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(function () { var defs = {}; // id -> {dependencies, definition, instance (possibly undefined)} // Used when there is no 'main' module. // The name is probably (hopefully) unique so minification removes for releases. var register_3795 = function (id) { var module = dem(id); var fragments = id.split('.'); var target = Function('return this;')(); for (var i = 0; i < fragments.length - 1; ++i) { if (target[fragments[i]] === undefined) target[fragments[i]] = {}; target = target[fragments[i]]; } target[fragments[fragments.length - 1]] = module; }; var instantiate = function (id) { var actual = defs[id]; var dependencies = actual.deps; var definition = actual.defn; var len = dependencies.length; var instances = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) instances[i] = dem(dependencies[i]); var defResult = definition.apply(null, instances); if (defResult === undefined) throw 'module [' + id + '] returned undefined'; actual.instance = defResult; }; var def = function (id, dependencies, definition) { if (typeof id !== 'string') throw 'module id must be a string'; else if (dependencies === undefined) throw 'no dependencies for ' + id; else if (definition === undefined) throw 'no definition function for ' + id; defs[id] = { deps: dependencies, defn: definition, instance: undefined }; }; var dem = function (id) { var actual = defs[id]; if (actual === undefined) throw 'module [' + id + '] was undefined'; else if (actual.instance === undefined) instantiate(id); return actual.instance; }; var req = function (ids, callback) { var len = ids.length; var instances = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) instances[i] = dem(ids[i]); callback.apply(null, instances); }; var ephox = {}; ephox.bolt = { module: { api: { define: def, require: req, demand: dem } } }; var define = def; var require = req; var demand = dem; // this helps with minification when using a lot of global references var defineGlobal = function (id, ref) { define(id, [], function () { return ref; }); }; /*jsc ["tinymce.plugins.table.Plugin","tinymce.core.PluginManager","tinymce.plugins.table.actions.Clipboard","tinymce.plugins.table.actions.InsertTable","tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableActions","tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableCommands","tinymce.plugins.table.actions.ResizeHandler","tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TabContext","tinymce.plugins.table.selection.CellSelection","tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Ephemera","tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Selections","tinymce.plugins.table.ui.Buttons","tinymce.plugins.table.ui.MenuItems","global!tinymce.util.Tools.resolve","ephox.katamari.api.Arr","ephox.katamari.api.Fun","ephox.katamari.api.Option","ephox.snooker.api.CopySelected","ephox.snooker.api.TableFill","ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup","ephox.sugar.api.dom.Replication","ephox.sugar.api.node.Element","ephox.sugar.api.node.Elements","ephox.sugar.api.node.Node","tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TableTargets","tinymce.plugins.table.selection.SelectionTypes","ephox.snooker.api.TableRender","","","","ephox.snooker.api.CellMutations","ephox.snooker.api.TableDirection","ephox.snooker.api.TableGridSize","ephox.snooker.api.TableOperations","","tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util","tinymce.plugins.table.queries.Direction","ephox.snooker.api.CopyRows","ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert","ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove","tinymce.core.util.Tools","tinymce.plugins.table.ui.TableDialog","tinymce.plugins.table.ui.RowDialog","tinymce.plugins.table.ui.CellDialog","ephox.snooker.api.ResizeWire","ephox.snooker.api.TableResize","tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableWire","ephox.snooker.api.CellNavigation","ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare","ephox.sugar.api.selection.CursorPosition","ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection","ephox.sugar.api.selection.WindowSelection","tinymce.core.util.VK","ephox.darwin.api.InputHandlers","ephox.darwin.api.SelectionAnnotation","ephox.darwin.api.SelectionKeys","ephox.katamari.api.Struct","ephox.sugar.api.node.Text","","ephox.sugar.selection.core.SelectionDirection","ephox.darwin.api.TableSelection","global!Array","global!Error","global!Object","global!String","ephox.katamari.api.Obj","","","ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList","ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse","ephox.snooker.util.LayerSelector","ephox.katamari.api.Type","ephox.sugar.api.node.NodeTypes","global!console","","global!document","ephox.sugar.alien.Recurse","ephox.sand.api.Node","ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection","","ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll","","","ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness","ephox.snooker.api.Structs","ephox.sugar.impl.ClosestOrAncestor","global!parseInt","tinymce.plugins.table.queries.CellOperations","ephox.katamari.api.Adt","ephox.snooker.operate.Render","ephox.snooker.resize.Sizes","ephox.snooker.api.ResizeDirection","ephox.snooker.api.Generators","ephox.snooker.api.TableContent","ephox.snooker.model.GridRow","ephox.snooker.model.RunOperation","ephox.snooker.model.TableMerge","ephox.snooker.model.Transitions","ephox.snooker.operate.MergingOperations","ephox.snooker.operate.ModificationOperations","ephox.snooker.operate.TransformOperations","ephox.snooker.resize.Adjustments","","ephox.snooker.operate.Redraw","tinymce.core.Env","tinymce.plugins.table.actions.Styles","tinymce.plugins.table.ui.Helpers","ephox.sugar.api.view.Location","ephox.sugar.api.view.Position","ephox.porkbun.Event","ephox.porkbun.Events","ephox.snooker.resize.BarManager","ephox.snooker.resize.BarPositions","ephox.sugar.api.node.Body","ephox.snooker.api.CellLocation","ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ","ephox.sugar.api.dom.DocumentPosition","ephox.sugar.api.node.Fragment","ephox.sugar.selection.core.NativeRange","ephox.katamari.api.Thunk","ephox.sugar.selection.query.CaretRange","ephox.sugar.selection.query.Within","ephox.sugar.selection.quirks.Prefilter","ephox.darwin.api.Responses","ephox.darwin.api.WindowBridge","ephox.darwin.keyboard.KeySelection","ephox.darwin.keyboard.VerticalMovement","ephox.darwin.mouse.MouseSelection","ephox.darwin.navigation.KeyDirection","ephox.darwin.selection.CellSelection","ephox.katamari.api.Options","","","ephox.sugar.impl.NodeValue","ephox.snooker.api.TablePositions","ephox.katamari.util.BagUtils","ephox.sand.util.Global","ephox.sand.core.PlatformDetection","global!navigator","global!Math","ephox.sugar.impl.Style","ephox.katamari.api.Strings","global!window","ephox.robin.api.dom.DomParent","ephox.snooker.selection.CellFinder","ephox.snooker.selection.CellGroup","ephox.snooker.resize.RuntimeSize","ephox.sugar.api.view.Height","ephox.sugar.api.view.Width","ephox.sugar.api.dom.Dom","ephox.katamari.api.Cell","ephox.katamari.api.Contracts","ephox.robin.api.dom.DomStructure","ephox.katamari.api.Merger","ephox.snooker.model.TableGrid","ephox.snooker.resize.Bars","ephox.snooker.model.Fitment","ephox.snooker.calc.Deltas","ephox.snooker.resize.ColumnSizes","ephox.snooker.resize.Recalculations","ephox.snooker.resize.TableSize","ephox.snooker.util.CellUtils","ephox.dragster.api.Dragger","ephox.snooker.resize.BarMutation","","","","ephox.sugar.impl.ClassList","","ephox.sugar.selection.query.ContainerPoint","ephox.sugar.selection.query.EdgePoint","ephox.darwin.selection.Util","ephox.darwin.keyboard.TableKeys","","ephox.darwin.keyboard.Retries","ephox.darwin.navigation.BeforeAfter","ephox.phoenix.api.dom.DomGather","","ephox.katamari.api.Resolve","ephox.sand.core.Browser","ephox.sand.core.OperatingSystem","ephox.sand.detect.DeviceType","ephox.sand.detect.UaString","","ephox.katamari.str.StrAppend","ephox.katamari.str.StringParts","ephox.boss.api.DomUniverse","ephox.robin.api.general.Parent","ephox.snooker.selection.CellBounds","ephox.sugar.impl.Dimension","ephox.robin.api.general.Structure","ephox.snooker.lookup.Blocks","ephox.snooker.resize.Bar","ephox.katamari.api.Namespace","","ephox.katamari.api.Result","ephox.snooker.util.Util","ephox.snooker.calc.ColumnContext","ephox.dragster.api.MouseDrag","ephox.dragster.core.Dragging","ephox.snooker.resize.Mutation","ephox.sugar.impl.FilteredEvent","ephox.sugar.selection.alien.Geometry","ephox.sugar.selection.query.TextPoint","ephox.darwin.keyboard.Carets","ephox.darwin.keyboard.Rectangles","ephox.phoenix.api.general.Gather","ephox.darwin.navigation.BrTags","","ephox.katamari.api.Global","ephox.sand.detect.Version","ephox.boss.common.TagBoundaries","ephox.robin.parent.Breaker","ephox.robin.parent.Shared","ephox.robin.parent.Subset","ephox.dragster.api.DragApis","ephox.dragster.detect.Blocker","ephox.dragster.detect.Movement","ephox.katamari.api.Throttler","ephox.phoenix.gather.Seeker","ephox.phoenix.gather.Walker","ephox.phoenix.gather.Walkers","","global!Number","","ephox.dragster.detect.InDrag","ephox.dragster.detect.NoDrag","global!clearTimeout","global!setTimeout"] jsc*/ defineGlobal("global!tinymce.util.Tools.resolve", tinymce.util.Tools.resolve); /** * ResolveGlobal.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.core.PluginManager', [ 'global!tinymce.util.Tools.resolve' ], function (resolve) { return resolve('tinymce.PluginManager'); } ); defineGlobal("global!Array", Array); defineGlobal("global!Error", Error); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', [ 'global!Array', 'global!Error' ], function (Array, Error) { var noop = function () { }; var noarg = function (f) { return function () { return f(); }; }; var compose = function (fa, fb) { return function () { return fa(fb.apply(null, arguments)); }; }; var constant = function (value) { return function () { return value; }; }; var identity = function (x) { return x; }; var tripleEquals = function(a, b) { return a === b; }; // Don't use array slice(arguments), makes the whole function unoptimisable on Chrome var curry = function (f) { // equivalent to arguments.slice(1) // starting at 1 because 0 is the f, makes things tricky. // Pay attention to what variable is where, and the -1 magic. // thankfully, we have tests for this. var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) args[i-1] = arguments[i]; return function () { var newArgs = new Array(arguments.length); for (var j = 0; j < newArgs.length; j++) newArgs[j] = arguments[j]; var all = args.concat(newArgs); return f.apply(null, all); }; }; var not = function (f) { return function () { return !f.apply(null, arguments); }; }; var die = function (msg) { return function () { throw new Error(msg); }; }; var apply = function (f) { return f(); }; var call = function(f) { f(); }; var never = constant(false); var always = constant(true); return { noop: noop, noarg: noarg, compose: compose, constant: constant, identity: identity, tripleEquals: tripleEquals, curry: curry, not: not, die: die, apply: apply, call: call, never: never, always: always }; } ); defineGlobal("global!Object", Object); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'global!Object' ], function (Fun, Object) { var never = Fun.never; var always = Fun.always; /** Option objects support the following methods: fold :: this Option a -> ((() -> b, a -> b)) -> Option b is :: this Option a -> a -> Boolean isSome :: this Option a -> () -> Boolean isNone :: this Option a -> () -> Boolean getOr :: this Option a -> a -> a getOrThunk :: this Option a -> (() -> a) -> a getOrDie :: this Option a -> String -> a or :: this Option a -> Option a -> Option a - if some: return self - if none: return opt orThunk :: this Option a -> (() -> Option a) -> Option a - Same as "or", but uses a thunk instead of a value map :: this Option a -> (a -> b) -> Option b - "fmap" operation on the Option Functor. - same as 'each' ap :: this Option a -> Option (a -> b) -> Option b - "apply" operation on the Option Apply/Applicative. - Equivalent to <*> in Haskell/PureScript. each :: this Option a -> (a -> b) -> undefined - similar to 'map', but doesn't return a value. - intended for clarity when performing side effects. bind :: this Option a -> (a -> Option b) -> Option b - "bind"/"flatMap" operation on the Option Bind/Monad. - Equivalent to >>= in Haskell/PureScript; flatMap in Scala. flatten :: {this Option (Option a))} -> () -> Option a - "flatten"/"join" operation on the Option Monad. exists :: this Option a -> (a -> Boolean) -> Boolean forall :: this Option a -> (a -> Boolean) -> Boolean filter :: this Option a -> (a -> Boolean) -> Option a equals :: this Option a -> Option a -> Boolean equals_ :: this Option a -> (Option a, a -> Boolean) -> Boolean toArray :: this Option a -> () -> [a] */ var none = function () { return NONE; }; var NONE = (function () { var eq = function (o) { return o.isNone(); }; // inlined from peanut, maybe a micro-optimisation? var call = function (thunk) { return thunk(); }; var id = function (n) { return n; }; var noop = function () { }; var me = { fold: function (n, s) { return n(); }, is: never, isSome: never, isNone: always, getOr: id, getOrThunk: call, getOrDie: function (msg) { throw new Error(msg || 'error: getOrDie called on none.'); }, or: id, orThunk: call, map: none, ap: none, each: noop, bind: none, flatten: none, exists: never, forall: always, filter: none, equals: eq, equals_: eq, toArray: function () { return []; }, toString: Fun.constant("none()") }; if (Object.freeze) Object.freeze(me); return me; })(); /** some :: a -> Option a */ var some = function (a) { // inlined from peanut, maybe a micro-optimisation? var constant_a = function () { return a; }; var self = function () { // can't Fun.constant this one return me; }; var map = function (f) { return some(f(a)); }; var bind = function (f) { return f(a); }; var me = { fold: function (n, s) { return s(a); }, is: function (v) { return a === v; }, isSome: always, isNone: never, getOr: constant_a, getOrThunk: constant_a, getOrDie: constant_a, or: self, orThunk: self, map: map, ap: function (optfab) { return optfab.fold(none, function(fab) { return some(fab(a)); }); }, each: function (f) { f(a); }, bind: bind, flatten: constant_a, exists: bind, forall: bind, filter: function (f) { return f(a) ? me : NONE; }, equals: function (o) { return; }, equals_: function (o, elementEq) { return o.fold( never, function (b) { return elementEq(a, b); } ); }, toArray: function () { return [a]; }, toString: function () { return 'some(' + a + ')'; } }; return me; }; /** from :: undefined|null|a -> Option a */ var from = function (value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? NONE : some(value); }; return { some: some, none: none, from: from }; } ); defineGlobal("global!String", String); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'global!Array', 'global!Error', 'global!String' ], function (Option, Array, Error, String) { // Use the native Array.indexOf if it is available (IE9+) otherwise fall back to manual iteration // var rawIndexOf = (function () { var pIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; var fastIndex = function (xs, x) { return, x); }; var slowIndex = function(xs, x) { return slowIndexOf(xs, x); }; return pIndexOf === undefined ? slowIndex : fastIndex; })(); var indexOf = function (xs, x) { // The rawIndexOf method does not wrap up in an option. This is for performance reasons. var r = rawIndexOf(xs, x); return r === -1 ? Option.none() : Option.some(r); }; var contains = function (xs, x) { return rawIndexOf(xs, x) > -1; }; // Using findIndex is likely less optimal in Chrome (dynamic return type instead of bool) // but if we need that micro-optimisation we can inline it later. var exists = function (xs, pred) { return findIndex(xs, pred).isSome(); }; var range = function (num, f) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { r.push(f(i)); } return r; }; // It's a total micro optimisation, but these do make some difference. // Particularly for browsers other than Chrome. // - length caching // // - not using push // var chunk = function (array, size) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += size) { var s = array.slice(i, i + size); r.push(s); } return r; }; var map = function(xs, f) { // pre-allocating array size when it's guaranteed to be known // var len = xs.length; var r = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; r[i] = f(x, i, xs); } return r; }; // Unwound implementing other functions in terms of each. // The code size is roughly the same, and it should allow for better optimisation. var each = function(xs, f) { for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; f(x, i, xs); } }; var eachr = function (xs, f) { for (var i = xs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var x = xs[i]; f(x, i, xs); } }; var partition = function(xs, pred) { var pass = []; var fail = []; for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; var arr = pred(x, i, xs) ? pass : fail; arr.push(x); } return { pass: pass, fail: fail }; }; var filter = function(xs, pred) { var r = []; for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i, xs)) { r.push(x); } } return r; }; /* * Groups an array into contiguous arrays of like elements. Whether an element is like or not depends on f. * * f is a function that derives a value from an element - e.g. true or false, or a string. * Elements are like if this function generates the same value for them (according to ===). * * * Order of the elements is preserved. Arr.flatten() on the result will return the original list, as with Haskell groupBy function. * For a good explanation, see the group function (which is a special case of groupBy) * */ var groupBy = function (xs, f) { if (xs.length === 0) { return []; } else { var wasType = f(xs[0]); // initial case for matching var r = []; var group = []; for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; var type = f(x); if (type !== wasType) { r.push(group); group = []; } wasType = type; group.push(x); } if (group.length !== 0) { r.push(group); } return r; } }; var foldr = function (xs, f, acc) { eachr(xs, function (x) { acc = f(acc, x); }); return acc; }; var foldl = function (xs, f, acc) { each(xs, function (x) { acc = f(acc, x); }); return acc; }; var find = function (xs, pred) { for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i, xs)) { return Option.some(x); } } return Option.none(); }; var findIndex = function (xs, pred) { for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i, xs)) { return Option.some(i); } } return Option.none(); }; var slowIndexOf = function (xs, x) { for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) { if (xs[i] === x) { return i; } } return -1; }; var push = Array.prototype.push; var flatten = function (xs) { // Note, this is possible because push supports multiple arguments: // // Note that in the past, concat() would silently work (very slowly) for array-like objects. // With this change it will throw an error. var r = []; for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) { // Ensure that each value is an array itself if (! Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(xs[i])) throw new Error('Arr.flatten item ' + i + ' was not an array, input: ' + xs); push.apply(r, xs[i]); } return r; }; var bind = function (xs, f) { var output = map(xs, f); return flatten(output); }; var forall = function (xs, pred) { for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) { var x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i, xs) !== true) { return false; } } return true; }; var equal = function (a1, a2) { return a1.length === a2.length && forall(a1, function (x, i) { return x === a2[i]; }); }; var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var reverse = function (xs) { var r =, 0); r.reverse(); return r; }; var difference = function (a1, a2) { return filter(a1, function (x) { return !contains(a2, x); }); }; var mapToObject = function(xs, f) { var r = {}; for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { var x = xs[i]; r[String(x)] = f(x, i); } return r; }; var pure = function(x) { return [x]; }; var sort = function (xs, comparator) { var copy =, 0); copy.sort(comparator); return copy; }; var head = function (xs) { return xs.length === 0 ? Option.none() : Option.some(xs[0]); }; var last = function (xs) { return xs.length === 0 ? Option.none() : Option.some(xs[xs.length - 1]); }; return { map: map, each: each, eachr: eachr, partition: partition, filter: filter, groupBy: groupBy, indexOf: indexOf, foldr: foldr, foldl: foldl, find: find, findIndex: findIndex, flatten: flatten, bind: bind, forall: forall, exists: exists, contains: contains, equal: equal, reverse: reverse, chunk: chunk, difference: difference, mapToObject: mapToObject, pure: pure, sort: sort, range: range, head: head, last: last }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'global!Object' ], function (Option, Object) { // There are many variations of Object iteration that are faster than the 'for-in' style: // // // Use the native keys if it is available (IE9+), otherwise fall back to manually filtering var keys = (function () { var fastKeys = Object.keys; // This technically means that 'each' and 'find' on IE8 iterate through the object twice. // This code doesn't run on IE8 much, so it's an acceptable tradeoff. // If it becomes a problem we can always duplicate the feature detection inside each and find as well. var slowKeys = function (o) { var r = []; for (var i in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { r.push(i); } } return r; }; return fastKeys === undefined ? slowKeys : fastKeys; })(); var each = function (obj, f) { var props = keys(obj); for (var k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) { var i = props[k]; var x = obj[i]; f(x, i, obj); } }; /** objectMap :: (JsObj(k, v), (v, k, JsObj(k, v) -> x)) -> JsObj(k, x) */ var objectMap = function (obj, f) { return tupleMap(obj, function (x, i, obj) { return { k: i, v: f(x, i, obj) }; }); }; /** tupleMap :: (JsObj(k, v), (v, k, JsObj(k, v) -> { k: x, v: y })) -> JsObj(x, y) */ var tupleMap = function (obj, f) { var r = {}; each(obj, function (x, i) { var tuple = f(x, i, obj); r[tuple.k] = tuple.v; }); return r; }; /** bifilter :: (JsObj(k, v), (v, k -> Bool)) -> { t: JsObj(k, v), f: JsObj(k, v) } */ var bifilter = function (obj, pred) { var t = {}; var f = {}; each(obj, function(x, i) { var branch = pred(x, i) ? t : f; branch[i] = x; }); return { t: t, f: f }; }; /** mapToArray :: (JsObj(k, v), (v, k -> a)) -> [a] */ var mapToArray = function (obj, f) { var r = []; each(obj, function(value, name) { r.push(f(value, name)); }); return r; }; /** find :: (JsObj(k, v), (v, k, JsObj(k, v) -> Bool)) -> Option v */ var find = function (obj, pred) { var props = keys(obj); for (var k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) { var i = props[k]; var x = obj[i]; if (pred(x, i, obj)) { return Option.some(x); } } return Option.none(); }; /** values :: JsObj(k, v) -> [v] */ var values = function (obj) { return mapToArray(obj, function (v) { return v; }); }; var size = function (obj) { return values(obj).length; }; return { bifilter: bifilter, each: each, map: objectMap, mapToArray: mapToArray, tupleMap: tupleMap, find: find, keys: keys, values: values, size: size }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'global!Array', 'global!Error' ], function (Arr, Fun, Array, Error) { return function () { var fields = arguments; return function(/* values */) { // Don't use array slice(arguments), makes the whole function unoptimisable on Chrome var values = new Array(arguments.length); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) values[i] = arguments[i]; if (fields.length !