CacheOne is a cache class of service for php. It supports Redis, Memcache and/or APCU.
Unlikely other cache libraries, this library is based in group (optional). So it's suitable to invalidate a single key
or an entire group of elements.
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use eftec\CacheOne;
include "vendor/autoload.php"; // composer's autoload
$cache=new CacheOne("redis","","",6379);
$cacheValue=$cache->get('','countries'); // read the cache (if any) otherwise false
if($cacheValue===false) {
echo "generating a new list of countries..<br>";
$cache->set('','countries',$countries,500); // store into the cache for 500 seconds.
} else {
echo "read from cache<br>";
Creating a new instance of CacheOne
Creates a new connection using redis
use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("redis","","",6379);
Creates a new connection using apcu
use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("apcu");
Creates a new connection using memcache
use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("memcache","");
or creating a new connection, or redis, or memcache or apcu (it takes the first available)
use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("auto");
Storing a value
> function set($group, $key, $value, $duration = 1440): bool
It store a value inside a group and a key.
It returns false if the operation failed.
$cache->set("group","key1","hello world",500);
$cache->set("group","key2","hola mundo",500);
Group is optional and it could be used if we need to invalidate (delete) an entire group.
Getting a value
> function get($group, $key, $defaultValue = false)
It gets a value stored in a group (optional) and key. If the
value is not found then it returns false. Note: a false value could be a valid value.
$result=$cache->get("","key2","not found"); // if not key2 (groupless) then it returns not found
invalidate a key
> function invalidate($group = '', $key = ''): bool
It invalidates a specific key. If the operation fails, then it returns false
$cache->invalidate("group",key1"); // invalidate a key inside a group
$cache->invalidate("",key1"); // invalidate a key without a group.
invalidate a group
> invalidateGroup($group): bool
It invalidates every key(s) inside a group of groups. It also clean the catalog of the group and sets it to an empty array.
$cache->invalidateGroup("group"); // invalidate all keys inside group
$cache->invalidateGroup(["group1","group2"]); // invalidate all key inside group1 and group2
invalidate all
> invalidateAll()
It invalidates (and delete all the redis repository, memcache or apcu)
It sets how the values are serialized. By default it's PHP.
$cache->setSerializer('php'); // set the serializer to php (default value)
$cache->setSerializer('json-array'); // set the serializer to json-array
$cache->setSerializer('json-object'); // set the serializer to json-object
$cache->setSerializer('none'); // set the serializer to none (the value must be serialized)
Get the how the values are serialized.
$type=$cache->getSerializer(); // get php,json-array,json-object or none
Select a database (Redis)
> select($dbindex)
It selects a different database. By default the database is 0.
* fix: The catalog is always stored as an array, even if the serializer is json-object
* Added method setSerializer() and getSerializer(). By default CacheOne uses PHP for serialization.
With this feature, it is possible to serialize using json or none
2.2.2 2020-03-13
* Now the duration of the catalog is always lasting than the duration of the key
* Tested the duration and expiration of the cache.
* phpunit now is part of "require-dev" instead of "require"
2.2.1 2020-03-12
* Internal: key names are not store inside the group. The group is store inside the schema
* Internal: The catalog has a duration defined by $cache->catDuration (seconds)
2.2 2020-03-12
* wrappers getCache(),setCache(),invalidateCache()
2.1 2020-03-12
* Unit test
* get() has a default value $defaultValue
* new method invalidateAll()
2.0 2020-03-12 Updated the whole class. Now it works as a single class.
1.4.2 2019-07-30 Added select() to select a different database index. It also adds timeout for the constructor
1.4.1 2018-08-15 Added an internal function that obtains the id.
1.4 2018-09-05 Fixed the groups
1.3.1 2018-06-09 First published version
MIT License. Copyright Jorge Castro Castillo