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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/test/js/browser/EditorSettingsTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/test/js/browser/EditorSettingsTest.js
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asynctest( 'browser.tinymce.core.EditorSettingsTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.Assertions', 'ephox.agar.api.GeneralSteps', 'ephox.agar.api.Logger', 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.agar.api.Step', 'ephox.mcagar.api.TinyLoader', 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', 'tinymce.core.EditorSettings', 'tinymce.themes.modern.Theme' ], function (Assertions, GeneralSteps, Logger, Pipeline, Step, TinyLoader, PlatformDetection, EditorSettings, Theme) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var detection = PlatformDetection.detect(); var isTouch = detection.deviceType.isTouch(); Theme(); TinyLoader.setup(function (editor, onSuccess, onFailure) { Pipeline.async({}, [ Logger.t('getEditorSettings tests', GeneralSteps.sequence([ Logger.t('Override defaults plugins', Step.sync(function () { var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings( editor, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', { defaultSetting: 'a', plugins: ['a'] }, { validate: false, userSetting: 'b' } ); Assertions.assertEq('Should have the specified id', 'id',; Assertions.assertEq('Should have the specified documentBaseUrl', 'documentBaseUrl', settings.document_base_url); Assertions.assertEq('Should have the specified userSetting', 'b', settings.userSetting); Assertions.assertEq('Should have the forced validate setting', true, settings.validate); Assertions.assertEq('Should have the default theme', 'modern', settings.theme); Assertions.assertEq('Should have the specified default plugin', 'a', settings.plugins); Assertions.assertEq('Should have the default setting', 'a', settings.defaultSetting); })), Logger.t('Override defaults with forced_plugins using arrays', Step.sync(function () { var defaultSettings = { forced_plugins: ['a', 'b'] }; var userSettings = { plugins: ['c', 'd'] }; var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings(editor, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', defaultSettings, userSettings); Assertions.assertEq('Should be both forced and user plugins', 'a b c d', settings.plugins); })), Logger.t('Override defaults with forced_plugins using strings', Step.sync(function () { var defaultSettings = { forced_plugins: 'a b' }; var userSettings = { plugins: 'c d' }; var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings(editor, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', defaultSettings, userSettings); Assertions.assertEq('Should be both forced and user plugins', 'a b c d', settings.plugins); })), Logger.t('Override defaults with forced_plugins using mixed types and spaces', Step.sync(function () { var defaultSettings = { forced_plugins: ' a b' }; var userSettings = { plugins: [' c ', ' d e '] }; var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings(editor, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', defaultSettings, userSettings); Assertions.assertEq('Should be both forced and user plugins', 'a b c d e', settings.plugins); })), Logger.t('Override defaults with just default forced_plugins', Step.sync(function () { var defaultSettings = { forced_plugins: ['a', 'b'] }; var userSettings = { }; var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings(editor, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', defaultSettings, userSettings); Assertions.assertEq('Should be just default plugins', 'a b', settings.plugins); })), Logger.t('Override defaults with just user plugins', Step.sync(function () { var defaultSettings = { }; var userSettings = { plugins: ['a', 'b'] }; var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings(editor, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', defaultSettings, userSettings); Assertions.assertEq('Should be just user plugins', 'a b', settings.plugins); })), Logger.t('Override defaults with forced_plugins should not be possible to override', Step.sync(function () { var defaultSettings = { forced_plugins: ['a', 'b'] }; var userSettings = { forced_plugins: ['a'], plugins: ['c', 'd'] }; var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings(editor, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', defaultSettings, userSettings); Assertions.assertEq('Should be just forced and user plugins', 'a b c d', settings.plugins); })), Logger.t('Getters for varous setting types', Step.sync(function () { var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings( {}, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', { plugins: ['a'] }, { string: 'a', number: 1, boolTrue: true, boolFalse: false, null: null, undef: undefined } ); var fakeEditor = { settings: settings }; Assertions.assertEq('Should be none for non existing setting', true, EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'non_existing').isNone()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be none for existing null setting', true, EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'non_existing').isNone()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be