PHP Classes

File: ext/kernel/object.h

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  Classes of Andrew Collington   iWire PHP Raspberry PI GPIO Class   ext/kernel/object.h   Download  
File: ext/kernel/object.h
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: iWire PHP Raspberry PI GPIO Class
Control a Raspberry PI board using GPIO
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 11,591 bytes



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/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zephir Language | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Zephir Team ( | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to the New BSD License that is bundled | | with this package in the file docs/LICENSE.txt. | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email | | to so we can send you a copy immediately. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andres Gutierrez <> | | Eduar Carvajal <> | | Vladimir Kolesnikov <> | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef ZEPHIR_KERNEL_OBJECT_H #define ZEPHIR_KERNEL_OBJECT_H #include <php.h> #include <Zend/zend.h> #include "kernel/globals.h" #include "kernel/main.h" /** Class Retrieving/Checking */ int zephir_class_exists(const zval *class_name, int autoload TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_interface_exists(const zval *interface_name, int autoload TSRMLS_DC); void zephir_get_class(zval *result, zval *object, int lower TSRMLS_DC); void zephir_get_class_ns(zval *result, zval *object, int lower TSRMLS_DC); void zephir_get_ns_class(zval *result, zval *object, int lower TSRMLS_DC); void zephir_get_called_class(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC); zend_class_entry *zephir_fetch_class(const zval *class_name TSRMLS_DC); zend_class_entry* zephir_fetch_self_class(TSRMLS_D); zend_class_entry* zephir_fetch_parent_class(TSRMLS_D); zend_class_entry* zephir_fetch_static_class(TSRMLS_D); #define ZEPHIR_GET_CLASS_CONSTANT(return_value, ce, const_name) \ do { \ if (FAILURE == zephir_get_class_constant(return_value, ce, const_name, strlen(const_name)+1 TSRMLS_CC)) { \ ZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE(); \ return; \ } \ } while (0) /** Class constants */ int zephir_get_class_constant(zval *return_value, zend_class_entry *ce, char *constant_name, unsigned int constant_length TSRMLS_DC); /** Cloning/Instance of*/ int zephir_clone(zval *destiny, zval *obj TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_instance_of(zval *result, const zval *object, const zend_class_entry *ce TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_is_instance_of(zval *object, const char *class_name, unsigned int class_length TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_instance_of_ev(const zval *object, const zend_class_entry *ce TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_zval_is_traversable(zval *object TSRMLS_DC); /** Method exists */ int zephir_method_exists(const zval *object, const zval *method_name TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_method_exists_ex(const zval *object, const char *method_name, unsigned int method_len TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_method_quick_exists_ex(const zval *object, const char *method_name, unsigned int method_len, unsigned long hash TSRMLS_DC); /** Isset properties */ int zephir_isset_property(zval *object, const char *property_name, unsigned int property_length TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_isset_property_quick(zval *object, const char *property_name, unsigned int property_length, unsigned long hash TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_isset_property_zval(zval *object, const zval *property TSRMLS_DC); /** Reading properties */ zval* zephir_fetch_property_this_quick(zval *object, const char *property_name, zend_uint property_length, ulong key, int silent TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_read_property(zval **result, zval *object, const char *property_name, zend_uint property_length, int silent TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_read_property_zval(zval **result, zval *object, zval *property, int silent TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_return_property(zval *return_value, zval **return_value_ptr, zval *object, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_return_property_quick(zval *return_value, zval **return_value_ptr, zval *object, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length, unsigned long key TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_fetch_property(zval **result, zval *object, const char *property_name, zend_uint property_length, int silent TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_fetch_property_zval(zval **result, zval *object, zval *property, int silent TSRMLS_DC); /** Updating properties */ int zephir_update_property_this(zval *object, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length, zval *value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_long(zval *obj, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length, long value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_string(zval *object, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length, char *str, unsigned int str_length TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_bool(zval *obj, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length, int value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_null(zval *obj, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_zval(zval *obj, const char *property_name, unsigned int property_length, zval *value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_zval_zval(zval *obj, zval *property, zval *value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_empty_array(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, char *property, unsigned int property_length TSRMLS_DC); /** Updating array properties */ int zephir_update_property_array(zval *object, const char *property, zend_uint property_length, const zval *index, zval *value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_array_string(zval *object, char *property, unsigned int property_length, char *index, unsigned int index_length, zval *value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_array_append(zval *object, char *property, unsigned int property_length, zval *value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_property_array_multi(zval *object, const char *property, zend_uint property_length, zval **value TSRMLS_DC, const char *types, int types_length, int types_count, ...); /** Increment/Decrement properties */ int zephir_property_incr(zval *object, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_property_decr(zval *object, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length TSRMLS_DC); /** Unset properties */ int zephir_unset_property(zval* object, const char* name TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_unset_property_array(zval *object, char *property, unsigned int property_length, zval *index TSRMLS_DC); /** Static properties */ int zephir_read_static_property(zval **result, const char *class_name, unsigned int class_length, char *property_name, unsigned int property_length TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_static_property_ce(zend_class_entry *ce, const char *name, int len, zval **value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_static_property_ce_cache(zend_class_entry *ce, const char *name, int len, zval **value, zend_property_info **property_info TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_static_property(const char *class_name, unsigned int class_length, char *name, unsigned int name_length, zval **value TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_read_static_property_ce(zval **result, zend_class_entry *ce, const char *property, int len TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_read_class_property(zval **result, int type, const char *property, int len TSRMLS_DC); zval* zephir_fetch_static_property_ce(zend_class_entry *ce, const char *property, int len TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_update_static_property_array_multi_ce(zend_class_entry *ce, const char *property, zend_uint property_length, zval **value TSRMLS_DC, const char *types, int types_length, int types_count, ...); /** Create instances */ int zephir_create_instance(zval *return_value, const zval *class_name TSRMLS_DC); int zephir_create_instance_params(zval *return_value, const zval *class_name, zval *params TSRMLS_DC); /** Create closures */ int zephir_create_closure_ex(zval *return_value, zval *this_ptr, zend_class_entry *ce, const char *method_name, zend_uint method_length TSRMLS_DC); /** * Reads a property from this_ptr (with pre-calculated key) * Variables must be defined in the class definition. This function ignores magic methods or dynamic properties */ ZEPHIR_ATTR_NONNULL static inline int zephir_read_property_this_quick(zval **result, zval *object, const char *property_name, zend_uint property_length, ulong key, int silent TSRMLS_DC) { zval *tmp = zephir_fetch_property_this_quick(object, property_name, property_length, key, silent TSRMLS_CC); if (EXPECTED(tmp != NULL)) { *result = tmp; Z_ADDREF_PP(result); return SUCCESS; } ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(*result); return FAILURE; } /** * Reads a property from this_ptr * Variables must be defined in the class definition. This function ignores magic methods or dynamic properties */ ZEPHIR_ATTR_NONNULL static inline int zephir_read_property_this(zval **result, zval *object, const char *property_name, zend_uint property_length, int silent TSRMLS_DC) { #ifdef __GNUC__ if (__builtin_constant_p(property_name) && __builtin_constant_p(property_length)) { return zephir_read_property_this_quick(result, object, property_name, property_length, zend_inline_hash_func(property_name, property_length + 1), silent TSRMLS_CC); } #endif return zephir_read_property_this_quick(result, object, property_name, property_length, zend_hash_func(property_name, property_length + 1), silent TSRMLS_CC); } ZEPHIR_ATTR_NONNULL static inline zval* zephir_fetch_nproperty_this_quick(zval *object, const char *property_name, zend_uint property_length, ulong key, int silent TSRMLS_DC) { #ifdef __GNUC__ if (__builtin_constant_p(property_name) && __builtin_constant_p(property_length)) { zval *result = zephir_fetch_property_this_quick(object, property_name, property_length, key, silent TSRMLS_CC); return result ? result : EG(uninitialized_zval_ptr); } #endif zval *result = zephir_fetch_property_this_quick(object, property_name, property_length, key, silent TSRMLS_CC); return result ? result : EG(uninitialized_zval_ptr); } ZEPHIR_ATTR_NONNULL static inline zval* zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(zval *object, const char *property_name, zend_uint property_length, int silent TSRMLS_DC) { #ifdef __GNUC__ if (__builtin_constant_p(property_name) && __builtin_constant_p(property_length)) { return zephir_fetch_nproperty_this_quick(object, property_name, property_length, zend_inline_hash_func(property_name, property_length + 1), silent TSRMLS_CC); } #endif return zephir_fetch_nproperty_this_quick(object, property_name, property_length, zend_hash_func(property_name, property_length + 1), silent TSRMLS_CC); } ZEPHIR_ATTR_NONNULL static inline zval* zephir_fetch_property_this(zval *object, const char *property_name, zend_uint property_length, int silent TSRMLS_DC) { #ifdef __GNUC__ if (__builtin_constant_p(property_name) && __builtin_constant_p(property_length)) { return zephir_fetch_property_this_quick(object, property_name, property_length, zend_inline_hash_func(property_name, property_length + 1), silent TSRMLS_CC); } #endif return zephir_fetch_property_this_quick(object, property_name, property_length, zend_hash_func(property_name, property_length + 1), silent TSRMLS_CC); } #endif #define zephir_fetch_safe_class(destination, var) \ { \ if (Z_TYPE_P(var) == IS_STRING) { \ ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(destination, var); \ } else { \ ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(destination); \ ZVAL_STRING(destination, "<undefined class>", 1); \ } \ }