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File: lib/internal/compile.compile_config.php

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  Classes of David Tamas   g-template-php   lib/internal/compile.compile_config.php   Download  
File: lib/internal/compile.compile_config.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: g-template-php
Process and render templates generating PHP code
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 1,980 bytes



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 * gTemplate Internal Function
 * Compiles the config variables
 * @package gTemplate
 * @subpackage internalFunctions
function compile_compile_config($variable, &$gTpl) {
$_result = "";

// remove the beginning and ending #
$variable = substr($variable, 1, -1);

// get [foo] and .foo and (...) pieces
preg_match_all('!(?:^\w+)|(?:' . $gTpl->_var_bracket_regexp . ')|\.\$?\w+|\S+!', $variable, $_match);
$variable = $_match[0];
$var_name = array_shift($variable);

$_result = "\$gTpl->_confs['$var_name']";
    foreach (
$variable as $var) {
        if (
$var{0} == '[') {
$var = substr($var, 1, -1);
            if (
is_numeric($var)) {
$_result .= "[$var]";
            } elseif (
$var{0} == '$') {
$_result .= "[" . $gTpl->_compile_variable($var) . "]";
            } elseif (
$var{0} == '#') {
$_result .= "[" . $gTpl->_compile_config($var) . "]";
            } else {
$_result .= "['$var']";
        } else if (
$var{0} == '.') {
            if (
$var{1} == '$') {
$_result .= "[\$gTpl->_vars['" . substr($var, 2) . "']]";
            } else {
$_result .= "['" . substr($var, 1) . "']";
        } else if (
substr($var, 0, 2) == '->') {
            if (
substr($var, 2, 2) == '__') {
$gTpl->trigger_error('[COMPILER] call to internal object members is not allowed', E_USER_ERROR, $gTpl->_file, $gTpl->_linenum);
            } else if (
substr($var, 2, 1) == '$') {
$_output .= '->{(($var=$gTpl->_vars[\'' . substr($var, 3) . '\']) && substr($var,0,2)!=\'__\') ? $_var : $gTpl->trigger_error("cannot access property \\"$var\\"")}';
        } else {
$gTpl->trigger_error('[COMPILER] #' . $var_name . implode('', $variable) . '# is an invalid reference', E_USER_ERROR, $gTpl->_file, $gTpl->_linenum);