none for existing undefined setting', true, EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'undef').isNone()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be some for existing string setting', 'a', EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'string').getOrDie()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be some for existing number setting', 1, EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'number').getOrDie()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be some for existing bool setting', true, EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'boolTrue').getOrDie()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be some for existing bool setting', false, EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'boolFalse').getOrDie()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be none for non existing setting', true, EditorSettings.getString(fakeEditor, 'non_existing').isNone()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be some for existing string setting', 'a', EditorSettings.getString(fakeEditor, 'string').getOrDie()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be none for existing number setting', true, EditorSettings.getString(fakeEditor, 'number').isNone()); Assertions.assertEq('Should be none for existing bool setting', true, EditorSettings.getString(fakeEditor, 'boolTrue').isNone()); })), Logger.t('Mobile override', Step.sync(function () { var settings = EditorSettings.getEditorSettings( {}, 'id', 'documentBaseUrl', { settingB: false }, { mobile: { settingA: true, settingB: true } } ); var fakeEditor = { settings: settings }; Assertions.assertEq('Should only have the mobile setting on touch', EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'settingA').getOr(false), isTouch); Assertions.assertEq('Should not have a mobile setting on desktop', EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'settingA').isNone(), !isTouch); Assertions.assertEq('Should have the expected mobile setting value on touch', EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'settingB').getOr(false), isTouch); Assertions.assertEq('Should have the expected desktop setting on desktop', EditorSettings.get(fakeEditor, 'settingB').getOr(true), isTouch); })) ])), Logger.t('combineSettings tests', GeneralSteps.sequence([ Logger.t('Merged settings (desktop)', Step.sync(function () { Assertions.assertEq( 'Should be have validate forced and empty plugins the merged settings', { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, validate: true, external_plugins: {}, plugins: '' }, EditorSettings.combineSettings(false, { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 }) ); })), Logger.t('Merged settings forced_plugins in default override settings (desktop)', Step.sync(function () { Assertions.assertEq( 'Should be have plugins merged with forced plugins', { validate: true, external_plugins: {}, forced_plugins: ['a'], plugins: 'a b' }, EditorSettings.combineSettings(false, {}, { forced_plugins: ['a'] }, { plugins: ['b'] }) ); })), Logger.t('Merged settings (mobile)', Step.sync(function () { Assertions.assertEq( 'Should be have validate forced and empty plugins the merged settings', { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, validate: true, external_plugins: {}, plugins: '' }, EditorSettings.combineSettings(true, { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 }) ); })), Logger.t('Merged settings forced_plugins in default override settings (mobile)', Step.sync(function () { Assertions.assertEq( 'Should be have plugins merged with forced plugins', { validate: true, external_plugins: {}, forced_plugins: ['a'], plugins: 'a b' }, EditorSettings.combineSettings(true, {}, { forced_plugins: ['a'] }, { plugins: ['b'] }) ); })), Logger.t('Merged settings forced_plugins in default override settings with user mobile settings (desktop)', Step.sync(function () { Assertions.assertEq( 'Should not have plugins merged with mobile plugins', { validate: true, external_plugins: {}, forced_plugins: ['a'], plugins: 'a b' }, EditorSettings.combineSettings(false, {}, { forced_plugins: ['a'] }, { plugins: ['b'], mobile: { plugins: ['c'] } }) ); })), Logger.t('Merged settings forced_plugins in default override settings with user mobile settings (mobile)', Step.sync(function () { Assertions.assertEq( 'Should have forced_plugins merged with mobile plugins but only whitelisted user plugins', { validate: true, external_plugins: {}, forced_plugins: ['a'], plugins: 'a lists', theme: 'mobile' }, EditorSettings.combineSettings(true, {}, { forced_plugins: ['a'] }, { plugins: ['b'], mobile: { plugins: ['lists custom'] } }) ); })), Logger.t('Merged settings forced_plugins in default override forced_plugins in user settings', Step.sync(function () { Assertions.assertEq( 'Should not have user forced plugins', { validate: true, external_plugins: {}, forced_plugins: ['b'], plugins: 'a' }, EditorSettings.combineSettings(false, {}, { forced_plugins: ['a'] }, { forced_plugins: ['b'] }) ); })) ])) ], onSuccess, onFailure); }, { skin_url: '/project/src/skins/lightgray/dist/lightgray' }, success, failure); } );