== values.length) throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to struct. Expected "[' + fields.length + ']", got ' + values.length + ' arguments'); var struct = {}; Arr.each(fields, function (name, i) { struct[name] = Fun.constant(values[i]); }); return struct; }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', [ 'global!Array', 'global!String' ], function (Array, String) { var typeOf = function(x) { if (x === null) return 'null'; var t = typeof x; if (t === 'object' && Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x)) return 'array'; if (t === 'object' && String.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x)) return 'string'; return t; }; var isType = function (type) { return function (value) { return typeOf(value) === type; }; }; return { isString: isType('string'), isObject: isType('object'), isArray: isType('array'), isNull: isType('null'), isBoolean: isType('boolean'), isUndefined: isType('undefined'), isFunction: isType('function'), isNumber: isType('number') }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.util.BagUtils', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'global!Error' ], function (Arr, Type, Error) { var sort = function (arr) { return arr.slice(0).sort(); }; var reqMessage = function (required, keys) { throw new Error('All required keys (' + sort(required).join(', ') + ') were not specified. Specified keys were: ' + sort(keys).join(', ') + '.'); }; var unsuppMessage = function (unsupported) { throw new Error('Unsupported keys for object: ' + sort(unsupported).join(', ')); }; var validateStrArr = function (label, array) { if (!Type.isArray(array)) throw new Error('The ' + label + ' fields must be an array. Was: ' + array + '.'); Arr.each(array, function (a) { if (!Type.isString(a)) throw new Error('The value ' + a + ' in the ' + label + ' fields was not a string.'); }); }; var invalidTypeMessage = function (incorrect, type) { throw new Error('All values need to be of type: ' + type + '. Keys (' + sort(incorrect).join(', ') + ') were not.'); }; var checkDupes = function (everything) { var sorted = sort(everything); var dupe = Arr.find(sorted, function (s, i) { return i < sorted.length -1 && s === sorted[i + 1]; }); dupe.each(function (d) { throw new Error('The field: ' + d + ' occurs more than once in the combined fields: [' + sorted.join(', ') + '].'); }); }; return { sort: sort, reqMessage: reqMessage, unsuppMessage: unsuppMessage, validateStrArr: validateStrArr, invalidTypeMessage: invalidTypeMessage, checkDupes: checkDupes }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.util.BagUtils', 'global!Error', 'global!Object' ], function (Arr, Fun, Obj, Option, BagUtils, Error, Object) { return function (required, optional) { var everything = required.concat(optional); if (everything.length === 0) throw new Error('You must specify at least one required or optional field.'); BagUtils.validateStrArr('required', required); BagUtils.validateStrArr('optional', optional); BagUtils.checkDupes(everything); return function (obj) { var keys = Obj.keys(obj); // Ensure all required keys are present. var allReqd = Arr.forall(required, function (req) { return Arr.contains(keys, req); }); if (! allReqd) BagUtils.reqMessage(required, keys); var unsupported = Arr.filter(keys, function (key) { return !Arr.contains(everything, key); }); if (unsupported.length > 0) BagUtils.unsuppMessage(unsupported); var r = {}; Arr.each(required, function (req) { r[req] = Fun.constant(obj[req]); }); Arr.each(optional, function (opt) { r[opt] = Fun.constant(, opt) ? Option.some(obj[opt]): Option.none()); }); return r; }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', [ '', '' ], function (Immutable, MixedBag) { return { immutable: Immutable, immutableBag: MixedBag }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct' ], function (Struct) { var dimensions = Struct.immutable('width', 'height'); var grid = Struct.immutable('rows', 'columns'); var address = Struct.immutable('row', 'column'); var coords = Struct.immutable('x', 'y'); var detail = Struct.immutable('element', 'rowspan', 'colspan'); var detailnew = Struct.immutable('element', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'isNew'); var extended = Struct.immutable('element', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'row', 'column'); var rowdata = Struct.immutable('element', 'cells', 'section'); var elementnew = Struct.immutable('element', 'isNew'); var rowdatanew = Struct.immutable('element', 'cells', 'section', 'isNew'); var rowcells = Struct.immutable('cells', 'section'); var rowdetails = Struct.immutable('details', 'section'); var bounds = Struct.immutable( 'startRow', 'startCol', 'finishRow', 'finishCol'); return { dimensions: dimensions, grid: grid, address: address, coords: coords, extended: extended, detail: detail, detailnew: detailnew, rowdata: rowdata, elementnew: elementnew, rowdatanew: rowdatanew, rowcells: rowcells, rowdetails: rowdetails, bounds: bounds }; } ); define("global!console", [], function () { if (typeof console === "undefined") console = { log: function () {} }; return console; }); defineGlobal("global!document", document); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'global!Error', 'global!console', 'global!document' ], function (Fun, Option, Error, console, document) { var fromHtml = function (html, scope) { var doc = scope || document; var div = doc.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; if (!div.hasChildNodes() || div.childNodes.length > 1) { console.error('HTML does not have a single root node', html); throw 'HTML must have a single root node'; } return fromDom(div.childNodes[0]); }; var fromTag = function (tag, scope) { var doc = scope || document; var node = doc.createElement(tag); return fromDom(node); }; var fromText = function (text, scope) { var doc = scope || document; var node = doc.createTextNode(text); return fromDom(node); }; var fromDom = function (node) { if (node === null || node === undefined) throw new Error('Node cannot be null or undefined'); return { dom: Fun.constant(node) }; }; var fromPoint = function (doc, x, y) { return Option.from(doc.dom().elementFromPoint(x, y)).map(fromDom); }; return { fromHtml: fromHtml, fromTag: fromTag, fromText: fromText, fromDom: fromDom, fromPoint: fromPoint }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.node.NodeTypes', [ ], function () { return { ATTRIBUTE: 2, CDATA_SECTION: 4, COMMENT: 8, DOCUMENT: 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE: 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT: 11, ELEMENT: 1, TEXT: 3, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: 7, ENTITY_REFERENCE: 5, ENTITY: 6, NOTATION: 12 }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.NodeTypes', 'global!Error', 'global!document' ], function (Arr, Option, Element, NodeTypes, Error, document) { var ELEMENT = NodeTypes.ELEMENT; var DOCUMENT = NodeTypes.DOCUMENT; var is = function (element, selector) { var elem = element.dom(); if (elem.nodeType !== ELEMENT) return false; // documents have querySelector but not matches // As of Chrome 34 / Safari 7.1 / FireFox 34, everyone except IE has the unprefixed function. // Still check for the others, but do it last. else if (elem.matches !== undefined) return elem.matches(selector); else if (elem.msMatchesSelector !== undefined) return elem.msMatchesSelector(selector); else if (elem.webkitMatchesSelector !== undefined) return elem.webkitMatchesSelector(selector); else if (elem.mozMatchesSelector !== undefined) return elem.mozMatchesSelector(selector); else throw new Error('Browser lacks native selectors'); // unfortunately we can't throw this on startup :( }; var bypassSelector = function (dom) { // Only elements and documents support querySelector return dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT || // IE fix for complex queries on empty nodes: dom.childElementCount === 0; }; var all = function (selector, scope) { var base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom(); return bypassSelector(base) ? [] :, Element.fromDom); }; var one = function (selector, scope) { var base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom(); return bypassSelector(base) ? Option.none() : Option.from(base.querySelector(selector)).map(Element.fromDom); }; return { all: all, is: is, one: one }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.alien.Recurse', [ ], function () { /** * Applies f repeatedly until it completes (by returning Option.none()). * * Normally would just use recursion, but JavaScript lacks tail call optimisation. * * This is what recursion looks like when manually unravelled :) */ var toArray = function (target, f) { var r = []; var recurse = function (e) { r.push(e); return f(e); }; var cur = f(target); do { cur = cur.bind(recurse); } while (cur.isSome()); return r; }; return { toArray: toArray }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Global', [ ], function () { // Use window object as the global if it's available since CSP will block script evals var global = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : Function('return this;')(); return global; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Resolve', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Global' ], function (Global) { /** path :: ([String], JsObj?) -> JsObj */ var path = function (parts, scope) { var o = scope !== undefined ? scope : Global; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length && o !== undefined && o !== null; ++i) o = o[parts[i]]; return o; }; /** resolve :: (String, JsObj?) -> JsObj */ var resolve = function (p, scope) { var parts = p.split('.'); return path(parts, scope); }; /** step :: (JsObj, String) -> JsObj */ var step = function (o, part) { if (o[part] === undefined || o[part] === null) o[part] = {}; return o[part]; }; /** forge :: ([String], JsObj?) -> JsObj */ var forge = function (parts, target) { var o = target !== undefined ? target : Global; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) o = step(o, parts[i]); return o; }; /** namespace :: (String, JsObj?) -> JsObj */ var namespace = function (name, target) { var parts = name.split('.'); return forge(parts, target); }; return { path: path, resolve: resolve, forge: forge, namespace: namespace }; } ); define( 'ephox.sand.util.Global', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Resolve' ], function (Resolve) { var unsafe = function (name, scope) { return Resolve.resolve(name, scope); }; var getOrDie = function (name, scope) { var actual = unsafe(name, scope); if (actual === undefined) throw name + ' not available on this browser'; return actual; }; return { getOrDie: getOrDie }; } ); define( 'ephox.sand.api.Node', [ 'ephox.sand.util.Global' ], function (Global) { /* * MDN says (yes) for IE, but it's undefined on IE8 */ var node = function () { var f = Global.getOrDie('Node'); return f; }; /* * Most of numerosity doesn't alter the methods on the object. * We're making an exception for Node, because bitwise and is so easy to get wrong. * * Might be nice to ADT this at some point instead of having individual methods. */ var compareDocumentPosition = function (a, b, match) { // Returns: 0 if e1 and e2 are the same node, or a bitmask comparing the positions // of nodes e1 and e2 in their documents. See the URL below for bitmask interpretation // return (a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & match) !== 0; }; var documentPositionPreceding = function (a, b) { return compareDocumentPosition(a, b, node().DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING); }; var documentPositionContainedBy = function (a, b) { return compareDocumentPosition(a, b, node().DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY); }; return { documentPositionPreceding: documentPositionPreceding, documentPositionContainedBy: documentPositionContainedBy }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Thunk', [ ], function () { var cached = function (f) { var called = false; var r; return function() { if (!called) { called = true; r = f.apply(null, arguments); } return r; }; }; return { cached: cached }; } ); defineGlobal("global!Number", Number); define( 'ephox.sand.detect.Version', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'global!Number', 'global!String' ], function (Arr, Number, String) { var firstMatch = function (regexes, s) { for (var i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++) { var x = regexes[i]; if (x.test(s)) return x; } return undefined; }; var find = function (regexes, agent) { var r = firstMatch(regexes, agent); if (!r) return { major : 0, minor : 0 }; var group = function(i) { return Number(agent.replace(r, '$' + i)); }; return nu(group(1), group(2)); }; var detect = function (versionRegexes, agent) { var cleanedAgent = String(agent).toLowerCase(); if (versionRegexes.length === 0) return unknown(); return find(versionRegexes, cleanedAgent); }; var unknown = function () { return nu(0, 0); }; var nu = function (major, minor) { return { major: major, minor: minor }; }; return { nu: nu, detect: detect, unknown: unknown }; } ); define( 'ephox.sand.core.Browser', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sand.detect.Version' ], function (Fun, Version) { var edge = 'Edge'; var chrome = 'Chrome'; var ie = 'IE'; var opera = 'Opera'; var firefox = 'Firefox'; var safari = 'Safari'; var isBrowser = function (name, current) { return function () { return current === name; }; }; var unknown = function () { return nu({ current: undefined, version: Version.unknown() }); }; var nu = function (info) { var current = info.current; var version = info.version; return { current: current, version: version, // INVESTIGATE: Rename to Edge ? isEdge: isBrowser(edge, current), isChrome: isBrowser(chrome, current), // NOTE: isIe just looks too weird isIE: isBrowser(ie, current), isOpera: isBrowser(opera, current), isFirefox: isBrowser(firefox, current), isSafari: isBrowser(safari, current) }; }; return { unknown: unknown, nu: nu, edge: Fun.constant(edge), chrome: Fun.constant(chrome), ie: Fun.constant(ie), opera: Fun.constant(opera), firefox: Fun.constant(firefox), safari: Fun.constant(safari) }; } ); define( 'ephox.sand.core.OperatingSystem', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sand.detect.Version' ], function (Fun, Version) { var windows = 'Windows'; var ios = 'iOS'; var android = 'Android'; var linux = 'Linux'; var osx = 'OSX'; var solaris = 'Solaris'; var freebsd = 'FreeBSD'; // Though there is a bit of dupe with this and Browser, trying to // reuse code makes it much harder to follow and change. var isOS = function (name, current) { return function () { return current === name; }; }; var unknown = function () { return nu({ current: undefined, version: Version.unknown() }); }; var nu = function (info) { var current = info.current; var version = info.version; return { current: current, version: version, isWindows: isOS(windows, current), // TODO: Fix capitalisation isiOS: isOS(ios, current), isAndroid: isOS(android, current), isOSX: isOS(osx, current), isLinux: isOS(linux, current), isSolaris: isOS(solaris, current), isFreeBSD: isOS(freebsd, current) }; }; return { unknown: unknown, nu: nu, windows: Fun.constant(windows), ios: Fun.constant(ios), android: Fun.constant(android), linux: Fun.constant(linux), osx: Fun.constant(osx), solaris: Fun.constant(solaris), freebsd: Fun.constant(freebsd) }; } ); define( 'ephox.sand.detect.DeviceType', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun' ], function (Fun) { return function (os, browser, userAgent) { var isiPad = os.isiOS() && /ipad/i.test(userAgent) === true; var isiPhone = os.isiOS() && !isiPad; var isAndroid3 = os.isAndroid() && os.version.major === 3; var isAndroid4 = os.isAndroid() && os.version.major === 4; var isTablet = isiPad || isAndroid3 || ( isAndroid4 && /mobile/i.test(userAgent) === true ); var isTouch = os.isiOS() || os.isAndroid(); var isPhone = isTouch && !isTablet; var iOSwebview = browser.isSafari() && os.isiOS() && /safari/i.test(userAgent) === false; return { isiPad : Fun.constant(isiPad), isiPhone: Fun.constant(isiPhone), isTablet: Fun.constant(isTablet), isPhone: Fun.constant(isPhone), isTouch: Fun.constant(isTouch), isAndroid: os.isAndroid, isiOS: os.isiOS, isWebView: Fun.constant(iOSwebview) }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.sand.detect.UaString', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sand.detect.Version', 'global!String' ], function (Arr, Version, String) { var detect = function (candidates, userAgent) { var agent = String(userAgent).toLowerCase(); return Arr.find(candidates, function (candidate) { return; }); }; // They (browser and os) are the same at the moment, but they might // not stay that way. var detectBrowser = function (browsers, userAgent) { return detect(browsers, userAgent).map(function (browser) { var version = Version.detect(browser.versionRegexes, userAgent); return { current:, version: version }; }); }; var detectOs = function (oses, userAgent) { return detect(oses, userAgent).map(function (os) { var version = Version.detect(os.versionRegexes, userAgent); return { current:, version: version }; }); }; return { detectBrowser: detectBrowser, detectOs: detectOs }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.str.StrAppend', [ ], function () { var addToStart = function (str, prefix) { return prefix + str; }; var addToEnd = function (str, suffix) { return str + suffix; }; var removeFromStart = function (str, numChars) { return str.substring(numChars); }; var removeFromEnd = function (str, numChars) { return str.substring(0, str.length - numChars); }; return { addToStart: addToStart, addToEnd: addToEnd, removeFromStart: removeFromStart, removeFromEnd: removeFromEnd }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.str.StringParts', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'global!Error' ], function (Option, Error) { /** Return the first 'count' letters from 'str'. - * e.g. first("abcde", 2) === "ab" - */ var first = function(str, count) { return str.substr(0, count); }; /** Return the last 'count' letters from 'str'. * e.g. last("abcde", 2) === "de" */ var last = function(str, count) { return str.substr(str.length - count, str.length); }; var head = function(str) { return str === '' ? Option.none() : Option.some(str.substr(0, 1)); }; var tail = function(str) { return str === '' ? Option.none() : Option.some(str.substring(1)); }; return { first: first, last: last, head: head, tail: tail }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Strings', [ 'ephox.katamari.str.StrAppend', 'ephox.katamari.str.StringParts', 'global!Error' ], function (StrAppend, StringParts, Error) { var checkRange = function(str, substr, start) { if (substr === '') return true; if (str.length < substr.length) return false; var x = str.substr(start, start + substr.length); return x === substr; }; /** Given a string and object, perform template-replacements on the string, as specified by the object. * Any template fields of the form ${name} are replaced by the string or number specified as obj["name"] * Based on Douglas Crockford's 'supplant' method for template-replace of strings. Uses different template format. */ var supplant = function(str, obj) { var isStringOrNumber = function(a) { var t = typeof a; return t === 'string' || t === 'number'; }; return str.replace(/\${([^{}]*)}/g, function (a, b) { var value = obj[b]; return isStringOrNumber(value) ? value : a; } ); }; var removeLeading = function (str, prefix) { return startsWith(str, prefix) ? StrAppend.removeFromStart(str, prefix.length) : str; }; var removeTrailing = function (str, prefix) { return endsWith(str, prefix) ? StrAppend.removeFromEnd(str, prefix.length) : str; }; var ensureLeading = function (str, prefix) { return startsWith(str, prefix) ? str : StrAppend.addToStart(str, prefix); }; var ensureTrailing = function (str, prefix) { return endsWith(str, prefix) ? str : StrAppend.addToEnd(str, prefix); }; var contains = function(str, substr) { return str.indexOf(substr) !== -1; }; var capitalize = function(str) { return StringParts.head(str).bind(function (head) { return StringParts.tail(str).map(function (tail) { return head.toUpperCase() + tail; }); }).getOr(str); }; /** Does 'str' start with 'prefix'? * Note: all strings start with the empty string. * More formally, for all strings x, startsWith(x, ""). * This is so that for all strings x and y, startsWith(y + x, y) */ var startsWith = function(str, prefix) { return checkRange(str, prefix, 0); }; /** Does 'str' end with 'suffix'? * Note: all strings end with the empty string. * More formally, for all strings x, endsWith(x, ""). * This is so that for all strings x and y, endsWith(x + y, y) */ var endsWith = function(str, suffix) { return checkRange(str, suffix, str.length - suffix.length); }; /** removes all leading and trailing spaces */ var trim = function(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; var lTrim = function(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/g, ''); }; var rTrim = function(str) { return str.replace(/\s+$/g, ''); }; return { supplant: supplant, startsWith: startsWith, removeLeading: removeLeading, removeTrailing: removeTrailing, ensureLeading: ensureLeading, ensureTrailing: ensureTrailing, endsWith: endsWith, contains: contains, trim: trim, lTrim: lTrim, rTrim: rTrim, capitalize: capitalize }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Strings' ], function (Fun, Strings) { var normalVersionRegex = /.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/; var checkContains = function (target) { return function (uastring) { return Strings.contains(uastring, target); }; }; var browsers = [ { name : 'Edge', versionRegexes: [/.*?edge\/ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/], search: function (uastring) { var monstrosity = Strings.contains(uastring, 'edge/') && Strings.contains(uastring, 'chrome') && Strings.contains(uastring, 'safari') && Strings.contains(uastring, 'applewebkit'); return monstrosity; } }, { name : 'Chrome', versionRegexes: [/.*?chrome\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/, normalVersionRegex], search : function (uastring) { return Strings.contains(uastring, 'chrome') && !Strings.contains(uastring, 'chromeframe'); } }, { name : 'IE', versionRegexes: [/.*?msie\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/, /.*?rv:([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/], search: function (uastring) { return Strings.contains(uastring, 'msie') || Strings.contains(uastring, 'trident'); } }, // INVESTIGATE: Is this still the Opera user agent? { name : 'Opera', versionRegexes: [normalVersionRegex, /.*?opera\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/], search : checkContains('opera') }, { name : 'Firefox', versionRegexes: [/.*?firefox\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/], search : checkContains('firefox') }, { name : 'Safari', versionRegexes: [normalVersionRegex, /.*?cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/], search : function (uastring) { return (Strings.contains(uastring, 'safari') || Strings.contains(uastring, 'mobile/')) && Strings.contains(uastring, 'applewebkit'); } } ]; var oses = [ { name : 'Windows', search : checkContains('win'), versionRegexes: [/.