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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/test/js/browser/caret/CaretFinderTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/test/js/browser/caret/CaretFinderTest.js
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asynctest( 'browser.tinymce.core.CaretFinderTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.Assertions', 'ephox.agar.api.Chain', 'ephox.agar.api.GeneralSteps', 'ephox.agar.api.Logger', 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.agar.api.Step', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Hierarchy', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'tinymce.core.caret.CaretFinder', 'tinymce.core.caret.CaretPosition', 'tinymce.core.test.ViewBlock' ], function (Assertions, Chain, GeneralSteps, Logger, Pipeline, Step, Hierarchy, Element, CaretFinder, CaretPosition, ViewBlock) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var viewBlock = new ViewBlock(); var cSetHtml = function (html) { return Chain.op(function () { viewBlock.update(html); }); }; var cCreateFromPosition = function (path, offset) { return Chain.mapper(function (viewBlock) { var container = Hierarchy.follow(Element.fromDom(viewBlock.get()), path).getOrDie(); return new CaretPosition(container.dom(), offset); }); }; var cAssertCaretPosition = function (path, expectedOffset) { return Chain.op(function (posOption) { var pos = posOption.getOrDie(); var expectedContainer = Hierarchy.follow(Element.fromDom(viewBlock.get()), path).getOrDie(); Assertions.assertDomEq('Should be the expected container', expectedContainer, Element.fromDom(pos.container())); Assertions.assertEq('Should be the expected offset', expectedOffset, pos.offset()); }); }; var cAssertNone = Chain.op(function (pos) { Assertions.assertEq('Should be the none but got some', true, pos.isNone()); }); var cFromPosition = function (forward) { return Chain.mapper(function (from) { return CaretFinder.fromPosition(forward, viewBlock.get(), from); }); }; var cNavigate = function (forward) { return Chain.mapper(function (from) { return CaretFinder.navigate(forward, viewBlock.get(), from); }); }; var cPositionIn = function (forward, path) { return Chain.mapper(function (_) { var element = Hierarchy.follow(Element.fromDom(viewBlock.get()), path).getOrDie(); return CaretFinder.positionIn(forward, element.dom()); }); }; viewBlock.attach(); Pipeline.async({}, [ Logger.t('fromPosition', GeneralSteps.sequence([ Logger.t('Should walk to first text node offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([], 0), cFromPosition(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to last text node offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([], 1), cFromPosition(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to from text node offset 0 to 1', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 0), cFromPosition(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to from text node offset 1 to 0', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 1), cFromPosition(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should not walk anywhere since there is nothing to walk to', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml(''), cCreateFromPosition([], 0), cFromPosition(false), cAssertNone ])) ])), Logger.t('navigate', GeneralSteps.sequence([ Logger.t('navigate - forward', GeneralSteps.sequence([ Logger.t('Should walk to second offset in text inside b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a<b>b</b></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 1, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from last text position in one b into the second text position in another b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b>a</b><b>b</b></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0, 0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 1, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to after input in b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a<b><input></b></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 1], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from after input to after input in b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><b><input></b></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 1], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from after input inside b to after input in another b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b><input></b><b><input></b></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 1], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from after input to second text offset in b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><b>a</b></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 1, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from over input', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 0), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from before first input to after first input', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 0), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from after first input to after second input', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 2) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from after first input to after second input', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><input><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 2) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from last text node offset over br to first text node offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a<br>b</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 2], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from after input over br to first text node offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><br>b</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 2], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from last text offset in first paragraph to first text offset in second paragraph', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p><p>b</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertCaretPosition([1, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should not walk anywhere since there is nothing to walk to', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml(''), cCreateFromPosition([], 0), cNavigate(true), cAssertNone ])), Logger.t('Should not walk anywhere since there is nothing to walk to', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertNone ])), Logger.t('Should not walk anywhere since there is nothing to walk to', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(true), cAssertNone ])) ])), Logger.t('navigate - backwards', GeneralSteps.sequence([ Logger.t('Should walk to first offset in text inside b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b>a</b>b</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 1], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from last text position in one b into the second text position in another b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b>a</b><b>b</b></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 1, 0], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to before input in b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b><input></b>b</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 1], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from before input to before input in b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b><input></b><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from before input inside b to before input in another b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b><input></b><b><input></b></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 1], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from before input to first text offset in b', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b>a</b><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from over input', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from after last input to after first input', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 2), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should from after first input to before first input', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 1), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should from before last input to after first input', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><input><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 2), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from first text node offset over br to last text node offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a<br>b</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 2], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from before input over br to last text node offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a<br><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 2), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk from first text offset in second paragraph to first text offset in first paragraph', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p><p>b</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([1, 0], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should not walk anywhere since there is nothing to walk to', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml(''), cCreateFromPosition([], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertNone ])), Logger.t('Should not walk anywhere since there is nothing to walk to', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0, 0], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertNone ])), Logger.t('Should not walk anywhere since there is nothing to walk to', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input></p>'), cCreateFromPosition([0], 0), cNavigate(false), cAssertNone ])) ])) ])), Logger.t('positionIn', GeneralSteps.sequence([ Logger.t('Should walk to first text node offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p>'), cPositionIn(true, [0]), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to last text node offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p>'), cPositionIn(false, [0]), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to first element offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input></p>'), cPositionIn(true, [0]), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to last element offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input></p>'), cPositionIn(false, [0]), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to last element offset skip br', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><input><br></p>'), cPositionIn(false, [0]), cAssertCaretPosition([0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to first inner element offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b><input></b></p>'), cPositionIn(true, [0]), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Should walk to last inner element offset', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><b><input></b></p>'), cPositionIn(false, [0]), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should not find any position in an empty element', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p></p>'), cPositionIn(true, [0]), cAssertNone ])), Logger.t('Should not find any position in an empty element', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p></p>'), cPositionIn(false, [0]), cAssertNone ])), Logger.t('Should not find any position in an empty element and not walk outside backwards', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p><p></p><p>b</p>'), cPositionIn(false, [1]), cAssertNone ])), Logger.t('Should not find any position in an empty element and not walk outside forwards', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p>a</p><p></p><p>b</p>'), cPositionIn(true, [1]), cAssertNone ])), Logger.t('Should walk past comment node backwards', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><!-- a-->b<!-- c --></p>'), cPositionIn(false, []), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 1], 1) ])), Logger.t('Should walk past comment node forwards', Chain.asStep(viewBlock, [ cSetHtml('<p><!-- a-->b<!-- c --></p>'), cPositionIn(true, []), cAssertCaretPosition([0, 1], 0) ])) ])) ], function () { viewBlock.detach(); success(); }, failure); } );