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  Classes of Arash Hemmat   WHM XML API   README   Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: documentation
Manipulate Cpanel/WHM accounts using its XML API
Author: By
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Date: 17 years ago
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********** Note ************* This software is being published under GNU GPL license that means it comes with no warranty, so use at your own risk. ********* Usage ************* - You need PHP 5.x to run this class. This class is very easy to use just take a look at test.php to understand how you should use it. You must read the "WHM XML API Document" before using this class: You can see the inputs and outputs of each function in the page above. I have implemented the functions listed below, other functions will be implemented in the next version. ******List of implemented functions****** - version() - gethostname() - listaccts () - listPkgs() - createAccount($acctDomain,$acctUser,$acctPass,$acctPackg) - accountsummary($accUser) - passwd($accUser,$pass) - suspend($acctUser,$reason) - unsuspend($acctUser) - terminate($acctUser,$keepDns=0) - changepackage($accUser,$pkg) ****** FAQ ********* Q. I'm getting warning like "Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct()...." what is the problem? A. You did not enter the correct "username" or "whm host" or "whm hash" in the init() function and the class has not been initilized correctly. Q.I'm getting this error while creating a new account "You do not have access to create that package (package_name)!" what is the problem A.You have entered a package name that do not exist in your whm account. ******* Contact ********* Send your comments and questions to this email address: arash.hemmat _\/_at_/\_ Arash Hemmat Tuesday, September 25 2007