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File: js/drasticMap

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File: js/drasticMap
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: javascript for map
Class: DrasticTools
Visualize MySQL data in Grid, Cloud and Map
Author: By
Last change: Minor changes in DrasticGrid and DrasticMap
Robust against PHP strict error mode
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 10,868 bytes



Class file image Download
/* DrasticTools version 0.6.18 * DrasticTools is released under the GPL license: * Copyright (C) 2007 email: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * ========================================================================================= * If you find this sofware useful, we appreciate your donation on * Suggestions for improvement can be sent to: * ========================================================================================= */ var dsmap = { "MSGUPDATEFAILED": "Failed to update data", "MSGREFRESHFAILED": "Failed to refresh map" }; var drasticMap = new Class ({ options: { path: location.pathname, // path of the php file to call pathimg: "DrasticTools/img/", // path to images addparams: "", // optional parameter string to pass to PHP GET requests, use "&var1=value1&var2=value2" coordcol: -1, // the column having the coordinates displaycol: -1, // variable to be displayed in bars or circles or red/green markers icon: null, // icon to use for marker; "bar", "circle" or "boolean". Defaults to the default Google marker markercolumns: null, // Array of columns to be shown in the markerwindow. Defaults to all. onClick: function(id){this.DefaultOnClick(id);}, onMouseOver: function(id){this.DefaultOnMouseOver(id);} }, initialize: function(container, options){ var t = this; t.container = $(container) || alert('container '+container+' not found...'); t.setOptions(options); t.getMetaData(); // gifs: t.gifloading= t.options.pathimg+'loading.gif'; t.ddPowered = t.options.pathimg+'DDPowered.png'; t.ddPowered2 = t.options.pathimg+'DDPowered2.png'; // Define settings of columns t.columns = []; if (t.options.columns) { //fill in configuration setting from t.options.columns for (var i=0, j=0; i<t.options.columns.length; i++, j++){ if ($defined(t.options.columns[i]) && $defined(t.options.columns[i].name) && !t.cols.contains(t.options.columns[i].name)) {alert("no field with name '"+t.options.columns[i].name+"' in data source"); continue;} t.columns[j] = {}; if ($defined(t.options.columns[i].name)) t.columns[j].name = t.options.columns[i].name; if ($defined(t.options.columns[i].displayname)) t.columns[j].displayname = t.options.columns[i].displayname; } } else { for (var i=0; i<t.cols.length; i++){ t.columns[i] = {}; t.columns[i].name = t.cols[i]; } } // fill in missing fields for (var i=0; i<t.columns.length; i++){ if (!$defined(t.columns[i].displayname)) { t.columns[i].displayname = t.columns[i].name; } } // Set column to be displayed in bars if (t.options.displaycol == -1) { for (var i=0; i<t.cols_numeric.length; i++){ if (t.cols_numeric[i] == t.idname) continue; t.options.displaycol = t.cols_numeric[i]; break; } if (t.options.displaycol == -1) t.options.displaycol = 0; } // Set column to be used as coordinates if (t.options.coordcol == -1) { // get first 5 rows: myajax = new Request({ url: t.options.path+'?op=v&start=0&end=5'+t.options.addparams, async: false, method: 'get', onFailure: function(){alert(dsmap["MSGREFRESHFAILED"]);}, onSuccess : function(responseText){ t.data5row = JSON.decode(responseText); } }).send(); var arr = t.data5row[1]; for(var i=0; i < Math.min(5, t.num_rows); i++) { for(var j=0; j < t.num_fields; j++) { if (arr[i][j].match(/[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*,[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*/)) { t.options.coordcol = t.cols[j]; break; } } if (t.options.coordcol != -1) break; } if (t.options.coordcol == -1) return; } t.marker = new Array; = new GMap2($(t.container)); GLatLng(0,0),0); // GSmallMapControl()); GLargeMapControl()); GOverviewMapControl()); GMapTypeControl());; // = new GMarkerManager(, {trackMarkers: true}); // Using the open source markermanager: = new MarkerManager(, {trackMarkers: true}); //Load indicator: t.loading = new Element('div', {'styles': {'position': 'relative', 'z-index': '100'}}).inject(t.container); var img = new Element('img', {'src': t.gifloading}).inject(t.loading); var c = img.getCoordinates(); t.loading.setStyles({'width': c.width, 'height': c.height}); t.refresh(); }, getMetaData: function() { var t = this; var myajax = new Request({ url: t.options.path+'?op=vm'+t.options.addparams, async: