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File: ext/kernel/debug.c

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  Classes of Andrew Collington   iWire PHP Raspberry PI GPIO Class   ext/kernel/debug.c   Download  
File: ext/kernel/debug.c
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: iWire PHP Raspberry PI GPIO Class
Control a Raspberry PI board using GPIO
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 8,049 bytes



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/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zephir Language | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Zephir Team ( | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to the New BSD License that is bundled | | with this package in the file docs/LICENSE.txt. | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email | | to so we can send you a copy immediately. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andres Gutierrez <> | | Eduar Carvajal <> | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <php.h> #include "php_ext.h" #include "kernel/debug.h" #include "kernel/main.h" #include "kernel/string.h" #ifndef ZEPHIR_RELEASE FILE *zephir_log = NULL; int zephir_debug_trace = 0; static zephir_debug_entry *start = NULL; static zephir_debug_entry *active = NULL; /** * Stars debug on file pipe */ int zephir_start_debug(){ if(!zephir_log){ /*//zephir_log = fopen("/home/gutierrezandresfelipe/phalcon-debug.a", "w"); zephir_log = fopen("/tmp/phalcon-debug.a", "w"); if(!zephir_log){ fprintf(stderr, "Can't open debug log\n"); }*/ zephir_log = stderr; } return SUCCESS; } /** * Stops debug process */ int zephir_stop_debug(){ zephir_debug_entry *ptr = active; zephir_debug_entry *this_entry = NULL; while(ptr){ this_entry = ptr; ptr = ptr->prev; efree(this_entry); } //fclose(zephir_log); zephir_log = NULL; return SUCCESS; } /** * Executes a print_r on an interal zval */ int zephir_print_r(zval *userval TSRMLS_DC){ zend_print_zval_r(userval, 0 TSRMLS_CC); return SUCCESS; } /** * Internal fast zval dump */ int zephir_vdump(zval *uservar TSRMLS_DC){ zephir_start_debug(); if(!uservar){ fprintf(zephir_log, "Null pointer\n"); return SUCCESS; } switch(Z_TYPE_P(uservar)){ case IS_NULL: fprintf(zephir_log, "NULL \n"); break; case IS_BOOL: fprintf(zephir_log, "Boolean: %s\n", Z_LVAL_P(uservar) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); break; case IS_LONG: fprintf(zephir_log, "Long: %ld at %p, refcount=%d\n", Z_LVAL_P(uservar), uservar, Z_REFCOUNT_P(uservar)); break; case IS_DOUBLE: fprintf(zephir_log, "Double: %f\n", Z_DVAL_P(uservar)); break; case IS_STRING: fprintf(zephir_log, "String: %s(%d) at %p, refcount=%d\n", Z_STRVAL_P(uservar), Z_STRLEN_P(uservar), uservar, Z_REFCOUNT_P(uservar)); break; case IS_RESOURCE: fprintf(zephir_log, "Resource\n"); break; case IS_ARRAY: fprintf(zephir_log, "Array at %p, refcount=%d\n", uservar, Z_REFCOUNT_P(uservar)); break; case IS_OBJECT: fprintf(zephir_log, "Object <%s> at %p\n", Z_OBJCE_P(uservar)->name, uservar); break; default: fprintf(zephir_log, "Unknown\n"); } return SUCCESS; } int zephir_dump_ce(zend_class_entry *ce TSRMLS_DC){ char *message = emalloc(sizeof(char *)*120); if(ce){ sprintf(message, "- ClassType => %d", ce->type); zephir_step_over(message); if(ce->name){ sprintf(message, "- ClassName => %s", ce->name); zephir_step_over(message); } else { zephir_step_over("- ClassName => NULL"); } } else { zephir_step_over("- NULL class entry :("); } return SUCCESS; } int zephir_class_debug(zval *val TSRMLS_DC){ char *message = emalloc(sizeof(char *)*120); zend_class_entry *ce; if(val){ ce = Z_OBJCE_P(val); if(ce){ sprintf(message, "- MemoryAddress => %p", val); zephir_step_over(message); zephir_dump_ce(ce TSRMLS_CC); } else { zephir_step_over("- No class entry :("); } } else { zephir_step_over("- this_ptr is null :("); } return SUCCESS; } /** * Append debug information to file */ int zephir_debug_str(char *what, char *message){ fprintf(zephir_log, "%s", what); fprintf(zephir_log, "%s", message); fprintf(zephir_log, "\n"); return SUCCESS; } int zephir_debug_long(char *what, uint vlong){ fprintf(zephir_log, "%s", what); fprintf(zephir_log, "%u", vlong); fprintf(zephir_log, "\n"); return SUCCESS; } int zephir_debug_screen(char *message){ zephir_debug_space(); fprintf(zephir_log, "%s\n", message); return SUCCESS; } int zephir_debug_method_call(zval *obj, char *method_name TSRMLS_DC){ if(Z_TYPE_P(obj)==IS_OBJECT){ zephir_debug_space(); } else { zephir_error_space(); } if(Z_TYPE_P(obj)==IS_OBJECT){ fprintf(zephir_log, "Calling method %s::%s on Object at %p\n", Z_OBJCE_P(obj)->name, method_name, obj); } else { fprintf(zephir_log, "Calling method %s on non object :(\n", method_name); } return SUCCESS; } int zephir_error_space(){ int i; fprintf(zephir_log, "[ERROR] "); for(i=0;i<zephir_debug_trace;i++){ fprintf(zephir_log, " "); } return SUCCESS; } int zephir_debug_space(){ int i; fprintf(zephir_log, "[DEBUG] "); for(i=0;i<zephir_debug_trace;i++){ fprintf(zephir_log, " "); } return SUCCESS; } int zephir_debug_param(zval *param TSRMLS_DC){ zephir_debug_space(); fprintf(zephir_log, "Push method Param > "); zephir_vdump(param TSRMLS_CC); return SUCCESS; } int zephir_debug_vdump(char *preffix, zval *value TSRMLS_DC){ zephir_debug_space(); fprintf(zephir_log, "%s", preffix); zephir_vdump(value TSRMLS_CC); return SUCCESS; } int zephir_debug_assign(char *name, zval *value TSRMLS_DC){ zephir_debug_space(); fprintf(zephir_log, "Assign on %s with ", name); zephir_vdump(value TSRMLS_CC); return SUCCESS; } int zephir_step_over(char *message){ zephir_debug_screen(message); return SUCCESS; } int zephir_step_into(char *message){ zephir_debug_trace++; zephir_debug_screen(message); return SUCCESS; } int zephir_step_out(char *message){ zephir_debug_screen(message); zephir_debug_trace--; return SUCCESS; } /** * Prints internal debug backtrace */ int zephir_debug_backtrace_internal(){ int step = 0; char *message; zephir_debug_entry *ptr = active; while(ptr){ zephir_spprintf(&message, 0, "#%d %s::%s", step, ptr->class_name, ptr->method_name); zephir_debug_screen(message); efree(message); ptr = ptr->prev; step++; } return SUCCESS; } /** * Appends a debug entry to internal execution scope */ int zephir_step_into_entry(char *class_name, char *method_name, int lineno){ char *message; zephir_debug_entry *entry; if (!start) { start = (zephir_debug_entry *) emalloc(sizeof(zephir_debug_entry)); start->class_name = "__main__"; start->method_name = "__init__"; start->lineno = 0; start->prev = NULL; start->next = NULL; active = start; } zephir_spprintf(&message, 0, "Step Into %s::%s", class_name, method_name); zephir_debug_screen(message); efree(message); entry = emalloc(sizeof(zephir_debug_entry)); entry->class_name = class_name; entry->method_name = method_name; entry->lineno = lineno; entry->prev = active; active->next = entry; active = entry; zephir_debug_trace++; return SUCCESS; } /** * Steps out current stack */ int zephir_step_out_entry(){ char *message; zephir_debug_entry *prev; if(active){ zephir_debug_trace--; zephir_spprintf(&message, 0, "Step out %s::%s", active->class_name, active->method_name); zephir_debug_screen(message); efree(message); prev = active->prev; efree(active); active = prev; } else { fprintf(zephir_log, "Problem, stack?"); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; } #endif