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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/focus/FocusController.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/focus/FocusController.js
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Class: GoLavaCMS
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/** * FocusController.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.core.focus.FocusController', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'global!document', 'tinymce.core.api.FocusManager', 'tinymce.core.dom.DOMUtils', 'tinymce.core.selection.SelectionRestore', 'tinymce.core.util.Delay' ], function (Fun, document, FocusManager, DOMUtils, SelectionRestore, Delay) { var documentFocusInHandler, DOM = DOMUtils.DOM; var isEditorUIElement = function (elm) { // Since this can be overridden by third party we need to use the API reference here return FocusManager.isEditorUIElement(elm); }; var isUIElement = function (editor, elm) { var customSelector = editor ? editor.settings.custom_ui_selector : ''; var parent = DOM.getParent(elm, function (elm) { return ( isEditorUIElement(elm) || (customSelector ?, customSelector) : false) ); }); return parent !== null; }; var getActiveElement = function () { try { return document.activeElement; } catch (ex) { // IE sometimes fails to get the activeElement when resizing table // TODO: Investigate this return document.body; } }; var registerEvents = function (editorManager, e) { var editor = e.editor; SelectionRestore.register(editor); editor.on('focusin', function () { var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor; if (focusedEditor != editor) { if (focusedEditor) {'blur', { focusedEditor: editor }); } editorManager.setActive(editor); editorManager.focusedEditor = editor;'focus', { blurredEditor: focusedEditor }); editor.focus(true); } }); editor.on('focusout', function () { Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () { var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor; // Still the same editor the blur was outside any editor UI if (!isUIElement(editor, getActiveElement()) && focusedEditor == editor) {'blur', { focusedEditor: null }); editorManager.focusedEditor = null; } }); }); // Check if focus is moved to an element outside the active editor by checking if the target node // isn't within the body of the activeEditor nor a UI element such as a dialog child control if (!documentFocusInHandler) { documentFocusInHandler = function (e) { var activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor, target; target =; if (activeEditor && target.ownerDocument === document) { // Fire a blur event if the element isn't a UI element if (target !== document.body && !isUIElement(activeEditor, target) && editorManager.focusedEditor === activeEditor) {'blur', { focusedEditor: null }); editorManager.focusedEditor = null; } } }; DOM.bind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler); } }; var unregisterDocumentEvents = function (editorManager, e) { if (editorManager.focusedEditor == e.editor) { editorManager.focusedEditor = null; } if (!editorManager.activeEditor) { DOM.unbind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler); documentFocusInHandler = null; } }; var setup = function (editorManager) { editorManager.on('AddEditor', Fun.curry(registerEvents, editorManager)); editorManager.on('RemoveEditor', Fun.curry(unregisterDocumentEvents, editorManager)); }; return { setup: setup, isEditorUIElement: isEditorUIElement, isUIElement: isUIElement }; } );