*?windows\ nt\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/] }, { name : 'iOS', search : function (uastring) { return Strings.contains(uastring, 'iphone') || Strings.contains(uastring, 'ipad'); }, versionRegexes: [/.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/, /.*cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/, /.*cpu iphone os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/] }, { name : 'Android', search : checkContains('android'), versionRegexes: [/.*?android\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/] }, { name : 'OSX', search : checkContains('os x'), versionRegexes: [/.*?os\ x\ ?([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/] }, { name : 'Linux', search : checkContains('linux'), versionRegexes: [ ] }, { name : 'Solaris', search : checkContains('sunos'), versionRegexes: [ ] }, { name : 'FreeBSD', search : checkContains('freebsd'), versionRegexes: [ ] } ]; return { browsers: Fun.constant(browsers), oses: Fun.constant(oses) }; } ); define( 'ephox.sand.core.PlatformDetection', [ 'ephox.sand.core.Browser', 'ephox.sand.core.OperatingSystem', 'ephox.sand.detect.DeviceType', 'ephox.sand.detect.UaString', '' ], function (Browser, OperatingSystem, DeviceType, UaString, PlatformInfo) { var detect = function (userAgent) { var browsers = PlatformInfo.browsers(); var oses = PlatformInfo.oses(); var browser = UaString.detectBrowser(browsers, userAgent).fold( Browser.unknown, ); var os = UaString.detectOs(oses, userAgent).fold( OperatingSystem.unknown, ); var deviceType = DeviceType(os, browser, userAgent); return { browser: browser, os: os, deviceType: deviceType }; }; return { detect: detect }; } ); defineGlobal("global!navigator", navigator); define( 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Thunk', 'ephox.sand.core.PlatformDetection', 'global!navigator' ], function (Thunk, PlatformDetection, navigator) { var detect = Thunk.cached(function () { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; return PlatformDetection.detect(userAgent); }); return { detect: detect }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sand.api.Node', 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', '' ], function (Arr, Fun, Node, PlatformDetection, Selectors) { var eq = function (e1, e2) { return e1.dom() === e2.dom(); }; var isEqualNode = function (e1, e2) { return e1.dom().isEqualNode(e2.dom()); }; var member = function (element, elements) { return Arr.exists(elements, Fun.curry(eq, element)); }; // DOM contains() method returns true if e1===e2, we define our contains() to return false (a node does not contain itself). var regularContains = function (e1, e2) { var d1 = e1.dom(), d2 = e2.dom(); return d1 === d2 ? false : d1.contains(d2); }; var ieContains = function (e1, e2) { // IE only implements the contains() method for Element nodes. // It fails for Text nodes, so implement it using compareDocumentPosition() // // Note that compareDocumentPosition returns CONTAINED_BY if 'e2 *is_contained_by* e1': // Also, compareDocumentPosition defines a node containing itself as false. return Node.documentPositionContainedBy(e1.dom(), e2.dom()); }; var browser = PlatformDetection.detect().browser; // Returns: true if node e1 contains e2, otherwise false. // (returns false if e1===e2: A node does not contain itself). var contains = browser.isIE() ? ieContains : regularContains; return { eq: eq, isEqualNode: isEqualNode, member: member, contains: contains, // Only used by DomUniverse. Remove (or should move here?) is: }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'ephox.sugar.alien.Recurse', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element' ], function (Type, Arr, Fun, Option, Struct, Recurse, Compare, Element) { // The document associated with the current element var owner = function (element) { return Element.fromDom(element.dom().ownerDocument); }; var documentElement = function (element) { // TODO: Avoid unnecessary wrap/unwrap here var doc = owner(element); return Element.fromDom(doc.dom().documentElement); }; // The window element associated with the element var defaultView = function (element) { var el = element.dom(); var defaultView = el.ownerDocument.defaultView; return Element.fromDom(defaultView); }; var parent = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); return Option.from(dom.parentNode).map(Element.fromDom); }; var findIndex = function (element) { return parent(element).bind(function (p) { // TODO: Refactor out children so we can avoid the constant unwrapping var kin = children(p); return Arr.findIndex(kin, function (elem) { return Compare.eq(element, elem); }); }); }; var parents = function (element, isRoot) { var stop = Type.isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : Fun.constant(false); // This is used a *lot* so it needs to be performant, not recursive var dom = element.dom(); var ret = []; while (dom.parentNode !== null && dom.parentNode !== undefined) { var rawParent = dom.parentNode; var parent = Element.fromDom(rawParent); ret.push(parent); if (stop(parent) === true) break; else dom = rawParent; } return ret; }; var siblings = function (element) { // TODO: Refactor out children so we can just not add self instead of filtering afterwards var filterSelf = function (elements) { return Arr.filter(elements, function (x) { return !Compare.eq(element, x); }); }; return parent(element).map(children).map(filterSelf).getOr([]); }; var offsetParent = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); return Option.from(dom.offsetParent).map(Element.fromDom); }; var prevSibling = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); return Option.from(dom.previousSibling).map(Element.fromDom); }; var nextSibling = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); return Option.from(dom.nextSibling).map(Element.fromDom); }; var prevSiblings = function (element) { // This one needs to be reversed, so they're still in DOM order return Arr.reverse(Recurse.toArray(element, prevSibling)); }; var nextSiblings = function (element) { return Recurse.toArray(element, nextSibling); }; var children = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); return, Element.fromDom); }; var child = function (element, index) { var children = element.dom().childNodes; return Option.from(children[index]).map(Element.fromDom); }; var firstChild = function (element) { return child(element, 0); }; var lastChild = function (element) { return child(element, element.dom().childNodes.length - 1); }; var childNodesCount = function (element) { return element.dom().childNodes.length; }; var hasChildNodes = function (element) { return element.dom().hasChildNodes(); }; var spot = Struct.immutable('element', 'offset'); var leaf = function (element, offset) { var cs = children(element); return cs.length > 0 && offset < cs.length ? spot(cs[offset], 0) : spot(element, offset); }; return { owner: owner, defaultView: defaultView, documentElement: documentElement, parent: parent, findIndex: findIndex, parents: parents, siblings: siblings, prevSibling: prevSibling, offsetParent: offsetParent, prevSiblings: prevSiblings, nextSibling: nextSibling, nextSiblings: nextSiblings, children: children, child: child, firstChild: firstChild, lastChild: lastChild, childNodesCount: childNodesCount, hasChildNodes: hasChildNodes, leaf: leaf }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.util.LayerSelector', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', '', '' ], function (Arr, Fun, Selectors, Traverse) { var firstLayer = function (scope, selector) { return filterFirstLayer(scope, selector, Fun.constant(true)); }; var filterFirstLayer = function (scope, selector, predicate) { return Arr.bind(Traverse.children(scope), function (x) { return, selector) ? predicate(x) ? [ x ] : [ ] : filterFirstLayer(x, selector, predicate); }); }; return { firstLayer: firstLayer, filterFirstLayer: filterFirstLayer }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', [ 'ephox.sugar.api.node.NodeTypes' ], function (NodeTypes) { var name = function (element) { var r = element.dom().nodeName; return r.toLowerCase(); }; var type = function (element) { return element.dom().nodeType; }; var value = function (element) { return element.dom().nodeValue; }; var isType = function (t) { return function (element) { return type(element) === t; }; }; var isComment = function (element) { return type(element) === NodeTypes.COMMENT || name(element) === '#comment'; }; var isElement = isType(NodeTypes.ELEMENT); var isText = isType(NodeTypes.TEXT); var isDocument = isType(NodeTypes.DOCUMENT); return { name: name, type: type, value: value, isElement: isElement, isText: isText, isDocument: isDocument, isComment: isComment }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'global!Error', 'global!console' ], /* * Direct attribute manipulation has been around since IE8, but * was apparently unstable until IE10. */ function (Type, Arr, Obj, Node, Error, console) { var rawSet = function (dom, key, value) { /* * JQuery coerced everything to a string, and silently did nothing on text node/null/undefined. * * We fail on those invalid cases, only allowing numbers and booleans. */ if (Type.isString(value) || Type.isBoolean(value) || Type.isNumber(value)) { dom.setAttribute(key, value + ''); } else { console.error('Invalid call to Attr.set. Key ', key, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom); throw new Error('Attribute value was not simple'); } }; var set = function (element, key, value) { rawSet(element.dom(), key, value); }; var setAll = function (element, attrs) { var dom = element.dom(); Obj.each(attrs, function (v, k) { rawSet(dom, k, v); }); }; var get = function (element, key) { var v = element.dom().getAttribute(key); // undefined is the more appropriate value for JS, and this matches JQuery return v === null ? undefined : v; }; var has = function (element, key) { var dom = element.dom(); // return false for non-element nodes, no point in throwing an error return dom && dom.hasAttribute ? dom.hasAttribute(key) : false; }; var remove = function (element, key) { element.dom().removeAttribute(key); }; var hasNone = function (element) { var attrs = element.dom().attributes; return attrs === undefined || attrs === null || attrs.length === 0; }; var clone = function (element) { return Arr.foldl(element.dom().attributes, function (acc, attr) { acc[] = attr.value; return acc; }, {}); }; var transferOne = function (source, destination, attr) { // NOTE: We don't want to clobber any existing attributes if (has(source, attr) && !has(destination, attr)) set(destination, attr, get(source, attr)); }; // Transfer attributes(attrs) from source to destination, unless they are already present var transfer = function (source, destination, attrs) { if (!Node.isElement(source) || !Node.isElement(destination)) return; Arr.each(attrs, function (attr) { transferOne(source, destination, attr); }); }; return { clone: clone, set: set, setAll: setAll, get: get, has: has, remove: remove, hasNone: hasNone, transfer: transfer }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Body', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Thunk', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'global!document' ], function (Thunk, Element, Node, document) { // Node.contains() is very, very, very good performance // var inBody = function (element) { // Technically this is only required on IE, where contains() returns false for text nodes. // But it's cheap enough to run everywhere and Sugar doesn't have platform detection (yet). var dom = Node.isText(element) ? element.dom().parentNode : element.dom(); // use ownerDocument.body to ensure this works inside iframes. // Normally contains is bad because an element "contains" itself, but here we want that. return dom !== undefined && dom !== null && dom.ownerDocument.body.contains(dom); }; var body = Thunk.cached(function() { return getBody(Element.fromDom(document)); }); var getBody = function (doc) { var body = doc.dom().body; if (body === null || body === undefined) throw 'Body is not available yet'; return Element.fromDom(body); }; return { body: body, getBody: getBody, inBody: inBody }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Body', '' ], function (Arr, Body, Traverse) { // maybe TraverseWith, similar to traverse but with a predicate? var all = function (predicate) { return descendants(Body.body(), predicate); }; var ancestors = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) { return Arr.filter(Traverse.parents(scope, isRoot), predicate); }; var siblings = function (scope, predicate) { return Arr.filter(Traverse.siblings(scope), predicate); }; var children = function (scope, predicate) { return Arr.filter(Traverse.children(scope), predicate); }; var descendants = function (scope, predicate) { var result = []; // Recurse.toArray() might help here Arr.each(Traverse.children(scope), function (x) { if (predicate(x)) { result = result.concat([ x ]); } result = result.concat(descendants(x, predicate)); }); return result; }; return { all: all, ancestors: ancestors, siblings: siblings, children: children, descendants: descendants }; } ); define( '', [ '', '' ], function (PredicateFilter, Selectors) { var all = function (selector) { return Selectors.all(selector); }; // For all of the following: // // jQuery does siblings of firstChild. IE9+ supports scope.dom().children (similar to Traverse.children but elements only). // Traverse should also do this (but probably not by default). // var ancestors = function (scope, selector, isRoot) { // It may surprise you to learn this is exactly what JQuery does // TODO: Avoid all this wrapping and unwrapping return PredicateFilter.ancestors(scope, function (e) { return, selector); }, isRoot); }; var siblings = function (scope, selector) { // It may surprise you to learn this is exactly what JQuery does // TODO: Avoid all the wrapping and unwrapping return PredicateFilter.siblings(scope, function (e) { return, selector); }); }; var children = function (scope, selector) { // It may surprise you to learn this is exactly what JQuery does // TODO: Avoid all the wrapping and unwrapping return PredicateFilter.children(scope, function (e) { return, selector); }); }; var descendants = function (scope, selector) { return Selectors.all(selector, scope); }; return { all: all, ancestors: ancestors, siblings: siblings, children: children, descendants: descendants }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.impl.ClosestOrAncestor', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option' ], function (Type, Option) { return function (is, ancestor, scope, a, isRoot) { return is(scope, a) ? Option.some(scope) : Type.isFunction(isRoot) && isRoot(scope) ? Option.none() : ancestor(scope, a, isRoot); }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Body', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.impl.ClosestOrAncestor' ], function (Type, Arr, Fun, Option, Body, Compare, Element, ClosestOrAncestor) { var first = function (predicate) { return descendant(Body.body(), predicate); }; var ancestor = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) { var element = scope.dom(); var stop = Type.isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : Fun.constant(false); while (element.parentNode) { element = element.parentNode; var el = Element.fromDom(element); if (predicate(el)) return Option.some(el); else if (stop(el)) break; } return Option.none(); }; var closest = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) { // This is required to avoid ClosestOrAncestor passing the predicate to itself var is = function (scope) { return predicate(scope); }; return ClosestOrAncestor(is, ancestor, scope, predicate, isRoot); }; var sibling = function (scope, predicate) { var element = scope.dom(); if (!element.parentNode) return Option.none(); return child(Element.fromDom(element.parentNode), function (x) { return !Compare.eq(scope, x) && predicate(x); }); }; var child = function (scope, predicate) { var result = Arr.find(scope.dom().childNodes, Fun.compose(predicate, Element.fromDom)); return; }; var descendant = function (scope, predicate) { var descend = function (element) { for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { if (predicate(Element.fromDom(element.childNodes[i]))) return Option.some(Element.fromDom(element.childNodes[i])); var res = descend(element.childNodes[i]); if (res.isSome()) return res; } return Option.none(); }; return descend(scope.dom()); }; return { first: first, ancestor: ancestor, closest: closest, sibling: sibling, child: child, descendant: descendant }; } ); define( '', [ '', '', 'ephox.sugar.impl.ClosestOrAncestor' ], function (PredicateFind, Selectors, ClosestOrAncestor) { // TODO: An internal SelectorFilter module that doesn't Element.fromDom() everything var first = function (selector) { return; }; var ancestor = function (scope, selector, isRoot) { return PredicateFind.ancestor(scope, function (e) { return, selector); }, isRoot); }; var sibling = function (scope, selector) { return PredicateFind.sibling(scope, function (e) { return, selector); }); }; var child = function (scope, selector) { return PredicateFind.child(scope, function (e) { return, selector); }); }; var descendant = function (scope, selector) { return, scope); }; // Returns Some(closest ancestor element (sugared)) matching 'selector' up to isRoot, or None() otherwise var closest = function (scope, selector, isRoot) { return ClosestOrAncestor(, ancestor, scope, selector, isRoot); }; return { first: first, ancestor: ancestor, sibling: sibling, child: child, descendant: descendant, closest: closest }; } ); defineGlobal("global!parseInt", parseInt); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.util.LayerSelector', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', '', '', '', 'global!parseInt' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Structs, LayerSelector, Attr, Node, SelectorFilter, SelectorFind, Selectors, Traverse, parseInt) { // lookup inside this table var lookup = function (tags, element, _isRoot) { var isRoot = _isRoot !== undefined ? _isRoot : Fun.constant(false); // If the element we're inspecting is the root, we definitely don't want it. if (isRoot(element)) return Option.none(); // This looks a lot like SelectorFind.closest, with one big exception - the isRoot check. // The code here will look for parents if passed a table, SelectorFind.closest with that specific isRoot check won't. if (Arr.contains(tags, return Option.some(element); var isRootOrUpperTable = function (element) { return, 'table') || isRoot(element); }; return SelectorFind.ancestor(element, tags.join(','), isRootOrUpperTable); }; /* * Identify the optional cell that element represents. */ var cell = function (element, isRoot) { return lookup([ 'td', 'th' ], element, isRoot); }; var cells = function (ancestor) { return LayerSelector.firstLayer(ancestor, 'th,td'); }; var notCell = function (element, isRoot) { return lookup([ 'caption', 'tr', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'thead' ], element, isRoot); }; var neighbours = function (selector, element) { return Traverse.parent(element).map(function (parent) { return SelectorFilter.children(parent, selector); }); }; var neighbourCells = Fun.curry(neighbours, 'th,td'); var neighbourRows = Fun.curry(neighbours, 'tr'); var firstCell = function (ancestor) { return SelectorFind.descendant(ancestor, 'th,td'); }; var table = function (element, isRoot) { return SelectorFind.closest(element, 'table', isRoot); }; var row = function (element, isRoot) { return lookup([ 'tr' ], element, isRoot); }; var rows = function (ancestor) { return LayerSelector.firstLayer(ancestor, 'tr'); }; var attr = function (element, property) { return parseInt(Attr.get(element, property), 10); }; var grid = function (element, rowProp, colProp) { var rows = attr(element, rowProp); var cols = attr(element, colProp); return Structs.grid(rows, cols); }; return { cell: cell, firstCell: firstCell, cells: cells, neighbourCells: neighbourCells, table: table, row: row, rows: rows, notCell: notCell, neighbourRows: neighbourRows, attr: attr, grid: grid }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '' ], function (Arr, Structs, TableLookup, Attr, Node, Traverse) { /* * Takes a DOM table and returns a list of list of: element: row element cells: (id, rowspan, colspan) structs */ var fromTable = function (table) { var rows = TableLookup.rows(table); return, function (row) { var element = row; var parent = Traverse.parent(element); var parentSection = parent.bind(function (parent) { var parentName =; return (parentName === 'tfoot' || parentName === 'thead' || parentName === 'tbody') ? parentName : 'tbody'; }); var cells =, function (cell) { var rowspan = Attr.has(cell, 'rowspan') ? parseInt(Attr.get(cell, 'rowspan'), 10) : 1; var colspan = Attr.has(cell, 'colspan') ? parseInt(Attr.get(cell, 'colspan'), 10) : 1; return Structs.detail(cell, rowspan, colspan); }); return Structs.rowdata(element, cells, parentSection); }); }; var fromPastedRows = function (rows, example) { return, function (row) { var cells =, function (cell) { var rowspan = Attr.has(cell, 'rowspan') ? parseInt(Attr.get(cell, 'rowspan'), 10) : 1; var colspan = Attr.has(cell, 'colspan') ? parseInt(Attr.get(cell, 'colspan'), 10) : 1; return Structs.detail(cell, rowspan, colspan); }); return Structs.rowdata(row, cells, example.section()); }); }; return { fromTable: fromTable, fromPastedRows: fromPastedRows }; } ); defineGlobal("global!Math", Math); define( 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'global!Math' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Structs, Math) { var key = function (row, column) { return row + ',' + column; }; var getAt = function (warehouse, row, column) { var raw = warehouse.access()[key(row, column)]; return raw !== undefined ? Option.some(raw) : Option.none(); }; var findItem = function (warehouse, item, comparator) { var filtered = filterItems(warehouse, function (detail) { return comparator(item, detail.element()); }); return filtered.length > 0 ? Option.some(filtered[0]) : Option.none(); }; var filterItems = function (warehouse, predicate) { var all = Arr.bind(warehouse.all(), function (r) { return r.cells(); }); return Arr.filter(all, predicate); }; /* * From a list of list of Detail, generate three pieces of information: * 1. the grid size * 2. a data structure which can efficiently identify which cell is in which row,column position * 3. a list of all cells in order left-to-right, top-to-bottom */ var generate = function (list) { // list is an array of objects, made by cells and elements // elements: is the TR // cells: is an array of objects representing the cells in the row. // It is made of: // colspan (merge cell) // element // rowspan (merge cols) var access = {}; var cells = []; var maxRows = list.length; var maxColumns = 0; Arr.each(list, function (details, r) { var currentRow = []; Arr.each(details.cells(), function (detail, c) { var start = 0; // If this spot has been taken by a previous rowspan, skip it. while (access[key(r, start)] !