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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/init/Init.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/init/Init.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 6,162 bytes



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/** * Init.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.core.init.Init', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'global!document', 'global!window', 'tinymce.core.PluginManager', 'tinymce.core.ThemeManager', 'tinymce.core.dom.DOMUtils', 'tinymce.core.init.InitContentBody', 'tinymce.core.init.InitIframe', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools' ], function (Type, document, window, PluginManager, ThemeManager, DOMUtils, InitContentBody, InitIframe, Tools) { var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM; var initPlugin = function (editor, initializedPlugins, plugin) { var Plugin = PluginManager.get(plugin), pluginUrl, pluginInstance; pluginUrl = PluginManager.urls[plugin] || editor.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''); plugin = Tools.trim(plugin); if (Plugin && Tools.inArray(initializedPlugins, plugin) === -1) { Tools.each(PluginManager.dependencies(plugin), function (dep) { initPlugin(editor, initializedPlugins, dep); }); if (editor.plugins[plugin]) { return; } pluginInstance = new Plugin(editor, pluginUrl, editor.$); editor.plugins[plugin] = pluginInstance; if (pluginInstance.init) { pluginInstance.init(editor, pluginUrl); initializedPlugins.push(plugin); } } }; var trimLegacyPrefix = function (name) { // Themes and plugins can be prefixed with - to prevent them from being lazy loaded return name.replace(/^\-/, ''); }; var initPlugins = function (editor) { var initializedPlugins = []; Tools.each(editor.settings.plugins.split(/[ ,]/), function (name) { initPlugin(editor, initializedPlugins, trimLegacyPrefix(name)); }); }; var initTheme = function (editor) { var Theme, theme = editor.settings.theme; if (Type.isString(theme)) { editor.settings.theme = trimLegacyPrefix(theme); Theme = ThemeManager.get(theme); editor.theme = new Theme(editor, ThemeManager.urls[theme]); if (editor.theme.init) { editor.theme.init(editor, ThemeManager.urls[theme] || editor.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''), editor.$); } } else { // Theme set to false or null doesn't produce a theme api editor.theme = {}; } }; var renderFromLoadedTheme = function (editor) { var w, h, minHeight, re, info, settings = editor.settings, elm = editor.getElement(); w = settings.width || DOM.getStyle(elm, 'width') || '100%'; h = settings.height || DOM.getStyle(elm, 'height') || elm.offsetHeight; minHeight = settings.min_height || 100; re = /^[0-9\.]+(|px)$/i; if (re.test('' + w)) { w = Math.max(parseInt(w, 10), 100); } if (re.test('' + h)) { h = Math.max(parseInt(h, 10), minHeight); } // Render UI info = editor.theme.renderUI({ targetNode: elm, width: w, height: h, deltaWidth: settings.delta_width, deltaHeight: settings.delta_height }); // Resize editor if (!settings.content_editable) { h = (info.iframeHeight || h) + (typeof h === 'number' ? (info.deltaHeight || 0) : ''); if (h < minHeight) { h = minHeight; } } info.height = h; return info; }; var renderFromThemeFunc = function (editor) { var info, elm = editor.getElement(); info = editor.settings.theme(editor, elm); if (info.editorContainer.nodeType) { = || + "_parent"; } if (info.iframeContainer && info.iframeContainer.nodeType) { = || + "_iframecontainer"; } info.height = info.iframeHeight ? info.iframeHeight : elm.offsetHeight; return info; }; var createThemeFalseResult = function (element) { return { editorContainer: element, iframeContainer: element }; }; var renderThemeFalseIframe = function (targetElement) { var iframeContainer = DOM.create('div'); DOM.insertAfter(iframeContainer, targetElement); return createThemeFalseResult(iframeContainer); }; var renderThemeFalse = function (editor) { var targetElement = editor.getElement(); return editor.inline ? createThemeFalseResult(null) : renderThemeFalseIframe(targetElement); }; var renderThemeUi = function (editor) { var settings = editor.settings, elm = editor.getElement(); editor.orgDisplay =; if (Type.isString(settings.theme)) { return renderFromLoadedTheme(editor); } else if (Type.isFunction(settings.theme)) { return renderFromThemeFunc(editor); } else { return renderThemeFalse(editor); } }; var init = function (editor) { var settings = editor.settings, elm = editor.getElement(), boxInfo; editor.rtl = settings.rtl_ui || editor.editorManager.i18n.rtl; editor.editorManager.i18n.setCode(settings.language); settings.aria_label = settings.aria_label || DOM.getAttrib(elm, 'aria-label', editor.getLang('aria.rich_text_area'));'ScriptsLoaded'); initTheme(editor); initPlugins(editor); boxInfo = renderThemeUi(editor); editor.editorContainer = boxInfo.editorContainer ? boxInfo.editorContainer : null; // Load specified content CSS last if (settings.content_css) { Tools.each(Tools.explode(settings.content_css), function (u) { editor.contentCSS.push(editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(u)); }); } // Content editable mode ends here if (settings.content_editable) { return InitContentBody.initContentBody(editor); } else { return InitIframe.init(editor, boxInfo); } }; return { init: init }; } );