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File: class.Calendar

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File: class.Calendar
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main class
Class: class.Calendar
Highly customizable calendar class.
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 6,345 bytes



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<? class Calendar { /** CONFIG **/ // Calendar width in percent or pixels, 0 IF AUTO var $intCalWidth = 0; // Calendar border var $intCalBorder = 0; // Calendar color var $strCalColor = "#9FA58D"; // Navigation border var $intNavBorder = 0; // Navigation color var $strNavColor = "#EDEEEA"; // Main-part border var $intMainBorder = 0; // Main-part color var $strMainColor = "#C9CCBF"; // Headline color (Mon, Tue, ...) var $strHeaderColor = "#DDDFD7"; // Prepend of selected day var $strHighlightDayPrepend = "<B>"; // Append of selected day var $strHighlightDayAppend = "</B>"; // Empty entry color var $strEmptyColor = "#F2F2F2"; // Color of weekdays var $strDayColor = "#EDEEEA"; // Color of actual day var $strTodayColor = "#FFFFFF"; // Color of weekend days SUN and SAT var $strWeekendColor = "#DDDFD7"; // Calendar padding var $intDayPadding = 20; // Calendar spacing var $intDaySpacing = 1; /** MAIN FUNCTION **/ function mkCalendar ($intYear = "", $intMonth = "", $intDay = "") { $intYear = $intYear ? $intYear : date("Y"); $intMonth = $intMonth ? $intMonth : date("m"); $intMonthTS = mktime (0, 0, 0, $intMonth, 1, $intYear); $intDaysInMonth = date("t", $intMonthTS); $intDayMonthStarts = date("w", $intMonthTS); $nextMonth = sprintf ("%02d", $intMonth + 1); if ($nextMonth > 12) { $nextMonth = sprintf ("%02d", 1); $nextYear = $intYear + 1; } else { $nextYear = $intYear; } $prevMonth = sprintf ("%02d", $intMonth - 1); if ($prevMonth < 1) { $prevMonth = sprintf ("%02d", 12); $prevYear = $intYear - 1; } else { $prevYear = $intYear; } $calWidth = 0 ? $this -> intCalWidth : "width=\"" . $this -> intCalWidth . "\""; echo " <!--- class.Calendar by Jürgen Lang - ---> "; echo " <TABLE $calWidth border=\"" . $this -> intCalBorder . "\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\"> <TR> <TD> <TABLE width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"" . $this -> strCalColor . "\" border=\"" . $this -> intNavBorder . "\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\"> <FORM name=\"CalOptions\"> <TR bgcolor=\"" . $this -> strNavColor . "\"> <TD align=\"center\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><INPUT type=\"button\" value=\" « \" onClick=\"location.href = '$PHP_SELF?currYear=$prevYear&currMonth=$prevMonth';\" class=\"button\"></TD> <TD align=\"center\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> <SELECT name=\"currMonth\" class=\"SelectMisc\" onChange=\"location.href = '$PHP_SELF?currYear=' + document.CalOptions.currYear.value + '&currMonth=' + this.value;\"> "; for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) { if ($intMonth == $m) { $statusMonth = "selected=\"selected\""; } else { $statusMonth = ""; } echo " <OPTION value=\"" . sprintf ("%02d", $m) . "\" $statusMonth>" . date ("F", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $intYear)) ; } echo " </SELECT> <SELECT name=\"currYear\" class=\"SelectMisc\" onChange=\"location.href = '$PHP_SELF?currYear=' + this.value + '&currMonth=' + + document.CalOptions.currMonth.value;\"> "; for ($y = date ("Y") - 6; $y <= date ("Y") + 10; $y++) { if ($intYear == $y) { $statusYear = "selected=\"selected\""; } else { $statusYear = ""; } echo " <OPTION value=\"$y\" $statusYear>$y" ; } echo " </TD> <TD align=\"center\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><INPUT type=\"button\" value=\" » \" onClick=\"location.href = '$PHP_SELF?currYear=$nextYear&currMonth=$nextMonth';\" class=\"button\"></TD> </TR> </FORM> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <TABLE width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"" . $this -> strCalColor . "\" border=\"" . $this -> intMainBorder . "\" cellpadding=\"" . $this -> intDayPadding . "\" cellspacing=\"" . $this -> intDaySpacing . "\"> <TR bgcolor=\"" . $this -> strHeaderColor . "\"> <TD align=\"center\">Mon</TD> <TD align=\"center\">Tue</TD> <TD align=\"center\">Wed</TD> <TD align=\"center\">Thu</TD> <TD align=\"center\">Fri</TD> <TD align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"" . $this -> strWeekendColor . "\"><B>Sat</B></TD> <TD align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"" . $this -> strWeekendColor . "\"><B>Sun</B></TD> </TR> <TR> "; // Check if Sunday is first Day of Month if ($intDayMonthStarts == 0) { $intDayMonthStarts = 7; } for ($i = 0; $i < $intDayMonthStarts - 1; $i++) { echo " <TD align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"" . $this -> strEmptyColor . "\"><BR/></TD> "; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $intDaysInMonth; $i++) { $i = sprintf ("%02d", $i); $intWeekDay++; $intCurrMonthTS = mktime (0, 0, 0, $intMonth, $i, $intYear); // Current Day if ($intYear . "-" . $intMonth . "-" . $i == date("Y-m-d")) { $currBGColor = $this -> strTodayColor; // Saturday || Sunday } else if (date ("w", $intCurrMonthTS) == 0 || date ("w", $intCurrMonthTS) == 6) { $currBGColor = $this -> strWeekendColor; // Normal Day } else { $currBGColor = $this -> strDayColor; } // Highlight selected Day if ($intDay == $i) { $DayPrepend = $this -> strHighlightDayPrepend; $DayAppend = $this -> strHighlightDayAppend; } else { $DayPrepend = ""; $DayAppend = ""; } // Write Day echo " <TD align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$currBGColor\"><A href=\"$PHP_SELF?currYear=$intYear&currMonth=$intMonth&currDay=$i\">$DayPrepend$i$DayAppend</A></TD> "; if (date ("w", $intCurrMonthTS) == 0 && $i < $intDaysInMonth) { $intWeekDay = 0; echo " </TR> <TR> "; } else if (date ("w", $intCurrMonthTS) == 0 && $i == $intDaysInMonth) { $intWeekDay = 0; echo " </TR> "; } else if ($i == $intDaysInMonth) { for ($d = 0; $d < 7 - $intWeekDay; $d++) { echo " <TD align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"" . $this -> strEmptyColor . "\"><BR/></TD> "; } echo " </TR> "; } } echo " </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> "; } } /** CREATE CALENDAR OBJECT **/ $Calendar = new Calendar; /** WRITE CALENDAR **/ $Calendar -> mkCalendar ($currYear, $currMonth, $currDay); ?>