== undefined) { start++; } var current = Structs.extended(detail.element(), detail.rowspan(), detail.colspan(), r, start); // Occupy all the (row, column) positions that this cell spans for. for (var i = 0; i < detail.colspan(); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < detail.rowspan(); j++) { var cr = r + j; var cc = start + i; var newpos = key(cr, cc); access[newpos] = current; maxColumns = Math.max(maxColumns, cc + 1); } } currentRow.push(current); }); cells.push(Structs.rowdata(details.element(), currentRow, details.section())); }); var grid = Structs.grid(maxRows, maxColumns); return { grid: Fun.constant(grid), access: Fun.constant(access), all: Fun.constant(cells) }; }; var justCells = function (warehouse) { var rows =, function (w) { return w.cells(); }); return Arr.flatten(rows); }; return { generate: generate, getAt: getAt, findItem: findItem, filterItems: filterItems, justCells: justCells }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.impl.Style', [ ], function () { // some elements, such as mathml, don't have style attributes var isSupported = function (dom) { return !== undefined; }; return { isSupported: isSupported }; } ); defineGlobal("global!window", window); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Body', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.impl.Style', 'ephox.katamari.api.Strings', 'global!Error', 'global!console', 'global!window' ], function (Type, Arr, Obj, Option, Attr, Body, Element, Node, Style, Strings, Error, console, window) { var internalSet = function (dom, property, value) { // This is going to hurt. Apologies. // JQuery coerces numbers to pixels for certain property names, and other times lets numbers through. // we're going to be explicit; strings only. if (!Type.isString(value)) { console.error('Invalid call to CSS.set. Property ', property, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom); throw new Error('CSS value must be a string: ' + value); } // removed: support for dom().style[property] where prop is camel case instead of normal property name if (Style.isSupported(dom)), value); }; var internalRemove = function (dom, property) { /* * IE9 and above - MDN doesn't have details, but here's a couple of random internet claims * * * */ if (Style.isSupported(dom)); }; var set = function (element, property, value) { var dom = element.dom(); internalSet(dom, property, value); }; var setAll = function (element, css) { var dom = element.dom(); Obj.each(css, function (v, k) { internalSet(dom, k, v); }); }; var setOptions = function(element, css) { var dom = element.dom(); Obj.each(css, function (v, k) { v.fold(function () { internalRemove(dom, k); }, function (value) { internalSet(dom, k, value); }); }); }; /* * NOTE: For certain properties, this returns the "used value" which is subtly different to the "computed value" (despite calling getComputedStyle). * Blame CSS 2.0. * * */ var get = function (element, property) { var dom = element.dom(); /* * IE9 and above per * * * Not in numerosity, because it doesn't memoize and looking this up dynamically in performance critical code would be horrendous. * * JQuery has some magic here for IE popups, but we don't really need that. * It also uses element.ownerDocument.defaultView to handle iframes but that hasn't been required since FF 3.6. */ var styles = window.getComputedStyle(dom); var r = styles.getPropertyValue(property); // jquery-ism: If r is an empty string, check that the element is not in a document. If it isn't, return the raw value. // Turns out we do this a lot. var v = (r === '' && !Body.inBody(element)) ? getUnsafeProperty(dom, property) : r; // undefined is the more appropriate value for JS. JQuery coerces to an empty string, but screw that! return v === null ? undefined : v; }; var getUnsafeProperty = function (dom, property) { // removed: support for dom().style[property] where prop is camel case instead of normal property name // empty string is what the browsers (IE11 and Chrome) return when the propertyValue doesn't exists. return Style.isSupported(dom) ? : ''; }; /* * Gets the raw value from the style attribute. Useful for retrieving "used values" from the DOM: * * * Returns NONE if the property isn't set, or the value is an empty string. */ var getRaw = function (element, property) { var dom = element.dom(); var raw = getUnsafeProperty(dom, property); return Option.from(raw).filter(function (r) { return r.length > 0; }); }; var getAllRaw = function (element) { var css = {}; var dom = element.dom(); if (Style.isSupported(dom)) { for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var ruleName =; css[ruleName] =[ruleName]; } } return css; }; var isValidValue = function (tag, property, value) { var element = Element.fromTag(tag); set(element, property, value); var style = getRaw(element, property); return style.isSome(); }; var remove = function (element, property) { var dom = element.dom(); internalRemove(dom, property); if (Attr.has(element, 'style') && Strings.trim(Attr.get(element, 'style')) === '') { // No more styles left, remove the style attribute as well Attr.remove(element, 'style'); } }; var preserve = function (element, f) { var oldStyles = Attr.get(element, 'style'); var result = f(element); var restore = oldStyles === undefined ? Attr.remove : Attr.set; restore(element, 'style', oldStyles); return result; }; var copy = function (source, target) { var sourceDom = source.dom(); var targetDom = target.dom(); if (Style.isSupported(sourceDom) && Style.isSupported(targetDom)) { =; } }; var reflow = function (e) { /* NOTE: * do not rely on this return value. * It's here so the closure compiler doesn't optimise the property access away. */ return e.dom().offsetWidth; }; var transferOne = function (source, destination, style) { getRaw(source, style).each(function (value) { // NOTE: We don't want to clobber any existing inline styles. if (getRaw(destination, style).isNone()) set(destination, style, value); }); }; var transfer = function (source, destination, styles) { if (!Node.isElement(source) || !Node.isElement(destination)) return; Arr.each(styles, function (style) { transferOne(source, destination, style); }); }; return { copy: copy, set: set, preserve: preserve, setAll: setAll, setOptions: setOptions, remove: remove, get: get, getRaw: getRaw, getAllRaw: getAllRaw, isValidValue: isValidValue, reflow: reflow, transfer: transfer }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', [ '' ], function (Traverse) { var before = function (marker, element) { var parent = Traverse.parent(marker); parent.each(function (v) { v.dom().insertBefore(element.dom(), marker.dom()); }); }; var after = function (marker, element) { var sibling = Traverse.nextSibling(marker); sibling.fold(function () { var parent = Traverse.parent(marker); parent.each(function (v) { append(v, element); }); }, function (v) { before(v, element); }); }; var prepend = function (parent, element) { var firstChild = Traverse.firstChild(parent); firstChild.fold(function () { append(parent, element); }, function (v) { parent.dom().insertBefore(element.dom(), v.dom()); }); }; var append = function (parent, element) { parent.dom().appendChild(element.dom()); }; var appendAt = function (parent, element, index) { Traverse.child(parent, index).fold(function () { append(parent, element); }, function (v) { before(v, element); }); }; var wrap = function (element, wrapper) { before(element, wrapper); append(wrapper, element); }; return { before: before, after: after, prepend: prepend, append: append, appendAt: appendAt, wrap: wrap }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert' ], function (Arr, Insert) { var before = function (marker, elements) { Arr.each(elements, function (x) { Insert.before(marker, x); }); }; var after = function (marker, elements) { Arr.each(elements, function (x, i) { var e = i === 0 ? marker : elements[i - 1]; Insert.after(e, x); }); }; var prepend = function (parent, elements) { Arr.each(elements.slice().reverse(), function (x) { Insert.prepend(parent, x); }); }; var append = function (parent, elements) { Arr.each(elements, function (x) { Insert.append(parent, x); }); }; return { before: before, after: after, prepend: prepend, append: append }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll', '' ], function (Arr, InsertAll, Traverse) { var empty = function (element) { // shortcut "empty node" trick. Requires IE 9. element.dom().textContent = ''; // If the contents was a single empty text node, the above doesn't remove it. But, it's still faster in general // than removing every child node manually. // The following is (probably) safe for performance as 99.9% of the time the trick works and // Traverse.children will return an empty array. Arr.each(Traverse.children(element), function (rogue) { remove(rogue); }); }; var remove = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); if (dom.parentNode !== null) dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom); }; var unwrap = function (wrapper) { var children = Traverse.children(wrapper); if (children.length > 0) InsertAll.before(wrapper, children); remove(wrapper); }; return { empty: empty, remove: remove, unwrap: unwrap }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.CopySelected', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.util.LayerSelector', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', '' ], function (Arr, Obj, Struct, DetailsList, Warehouse, LayerSelector, Attr, Css, Element, Insert, Remove, Selectors) { var stats = Struct.immutable('minRow', 'minCol', 'maxRow', 'maxCol'); var findSelectedStats = function (house, isSelected) { var totalColumns = house.grid().columns(); var totalRows = house.grid().rows(); /* Refactor into a method returning a struct to hide the mutation */ var minRow = totalRows; var minCol = totalColumns; var maxRow = 0; var maxCol = 0; Obj.each(house.access(), function (detail) { if (isSelected(detail)) { var startRow = detail.row(); var endRow = startRow + detail.rowspan() - 1; var startCol = detail.column(); var endCol = startCol + detail.colspan() - 1; if (startRow < minRow) minRow = startRow; else if (endRow > maxRow) maxRow = endRow; if (startCol < minCol) minCol = startCol; else if (endCol > maxCol) maxCol = endCol; } }); return stats(minRow, minCol, maxRow, maxCol); }; var makeCell = function (list, seenSelected, rowIndex) { // no need to check bounds, as anything outside this index is removed in the nested for loop var row = list[rowIndex].element(); var td = Element.fromTag('td'); Insert.append(td, Element.fromTag('br')); var f = seenSelected ? Insert.append : Insert.prepend; f(row, td); }; var fillInGaps = function (list, house, stats, isSelected) { var totalColumns = house.grid().columns(); var totalRows = house.grid().rows(); // unselected cells have been deleted, now fill in the gaps in the model for (var i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) { var seenSelected = false; for (var j = 0; j < totalColumns; j++) { if (!(i < stats.minRow() || i > stats.maxRow() || j < stats.minCol() || j > stats.maxCol())) { // if there is a hole in the table itself, or it's an unselected position, we need a cell var needCell = Warehouse.getAt(house, i, j).filter(isSelected).isNone(); if (needCell) makeCell(list, seenSelected, i); // if we didn't need a cell, this position must be selected, so set the flag else seenSelected = true; } } } }; var clean = function (table, stats) { // can't use :empty selector as that will not include TRs made up of whitespace var emptyRows = Arr.filter(LayerSelector.firstLayer(table, 'tr'), function (row) { // there is no sugar method for this, and Traverse.children() does too much processing return row.dom().childElementCount === 0; }); Arr.each(emptyRows, Remove.remove); // If there is only one column, or only one row, delete all the colspan/rowspan if (stats.minCol() === stats.maxCol() || stats.minRow() === stats.maxRow()) { Arr.each(LayerSelector.firstLayer(table, 'th,td'), function (cell) { Attr.remove(cell, 'rowspan'); Attr.remove(cell, 'colspan'); }); } Attr.remove(table, 'width'); Attr.remove(table, 'height'); Css.remove(table, 'width'); Css.remove(table, 'height'); }; var extract = function (table, selectedSelector) { var isSelected = function (detail) { return, selectedSelector); }; var list = DetailsList.fromTable(table); var house = Warehouse.generate(list); var stats = findSelectedStats(house, isSelected); // remove unselected cells var selector = 'th:not(' + selectedSelector + ')' + ',td:not(' + selectedSelector + ')'; var unselectedCells = LayerSelector.filterFirstLayer(table, 'th,td', function (cell) { return, selector); }); Arr.each(unselectedCells, Remove.remove); fillInGaps(list, house, stats, isSelected); clean(table, stats); return table; }; return { extract: extract }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Replication', [ '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', '' ], function (Attr, Element, Insert, InsertAll, Remove, Traverse) { var clone = function (original, deep) { return Element.fromDom(original.dom().cloneNode(deep)); }; /** Shallow clone - just the tag, no children */ var shallow = function (original) { return clone(original, false); }; /** Deep clone - everything copied including children */ var deep = function (original) { return clone(original, true); }; /** Shallow clone, with a new tag */ var shallowAs = function (original, tag) { var nu = Element.fromTag(tag); var attributes = Attr.clone(original); Attr.setAll(nu, attributes); return nu; }; /** Deep clone, with a new tag */ var copy = function (original, tag) { var nu = shallowAs(original, tag); // NOTE // previously this used serialisation: // nu.dom().innerHTML = original.dom().innerHTML; // // Clone should be equivalent (and faster), but if TD <-> TH toggle breaks, put it back. var cloneChildren = Traverse.children(deep(original)); InsertAll.append(nu, cloneChildren); return nu; }; /** Change the tag name, but keep all children */ var mutate = function (original, tag) { var nu = shallowAs(original, tag); Insert.before(original, nu); var children = Traverse.children(original); InsertAll.append(nu, children); Remove.remove(original); return nu; }; return { shallow: shallow, shallowAs: shallowAs, deep: deep, copy: copy, mutate: mutate }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.impl.NodeValue', [ 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'global!Error' ], function (PlatformDetection, Option, Error) { return function (is, name) { var get = function (element) { if (!is(element)) throw new Error('Can only get ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node'); return getOption(element).getOr(''); }; var getOptionIE10 = function (element) { // Prevent IE10 from throwing exception when setting parent innerHTML clobbers (TBIO-451). try { return getOptionSafe(element); } catch (e) { return Option.none(); } }; var getOptionSafe = function (element) { return is(element) ? Option.from(element.dom().nodeValue) : Option.none(); }; var browser = PlatformDetection.detect().browser; var getOption = browser.isIE() && browser.version.major === 10 ? getOptionIE10 : getOptionSafe; var set = function (element, value) { if (!is(element)) throw new Error('Can only set raw ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node'); element.dom().nodeValue = value; }; return { get: get, getOption: getOption, set: set }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Text', [ 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.impl.NodeValue' ], function (Node, NodeValue) { var api = NodeValue(Node.isText, 'text'); var get = function (element) { return api.get(element); }; var getOption = function (element) { return api.getOption(element); }; var set = function (element, value) { api.set(element, value); }; return { get: get, getOption: getOption, set: set }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Text', '' ], function (Arr, Node, Text, Traverse) { var getEnd = function (element) { return === 'img' ? 1 : Text.getOption(element).fold(function () { return Traverse.children(element).length; }, function (v) { return v.length; }); }; var isEnd = function (element, offset) { return getEnd(element) === offset; }; var isStart = function (element, offset) { return offset === 0; }; var NBSP = '\u00A0'; var isTextNodeWithCursorPosition = function (el) { return Text.getOption(el).filter(function (text) { // For the purposes of finding cursor positions only allow text nodes with content, // but trim removes &nbsp; and that's allowed return text.trim().length !== 0 || text.indexOf(NBSP) > -1; }).isSome(); }; var elementsWithCursorPosition = [ 'img', 'br' ]; var isCursorPosition = function (elem) { var hasCursorPosition = isTextNodeWithCursorPosition(elem); return hasCursorPosition || Arr.contains(elementsWithCursorPosition,; }; return { getEnd: getEnd, isEnd: isEnd, isStart: isStart, isCursorPosition: isCursorPosition }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.CursorPosition', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness' ], function (Option, PredicateFind, Traverse, Awareness) { var first = function (element) { return PredicateFind.descendant(element, Awareness.isCursorPosition); }; var last = function (element) { return descendantRtl(element, Awareness.isCursorPosition); }; // Note, sugar probably needs some RTL traversals. var descendantRtl = function (scope, predicate) { var descend = function (element) { var children = Traverse.children(element); for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var child = children[i]; if (predicate(child)) return Option.some(child); var res = descend(child); if (res.isSome()) return res; } return Option.none(); }; return descend(scope); }; return { first: first, last: last }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TableFill', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Replication', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', '', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.CursorPosition' ], function (Arr, Obj, Compare, Insert, Replication, Element, Node, Attr, Css, SelectorFilter, Traverse, CursorPosition) { // NOTE: This may create a td instead of a th, but it is for irregular table handling. var cell = function () { var td = Element.fromTag('td'); Insert.append(td, Element.fromTag('br')); return td; }; var replace = function (cell, tag, attrs) { var replica = Replication.copy(cell, tag); // TODO: Snooker passes null to indicate 'remove attribute' Obj.each(attrs, function (v, k) { if (v === null) Attr.remove(replica, k); else Attr.set(replica, k, v); }); return replica; }; var pasteReplace = function (cellContent) { // TODO: check for empty content and don't return anything return cellContent; }; var newRow = function (doc) { return function () { return Element.fromTag('tr', doc.dom()); }; }; var cloneFormats = function (oldCell, newCell, formats) { var first = CursorPosition.first(oldCell); return (firstText) { var formatSelector = formats.join(','); // Find the ancestors of the first text node that match the given formats. var parents = SelectorFilter.ancestors(firstText, formatSelector, function (element) { return Compare.eq(element, oldCell); }); // Add the matched ancestors to the new cell, then return the new cell. return Arr.foldr(parents, function (last, parent) { var clonedFormat = Replication.shallow(parent); Insert.append(last, clonedFormat); return clonedFormat; }, newCell); }).getOr(newCell); }; var cellOperations = function (mutate, doc, formatsToClone) { var newCell = function (prev) { var doc = Traverse.owner(prev.element()); var td = Element.fromTag(, doc.dom()); var formats = formatsToClone.getOr(['strong', 'em', 'b', 'i', 'span', 'font', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p', 'div']); // If we aren't cloning the child formatting, we can just give back the new td immediately. var lastNode = formats.length > 0 ? cloneFormats(prev.element(), td, formats) : td; Insert.append(lastNode, Element.fromTag('br')) // inherit the style and width, dont inherit the row height Css.copy(prev.element(), td); Css.remove(td, 'height'); // dont inherit the width of spanning columns if (prev.colspan() !== 1) Css.remove(prev.element(), 'width'); mutate(prev.element(), td); return td; }; return { row: newRow(doc), cell: newCell, replace: replace, gap: cell }; }; var paste = function (doc) { return { row: newRow(doc), cell: cell, replace: pasteReplace, gap: cell }; }; return { cellOperations: cellOperations, paste: paste }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Elements', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '', 'global!document' ], function (Arr, Element, Traverse, document) { var fromHtml = function (html, scope) { var doc = scope || document; var div = doc.