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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/selection/SelectionBookmark.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/selection/SelectionBookmark.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
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define( 'tinymce.core.selection.SelectionBookmark', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Text', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', 'global!document' ], function (Fun, Option, PlatformDetection, Compare, Element, Node, Text, Traverse, Selection, document) { var browser = PlatformDetection.detect().browser; var clamp = function (offset, element) { var max = Node.isText(element) ? Text.get(element).length : Traverse.children(element).length + 1; if (offset > max) { return max; } else if (offset < 0) { return 0; } return offset; }; var normalizeRng = function (rng) { return Selection.range( rng.start(), clamp(rng.soffset(), rng.start()), rng.finish(), clamp(rng.foffset(), rng.finish()) ); }; var isOrContains = function (root, elm) { return Compare.contains(root, elm) || Compare.eq(root, elm); }; var isRngInRoot = function (root) { return function (rng) { return isOrContains(root, rng.start()) && isOrContains(root, rng.finish()); }; }; // var dumpRng = function (rng) { // console.log('start', rng.start().dom()); // console.log('soffset', rng.soffset()); // console.log('finish', rng.finish().dom()); // console.log('foffset', rng.foffset()); // return rng; // }; var shouldStore = function (editor) { return editor.inline === true || browser.isIE(); }; var nativeRangeToSelectionRange = function (r) { return Selection.range(Element.fromDom(r.startContainer), r.startOffset, Element.fromDom(r.endContainer), r.endOffset); }; var readRange = function (win) { var selection = win.getSelection(); var rng = !selection || selection.rangeCount === 0 ? Option.none() : Option.from(selection.getRangeAt(0)); return; }; var getBookmark = function (root) { var win = Traverse.defaultView(root); return readRange(win.dom()) .filter(isRngInRoot(root)); }; var validate = function (root, bookmark) { return Option.from(bookmark) .filter(isRngInRoot(root)) .map(normalizeRng); }; var bookmarkToNativeRng = function (bookmark) { var rng = document.createRange(); rng.setStart(bookmark.start().dom(), bookmark.soffset()); rng.setEnd(bookmark.finish().dom(), bookmark.foffset()); return Option.some(rng); }; var store = function (editor) { var newBookmark = shouldStore(editor) ? getBookmark(Element.fromDom(editor.getBody())) : Option.none(); editor.bookmark = newBookmark.isSome() ? newBookmark : editor.bookmark; }; var storeNative = function (editor, rng) { var root = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var range = shouldStore(editor) ? Option.from(rng) : Option.none(); var newBookmark = .filter(isRngInRoot(root)); editor.bookmark = newBookmark.isSome() ? newBookmark : editor.bookmark; }; var getRng = function (editor) { var bookmark = editor.bookmark ? editor.bookmark : Option.none(); return bookmark .bind(Fun.curry(validate, Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()))) .bind(bookmarkToNativeRng); }; var restore = function (editor) { getRng(editor).each(function (rng) { editor.selection.setRng(rng); }); }; return { store: store, storeNative: storeNative, readRange: readRange, restore: restore, getRng: getRng, getBookmark: getBookmark, validate: validate }; } );