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File: src/status.jsx

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  Classes of Andrew Collington   PHP OpCache Web Interface   src/status.jsx   Download  
File: src/status.jsx
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP OpCache Web Interface
Show the usage of cached PHP scripts with OpCache
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 11,564 bytes



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var MemoryUsageGraph = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { memoryUsageGauge : null }; }, componentDidMount: function() { if (this.props.chart) { this.state.memoryUsageGauge = new Gauge('#memoryUsageCanvas'); this.state.memoryUsageGauge.setValue(this.props.value); } }, componentDidUpdate: function() { if (this.state.memoryUsageGauge != null) { this.state.memoryUsageGauge.setValue(this.props.value); } }, render: function() { if (this.props.chart == true) { return(<canvas id="memoryUsageCanvas" width="250" height="250" data-value={this.props.value} />); } return(<p><span className="large">{this.props.value}</span><span>%</span></p>); } }); var HitRateGraph = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { hitRateGauge : null }; }, componentDidMount: function() { if (this.props.chart) { this.state.hitRateGauge = new Gauge('#hitRateCanvas'); this.state.hitRateGauge.setValue(this.props.value) } }, componentDidUpdate: function() { if (this.state.hitRateGauge != null) { this.state.hitRateGauge.setValue(this.props.value); } }, render: function() { if (this.props.chart == true) { return(<canvas id="hitRateCanvas" width="250" height="250" data-value={this.props.value} />); } return(<p><span className="large">{this.props.value}</span><span>%</span></p>); } }); var MemoryUsagePanel = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <div className="moreinfo"> <h3>memory usage</h3> <div> <p><b>total memory:</b> {}</p> <p><b>used memory:</b> {this.props.used}</p> <p><b>free memory:</b> {}</p> <p><b>wasted memory:</b> {this.props.wasted} ({this.props.wastedPercent}%)</p> </div> </div> ); } }); var StatisticsPanel = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <div className="moreinfo"> <h3>opcache statistics</h3> <div> <p><b>number of cached files:</b> {this.props.num_cached_scripts}</p> <p><b>number of hits:</b> {this.props.hits}</p> <p><b>number of misses:</b> {this.props.misses}</p> <p><b>blacklist misses:</b> {this.props.blacklist_miss}</p> <p><b>number of cached keys:</b> {this.props.num_cached_keys}</p> <p><b>max cached keys:</b> {this.props.max_cached_keys}</p> </div> </div> ); } }); var InternedStringsPanel = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <div className="moreinfo"> <h3>interned strings usage</h3> <div> <p><b>buffer size:</b> {this.props.buffer_size}</p> <p><b>used memory:</b> {this.props.strings_used_memory}</p> <p><b>free memory:</b> {this.props.strings_free_memory}</p> <p><b>number of strings:</b> {this.props.number_of_strings}</p> </div> </div> ); } }); var OverviewCounts = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { data : opstate.overview, chart : useCharts }; }, render: function() { var interned = ( != null ? <InternedStringsPanel buffer_size={} strings_used_memory={} strings_free_memory={} number_of_strings={} /> : '' ); return ( <div> <div> <h3>memory</h3> <p><MemoryUsageGraph chart={this.state.chart} value={} /></p> </div> <div> <h3>hit rate</h3> <p><HitRateGraph chart={this.state.chart} value={} /></p> </div> <MemoryUsagePanel total={} used={} free={} wasted={} wastedPercent={} /> <StatisticsPanel num_cached_scripts={} hits={} misses={} blacklist_miss={} num_cached_keys={} max_cached_keys={} /> {interned} </div> ); } }); var GeneralInfo = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { version : opstate.version, start : opstate.overview.readable.start_time, reset : opstate.overview.readable.last_restart_time }; }, render: function() { return ( <table> <thead> <tr><th colSpan="2">General info</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td>Zend OPcache</td><td>{this.state.version.version}</td></tr> <tr><td>PHP</td><td>{this.state.version.php}</td></tr> <tr><td>Host</td><td>{}</td></tr> <tr><td>Server Software</td><td>{this.state.version.server}</td></tr> <tr><td>Start time</td><td>{this.state.start}</td></tr> <tr><td>Last reset</td><td>{this.state.reset}</td></tr> </tbody> </table> ); } }); var Directives = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { data : opstate.directives }; }, render: function() { var directiveNodes = { var map = { 'opcache.':'', '_':' ' }; var dShow = directive.k.replace(/opcache\.|_/gi, function(matched){ return map[matched]; }); var vShow; if (directive.v === true || directive.v === false) { vShow = React.createElement('i', {}, directive.v.toString()); } else if (directive.v === '') { vShow = React.createElement('i', {}, 'no value'); } else { vShow = directive.v; } return ( <tr key={directive.k}> <td title={'View ' + directive.k + ' manual entry'}><a href={'' + (directive.k).replace(/_/g,'-')} target="_blank">{dShow}</a></td> <td>{vShow}</td> </tr> ); }); return ( <table> <thead> <tr><th colSpan="2">Directives</th></tr> </thead> <tbody>{directiveNodes}</tbody> </table> ); } }); var Files = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { data : opstate.files, showing: null, allowFiles: allowFiles }; }, handleInvalidate: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (realtime) { $.get('#', { invalidate: e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-file') }, function(data) { console.log('success: ' + data.success); }, 'json'); } else { window.location.href = e.currentTarget.href; } }, render: function() { if (this.state.allowFiles) { var fileNodes =, i) { var invalidate, invalidated; if (file.timestamp == 0) { invalidated = <span><i className="invalid metainfo"> - has been invalidated</i></span>; } if (canInvalidate) { invalidate = <span>,&nbsp;<a className="metainfo" href={'?invalidate=' + file.full_path} data-file={file.full_path} onClick={this.handleInvalidate}>force file invalidation</a></span>; } return ( <tr key={file.full_path} data-path={file.full_path.toLowerCase()} className={i%2?'alternate':''}> <td> <div> <span className="pathname">{file.full_path}</span><br/> <FilesMeta data={[file.readable.hits, file.readable.memory_consumption, file.last_used]} /> {invalidate} {invalidated} </div> </td> </tr> ); }.bind(this)); return ( <div> <FilesListed showing={this.state.showing}/> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Script</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>{fileNodes}</tbody> </table> </div> ); } else { return <span></span>; } } }); var FilesMeta = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <span className="metainfo"> <b>hits: </b><span>{[0]}, </span> <b>memory: </b><span>{[1]}, </span> <b>last used: </b><span>{[2]}</span> </span> ); } }); var FilesListed = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { formatted : opstate.overview.readable.num_cached_scripts, total : opstate.overview.num_cached_scripts }; }, render: function() { var display = this.state.formatted + ' file' + ( == 1 ? '' : 's') + ' cached'; if (this.props.showing !== null && this.props.showing != { display += ', ' + this.props.showing + ' showing due to filter'; } return (<h3>{display}</h3>); } }); var overviewCountsObj = ReactDOM.render(<OverviewCounts/>, document.getElementById('counts')); var generalInfoObj = ReactDOM.render(<GeneralInfo/>, document.getElementById('generalInfo')); var filesObj = ReactDOM.render(<Files/>, document.getElementById('filelist')); ReactDOM.render(<Directives/>, document.getElementById('directives'));