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; return Traverse.children(Element.fromDom(div)); }; var fromTags = function (tags, scope) { return, function (x) { return Element.fromTag(x, scope); }); }; var fromText = function (texts, scope) { return, function (x) { return Element.fromText(x, scope); }); }; var fromDom = function (nodes) { return, Element.fromDom); }; return { fromHtml: fromHtml, fromTags: fromTags, fromText: fromText, fromDom: fromDom }; } ); define( 'ephox.boss.common.TagBoundaries', [ ], function () { // TODO: We need to consolidate this list. I think when we get rid of boss/universe, we can do it then. return [ 'body', 'p', 'div', 'article', 'aside', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'header', 'nav', 'section', 'ol', 'ul', 'li', 'table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'caption', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'address' ]; } ); define( 'ephox.boss.api.DomUniverse', [ 'ephox.boss.common.TagBoundaries', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Text', '' ], function (TagBoundaries, Arr, Fun, Attr, Compare, Css, Element, Insert, InsertAll, Node, PredicateFilter, PredicateFind, Remove, SelectorFilter, SelectorFind, Text, Traverse) { return function () { var clone = function (element) { return Element.fromDom(element.dom().cloneNode(false)); }; var isBoundary = function (element) { if (!Node.isElement(element)) return false; if ( === 'body') return true; return Arr.contains(TagBoundaries,; }; var isEmptyTag = function (element) { if (!Node.isElement(element)) return false; return Arr.contains(['br', 'img', 'hr', 'input'],; }; var comparePosition = function (element, other) { return element.dom().compareDocumentPosition(other.dom()); }; var copyAttributesTo = function (source, destination) { var as = Attr.clone(source); Attr.setAll(destination, as); }; return { up: Fun.constant({ selector: SelectorFind.ancestor, closest: SelectorFind.closest, predicate: PredicateFind.ancestor, all: Traverse.parents }), down: Fun.constant({ selector: SelectorFilter.descendants, predicate: PredicateFilter.descendants }), styles: Fun.constant({ get: Css.get, getRaw: Css.getRaw, set: Css.set, remove: Css.remove }), attrs: Fun.constant({ get: Attr.get, set: Attr.set, remove: Attr.remove, copyTo: copyAttributesTo }), insert: Fun.constant({ before: Insert.before, after: Insert.after, afterAll: InsertAll.after, append: Insert.append, appendAll: InsertAll.append, prepend: Insert.prepend, wrap: Insert.wrap }), remove: Fun.constant({ unwrap: Remove.unwrap, remove: Remove.remove }), create: Fun.constant({ nu: Element.fromTag, clone: clone, text: Element.fromText }), query: Fun.constant({ comparePosition: comparePosition, prevSibling: Traverse.prevSibling, nextSibling: Traverse.nextSibling }), property: Fun.constant({ children: Traverse.children, name:, parent: Traverse.parent, isText: Node.isText, isComment: Node.isComment, isElement: Node.isElement, getText: Text.get, setText: Text.set, isBoundary: isBoundary, isEmptyTag: isEmptyTag }), eq: Compare.eq, is: }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.robin.parent.Breaker', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Struct) { var leftRight = Struct.immutable('left', 'right'); var bisect = function (universe, parent, child) { var children =; var index = Arr.findIndex(children, Fun.curry(universe.eq, child)); return (ind) { return { before: Fun.constant(children.slice(0, ind)), after: Fun.constant(children.slice(ind + 1)) }; }); }; /** * Clone parent to the RIGHT and move everything after child in the parent element into * a clone of the parent (placed after parent). */ var breakToRight = function (universe, parent, child) { return bisect(universe, parent, child).map(function (parts) { var second = universe.create().clone(parent); universe.insert().appendAll(second, parts.after()); universe.insert().after(parent, second); return leftRight(parent, second); }); }; /** * Clone parent to the LEFT and move everything before and including child into * the a clone of the parent (placed before parent) */ var breakToLeft = function (universe, parent, child) { return bisect(universe, parent, child).map(function (parts) { var prior = universe.create().clone(parent); universe.insert().appendAll(prior, parts.before().concat([ child ])); universe.insert().appendAll(parent, parts.after()); universe.insert().before(parent, prior); return leftRight(prior, parent); }); }; /* * Using the breaker, break from the child up to the top element defined by the predicate. * It returns three values: * first: the top level element that completed the break * second: the optional element representing second part of the top-level split if the breaking completed successfully to the top * splits: a list of (Element, Element) pairs that represent the splits that have occurred on the way to the top. */ var breakPath = function (universe, item, isTop, breaker) { var result = Struct.immutable('first', 'second', 'splits'); var next = function (child, group, splits) { var fallback = result(child, Option.none(), splits); // Found the top, so stop. if (isTop(child)) return result(child, group, splits); else { // Split the child at parent, and keep going return (parent) { return breaker(universe, parent, child).map(function (breakage) { var extra = [{ first: breakage.left, second: breakage.right }]; // Our isTop is based on the left-side parent, so keep it regardless of split. var nextChild = isTop(parent) ? parent : breakage.left(); return next(nextChild, Option.some(breakage.right()), splits.concat(extra)); }).getOr(fallback); }); } }; return next(item, Option.none(), []); }; return { breakToLeft: breakToLeft, breakToRight: breakToRight, breakPath: breakPath }; } ); define( 'ephox.robin.parent.Shared', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option) { var all = function (universe, look, elements, f) { var head = elements[0]; var tail = elements.slice(1); return f(universe, look, head, tail); }; /** * Check if look returns the same element for all elements, and return it if it exists. */ var oneAll = function (universe, look, elements) { return elements.length > 0 ? all(universe, look, elements, unsafeOne) : Option.none(); }; var unsafeOne = function (universe, look, head, tail) { var start = look(universe, head); return Arr.foldr(tail, function (b, a) { var current = look(universe, a); return commonElement(universe, b, current); }, start); }; var commonElement = function (universe, start, end) { return start.bind(function (s) { return end.filter(Fun.curry(universe.eq, s)); }); }; return { oneAll: oneAll }; } ); define( 'ephox.robin.parent.Subset', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'global!Math' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Math) { var eq = function (universe, item) { return Fun.curry(universe.eq, item); }; var unsafeSubset = function (universe, common, ps1, ps2) { var children =; if (universe.eq(common, ps1[0])) return Option.some([ ps1[0] ]); if (universe.eq(common, ps2[0])) return Option.some([ ps2[0] ]); var finder = function (ps) { // ps is calculated bottom-up, but logically we're searching top-down var topDown = Arr.reverse(ps); // find the child of common in the ps array var index = Arr.findIndex(topDown, eq(universe, common)).getOr(-1); var item = index < topDown.length - 1 ? topDown[index + 1] : topDown[index]; // find the index of that child in the common children return Arr.findIndex(children, eq(universe, item)); }; var startIndex = finder(ps1); var endIndex = finder(ps2); // Return all common children between first and last return startIndex.bind(function (sIndex) { return (eIndex) { // This is required because the range could be backwards. var first = Math.min(sIndex, eIndex); var last = Math.max(sIndex, eIndex); return children.slice(first, last + 1); }); }); }; // Note: this can be exported if it is required in the future. var ancestors = function (universe, start, end, _isRoot) { // Inefficient if no isRoot is supplied. var isRoot = _isRoot !== undefined ? _isRoot : Fun.constant(false); // TODO: Andy knows there is a graph-based algorithm to find a common parent, but can't remember it // This also includes something to get the subset after finding the common parent var ps1 = [start].concat(universe.up().all(start)); var ps2 = [end].concat(universe.up().all(end)); var prune = function (path) { var index = Arr.findIndex(path, isRoot); return index.fold(function () { return path; }, function (ind) { return path.slice(0, ind + 1); }); }; var pruned1 = prune(ps1); var pruned2 = prune(ps2); var shared = Arr.find(pruned1, function (x) { return Arr.exists(pruned2, eq(universe, x)); }); return { firstpath: Fun.constant(pruned1), secondpath: Fun.constant(pruned2), shared: Fun.constant(shared) }; }; /** * Find the common element in the parents of start and end. * * Then return all children of the common element such that start and end are included. */ var subset = function (universe, start, end) { var ancs = ancestors(universe, start, end); return ancs.shared().bind(function (shared) { return unsafeSubset(universe, shared, ancs.firstpath(), ancs.secondpath()); }); }; return { subset: subset, ancestors: ancestors }; } ); define( 'ephox.robin.api.general.Parent', [ 'ephox.robin.parent.Breaker', 'ephox.robin.parent.Shared', 'ephox.robin.parent.Subset' ], /** * Documentation is in the actual implementations. */ function (Breaker, Shared, Subset) { var sharedOne = function (universe, look, elements) { return Shared.oneAll(universe, look, elements); }; var subset = function (universe, start, finish) { return Subset.subset(universe, start, finish); }; var ancestors = function (universe, start, finish, _isRoot) { return Subset.ancestors(universe, start, finish, _isRoot); }; var breakToLeft = function (universe, parent, child) { return Breaker.breakToLeft(universe, parent, child); }; var breakToRight = function (universe, parent, child) { return Breaker.breakToRight(universe, parent, child); }; var breakPath = function (universe, child, isTop, breaker) { return Breaker.breakPath(universe, child, isTop, breaker); }; return { sharedOne: sharedOne, subset: subset, ancestors: ancestors, breakToLeft: breakToLeft, breakToRight: breakToRight, breakPath: breakPath }; } ); define( 'ephox.robin.api.dom.DomParent', [ 'ephox.boss.api.DomUniverse', 'ephox.robin.api.general.Parent' ], /** * Documentation is in the actual implementations. */ function (DomUniverse, Parent) { var universe = DomUniverse(); var sharedOne = function (look, elements) { return Parent.sharedOne(universe, function (universe, element) { return look(element); }, elements); }; var subset = function (start, finish) { return Parent.subset(universe, start, finish); }; var ancestors = function (start, finish, _isRoot) { return Parent.ancestors(universe, start, finish, _isRoot); }; var breakToLeft = function (parent, child) { return Parent.breakToLeft(universe, parent, child); }; var breakToRight = function (parent, child) { return Parent.breakToRight(universe, parent, child); }; var breakPath = function (child, isTop, breaker) { return Parent.breakPath(universe, child, isTop, function (u, p, c) { return breaker(p, c); }); }; return { sharedOne: sharedOne, subset: subset, ancestors: ancestors, breakToLeft: breakToLeft, breakToRight: breakToRight, breakPath: breakPath }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.selection.CellBounds', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse' ], function (Fun, Option, Warehouse) { var inSelection = function (bounds, detail) { var leftEdge = detail.column(); var rightEdge = detail.column() + detail.colspan() - 1; var topEdge = detail.row(); var bottomEdge = detail.row() + detail.rowspan() - 1; return ( leftEdge <= bounds.finishCol() && rightEdge >= bounds.startCol() ) && ( topEdge <= bounds.finishRow() && bottomEdge >= bounds.startRow() ); }; // Note, something is *within* if it is completely contained within the bounds. var isWithin = function (bounds, detail) { return ( detail.column() >= bounds.startCol() && (detail.column() + detail.colspan() - 1) <= bounds.finishCol() && detail.row() >= bounds.startRow() && (detail.row() + detail.rowspan() - 1) <= bounds.finishRow() ); }; var isRectangular = function (warehouse, bounds) { var isRect = true; var detailIsWithin = Fun.curry(isWithin, bounds); for (var i = bounds.startRow(); i<=bounds.finishRow(); i++) { for (var j = bounds.startCol(); j<=bounds.finishCol(); j++) { isRect = isRect && Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, i, j).exists(detailIsWithin); } } return isRect ? Option.some(bounds) : Option.none(); }; return { inSelection: inSelection, isWithin: isWithin, isRectangular: isRectangular }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.selection.CellGroup', [ 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.selection.CellBounds', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'global!Math' ], function (Structs, Warehouse, CellBounds, Compare, Math) { var getBounds = function (detailA, detailB) { return Structs.bounds( Math.min(detailA.row(), detailB.row()), Math.min(detailA.column(), detailB.column()), Math.max(detailA.row() + detailA.rowspan() - 1 , detailB.row() + detailB.rowspan() - 1), Math.max(detailA.column() + detailA.colspan() - 1, detailB.column() + detailB.colspan() - 1) ); }; var getAnyBox = function (warehouse, startCell, finishCell) { var startCoords = Warehouse.findItem(warehouse, startCell, Compare.eq); var finishCoords = Warehouse.findItem(warehouse, finishCell, Compare.eq); return startCoords.bind(function (sc) { return (fc) { return getBounds(sc, fc); }); }); }; var getBox = function (warehouse, startCell, finishCell) { return getAnyBox(warehouse, startCell, finishCell).bind(function (bounds) { return CellBounds.isRectangular(warehouse, bounds); }); }; return { getAnyBox: getAnyBox, getBox: getBox }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.selection.CellFinder', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.selection.CellBounds', 'ephox.snooker.selection.CellGroup', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare' ], function (Arr, Fun, Warehouse, CellBounds, CellGroup, Compare) { var moveBy = function (warehouse, cell, row, column) { return Warehouse.findItem(warehouse, cell, Compare.eq).bind(function (detail) { var startRow = row > 0 ? detail.row() + detail.rowspan() - 1 : detail.row(); var startCol = column > 0 ? detail.column() + detail.colspan() - 1 : detail.column(); var dest = Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, startRow + row, startCol + column); return (d) { return d.element(); }); }); }; var intercepts = function (warehouse, start, finish) { return CellGroup.getAnyBox(warehouse, start, finish).map(function (bounds) { var inside = Warehouse.filterItems(warehouse, Fun.curry(CellBounds.inSelection, bounds)); return, function (detail) { return detail.element(); }); }); }; var parentCell = function (warehouse, innerCell) { var isContainedBy = function (c1, c2) { return Compare.contains(c2, c1); }; return Warehouse.findItem(warehouse, innerCell, isContainedBy).bind(function (detail) { return detail.element(); }); }; return { moveBy: moveBy, intercepts: intercepts, parentCell: parentCell }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TablePositions', [ 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.selection.CellFinder', 'ephox.snooker.selection.CellGroup', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare' ], function (TableLookup, DetailsList, Warehouse, CellFinder, CellGroup, Compare) { var moveBy = function (cell, deltaRow, deltaColumn) { return TableLookup.table(cell).bind(function (table) { var warehouse = getWarehouse(table); return CellFinder.moveBy(warehouse, cell, deltaRow, deltaColumn); }); }; var intercepts = function (table, first, last) { var warehouse = getWarehouse(table); return CellFinder.intercepts(warehouse, first, last); }; var nestedIntercepts = function (table, first, firstTable, last, lastTable) { var warehouse = getWarehouse(table); var startCell = Compare.eq(table, firstTable) ? first : CellFinder.parentCell(warehouse, first); var lastCell = Compare.eq(table, lastTable) ? last : CellFinder.parentCell(warehouse, last); return CellFinder.intercepts(warehouse, startCell, lastCell); }; var getBox = function (table, first, last) { var warehouse = getWarehouse(table); return CellGroup.getBox(warehouse, first, last); }; // Private method ... keep warehouse in snooker, please. var getWarehouse = function (table) { var list = DetailsList.fromTable(table); return Warehouse.generate(list); }; return { moveBy: moveBy, intercepts: intercepts, nestedIntercepts: nestedIntercepts, getBox: getBox }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.selection.CellSelection', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.robin.api.dom.DomParent', 'ephox.snooker.api.TablePositions', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', '', '' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, DomParent, TablePositions, Compare, SelectorFilter, SelectorFind, Selectors) { var lookupTable = function (container, isRoot) { return SelectorFind.ancestor(container, 'table'); }; var identify = function (start, finish, isRoot) { // Optimisation: If the cells are equal, it's a single cell array if (Compare.eq(start, finish)) { return Option.some([ start ]); } else { return lookupTable(start, isRoot).bind(function (startTable) { return lookupTable(finish, isRoot).bind(function (finishTable) { if (Compare.eq(startTable, finishTable)) { // Selecting from within the same table. return TablePositions.intercepts(startTable, start, finish); } else if (Compare.contains(startTable, finishTable)) { // Selecting from the parent table to the nested table. return TablePositions.nestedIntercepts(startTable, start, startTable, finish, finishTable); } else if (Compare.contains(finishTable, startTable)) { // Selecting from the nested table to the parent table. return TablePositions.nestedIntercepts(finishTable, start, startTable, finish, finishTable); } else { // Selecting from a nested table to a different nested table. return DomParent.ancestors(start, finish).shared().bind(function (lca) { return SelectorFind.closest(lca, 'table', isRoot).bind(function (lcaTable) { return TablePositions.nestedIntercepts(lcaTable, start, startTable, finish, finishTable); }); }); } }); }); } }; var retrieve = function (container, selector) { var sels = SelectorFilter.descendants(container, selector); return sels.length > 0 ? Option.some(sels) : Option.none(); }; var getLast = function (boxes, lastSelectedSelector) { return Arr.find(boxes, function (box) { return, lastSelectedSelector); }); }; var getEdges = function (container, firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector) { return SelectorFind.descendant(container, firstSelectedSelector).bind(function (first) { return SelectorFind.descendant(container, lastSelectedSelector).bind(function (last) { return DomParent.sharedOne(lookupTable, [ first, last ]).map(function (tbl) { return { first: Fun.constant(first), last: Fun.constant(last), table: Fun.constant(tbl) }; }); }); }); }; var expandTo = function (finish, firstSelectedSelector) { return SelectorFind.ancestor(finish, 'table').bind(function (table) { return SelectorFind.descendant(table, firstSelectedSelector).bind(function (start) { return identify(start, finish).map(function (boxes) { return { boxes: Fun.constant(boxes), start: Fun.constant(start), finish: Fun.constant(finish) }; }); }); }); }; var shiftSelection = function (boxes, deltaRow, deltaColumn, firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector) { return getLast(boxes, lastSelectedSelector).bind(function (last) { return TablePositions.moveBy(last, deltaRow, deltaColumn).bind(function (finish) { return expandTo(finish, firstSelectedSelector); }); }); }; return { identify: identify, retrieve: retrieve, shiftSelection: shiftSelection, getEdges: getEdges }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.api.TableSelection', [ 'ephox.darwin.selection.CellSelection', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.TablePositions', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '' ], function (CellSelection, Option, TablePositions, Compare, SelectorFind) { // Explictly calling CellSelection.retrieve so that we can see the API signature. var retrieve = function (container, selector) { return CellSelection.retrieve(container, selector); }; var retrieveBox = function (container, firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector) { return CellSelection.getEdges(container, firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector).bind(function (edges) { var isRoot = function (ancestor) { return Compare.eq(container, ancestor); }; var firstAncestor = SelectorFind.ancestor(edges.first(), 'thead,tfoot,tbody,table', isRoot); var lastAncestor = SelectorFind.ancestor(edges.last(), 'thead,tfoot,tbody,table', isRoot); return firstAncestor.bind(function (fA) { return lastAncestor.bind(function (lA) { return Compare.eq(fA, lA) ? TablePositions.getBox(edges.table(), edges.first(), edges.last()) : Option.none(); }); }); }); }; return { retrieve: retrieve, retrieveBox: retrieveBox }; } ); /** * Ephemera.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Ephemera', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun' ], function (Fun) { var selected = 'data-mce-selected'; var selectedSelector = 'td[' + selected + '],th[' + selected + ']'; // used with not selectors var attributeSelector = '[' + selected + ']'; var firstSelected = 'data-mce-first-selected'; var firstSelectedSelector = 'td[' + firstSelected + '],th[' + firstSelected + ']'; var lastSelected = 'data-mce-last-selected'; var lastSelectedSelector = 'td[' + lastSelected + '],th[' + lastSelected + ']'; return { selected: Fun.constant(selected), selectedSelector: Fun.constant(selectedSelector), attributeSelector: Fun.constant(attributeSelector), firstSelected: Fun.constant(firstSelected), firstSelectedSelector: Fun.constant(firstSelectedSelector), lastSelected: Fun.constant(lastSelected), lastSelectedSelector: Fun.constant(lastSelectedSelector) }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Adt', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'global!Array', 'global!Error', 'global!console' ], function (Arr, Obj, Type, Array, Error, console) { /* * Generates a church encoded ADT ( * For syntax and use, look at the test code. */ var generate = function (cases) { // validation if (!Type.isArray(cases)) { throw new Error('cases must be an array'); } if (cases.length === 0) { throw new Error('there must be at least one case'); } var constructors = [ ]; // adt is mutated to add the individual cases var adt = {}; Arr.each(cases, function (acase, count) { var keys = Obj.keys(acase); // validation if (keys.length !== 1) { throw new Error('one and only one name per case'); } var key = keys[0]; var value = acase[key]; // validation if (adt[key] !== undefined) { throw new Error('duplicate key detected:' + key); } else if (key === 'cata') { throw new Error('cannot have a case named cata (sorry)'); } else if (!Type.isArray(value)) { // this implicitly checks if acase is an object throw new Error('case arguments must be an array'); } constructors.push(key); // // constructor for key // adt[key] = function () { var argLength = arguments.length; // validation if (argLength !== value.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to case ' + key + '. Expected ' + value.length + ' (' + value + '), got ' + argLength); } // Don't use array slice(arguments), makes the whole function unoptimisable on Chrome var args = new Array(argLength); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) args[i] = arguments[i]; var match = function (branches) { var branchKeys = Obj.keys(branches); if (constructors.length !== branchKeys.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to match. Expected: ' + constructors.join(',') + '\nActual: ' + branchKeys.join(',')); } var allReqd = Arr.forall(constructors, function (reqKey) { return Arr.contains(branchKeys, reqKey); }); if (!allReqd) throw new Error('Not all branches were specified when using match. Specified: ' + branchKeys.join(', ') + '\nRequired: ' + constructors.join(', ')); return branches[key].apply(null, args); }; // // the fold function for key // return { fold: function (/* arguments */) { // runtime validation if (arguments.length !== cases.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to fold. Expected ' + cases.length + ', got ' + arguments.length); } var target = arguments[count]; return target.apply(null, args); }, match: match, // NOTE: Only for debugging. log: function (label) { console.log(label, { constructors: constructors, constructor: key, params: args }); } }; }; }); return adt; }; return { generate: generate }; } ); /** * SelectionTypes.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.SelectionTypes', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Adt' ], function (Adt) { var type = Adt.generate([ { none: [] }, { multiple: [ 'elements' ] }, { single: [ 'selection' ] } ]); var cata = function (subject, onNone, onMultiple, onSingle) { return subject.fold(onNone, onMultiple, onSingle); }; return { cata: cata, none: type.none, multiple: type.multiple, single: type.single }; } ); /** * CellOperations.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.CellOperations', [ 'ephox.darwin.api.TableSelection', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', '', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Ephemera', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.SelectionTypes' ], function (TableSelection, Arr, Fun, Option, Attr, Ephemera, SelectionTypes) { // Return an array of the selected elements var selection = function (cell, selections) { return SelectionTypes.cata(selections.get(), Fun.constant([]), Fun.identity, Fun.constant([ cell ]) ); }; var unmergable = function (cell, selections) { var hasSpan = function (elem) { return (Attr.has(elem, 'rowspan') && parseInt(Attr.get(elem, 'rowspan'), 10) > 1) || (Attr.has(elem, 'colspan') && parseInt(Attr.get(elem, 'colspan'), 10) > 1); }; var candidates = selection(cell, selections); return candidates.length > 0 && Arr.forall(candidates, hasSpan) ? Option.some(candidates) : Option.none(); }; var mergable = function (table, selections) { return SelectionTypes.cata(selections.get(), Option.none, function (cells, _env) { if (cells.length === 0) { return Option.none(); } return TableSelection.retrieveBox(table, Ephemera.firstSelectedSelector(), Ephemera.lastSelectedSelector()).bind(function (bounds) { return cells.length > 1 ? Option.some({ bounds: Fun.constant(bounds), cells: Fun.constant(cells) }) : Option.none(); }); }, Option.none ); }; return { mergable: mergable, unmergable: unmergable, selection: selection }; } ); /** * TableTargets.