $this; } }