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File: kchat/assets/js/kchat.msgs.js

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File: kchat/assets/js/kchat.msgs.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: kchat
Database driven PHP live chat system
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 11,551 bytes



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var kchat = new Object(); var chat = new Object(); kchat.typing = 0; kchat.scroll = 0; kchat.msgoffset = 0; kchat.msg = 30; kchat.offset = 'none'; kchat.notify = false; kchat.rqt_graph = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; var req = {}; req.premsg = false; Element.prototype.remove = function() { this.parentElement.removeChild(this); } NodeList.prototype.remove = HTMLCollection.prototype.remove = function() { for(var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(this[i] && this[i].parentElement) { this[i].parentElement.removeChild(this[i]); } } } function isset(v){ if (typeof v !== 'undefined'){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function prepend(table,id){ var tbl = $('#'+table); tbl.prepend(tbl.find('#tr' + id)); } function drop_row(table,no){ document.getElementById(table).deleteRow(no); } String.prototype.ucfirst = function() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1); } function __set(id,html){ $("#"+id).html(html); } function kchat_message(messages){ if(!document.getElementById("messages")){ return false; } data = ""; info = ""; play = false; my_notification = 0; for(i = 0;i < messages.length ; i++){ data = "<div class=\"msg-row\">"+ "<div class=\"avatar\"></div>"+ "<div class=\"message"+messages[i].align+"\">"+ "<span class=\"user-label\"><a href=\"#\" style=\"color: #6D84B4;\">"+messages[i].username.ucfirst()+"</a> <span class=\"msg-time\">"+messages[i].sent_on+"</span></span><br/>"+messages[i].message+""+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; info += messages[i].id+" "; kchat.msgoffset = messages[i].id; if(messages[i].dir == 'u2b'){ //u2b direction of scroll up to bottum $( "#messages" ).append(data); $('#msgscrl').scrollTop($('#messages')[0].scrollHeight); play = true; }else if(messages[i].dir == 'b2u'){ //b2u direction of scroll bottum to up $( "#messages" ).prepend(data); } data = ""; if(!messages[i].align){ my_notification++; } } if(kchat.notify){ if(play){ playsound(); if(my_notification !== 0){ notify(messages.length+" new messages"); } } } $( "emojionearea-editor" ).focus(); } function playsound(){ var audio = new Audio(); audio.src = kurl + '/kchat/assets/audio/audio2.mp3';; } function kchat_online(online){ if(!document.getElementById("online")){ return false; } data = ""; //alert(messages); for(i = 0;i < online.length ; i++){ if(document.getElementById("online_" + online[i].id)){ return false; } data += ""+ "<div class=\"media\" id=\"online_" + online[i].id + "\" >"+ "<!--div class=\"pull-left\">"+ "<img style=\"height:64px\" src=\"128.jpg\" class=\"media-photo\"/>"+ "</div-->"+ "<div class=\"online-body\">"+ "<span class=\"pull-right bullet\">&#8226;</span>"+ "<p class=\"title\" style=\"font-size: 12px;\" >"+ "<b><a href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none;color:#000\" >"+online[i].username.ucfirst()+"</a></b>"+ "</p>"+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; } $("#online" ).prepend(data); } function kchat_offline(offline){ //remove if exist for(i = 0;i < offline.length ; i++){ if(document.getElementById("online_" + offline[i])){ document.getElementById("online_" + offline[i]).remove(); } } } function __kchat_chat(chat){ if(!document.getElementById("kchatchats")){ return false; } data = ""; for(i = 0;i < chat.length ; i++){ //remove if exist if(document.getElementById("chats"+chat[i].id)){ document.getElementById("chats"+chat[i].id).remove(); } //add to first child of div data = ""+ "<div class=\"media\" id=\"chats"+chat[i].id+"\" >"+ "<div class=\"pull-left\">"+ "<!