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File: lib/internal/compile.include.php

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  Classes of David Tamas   g-template-php   lib/internal/compile.include.php   Download  
File: lib/internal/compile.include.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: g-template-php
Process and render templates generating PHP code
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 1,626 bytes



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 * gTemplate Internal Function
 * Compiles the 'include' function
 * @package gTemplate
 * @subpackage internalFunctions

function compile_include($arguments, &$gTpl) {
$_args = $gTpl->_parse_arguments($arguments);

$arg_list = array();
    if (empty(
$_args['file'])) {
$gTpl->trigger_error("[SYNTAX] missing 'file' attribute in 'include' tag", E_USER_ERROR, $gTpl->_file, $gTpl->_linenum);

    foreach (
$_args as $arg_name => $arg_value) {
        if (
$arg_name == 'file') {
$include_file = $arg_value;

        } else if (
$arg_name == 'assign') {
$assign_var = $arg_value;

        if (
is_bool($arg_value)) {
$arg_value = $arg_value ? 'true' : 'false';
$arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => $arg_value";

    if (isset(
$assign_var)) {
$output = "<?php \n"
. "/* START of Subtemplate include: {$include_file} */\n"
. '$gTpl->assign(' . $assign_var . ', $gTpl->_fetch_compile_include(' . $include_file . ', array(' . implode(',', (array) $arg_list) . ')));' . "\n"
. "/* END of Subtemplate include: {$include_file} */\n"
. ' ?>';
    } else {
$output = "<?php \n"
. "/* START of Subtemplate include: {$include_file} */\n"
. 'echo $gTpl->_fetch_compile_include(' . $include_file . ', array(' . implode(',', (array) $arg_list) . '));' . "\n"
. "/* END of Subtemplate include: {$include_file} */\n"
. ' ?>';