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TableTargets', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.CellOperations' ], function (Fun, Option, Struct, CellOperations) { var noMenu = function (cell) { return { element: Fun.constant(cell), mergable: Option.none, unmergable: Option.none, selection: Fun.constant([cell]) }; }; var forMenu = function (selections, table, cell) { return { element: Fun.constant(cell), mergable: Fun.constant(CellOperations.mergable(table, selections)), unmergable: Fun.constant(CellOperations.unmergable(cell, selections)), selection: Fun.constant(CellOperations.selection(cell, selections)) }; }; var notCell = function (element) { return noMenu(element); }; var paste = Struct.immutable('element', 'clipboard', 'generators'); var pasteRows = function (selections, table, cell, clipboard, generators) { return { element: Fun.constant(cell), mergable: Option.none, unmergable: Option.none, selection: Fun.constant(CellOperations.selection(cell, selections)), clipboard: Fun.constant(clipboard), generators: Fun.constant(generators) }; }; return { noMenu: noMenu, forMenu: forMenu, notCell: notCell, paste: paste, pasteRows: pasteRows }; } ); /** * Clipboard.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.Clipboard', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.CopySelected', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableFill', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Replication', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Elements', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TableTargets', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Ephemera', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.SelectionTypes' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, CopySelected, TableFill, TableLookup, Replication, Element, Elements, Node, TableTargets, Ephemera, SelectionTypes) { var extractSelected = function (cells) { // Assume for now that we only have one table (also handles the case where we multi select outside a table) return TableLookup.table(cells[0]).map(Replication.deep).map(function (replica) { return [ CopySelected.extract(replica, Ephemera.attributeSelector()) ]; }); }; var serializeElement = function (editor, elm) { return editor.selection.serializer.serialize(elm.dom(), {}); }; var registerEvents = function (editor, selections, actions, cellSelection) { editor.on('BeforeGetContent', function (e) { var multiCellContext = function (cells) { e.preventDefault(); extractSelected(cells).each(function (elements) { e.content =, function (elm) { return serializeElement(editor, elm); }).join(''); }); }; if (e.selection === true) { SelectionTypes.cata(selections.get(), Fun.noop, multiCellContext, Fun.noop); } }); editor.on('BeforeSetContent', function (e) { if (e.selection === true && e.paste === true) { var cellOpt = Option.from(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'th,td')); cellOpt.each(function (domCell) { var cell = Element.fromDom(domCell); var table = TableLookup.table(cell); table.bind(function (table) { var elements = Arr.filter(Elements.fromHtml(e.content), function (content) { return !== 'meta'; }); if (elements.length === 1 &&[0]) === 'table') { e.preventDefault(); var doc = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc()); var generators = TableFill.paste(doc); var targets = TableTargets.paste(cell, elements[0], generators); actions.pasteCells(table, targets).each(function (rng) { editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.focus(); cellSelection.clear(table); }); } }); }); } }); }; return { registerEvents: registerEvents }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.operate.Render', [ '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll' ], function (Attr, Css, Element, Insert, InsertAll) { var makeTable = function () { return Element.fromTag('table'); }; var tableBody = function () { return Element.fromTag('tbody'); } var tableRow = function () { return Element.fromTag('tr'); }; var tableHeaderCell = function () { return Element.fromTag('th'); }; var tableCell = function () { return Element.fromTag('td'); }; var render = function (rows, columns, rowHeaders, columnHeaders) { var table = makeTable(); Css.setAll(table, { 'border-collapse': 'collapse', width: '100%' }); Attr.set(table, 'border', '1'); var tbody = tableBody(); Insert.append(table, tbody); var trs = []; for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { var tr = tableRow(); for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) { var td = i < rowHeaders || j < columnHeaders ? tableHeaderCell() : tableCell(); if (j < columnHeaders) { Attr.set(td, 'scope', 'row'); } if (i < rowHeaders) { Attr.set(td, 'scope', 'col'); } // Note, this is a placeholder so that the cells have height. The unicode character didn't work in IE10. Insert.append(td, Element.fromTag('br')); Css.set(td, 'width', (100 / columns) + '%'); Insert.append(tr, td); } trs.push(tr); } InsertAll.append(tbody, trs); return table; }; return { render: render }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TableRender', [ 'ephox.snooker.operate.Render' ], function (Render) { return { render: Render.render }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Elements', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', '' ], function (Element, Elements, Insert, InsertAll, Remove, Traverse) { var get = function (element) { return element.dom().innerHTML; }; var set = function (element, content) { var owner = Traverse.owner(element); var docDom = owner.dom(); // FireFox has *terrible* performance when using innerHTML = x var fragment = Element.fromDom(docDom.createDocumentFragment()); var contentElements = Elements.fromHtml(content, docDom); InsertAll.append(fragment, contentElements); Remove.empty(element); Insert.append(element, fragment); }; var getOuter = function (element) { var container = Element.fromTag('div'); var clone = Element.fromDom(element.dom().cloneNode(true)); Insert.append(container, clone); return get(container); }; return { get: get, set: set, getOuter: getOuter }; } ); /** * InsertTable.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.InsertTable', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableRender', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '', '', '' ], function (Fun, TableRender, Element, Attr, Html, SelectorFind) { var placeCaretInCell = function (editor, cell) {, true); editor.selection.collapse(true); }; var selectFirstCellInTable = function (editor, tableElm) { SelectorFind.descendant(tableElm, 'td,th').each(Fun.curry(placeCaretInCell, editor)); }; var insert = function (editor, columns, rows) { var tableElm; var renderedHtml = TableRender.render(rows, columns, 0, 0); Attr.set(renderedHtml, 'id', '__mce'); var html = Html.getOuter(renderedHtml); editor.insertContent(html); tableElm = editor.dom.get('__mce'); editor.dom.setAttrib(tableElm, 'id', null); editor.$('tr', tableElm).each(function (index, row) {'newrow', { node: row }); editor.$('th,td', row).each(function (index, cell) {'newcell', { node: cell }); }); }); editor.dom.setAttribs(tableElm, editor.settings.table_default_attributes || {}); editor.dom.setStyles(tableElm, editor.settings.table_default_styles || {}); selectFirstCellInTable(editor, Element.fromDom(tableElm)); return tableElm; }; return { insert: insert }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.impl.Dimension', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', '', 'ephox.sugar.impl.Style' ], function (Type, Arr, Css, Style) { return function (name, getOffset) { var set = function (element, h) { if (!Type.isNumber(h) && !h.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) throw name + '.set accepts only positive integer values. Value was ' + h; var dom = element.dom(); if (Style.isSupported(dom))[name] = h + 'px'; }; /* * jQuery supports querying width and height on the document and window objects. * * TBIO doesn't do this, so the code is removed to save space, but left here just in case. */ /* var getDocumentWidth = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); if (Node.isDocument(element)) { var body = dom.body; var doc = dom.documentElement; return Math.max( body.scrollHeight, doc.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, doc.offsetHeight, doc.clientHeight ); } }; var getWindowWidth = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); if (dom.window === dom) { // There is no offsetHeight on a window, so use the clientHeight of the document return dom.document.documentElement.clientHeight; } }; */ var get = function (element) { var r = getOffset(element); // zero or null means non-standard or disconnected, fall back to CSS if ( r <= 0 || r === null ) { var css = Css.get(element, name); // ugh this feels dirty, but it saves cycles return parseFloat(css) || 0; } return r; }; // in jQuery, getOuter replicates (or uses) box-sizing: border-box calculations // although these calculations only seem relevant for quirks mode, and edge cases TBIO doesn't rely on var getOuter = get; var aggregate = function (element, properties) { return Arr.foldl(properties, function (acc, property) { var val = Css.get(element, property); var value = val === undefined ? 0: parseInt(val, 10); return isNaN(value) ? acc : acc + value; }, 0); }; var max = function (element, value, properties) { var cumulativeInclusions = aggregate(element, properties); // if max-height is 100px and your cumulativeInclusions is 150px, there is no way max-height can be 100px, so we return 0. var absoluteMax = value > cumulativeInclusions ? value - cumulativeInclusions : 0; return absoluteMax; }; return { set: set, get: get, getOuter: getOuter, aggregate: aggregate, max: max }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Height', [ 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Body', '', 'ephox.sugar.impl.Dimension' ], function (Body, Css, Dimension) { var api = Dimension('height', function (element) { // getBoundingClientRect gives better results than offsetHeight for tables with captions on Firefox return Body.inBody(element) ? element.dom().getBoundingClientRect().height : element.dom().offsetHeight; }); var set = function (element, h) { api.set(element, h); }; var get = function (element) { return api.get(element); }; var getOuter = function (element) { return api.getOuter(element); }; var setMax = function (element, value) { // These properties affect the absolute max-height, they are not counted natively, we want to include these properties. var inclusions = [ 'margin-top', 'border-top-width', 'padding-top', 'padding-bottom', 'border-bottom-width', 'margin-bottom' ]; var absMax = api.max(element, value, inclusions); Css.set(element, 'max-height', absMax + 'px'); }; return { set: set, get: get, getOuter: getOuter, setMax: setMax }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Width', [ '', 'ephox.sugar.impl.Dimension' ], function (Css, Dimension) { var api = Dimension('width', function (element) { // IMO passing this function is better than using dom['offset' + 'width'] return element.dom().offsetWidth; }); var set = function (element, h) { api.set(element, h); }; var get = function (element) { return api.get(element); }; var getOuter = function (element) { return api.getOuter(element); }; var setMax = function (element, value) { // These properties affect the absolute max-height, they are not counted natively, we want to include these properties. var inclusions = [ 'margin-left', 'border-left-width', 'padding-left', 'padding-right', 'border-right-width', 'margin-right' ]; var absMax = api.max(element, value, inclusions); Css.set(element, 'max-width', absMax + 'px'); }; return { set: set, get: get, getOuter: getOuter, setMax: setMax }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.RuntimeSize', [ 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Height', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Width' ], function (PlatformDetection, Css, Height, Width) { var platform = PlatformDetection.detect(); var needManualCalc = function () { return platform.browser.isIE() || platform.browser.isEdge(); }; var toNumber = function (px, fallback) { var num = parseFloat(px); // parseFloat removes suffixes like px return isNaN(num) ? fallback : num; }; var getProp = function (elm, name, fallback) { return toNumber(Css.get(elm, name), fallback); }; var getCalculatedHeight = function (cell) { var paddingTop = getProp(cell, 'padding-top', 0); var paddingBottom = getProp(cell, 'padding-bottom', 0); var borderTop = getProp(cell, 'border-top-width', 0); var borderBottom = getProp(cell, 'border-bottom-width', 0); var height = cell.dom().getBoundingClientRect().height; var boxSizing = Css.get(cell, 'box-sizing'); var borders = borderTop + borderBottom; return boxSizing === 'border-box' ? height : height - paddingTop - paddingBottom - borders; }; var getWidth = function (cell) { return getProp(cell, 'width', Width.get(cell)); }; var getHeight = function (cell) { return needManualCalc() ? getCalculatedHeight(cell) : getProp(cell, 'height', Height.get(cell)); }; return { getWidth: getWidth, getHeight: getHeight }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.Sizes', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Strings', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.snooker.resize.RuntimeSize', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Height', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Width', 'global!Math', 'global!parseInt' ], function (Fun, Option, Strings, TableLookup, RuntimeSize, Node, Attr, Css, Height, Width, Math, parseInt) { var genericSizeRegex = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)(\w|%)*/; var percentageBasedSizeRegex = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)%/; var pixelBasedSizeRegex = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)px|em/; var setPixelWidth = function (cell, amount) { Css.set(cell, 'width', amount + 'px'); }; var setPercentageWidth = function (cell, amount) { Css.set(cell, 'width', amount + '%'); }; var setHeight = function (cell, amount) { Css.set(cell, 'height', amount + 'px'); }; var getHeightValue = function (cell) { return Css.getRaw(cell, 'height').getOrThunk(function () { return RuntimeSize.getHeight(cell) + 'px'; }); }; var convert = function (cell, number, getter, setter) { var newSize = TableLookup.table(cell).map(function (table) { var total = getter(table); return Math.floor((number / 100.0) * total); }).getOr(number); setter(cell, newSize); return newSize; }; var normalizePixelSize = function (value, cell, getter, setter) { var number = parseInt(value, 10); return Strings.endsWith(value, '%') && !== 'table' ? convert(cell, number, getter, setter) : number; }; var getTotalHeight = function (cell) { var value = getHeightValue(cell); if (!value) return Height.get(cell); return normalizePixelSize(value, cell, Height.get, setHeight); }; var get = function (cell, type, f) { var v = f(cell); var span = getSpan(cell, type); return v / span; }; var getSpan = function (cell, type) { return Attr.has(cell, type) ? parseInt(Attr.get(cell, type), 10) : 1; }; var getRawWidth = function (element) { // Try to use the style width first, otherwise attempt to get attribute width var cssWidth = Css.getRaw(element, 'width'); return cssWidth.fold(function () { return Option.from(Attr.get(element, 'width')); }, function (width) { return Option.some(width); }); }; var normalizePercentageWidth = function (cellWidth, tableSize) { return cellWidth / tableSize.pixelWidth() * 100; }; var choosePercentageSize = function (element, width, tableSize) { if (percentageBasedSizeRegex.test(width)) { var percentMatch = percentageBasedSizeRegex.exec(width); return parseFloat(percentMatch[1], 10); } else { var fallbackWidth = Width.get(element); var intWidth = parseInt(fallbackWidth, 10); return normalizePercentageWidth(intWidth, tableSize); } }; // Get a percentage size for a percentage parent table var getPercentageWidth = function (cell, tableSize) { var width = getRawWidth(cell); return width.fold(function () { var width = Width.get(cell); var intWidth = parseInt(width, 10); return normalizePercentageWidth(intWidth, tableSize); }, function (width) { return choosePercentageSize(cell, width, tableSize); }); }; var normalizePixelWidth = function (cellWidth, tableSize) { return cellWidth / 100 * tableSize.pixelWidth(); }; var choosePixelSize = function (element, width, tableSize) { if (pixelBasedSizeRegex.test(width)) { var pixelMatch = pixelBasedSizeRegex.exec(width); return parseInt(pixelMatch[1], 10); } else if (percentageBasedSizeRegex.test(width)) { var percentMatch = percentageBasedSizeRegex.exec(width); var floatWidth = parseFloat(percentMatch[1], 10); return normalizePixelWidth(floatWidth, tableSize); } else { var fallbackWidth = Width.get(element); return parseInt(fallbackWidth, 10); } }; var getPixelWidth = function (cell, tableSize) { var width = getRawWidth(cell); return width.fold(function () { var width = Width.get(cell); var intWidth = parseInt(width, 10); return intWidth; }, function (width) { return choosePixelSize(cell, width, tableSize); }); }; var getHeight = function (cell) { return get(cell, 'rowspan', getTotalHeight); }; var getGenericWidth = function (cell) { var width = getRawWidth(cell); return width.bind(function (width) { if (genericSizeRegex.test(width)) { var match = genericSizeRegex.exec(width); return Option.some({ width: Fun.constant(match[1]), unit: Fun.constant(match[3]) }); } else { return Option.none(); } }); }; var setGenericWidth = function (cell, amount, unit) { Css.set(cell, 'width', amount + unit); }; return { percentageBasedSizeRegex: Fun.constant(percentageBasedSizeRegex), pixelBasedSizeRegex: Fun.constant(pixelBasedSizeRegex), setPixelWidth: setPixelWidth, setPercentageWidth: setPercentageWidth, setHeight: setHeight, getPixelWidth: getPixelWidth, getPercentageWidth: getPercentageWidth, getGenericWidth: getGenericWidth, setGenericWidth: setGenericWidth, getHeight: getHeight, getRawWidth: getRawWidth }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.CellMutations', [ 'ephox.snooker.resize.Sizes' ], function (Sizes) { var halve = function (main, other) { var width = Sizes.getGenericWidth(main); width.each(function (width) { var newWidth = width.width() / 2; Sizes.setGenericWidth(main, newWidth, width.unit()); Sizes.setGenericWidth(other, newWidth, width.unit()); }); }; return { halve: halve }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Position', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun' ], function (Fun) { var r = function (left, top) { var translate = function (x, y) { return r(left + x, top + y); }; return { left: Fun.constant(left), top: Fun.constant(top), translate: translate }; }; return r; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Dom', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', 'global!document' ], function (Fun, Compare, Element, Node, PredicateFind, document) { // TEST: Is this just Body.inBody which doesn't need scope ?? var attached = function (element, scope) { var doc = scope || Element.fromDom(document.documentElement); return PredicateFind.ancestor(element, Fun.curry(Compare.eq, doc)).isSome(); }; // TEST: Is this just Traverse.defaultView ?? var windowOf = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); if (dom === dom.window) return element; return Node.isDocument(element) ? dom.defaultView || dom.parentWindow : null; }; return { attached: attached, windowOf: windowOf }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Location', [ 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Position', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Dom', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element' ], function (Position, Dom, Element) { var boxPosition = function (dom) { var box = dom.getBoundingClientRect(); return Position(box.left,; }; // Avoids falsy false fallthrough var firstDefinedOrZero = function (a, b) { return a !== undefined ? a : b !