false, method: 'get', onFailure: function(){alert(dsgrid["MSGREFRESHFAILED"]);}, onSuccess : function(responseText){ t.metadata = JSON.decode(responseText); t.num_rows = t.metadata[0]; t.num_fields = t.metadata[1]; t.idname = t.metadata[2]; t.idcolnr = t.metadata[3]; t.cols = t.metadata[4]; t.cols_numeric = t.metadata[5]; t.add_allowed = t.metadata[6]; t.delete_allowed = t.metadata[7]; t.editablecols = t.metadata[8]; t.defaultcols = t.metadata[9]; if (!t.options.sortcol) t.options.sortcol = t.metadata[10]; if (!t.options.sort) t.options.sort = t.metadata[11]; t.flds = new Hash(t.metadata[12]); } }).send(); }, showLoading: function() { var t = this; var c = t.container.getCoordinates(); t.loading.setStyles({ 'visibility': 'visible', 'top': (c.height/2) - 40, 'left': (c.width/2) - 16 }); }, hideLoading: function() { var t = this; t.loading.setStyles({'visibility': 'hidden'}); }, UpdateCell: function(id, col, value) { var t = this; var url = t.options.path+'?op=u&id='+id+'&col='+col+'&value='+escape(value)+t.options.addparams; t.showLoading(); myajax = new Request({ url: url, method: 'get', onFailure: function(){alert(t.dsmap["MSGUPDATEFAILED"]);}, onComplete: function(responseText){ if(responseText[0]=='0') alert(t.dsmap["MSGUPDATEFAILED"]); t.hideLoading(); } }).send(); }, // Refresh the whole map refresh: function () { var t = this; var url = t.options.path+'?op=v&cols='+t.idname+','+t.options.coordcol+','+t.options.displaycol+t.options.addparams; t.showLoading(); GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) { = JSON.decode(data); var obj =[1]; var b = new GLatLngBounds(); if (t.marker) {; delete t.marker; t.marker = new Array; } // Put markers on the map: for (var i=0; i<obj.length; i++) { if (obj[i][1] == null) continue; var point = GLatLng.fromUrlValue(obj[i][1]); b.extend(point); var icon; if (!t.options.icon) { icon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON); icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 11); } else { icon = new GIcon(); if (t.options.icon == "boolean") { icon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON); icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 11); if (obj[i][2] == 0) { icon.image = ""; } else { icon.image = ""; } icon.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32); icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(16, 32); } if (t.options.icon == "bar") { var w = 10; var h = 20; icon.image = t.options.path+"?op=vb&id="+obj[i][0]+"&colname="+t.options.displaycol+"&w="+w+"&h="+h+t.options.addparams; icon.iconSize = new GSize(w, h); icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(w/2, h); icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(w/2, h); } if (t.options.icon == "circle") { var w = 20; icon.image = t.options.path+"?op=vc&id="+obj[i][0]+"&colname="+t.options.displaycol+"&w="+w+t.options.addparams; icon.iconSize = new GSize(w, w); icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(w/2, w/2); icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(w/2, w/2); } } t.marker[i] = new GMarker(point, {icon: icon, draggable: t.editablecols.contains(t.options.coordcol)}); t.marker[i].id = obj[i][0]; GEvent.addListener(t.marker[i], "click", function() { t.fireEvent("onClick",; }); GEvent.addListener(t.marker[i], "dragstart", function() { this.closeInfoWindow(); }); GEvent.addListener(t.marker[i], "dragend", function() { t.UpdateCell(, t.options.coordcol, this.getPoint().toUrlValue()); }); },;, 2);; t.hideLoading(); }); }, DefaultOnClick:function(id) { var t = this; var cols = $defined(t.options.markercolumns)? t.options.markercolumns: t.cols; var url = t.options.path+'?op=v&id='+id+'&cols='+cols+t.options.addparams; t.showLoading(); myajax = new Request({ url: url, method: 'get', onFailure: function(){alert(t.dsmap["MSGREFRESHFAILED"]);}, onComplete: function(responseText){ var data = JSON.decode(responseText); var row = data[1]; var str = ''; for (var i=0; i<t.columns.length; i++){ // Find data for name: for (var j=0; j<cols.length; j++) if (cols[j] == t.columns[i].name) break; var dataForName; if (j<cols.length) dataForName = row[0][j]; else dataForName = ""; str += "<tr><td><b>"+t.columns[i].displayname+"</b>: </td><td>"+dataForName+"</td></tr>"; } /* OLD for (var i=0; i<cols.length; i++) { str += "<tr><td><b>"+cols[i]+"</b>: </td><td>"+((row[0][i])?row[0][i]:"")+"</td></tr>"; }*/ var j; for (j=0; j<[1].length; j++) {if (t.marker[j].id == id) break;} t.marker[j].openInfoWindowHtml("<table style=\"font: 10px arial;\">"+str+"</table>"); t.hideLoading(); } }).send(); } }); drasticMap.implement(new Options, new Events);