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File: ext/kernel/hash.h

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  Classes of Andrew Collington   iWire PHP Raspberry PI GPIO Class   ext/kernel/hash.h   Download  
File: ext/kernel/hash.h
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: iWire PHP Raspberry PI GPIO Class
Control a Raspberry PI board using GPIO
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 3,627 bytes



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/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zephir Language | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Zephir Team ( | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to the New BSD License that is bundled | | with this package in the file docs/LICENSE.txt. | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email | | to so we can send you a copy immediately. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andres Gutierrez <> | | Eduar Carvajal <> | | Vladimir Kolesnikov <> | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef ZEPHIR_KERNEL_HASH_H #define ZEPHIR_KERNEL_HASH_H #include <php.h> #include <Zend/zend.h> #include <Zend/zend_hash.h> #if PHP_VERSION_ID < 70000 int zephir_hash_init(HashTable *ht, uint nSize, hash_func_t pHashFunction, dtor_func_t pDestructor, zend_bool persistent); #else void zephir_hash_init(HashTable *ht, uint nSize, dtor_func_t pDestructor, zend_bool persistent); #endif int zephir_hash_exists(const HashTable *ht, const char *arKey, uint nKeyLength); int zephir_hash_quick_exists(const HashTable *ht, const char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, ulong h); int zephir_hash_find(const HashTable *ht, const char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, void **pData); int zephir_hash_quick_find(const HashTable *ht, const char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, ulong h, void **pData); void zephir_get_current_key(zval **key, const HashTable *hash_table, HashPosition *hash_position TSRMLS_DC); zval zephir_get_current_key_w(const HashTable *hash_table, HashPosition *hash_position); int zephir_has_numeric_keys(const zval *data); void zephir_hash_update_or_insert(HashTable *ht, zval *offset, zval *value); zval** zephir_hash_get(HashTable *ht, zval *key, int type); int zephir_hash_unset(HashTable *ht, zval *offset); #define zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(ht, pos) *pos = (*pos ? (*pos)->pListNext : NULL) #if PHP_VERSION_ID < 70000 static zend_always_inline int zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(HashTable *ht, void **pData, HashPosition *pos) { Bucket *p; p = pos ? (*pos) : ht->pInternalPointer; if (p) { *pData = p->pData; return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILURE; } } #else static zend_always_inline zval *zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(HashTable *ht, HashPosition *pos) { uint idx = *pos; Bucket *p; IS_CONSISTENT(ht); if (idx != INVALID_IDX) { p = ht->arData + idx; return &p->val; } else { return NULL; } } #endif static zend_always_inline int zephir_hash_move_backwards_ex(HashTable *ht, HashPosition *pos) { #if PHP_VERSION_ID < 70000 HashPosition *current = pos ? pos : &ht->pInternalPointer; if (*current) { *current = (*current)->pListLast; return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILURE; } #else uint idx = *pos; IS_CONSISTENT(ht); if (idx != INVALID_IDX) { while (idx > 0) { idx--; if (Z_TYPE(ht->arData[idx].val) != IS_UNDEF) { *pos = idx; return SUCCESS; } } *pos = INVALID_IDX; return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILURE; } #endif } #endif