== undefined ? b : 0; }; var absolute = function (element) { var doc = element.dom().ownerDocument; var body = doc.body; var win = Dom.windowOf(Element.fromDom(doc)); var html = doc.documentElement; var scrollTop = firstDefinedOrZero(win.pageYOffset, html.scrollTop); var scrollLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(win.pageXOffset, html.scrollLeft); var clientTop = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientTop, body.clientTop); var clientLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientLeft, body.clientLeft); return viewport(element).translate( scrollLeft - clientLeft, scrollTop - clientTop); }; // This is the old $.position(), but JQuery does nonsense calculations. // We're only 1 <-> 1 with the old value in the single place we use this function // (ego.api.Dragging) so the rest can bite me. var relative = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); // jquery-ism: when style="position: fixed", this === boxPosition() // but tests reveal it returns the same thing anyway return Position(dom.offsetLeft, dom.offsetTop); }; var viewport = function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); var doc = dom.ownerDocument; var body = doc.body; var html = Element.fromDom(doc.documentElement); if (body === dom) return Position(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop); if (!Dom.attached(element, html)) return Position(0, 0); return boxPosition(dom); }; return { absolute: absolute, relative: relative, viewport: viewport }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.BarPositions', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Height', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Location', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Width' ], function (Arr, Fun, Struct, Height, Location, Width) { var rowInfo = Struct.immutable('row', 'y'); var colInfo = Struct.immutable('col', 'x'); var rtlEdge = function (cell) { var pos = Location.absolute(cell); return pos.left() + Width.getOuter(cell); }; var ltrEdge = function (cell) { return Location.absolute(cell).left(); }; var getLeftEdge = function (index, cell) { return colInfo(index, ltrEdge(cell)); }; var getRightEdge = function (index, cell) { return colInfo(index, rtlEdge(cell)); }; var getTop = function (cell) { return Location.absolute(cell).top(); }; var getTopEdge = function (index, cell) { return rowInfo(index, getTop(cell)); }; var getBottomEdge = function (index, cell) { return rowInfo(index, getTop(cell) + Height.getOuter(cell)); }; var findPositions = function (getInnerEdge, getOuterEdge, array) { if (array.length === 0 ) return []; var lines =, function (cellOption, index) { return (cell) { return getInnerEdge(index, cell); }); }); var lastLine = array[array.length - 1].map(function (cell) { return getOuterEdge(array.length - 1, cell); }); return lines.concat([ lastLine ]); }; var negate = function (step, _table) { return -step; }; var height = { delta: Fun.identity, positions: Fun.curry(findPositions, getTopEdge, getBottomEdge), edge: getTop }; var ltr = { delta: Fun.identity, edge: ltrEdge, positions: Fun.curry(findPositions, getLeftEdge, getRightEdge) }; var rtl = { delta: negate, edge: rtlEdge, positions: Fun.curry(findPositions, getRightEdge, getLeftEdge) }; return { height: height, rtl: rtl, ltr: ltr }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.ResizeDirection', [ 'ephox.snooker.resize.BarPositions' ], function (BarPositions) { return { ltr: BarPositions.ltr, rtl: BarPositions.rtl }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TableDirection', [ 'ephox.snooker.api.ResizeDirection' ], function (ResizeDirection) { return function (directionAt) { var auto = function (table) { return directionAt(table).isRtl() ? ResizeDirection.rtl : ResizeDirection.ltr; }; var delta = function (amount, table) { return auto(table).delta(amount, table); }; var positions = function (cols, table) { return auto(table).positions(cols, table); }; var edge = function (cell) { return auto(cell).edge(cell); }; return { delta: delta, edge: edge, positions: positions }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TableGridSize', [ 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse' ], function (DetailsList, Warehouse) { var getGridSize = function (table) { var input = DetailsList.fromTable(table); var warehouse = Warehouse.generate(input); return warehouse.grid(); }; return { getGridSize: getGridSize }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Cell', [ ], function () { var Cell = function (initial) { var value = initial; var get = function () { return value; }; var set = function (v) { value = v; }; var clone = function () { return Cell(get()); }; return { get: get, set: set, clone: clone }; }; return Cell; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Contracts', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'ephox.katamari.util.BagUtils', 'global!Error' ], function (Arr, Fun, Obj, Type, BagUtils, Error) { // Ensure that the object has all required fields. They must be functions. var base = function (handleUnsupported, required) { return baseWith(handleUnsupported, required, { validate: Type.isFunction, label: 'function' }); }; // Ensure that the object has all required fields. They must satisy predicates. var baseWith = function (handleUnsupported, required, pred) { if (required.length === 0) throw new Error('You must specify at least one required field.'); BagUtils.validateStrArr('required', required); BagUtils.checkDupes(required); return function (obj) { var keys = Obj.keys(obj); // Ensure all required keys are present. var allReqd = Arr.forall(required, function (req) { return Arr.contains(keys, req); }); if (! allReqd) BagUtils.reqMessage(required, keys); handleUnsupported(required, keys); var invalidKeys = Arr.filter(required, function (key) { return !pred.validate(obj[key], key); }); if (invalidKeys.length > 0) BagUtils.invalidTypeMessage(invalidKeys, pred.label); return obj; }; }; var handleExact = function (required, keys) { var unsupported = Arr.filter(keys, function (key) { return !Arr.contains(required, key); }); if (unsupported.length > 0) BagUtils.unsuppMessage(unsupported); }; var allowExtra = Fun.noop; return { exactly: Fun.curry(base, handleExact), ensure: Fun.curry(base, allowExtra), ensureWith: Fun.curry(baseWith, allowExtra) }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.Generators', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Cell', 'ephox.katamari.api.Contracts', '', '', 'global!parseInt' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Cell, Contracts, Attr, Css, parseInt) { var elementToData = function (element) { var colspan = Attr.has(element, 'colspan') ? parseInt(Attr.get(element, 'colspan'), 10) : 1; var rowspan = Attr.has(element, 'rowspan') ? parseInt(Attr.get(element, 'rowspan'), 10) : 1; return { element: Fun.constant(element), colspan: Fun.constant(colspan), rowspan: Fun.constant(rowspan) }; }; var modification = function (generators, _toData) { contract(generators); var position = Cell(Option.none()); var toData = _toData !== undefined ? _toData : elementToData; var nu = function (data) { return generators.cell(data); }; var nuFrom = function (element) { var data = toData(element); return nu(data); }; var add = function (element) { var replacement = nuFrom(element); if (position.get().isNone()) position.set(Option.some(replacement)); recent = Option.some({ item: element, replacement: replacement }); return replacement; }; var recent = Option.none(); var getOrInit = function (element, comparator) { return recent.fold(function () { return add(element); }, function (p) { return comparator(element, p.item) ? p.replacement : add(element); }); }; return { getOrInit: getOrInit, cursor: position.get } ; }; var transform = function (scope, tag) { return function (generators) { var position = Cell(Option.none()); contract(generators); var list = []; var find = function (element, comparator) { return Arr.find(list, function (x) { return comparator(x.item, element); }); }; var makeNew = function (element) { var cell = generators.replace(element, tag, { scope: scope }); list.push({ item: element, sub: cell }); if (position.get().isNone()) position.set(Option.some(cell)); return cell; }; var replaceOrInit = function (element, comparator) { return find(element, comparator).fold(function () { return makeNew(element); }, function (p) { return comparator(element, p.item) ? p.sub : makeNew(element); }); }; return { replaceOrInit: replaceOrInit, cursor: position.get }; }; }; var merging = function (generators) { contract(generators); var position = Cell(Option.none()); var combine = function (cell) { if (position.get().isNone()) position.set(Option.some(cell)); return function () { var raw = generators.cell({ element: Fun.constant(cell), colspan: Fun.constant(1), rowspan: Fun.constant(1) }); // Remove any width calculations because they are no longer relevant. Css.remove(raw, 'width'); Css.remove(cell, 'width'); return raw; }; }; return { combine: combine, cursor: position.get }; }; var contract = Contracts.exactly([ 'cell', 'row', 'replace', 'gap' ]); return { modification: modification, transform: transform, merging: merging }; } ); define( 'ephox.robin.api.general.Structure', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr' ], function (Arr) { var blockList = [ 'body', 'p', 'div', 'article', 'aside', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'header', 'nav', 'section', 'ol', 'ul', // --- NOTE, TagBoundaries has li here. That means universe.isBoundary => true for li tags. 'table', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody', 'caption', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'address' ]; var isList = function (universe, item) { var tagName =; return Arr.contains([ 'ol', 'ul' ], tagName); }; var isBlock = function (universe, item) { var tagName =; return Arr.contains(blockList, tagName); }; var isFormatting = function (universe, item) { var tagName =; return Arr.contains([ 'address', 'pre', 'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6' ], tagName); }; var isHeading = function (universe, item) { var tagName =; return Arr.contains([ 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6' ], tagName); }; var isContainer = function (universe, item) { return Arr.contains([ 'div', 'li', 'td', 'th', 'blockquote', 'body', 'caption' ],; }; var isEmptyTag = function (universe, item) { return Arr.contains([ 'br', 'img', 'hr', 'input' ],; }; var isFrame = function (universe, item) { return === 'iframe'; }; var isInline = function (universe, item) { return !(isBlock(universe, item) || isEmptyTag(universe, item)) && !== 'li'; }; return { isBlock: isBlock, isList: isList, isFormatting: isFormatting, isHeading: isHeading, isContainer: isContainer, isEmptyTag: isEmptyTag, isFrame: isFrame, isInline: isInline }; } ); define( 'ephox.robin.api.dom.DomStructure', [ 'ephox.boss.api.DomUniverse', 'ephox.robin.api.general.Structure' ], /** * Documentation is in the actual implementations. */ function (DomUniverse, Structure) { var universe = DomUniverse(); var isBlock = function (element) { return Structure.isBlock(universe, element); }; var isList = function (element) { return Structure.isList(universe, element); }; var isFormatting = function (element) { return Structure.isFormatting(universe, element); }; var isHeading = function (element) { return Structure.isHeading(universe, element); }; var isContainer = function (element) { return Structure.isContainer(universe, element); }; var isEmptyTag = function (element) { return Structure.isEmptyTag(universe, element); }; var isFrame = function (element) { return Structure.isFrame(universe, element); }; var isInline = function (element) { return Structure.isInline(universe, element); }; return { isBlock: isBlock, isList: isList, isFormatting: isFormatting, isHeading: isHeading, isContainer: isContainer, isEmptyTag: isEmptyTag, isFrame: isFrame, isInline: isInline }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TableContent', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.robin.api.dom.DomStructure', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Text', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.CursorPosition' ], function (Arr, DomStructure, Compare, InsertAll, Remove, Element, Node, Text, PredicateFind, Traverse, CursorPosition) { var merge = function (cells) { var isBr = function (el) { return === 'br'; }; var advancedBr = function (children) { return Arr.forall(children, function (c) { return isBr(c) || (Node.isText(c) && Text.get(c).trim().length === 0); }); }; var isListItem = function (el) { return === 'li' || PredicateFind.ancestor(el, DomStructure.isList).isSome(); }; var siblingIsBlock = function (el) { return Traverse.nextSibling(el).map(function (rightSibling) { if (DomStructure.isBlock(rightSibling)) return true; if (DomStructure.isEmptyTag(rightSibling)) { return === 'img' ? false : true; } }).getOr(false); }; var markCell = function (cell) { return CursorPosition.last(cell).bind(function (rightEdge) { var rightSiblingIsBlock = siblingIsBlock(rightEdge); return Traverse.parent(rightEdge).map(function (parent) { return rightSiblingIsBlock === true || isListItem(parent) || isBr(rightEdge) || (DomStructure.isBlock(parent) && !Compare.eq(cell, parent)) ? [] : [ Element.fromTag('br') ]; }); }).getOr([]); }; var markContent = function () { var content = Arr.bind(cells, function (cell) { var children = Traverse.children(cell); return advancedBr(children) ? [ ] : children.concat(markCell(cell)); }); return content.length === 0 ? [ Element.fromTag('br') ] : content; }; var contents = markContent(); Remove.empty(cells[0]); InsertAll.append(cells[0], contents); }; return { merge: merge }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.model.GridRow', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs' ], function (Arr, Structs) { var addCell = function (gridRow, index, cell) { var cells = gridRow.cells(); var before = cells.slice(0, index); var after = cells.slice(index); var newCells = before.concat([ cell ]).concat(after); return setCells(gridRow, newCells); }; var mutateCell = function (gridRow, index, cell) { var cells = gridRow.cells(); cells[index] = cell; }; var setCells = function (gridRow, cells) { return Structs.rowcells(cells, gridRow.section()); }; var mapCells = function (gridRow, f) { var cells = gridRow.cells(); var r =, f); return Structs.rowcells(r, gridRow.section()); }; var getCell = function (gridRow, index) { return gridRow.cells()[index]; }; var getCellElement = function (gridRow, index) { return getCell(gridRow, index).element(); }; var cellLength = function (gridRow) { return gridRow.cells().length; }; return { addCell: addCell, setCells: setCells, mutateCell: mutateCell, getCell: getCell, getCellElement: getCellElement, mapCells: mapCells, cellLength: cellLength }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Merger', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Type', 'global!Array', 'global!Error' ], function (Type, Array, Error) { var shallow = function (old, nu) { return nu; }; var deep = function (old, nu) { var bothObjects = Type.isObject(old) && Type.isObject(nu); return bothObjects ? deepMerge(old, nu) : nu; }; var baseMerge = function (merger) { return function() { // Don't use array slice(arguments), makes the whole function unoptimisable on Chrome var objects = new Array(arguments.length); for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) objects[i] = arguments[i]; if (objects.length === 0) throw new Error('Can\'t merge zero objects'); var ret = {}; for (var j = 0; j < objects.length; j++) { var curObject = objects[j]; for (var key in curObject) if (curObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { ret[key] = merger(ret[key], curObject[key]); } } return ret; }; }; var deepMerge = baseMerge(deep); var merge = baseMerge(shallow); return { deepMerge: deepMerge, merge: merge }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Options', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option' ], function (Option) { /** cat :: [Option a] -> [a] */ var cat = function (arr) { var r = []; var push = function (x) { r.push(x); }; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i].each(push); } return r; }; /** findMap :: ([a], (a, Int -> Option b)) -> Option b */ var findMap = function (arr, f) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var r = f(arr[i], i); if (r.isSome()) { return r; } } return Option.none(); }; /** * if all elements in arr are 'some', their inner values are passed as arguments to f * f must have arity arr.length */ var liftN = function(arr, f) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var x = arr[i]; if (x.isSome()) { r.push(x.getOrDie()); } else { return Option.none(); } } return Option.some(f.apply(null, r)); }; return { cat: cat, findMap: findMap, liftN: liftN }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.model.TableGrid', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.model.GridRow' ], function (Arr, Fun, GridRow) { var getColumn = function (grid, index) { return, function (row) { return GridRow.getCell(row, index); }); }; var getRow = function (grid, index) { return grid[index]; }; var findDiff = function (xs, comp) { if (xs.length === 0) return 0; var first = xs[0]; var index = Arr.findIndex(xs, function (x) { return !comp(first.element(), x.element()); }); return index.fold(function () { return xs.length; }, function (ind) { return ind; }); }; /* * grid is the grid * row is the row index into the grid * column in the column index into the grid * * Return * colspan: column span of the cell at (row, column) * rowspan: row span of the cell at (row, column) */ var subgrid = function (grid, row, column, comparator) { var restOfRow = getRow(grid, row).cells().slice(column); var endColIndex = findDiff(restOfRow, comparator); var restOfColumn = getColumn(grid, column).slice(row); var endRowIndex = findDiff(restOfColumn, comparator); return { colspan: Fun.constant(endColIndex), rowspan: Fun.constant(endRowIndex) }; }; return { subgrid: subgrid }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.model.Transitions', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.model.TableGrid', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse' ], function (Arr, Structs, TableGrid, Warehouse) { var toDetails = function (grid, comparator) { var seen =, function (row, ri) { return, function (col, ci) { return false; }); }); var updateSeen = function (ri, ci, rowspan, colspan) { for (var r = ri; r < ri + rowspan; r++) { for (var c = ci; c < ci + colspan; c++) { seen[r][c] = true; } } }; return, function (row, ri) { var details = Arr.bind(row.cells(), function (cell, ci) { // if we have seen this one, then skip it. if (seen[ri][ci] === false) { var result = TableGrid.subgrid(grid, ri, ci, comparator); updateSeen(ri, ci, result.rowspan(), result.colspan()); return [ Structs.detailnew(cell.element(), result.rowspan(), result.colspan(), cell.isNew()) ]; } else { return []; } }); return Structs.rowdetails(details, row.section()); }); }; var toGrid = function (warehouse, generators, isNew) { var grid = []; for (var i = 0; i < warehouse.grid().rows(); i++) { var rowCells = []; for (var j = 0; j < warehouse.grid().columns(); j++) { // The element is going to be the element at that position, or a newly generated gap. var element = Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, i, j).map(function (item) { return Structs.elementnew(item.element(), isNew); }).getOrThunk(function () { return Structs.elementnew(, true); }); rowCells.push(element); } var row = Structs.rowcells(rowCells, warehouse.all()[i].section()); grid.push(row); } return grid; }; return { toDetails: toDetails, toGrid: toGrid }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.operate.Redraw', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.InsertAll', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Replication', '', '' ], function (Arr, Fun, Attr, Element, Insert, InsertAll, Remove, Replication, SelectorFind, Traverse) { var setIfNot = function (element, property, value, ignore) { if (value === ignore) Attr.remove(element, property); else Attr.set(element, property, value); }; var render = function (table, grid) { var newRows = []; var newCells = []; var renderSection = function (gridSection, sectionName) { var section = SelectorFind.child(table, sectionName).getOrThunk(function () { var tb = Element.fromTag(sectionName, Traverse.owner(table).dom()); Insert.append(table, tb); return tb; }); Remove.empty(section); var rows =, function (row) { if (row.isNew()) { newRows.push(row.element()); } var tr = row.element(); Remove.empty(tr); Arr.each(row.cells(), function (cell) { if (cell.isNew()) { newCells.push(cell.element()); } setIfNot(cell.element(), 'colspan', cell.colspan(), 1); setIfNot(cell.element(), 'rowspan', cell.rowspan(), 1); Insert.append(tr, cell.element()); }); return tr; }); InsertAll.append(section, rows); }; var removeSection = function (sectionName) { SelectorFind.child(table, sectionName).bind(Remove.remove); }; var renderOrRemoveSection = function (gridSection, sectionName) { if (gridSection.length > 0) { renderSection(gridSection, sectionName); } else { removeSection(sectionName); } }; var headSection = []; var bodySection = []; var footSection = []; Arr.each(grid, function (row) { switch (row.section()) { case 'thead': headSection.push(row); break; case 'tbody': bodySection.push(row); break; case 'tfoot': footSection.push(row); break; } }); renderOrRemoveSection(headSection, 'thead'); renderOrRemoveSection(bodySection, 'tbody'); renderOrRemoveSection(footSection, 'tfoot'); return { newRows: Fun.constant(newRows), newCells: Fun.constant(newCells) }; }; var copy = function (grid) { var rows =, function (row) { // Shallow copy the row element var tr = Replication.shallow(row.element()); Arr.each(row.cells(), function (cell) { var clonedCell = Replication.deep(cell.element()); setIfNot(clonedCell, 'colspan', cell.colspan(), 1); setIfNot(clonedCell, 'rowspan', cell.rowspan(), 1); Insert.append(tr, clonedCell); }); return tr; }); return rows; }; return { render: render, copy: copy }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.util.Util', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Options', 'global!Math' ], function (Arr, Option, Options, Math) { // Rename this module, and repeat should be in Arr. var repeat = function(repititions, f) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < repititions; i++) { r.push(f(i)); } return r; }; var range = function (start, end) { var r = []; for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { r.push(i); } return r; }; var unique = function (xs, comparator) { var result = []; Arr.each(xs, function (x, i) { if (i < xs.length - 1 && !comparator(x, xs[i + 1])) { result.push(x); } else if (i === xs.length - 1) { result.push(x); } }); return result; }; var deduce = function (xs, index) { if (index < 0 || index >= xs.length - 1) return Option.none(); var current = xs[index].fold(function () { var rest = Arr.reverse(xs.slice(0, index)); return Options.findMap(rest, function (a, i) { return (aa) { return { value: aa, delta: i+1 }; }); }); }, function (c) { return Option.some({ value: c, delta: 0 }); }); var next = xs[index + 1].fold(function () { var rest = xs.slice(index + 1); return Options.findMap(rest, function (a, i) { return (aa) { return { value: aa, delta: i + 1 }; }); }); }, function (n) { return Option.some({ value: n, delta: 1 }); }); return current.bind(function (c) { return (n) { var extras = +; return Math.abs(n.value - c.value) / extras; }); }); }; return { repeat: repeat, range: range, unique: unique, deduce: deduce }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.lookup.Blocks', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.util.Util' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Warehouse, Util) { /* * Identify for each column, a cell that has colspan 1. Note, this * may actually fail, and future work will be to calculate column * sizes that are only available through the difference of two * spanning columns. */ var columns = function (warehouse) { var grid = warehouse.grid(); var cols = Util.range(0, grid.columns()); var rows = Util.range(0, grid.rows()); return, function (col) { var getBlock = function () { return Arr.bind(rows, function (r) { return Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, r, col).filter(function (detail) { return detail.column() === col; }).fold(Fun.constant([]), function (detail) { return [ detail ]; }); }); }; var isSingle = function (detail) { return detail.colspan() === 1; }; var getFallback = function () { return Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, 0, col); }; return decide(getBlock, isSingle, getFallback); }); }; var decide = function (getBlock, isSingle, getFallback) { var inBlock = getBlock(); var singleInBlock = Arr.find(inBlock, isSingle); var detailOption = singleInBlock.orThunk(function () { return Option.from(inBlock[0]).orThunk(getFallback); }); return (detail) { return detail.element(); }); }; var rows = function (warehouse) { var grid = warehouse.grid(); var rows = Util.range(0, grid.rows()); var cols = Util.range(0, grid.columns()); return, function (row) { var getBlock = function () { return Arr.bind(cols, function (c) { return Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, row, c).filter(function (detail) { return detail.row() === row; }).fold(Fun.constant([]), function (detail) { return [ detail ]; }); }); }; var isSingle = function (detail) { return detail.rowspan() === 1; }; var getFallback = function () { return Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, row, 0); }; return decide(getBlock, isSingle, getFallback); }); }; return { columns: columns, rows: rows }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.Bar', [ '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element' ], function (Attr, Css, Element) { var col = function (column, x, y, w, h) { var blocker = Element.fromTag('div'); Css.setAll(blocker, { position: 'absolute', left: x - w/2 + 'px', top: y + 'px', height: h + 'px', width: w + 'px' }); Attr.set(blocker, 'data-column', column); return blocker; }; var row = function (row, x, y, w, h) { var blocker = Element.fromTag('div'); Css.setAll(blocker, { position: 'absolute', left: x + 'px', top: y - h/2 + 'px', height: h + 'px', width: w + 'px' }); Attr.set(blocker, 'data-row', row); return blocker; }; return { col: col, row: row }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Namespace', [ ], function () { // This API is intended to give the capability to return namespaced strings. // For CSS, since dots are not valid class names, the dots are turned into dashes. var css = function (namespace) { var dashNamespace = namespace.replace(/\./g, '-'); var resolve = function (str) { return dashNamespace + '-' + str; }; return { resolve: resolve }; }; return { css: css }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Namespace' ], function (Namespace) { var styles = Namespace.css('ephox-snooker'); return { resolve: styles.resolve }; } ); define( '', [ ], function () { return function (turnOff, turnOn, initial) { var active = initial || false; var on = function () { turnOn(); active = true; }; var off = function () { turnOff(); active = false; }; var toggle = function () { var f = active ? off : on; f(); }; var isOn = function () { return active; }; return { on: on, off: off, toggle: toggle, isOn: isOn }; }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', '' ], function (Arr, Attr) { // Methods for handling attributes that contain a list of values <div foo="alpha beta theta"> var read = function (element, attr) { var value = Attr.get(element, attr); return value === undefined || value === '' ? [] : value.split(' '); }; var add = function (element, attr, id) { var old = read(element, attr); var nu = old.concat([id]); Attr.set(element, attr, nu.join(' ')); }; var remove = function (element, attr, id) { var nu = Arr.filter(read(element, attr), function (v) { return v !