--img style=\"height:64px\" src=\"128.jpg\" class=\"media-photo\"-->"+ "</div>"+ "<div class=\"msg-body\">"+ "<span class=\"pull-right\" style=\"font-size: 10px;\" ><span id=\"status"+chat[i].id+"\" >"+chat[i].status+"</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;"+chat[i].sent_on+"</span>"+ "<p class=\"title\" style=\"font-size: 12px;\" >"+ "<b><a href=\"" + purl + "/msgs/g/"+chat[i].url+"\" style=\"color: #6D84B4;\">"+chat[i].username+"</a></b>"+ "</p>"+ "<p class=\"summary\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\" >"+chat[i].message+"</p>"+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; $("#kchatchats" ).prepend(data); } } function kchat_chat(chat){ if(!document.getElementById("kchatchats")){ return false; } data = ""; for(i = 0;i < chat.length ; i++){ //remove if exist if(document.getElementById("chats"+chat[i].id)){ document.getElementById("chats"+chat[i].id).remove(); } //add to first child of div data = ""+ "<div class=\"media\" id=\"chats"+chat[i].id+"\" >"+ "<div class=\"pull-left\">"+ "<!--img style=\"height:64px\" src=\"128.jpg\" class=\"media-photo\"-->"+ "</div>"+ "<div class=\"msg-body\">"+ "<span class=\"pull-right\" style=\"font-size: 10px;\" ><span id=\"status"+chat[i].id+"\" >"+chat[i].status+"</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;"+chat[i].sent_on+"</span>"+ "<p class=\"title\" style=\"font-size: 12px;\" >"+ "<b><a href=\""+ purl + "/msgs/g/"+chat[i].url+"\" style=\"color: #6D84B4;\">"+chat[i].username+"</a></b>"+ "</p>"+ "<p class=\"summary\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\" >"+chat[i].message+"</p>"+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; $("#kchatchats" ).prepend(data); } } function set_status(_status){ if(!document.getElementById("status"+_status[i].id)){ return false; } for(i = 0;i < _status.length ; i++){ $("#status"+_status[i].id).html(_status[i].status); } } function typing(typing){ if(document.getElementById("typing")){ $("#typing").html("<i><b>&nbsp;"+typing+"</b></i>"); } } function kchat_json(json){ try { chat = jQuery.parseJSON(json); }catch (e){ alertify.log("<h3>Error Occurred</h3><pre>" + json + "</pre>"); } if (typeof !== 'undefined'){ kchat_online( } if (typeof chat.offline !== 'undefined'){ kchat_offline(chat.offline) } if (typeof chat.chats !== 'undefined'){ kchat_chat(chat.chats) } if (typeof chat.unread !== 'undefined'){ __set("unread",chat.unread); } if (typeof chat.message !== 'undefined'){ kchat_message(chat.message); } if (typeof chat.timestamp !== 'undefined'){ chat.timestamp = chat.timestamp; } if (typeof chat.msg_status !== 'undefined'){ set_status(chat.msg_status); } if (typeof chat.error !== 'undefined'){ alertify.alert(chat.error); } if (typeof chat.typing !== 'undefined'){ typing(chat.typing); }else{ if(document.getElementById("typing")){ $("#typing").html("<i><b>&nbsp;</b></i>"); } } if (typeof chat.rq_time !== 'undefined'){ $("#rq_time").html(chat.rq_time); for(var i = 0;i < 15 ; i++){ kchat.rqt_graph[i] = kchat.rqt_graph[(i+1)]; } kchat.rqt_graph[15] = chat.rq_time * 1000; $('.dynamicsparkline').sparkline(kchat.rqt_graph); } if (typeof chat.qfired !== 'undefined'){ $("#qfired").html(chat.qfired); } if (typeof chat.reqps !== 'undefined'){ $("#reqps").html(chat.reqps); } if (typeof chat.offset !== 'undefined'){ kchat.offset = chat.offset; } } function kchat_init(first){ if(first == "true"){ kchat.notify = false; }else{ kchat.notify = true; } if(document.getElementById("kchatchats")){ req.kchatchats = true; } if(document.getElementById("online")){ = true; } if(document.getElementById("messages")){ req.messages = true; } if(document.getElementById("typing")){ req.typing = true; } if(document.getElementById("unread")){ req.unread = true; } $.post(purl + "/ajax/chat/"+posturl, { timestamp: chat.timestamp, first_run: first, offset:kchat.offset, req:req, token : token }, function(data,status){ if(status === "success"){ if(data === 'refresh'){ location.reload(); }else{ kchat_json(data); } } }); } kchat.init = (function(){ kchat_init('true'); setInterval(function(){ kchat_init('false'); }, 3000); }); kchat.Ready = (function(){ // to send a msg $(".kchatemoji").emojioneArea({ events: { //shortnames : true, //useSprite : true, keypress: function (editor, event) { var keyCode = event ? (event.which ? event.which : event.keyCode) : event.keyCode; // to change wtring status aa = new Date(); if(kchat.typing !== aa.getSeconds()){ kchat.typing = aa.getSeconds(); $.post(purl + "/ajax/typing/"+posturl, { typing:'typing', token : token },function(data,status){ }); } // to send msg on enter if (keyCode == 13) { msg = $(".emojionearea-editor").html(); //============================================================== if(msg == ""){ return false; } $.post(purl + "/ajax/chat/"+posturl, { timestamp: chat.timestamp, msg: toanchor(msg), first_run: 'false', token : token }, function(data,status){ if(status === "success"){ if(data === 'refresh'){ location.reload(); }else{ kchat.notify = false; kchat_json(data); } } }); $(".emojionearea-editor").html(""); //============================================================== } if (keyCode == 59) { //alert("you entered a double column"); } if (keyCode == 27) { //alert("Do Somethink on esc button"); } else { return true; } } } }); }); //load privious message on srcoll up function _loadoldmsg() { if (typeof scrl !== 'undefined'){ if(scrl == 0){ aa = new Date(); // Delay for half second for every ajax during typing if(kchat.typing !== ((aa.getMilliseconds()-aa.getMilliseconds()%500)/500)){ kchat.typing = ((aa.getMilliseconds()-aa.getMilliseconds()%500)/500); req.premsg = true; kchat_init('false'); //loadoldmsg(); req.premsg = false; } } } } $(document).ready(function() { $("#msgscrl").scroll(function(){ scrl = $("#msgscrl").scrollTop(); if(scrl <= kchat.scroll){ //scrolling on top }else{ //scrolling on bottom } kchat.scroll = scrl; }); if(document.getElementById("msgscrl")){ document.getElementById("msgscrl").addEventListener("wheel", _loadoldmsg); } }); function notify(msg){ msg += "\n\nKChat"; Push.create("KChat", { body: msg, icon: kurl + '/kchat/assets/images/lchat.png', timeout: 4000, onClick: function () { window.focus(); this.close(); } }); } //this function is called from kchat.js function notification(e){ if(!document.getElementById("notification")){ return false; } html = "<li><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"text-center\"><img src=\"" + purl + "/kchat/assets/images/loading.gif\" /></a></li>"; $("#set_notification").html(html); $.post(purl + "/ajax/notification", { token : token }, function(data,status){ try { json = jQuery.parseJSON(data); }catch (e){ alertify.log("<h3>Error Occurred</h3><pre>" + data + "</pre>"); } $("#set_notification").html(html_notif(json)); }); } function html_notif(not){ html = ''; for(i = 0;i < not.length ; i++){ html += "<li><a href=" + purl + '/' + not[i].url + "><span class=\"label label-warning\">" + not[i].time + "</span>" + not[i].notification + "</a></li>"; } html += "<li class=\"divider\"></li>"; html += "<li><a href=\"" + purl + "/notif\" class=\"text-center\">View All</a></li>"; return html; } function toanchor(text) { var exp = /(\s(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/igm; return text.replace(exp,"<a target='_BLANK' href='$1'>$1</a>"); }