== id; }); if (nu.length > 0) Attr.set(element, attr, nu.join(' ')); else Attr.remove(element, attr); }; return { read: read, add: add, remove: remove }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.impl.ClassList', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', '' ], function (Arr, AttrList) { var supports = function (element) { // IE11 Can return undefined for a classList on elements such as math, so we make sure it's not undefined before attempting to use it. return element.dom().classList !== undefined; }; var get = function (element) { return, 'class'); }; var add = function (element, clazz) { return AttrList.add(element, 'class', clazz); }; var remove = function (element, clazz) { return AttrList.remove(element, 'class', clazz); }; var toggle = function (element, clazz) { if (Arr.contains(get(element), clazz)) { remove(element, clazz); } else { add(element, clazz); } }; return { get: get, add: add, remove: remove, toggle: toggle, supports: supports }; } ); define( '', [ '', '', 'ephox.sugar.impl.ClassList' ], function (Toggler, Attr, ClassList) { /* * ClassList is IE10 minimum: * * * Note that IE doesn't support the second argument to toggle (at all). * If it did, the toggler could be better. */ var add = function (element, clazz) { if (ClassList.supports(element)) element.dom().classList.add(clazz); else ClassList.add(element, clazz); }; var cleanClass = function (element) { var classList = ClassList.supports(element) ? element.dom().classList : ClassList.get(element); // classList is a "live list", so this is up to date already if (classList.length === 0) { // No more classes left, remove the class attribute as well Attr.remove(element, 'class'); } }; var remove = function (element, clazz) { if (ClassList.supports(element)) { var classList = element.dom().classList; classList.remove(clazz); } else ClassList.remove(element, clazz); cleanClass(element); }; var toggle = function (element, clazz) { return ClassList.supports(element) ? element.dom().classList.toggle(clazz) : ClassList.toggle(element, clazz); }; var toggler = function (element, clazz) { var hasClasslist = ClassList.supports(element); var classList = element.dom().classList; var off = function () { if (hasClasslist) classList.remove(clazz); else ClassList.remove(element, clazz); }; var on = function () { if (hasClasslist) classList.add(clazz); else ClassList.add(element, clazz); }; return Toggler(off, on, has(element, clazz)); }; var has = function (element, clazz) { // Cereal has a nasty habit of calling this with a text node >.< return ClassList.supports(element) && element.dom().classList.contains(clazz); }; // set deleted, risks bad performance. Be deterministic. return { add: add, remove: remove, toggle: toggle, toggler: toggler, has: has }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.Bars', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.snooker.lookup.Blocks', 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Bar', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', '', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Height', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Location', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Width' ], function (Arr, Blocks, DetailsList, Warehouse, Bar, Styles, Insert, Remove, Class, Css, SelectorFilter, Height, Location, Width) { var resizeBar = Styles.resolve('resizer-bar'); var resizeRowBar = Styles.resolve('resizer-rows'); var resizeColBar = Styles.resolve('resizer-cols'); var BAR_THICKNESS = 7; var clear = function (wire) { var previous = SelectorFilter.descendants(wire.parent(), '.' + resizeBar); Arr.each(previous, Remove.remove); }; var drawBar = function (wire, positions, create) { var origin = wire.origin(); Arr.each(positions, function (cpOption, i) { cpOption.each(function (cp) { var bar = create(origin, cp); Class.add(bar, resizeBar); Insert.append(wire.parent(), bar); }); }); }; var refreshCol = function (wire, colPositions, position, tableHeight) { drawBar(wire, colPositions, function (origin, cp) { var colBar = Bar.col(cp.col(), cp.x() - origin.left(), -, BAR_THICKNESS, tableHeight); Class.add(colBar, resizeColBar); return colBar; }); }; var refreshRow = function (wire, rowPositions, position, tableWidth) { drawBar(wire, rowPositions, function (origin, cp) { var rowBar = Bar.row(cp.row(), position.left() - origin.left(), cp.y() -, tableWidth, BAR_THICKNESS); Class.add(rowBar, resizeRowBar); return rowBar; }); }; var refreshGrid = function (wire, table, rows, cols, hdirection, vdirection) { var position = Location.absolute(table); var rowPositions = rows.length > 0 ? hdirection.positions(rows, table) : []; refreshRow(wire, rowPositions, position, Width.getOuter(table)); var colPositions = cols.length > 0 ? vdirection.positions(cols, table) : []; refreshCol(wire, colPositions, position, Height.getOuter(table)); }; var refresh = function (wire, table, hdirection, vdirection) { clear(wire, table); var list = DetailsList.fromTable(table); var warehouse = Warehouse.generate(list); var rows = Blocks.rows(warehouse); var cols = Blocks.columns(warehouse); refreshGrid(wire, table, rows, cols, hdirection, vdirection); }; var each = function (wire, f) { var bars = SelectorFilter.descendants(wire.parent(), '.' + resizeBar); Arr.each(bars, f); }; var hide = function (wire) { each(wire, function(bar) { Css.set(bar, 'display', 'none'); }); }; var show = function (wire) { each(wire, function(bar) { Css.set(bar, 'display', 'block'); }); }; var isRowBar = function (element) { return Class.has(element, resizeRowBar); }; var isColBar = function (element) { return Class.has(element, resizeColBar); }; return { refresh: refresh, hide: hide, show: show, destroy: clear, isRowBar: isRowBar, isColBar: isColBar }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.model.RunOperation', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Merger', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Options', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', 'ephox.snooker.model.Transitions', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.operate.Redraw', 'ephox.snooker.resize.BarPositions', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Bars', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '' ], function (Arr, Merger, Fun, Option, Options, Structs, TableLookup, DetailsList, Transitions, Warehouse, Redraw, BarPositions, Bars, Compare, Traverse) { var fromWarehouse = function (warehouse, generators) { return Transitions.toGrid(warehouse, generators, false); }; var deriveRows = function (rendered, generators) { // The row is either going to be a new row, or the row of any of the cells. var findRow = function (details) { var rowOfCells = Options.findMap(details, function (detail) { return Traverse.parent(detail.element()).map(function (row) { // If the row has a parent, it's within the existing table, otherwise it's a copied row var isNew = Traverse.parent(row).isNone(); return Structs.elementnew(row, isNew); }); }); return rowOfCells.getOrThunk(function () { return Structs.elementnew(generators.row(), true); }); }; return, function (details) { var row = findRow(details.details()); return Structs.rowdatanew(row.element(), details.details(), details.section(), row.isNew()); }); }; var toDetailList = function (grid, generators) { var rendered = Transitions.toDetails(grid, Compare.eq); return deriveRows(rendered, generators); }; var findInWarehouse = function (warehouse, element) { var all = Arr.flatten(, function (r) { return r.cells(); })); return Arr.find(all, function (e) { return Compare.eq(element, e.element()); }); }; var run = function (operation, extract, adjustment, postAction, genWrappers) { return function (wire, table, target, generators, direction) { var input = DetailsList.fromTable(table); var warehouse = Warehouse.generate(input); var output = extract(warehouse, target).map(function (info) { var model = fromWarehouse(warehouse, generators); var result = operation(model, info, Compare.eq, genWrappers(generators)); var grid = toDetailList(result.grid(), generators); return { grid: Fun.constant(grid), cursor: result.cursor }; }); return output.fold(function () { return Option.none(); }, function (out) { var newElements = Redraw.render(table, out.grid()); adjustment(table, out.grid(), direction); postAction(table); Bars.refresh(wire, table, BarPositions.height, direction); return Option.some({ cursor: out.cursor, newRows: newElements.newRows, newCells: newElements.newCells }); }); }; }; var onCell = function (warehouse, target) { return TableLookup.cell(target.element()).bind(function (cell) { return findInWarehouse(warehouse, cell); }); }; var onPaste = function (warehouse, target) { return TableLookup.cell(target.element()).bind(function (cell) { return findInWarehouse(warehouse, cell).map(function (details) { return Merger.merge(details, { generators: target.generators, clipboard: target.clipboard }); }); }); }; var onPasteRows = function (warehouse, target) { var details =, function (cell) { return TableLookup.cell(cell).bind(function (lc) { return findInWarehouse(warehouse, lc); }); }); var cells =; return cells.length > 0 ? Option.some(Merger.merge({cells: cells}, { generators: target.generators, clipboard: target.clipboard })) : Option.none(); }; var onMergable = function (warehouse, target) { return target.mergable(); }; var onUnmergable = function (warehouse, target) { return target.unmergable(); }; var onCells = function (warehouse, target) { var details =, function (cell) { return TableLookup.cell(cell).bind(function (lc) { return findInWarehouse(warehouse, lc); }); }); var cells =; return cells.length > 0 ? Option.some(cells) : Option.none(); }; return { run: run, toDetailList: toDetailList, onCell: onCell, onCells: onCells, onPaste: onPaste, onPasteRows: onPasteRows, onMergable: onMergable, onUnmergable: onUnmergable }; } ); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Result', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option' ], function (Fun, Option) { /* The type signatures for Result * is :: this Result a -> a -> Bool * or :: this Result a -> Result a -> Result a * orThunk :: this Result a -> (_ -> Result a) -> Result a * map :: this Result a -> (a -> b) -> Result b * each :: this Result a -> (a -> _) -> _ * bind :: this Result a -> (a -> Result b) -> Result b * fold :: this Result a -> (_ -> b, a -> b) -> b * exists :: this Result a -> (a -> Bool) -> Bool * forall :: this Result a -> (a -> Bool) -> Bool * toOption :: this Result a -> Option a * isValue :: this Result a -> Bool * isError :: this Result a -> Bool * getOr :: this Result a -> a -> a * getOrThunk :: this Result a -> (_ -> a) -> a * getOrDie :: this Result a -> a (or throws error) */ var value = function (o) { var is = function (v) { return o === v; }; var or = function (opt) { return value(o); }; var orThunk = function (f) { return value(o); }; var map = function (f) { return value(f(o)); }; var each = function (f) { f(o); }; var bind = function (f) { return f(o); }; var fold = function (_, onValue) { return onValue(o); }; var exists = function (f) { return f(o); }; var forall = function (f) { return f(o); }; var toOption = function () { return Option.some(o); }; return { is: is, isValue: Fun.constant(true), isError: Fun.constant(false), getOr: Fun.constant(o), getOrThunk: Fun.constant(o), getOrDie: Fun.constant(o), or: or, orThunk: orThunk, fold: fold, map: map, each: each, bind: bind, exists: exists, forall: forall, toOption: toOption }; }; var error = function (message) { var getOrThunk = function (f) { return f(); }; var getOrDie = function () { return Fun.die(message)(); }; var or = function (opt) { return opt; }; var orThunk = function (f) { return f(); }; var map = function (f) { return error(message); }; var bind = function (f) { return error(message); }; var fold = function (onError, _) { return onError(message); }; return { is: Fun.constant(false), isValue: Fun.constant(false), isError: Fun.constant(true), getOr: Fun.identity, getOrThunk: getOrThunk, getOrDie: getOrDie, or: or, orThunk: orThunk, fold: fold, map: map, each: Fun.noop, bind: bind, exists: Fun.constant(false), forall: Fun.constant(true), toOption: Option.none }; }; return { value: value, error: error }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.model.Fitment', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Result', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.model.GridRow', 'ephox.snooker.util.Util', 'global!Array', 'global!Error', 'global!Math' ], function (Arr, Fun, Result, Structs, GridRow, Util, Array, Error, Math) { /* Fitment, is a module used to ensure that the Inserted table (gridB) can fit squareley within the Host table (gridA). - measure returns a delta of rows and cols, eg: - col: 3 means gridB can fit with 3 spaces to spare - row: -5 means gridB can needs 5 more rows to completely fit into gridA - col: 0, row: 0 depics perfect fitment - tailor, requires a delta and returns grid that is built to match the delta, tailored to fit. eg: 3x3 gridA, with a delta col: -3, row: 2 returns a new grid 3 rows x 6 cols - assumptions: All grids used by this module should be rectangular */ var measure = function (startAddress, gridA, gridB) { if (startAddress.row() >= gridA.length || startAddress.column() > GridRow.cellLength(gridA[0])) return Result.error('invalid start address out of table bounds, row: ' + startAddress.row() + ', column: ' + startAddress.column()); var rowRemainder = gridA.slice(startAddress.row()); var colRemainder = rowRemainder[0].cells().slice(startAddress.column()); var colRequired = GridRow.cellLength(gridB[0]); var rowRequired = gridB.length; return Result.value({ rowDelta: Fun.constant(rowRemainder.length - rowRequired), colDelta: Fun.constant(colRemainder.length - colRequired) }); }; var measureWidth = function (gridA, gridB) { var colLengthA = GridRow.cellLength(gridA[0]); var colLengthB = GridRow.cellLength(gridB[0]); return { rowDelta: Fun.constant(0), colDelta: Fun.constant(colLengthA - colLengthB) }; }; var fill = function (cells, generator) { return, function () { return Structs.elementnew(generator.cell(), true); }); }; var rowFill = function (grid, amount, generator) { return grid.concat(Util.repeat(amount, function (_row) { return GridRow.setCells(grid[grid.length - 1], fill(grid[grid.length - 1].cells(), generator)); })); }; var colFill = function (grid, amount, generator) { return, function (row) { return GridRow.setCells(row, row.cells().concat(fill(Util.range(0, amount), generator))); }); }; var tailor = function (gridA, delta, generator) { var fillCols = delta.colDelta() < 0 ? colFill : Fun.identity; var fillRows = delta.rowDelta() < 0 ? rowFill : Fun.identity; var modifiedCols = fillCols(gridA, Math.abs(delta.colDelta()), generator); var tailoredGrid = fillRows(modifiedCols, Math.abs(delta.rowDelta()), generator); return tailoredGrid; }; return { measure: measure, measureWidth: measureWidth, tailor: tailor }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.operate.MergingOperations', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.model.GridRow' ], function (Arr, Option, Structs, GridRow) { // substitution: () -> item var merge = function (grid, bounds, comparator, substitution) { // Mutating. Do we care about the efficiency gain? if (grid.length === 0) return grid; for (var i = bounds.startRow(); i <= bounds.finishRow(); i++) { for (var j = bounds.startCol(); j <= bounds.finishCol(); j++) { // We can probably simplify this again now that we aren't reusing merge. GridRow.mutateCell(grid[i], j, Structs.elementnew(substitution(), false)); } } return grid; }; // substitution: () -> item var unmerge = function (grid, target, comparator, substitution) { // Mutating. Do we care about the efficiency gain? var first = true; for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < GridRow.cellLength(grid[0]); j++) { var current = GridRow.getCellElement(grid[i], j); var isToReplace = comparator(current, target); if (isToReplace === true && first === false) { GridRow.mutateCell(grid[i], j, Structs.elementnew(substitution(), true)); } else if (isToReplace === true) { first = false; } } } return grid; }; var uniqueCells = function (row, comparator) { return Arr.foldl(row, function (rest, cell) { return Arr.exists(rest, function (currentCell){ return comparator(currentCell.element(), cell.element()); }) ? rest : rest.concat([cell]); }, []); }; var splitRows = function (grid, index, comparator, substitution) { // We don't need to split rows if we're inserting at the first or last row of the old table if (index > 0 && index < grid.length) { var rowPrevCells = grid[index - 1].cells(); var cells = uniqueCells(rowPrevCells, comparator); Arr.each(cells, function (cell) { // only make a sub when we have to var replacement = Option.none(); for (var i = index; i < grid.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < GridRow.cellLength(grid[0]); j++) { var current = grid[i].cells()[j]; var isToReplace = comparator(current.element(), cell.element()); if (isToReplace) { if (replacement.isNone()) { replacement = Option.some(substitution()); } replacement.each(function (sub) { GridRow.mutateCell(grid[i], j, Structs.elementnew(sub, true)); }); } } } }); } return grid; }; return { merge: merge, unmerge: unmerge, splitRows: splitRows }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.model.TableMerge', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.model.Fitment', 'ephox.snooker.model.GridRow', 'ephox.snooker.operate.MergingOperations' ], function (Fun, Structs, Fitment, GridRow, MergingOperations) { var isSpanning = function (grid, row, col, comparator) { var candidate = GridRow.getCell(grid[row], col); var matching = Fun.curry(comparator, candidate.element()); var currentRow = grid[row]; // sanity check, 1x1 has no spans return grid.length > 1 && GridRow.cellLength(currentRow) > 1 && ( // search left, if we're not on the left edge (col > 0 && matching(GridRow.getCellElement(currentRow, col-1))) || // search right, if we're not on the right edge (col < currentRow.length - 1 && matching(GridRow.getCellElement(currentRow, col+1))) || // search up, if we're not on the top edge (row > 0 && matching(GridRow.getCellElement(grid[row-1], col))) || // search down, if we're not on the bottom edge (row < grid.length - 1 && matching(GridRow.getCellElement(grid[row+1], col))) ); }; var mergeTables = function (startAddress, gridA, gridB, generator, comparator) { // Assumes // - gridA is square and gridB is square var startRow = startAddress.row(); var startCol = startAddress.column(); var mergeHeight = gridB.length; var mergeWidth = GridRow.cellLength(gridB[0]); var endRow = startRow + mergeHeight; var endCol = startCol + mergeWidth; // embrace the mutation - I think this is easier to follow? To discuss. for (var r = startRow; r < endRow; r++) { for (var c = startCol; c < endCol; c++) { if (isSpanning(gridA, r, c, comparator)) { // mutation within mutation, it's mutatception MergingOperations.unmerge(gridA, GridRow.getCellElement(gridA[r], c), comparator, generator.cell); } var newCell = GridRow.getCellElement(gridB[r - startRow], c - startCol); var replacement = generator.replace(newCell); GridRow.mutateCell(gridA[r], c, Structs.elementnew(replacement, true)); } } return gridA; }; var merge = function (startAddress, gridA, gridB, generator, comparator) { var result = Fitment.measure(startAddress, gridA, gridB); return (delta) { var fittedGrid = Fitment.tailor(gridA, delta, generator); return mergeTables(startAddress, fittedGrid, gridB, generator, comparator); }); }; var insert = function (index, gridA, gridB, generator, comparator) { MergingOperations.splitRows(gridA, index, comparator, generator.cell); var delta = Fitment.measureWidth(gridB, gridA); var fittedNewGrid = Fitment.tailor(gridB, delta, generator); var secondDelta = Fitment.measureWidth(gridA, fittedNewGrid); var fittedOldGrid = Fitment.tailor(gridA, secondDelta, generator); return fittedOldGrid.slice(0, index).concat(fittedNewGrid).concat(fittedOldGrid.slice(index, fittedOldGrid.length)); }; return { merge: merge, insert: insert }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.operate.ModificationOperations', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.model.GridRow' ], function (Arr, Structs, GridRow) { // substitution :: (item, comparator) -> item // example is the location of the cursor (the row index) // index is the insert position (at - or after - example) (the row index) var insertRowAt = function (grid, index, example, comparator, substitution) { var before = grid.slice(0, index); var after = grid.slice(index); var between = GridRow.mapCells(grid[example], function (ex, c) { var withinSpan = index > 0 && index < grid.length && comparator(GridRow.getCellElement(grid[index - 1], c), GridRow.getCellElement(grid[index], c)); var ret = withinSpan ? GridRow.getCell(grid[index], c) : Structs.elementnew(substitution(ex.element(), comparator), true); return ret; }); return before.concat([ between ]).concat(after); }; // substitution :: (item, comparator) -> item // example is the location of the cursor (the column index) // index is the insert position (at - or after - example) (the column index) var insertColumnAt = function (grid, index, example, comparator, substitution) { return, function (row) { var withinSpan = index > 0 && index < GridRow.cellLength(row) && comparator(GridRow.getCellElement(row, index - 1), GridRow.getCellElement(row, index)); var sub = withinSpan ? GridRow.getCell(row, index) : Structs.elementnew(substitution(GridRow.getCellElement(row, example), comparator), true); return GridRow.addCell(row, index, sub); }); }; // substitution :: (item, comparator) -> item // Returns: // - a new grid with the cell at coords [exampleRow, exampleCol] split into two cells (the // new cell follows, and is empty), and // - the other cells in that column set to span the split cell. var splitCellIntoColumns = function (grid, exampleRow, exampleCol, comparator, substitution) { var index = exampleCol + 1; // insert after return, function (row, i) { var isTargetCell = (i === exampleRow); var sub = isTargetCell ? Structs.elementnew(substitution(GridRow.getCellElement(row, exampleCol), comparator), true) : GridRow.getCell(row, exampleCol); return GridRow.addCell(row, index, sub); }); }; // substitution :: (item, comparator) -> item // Returns: // - a new grid with the cell at coords [exampleRow, exampleCol] split into two cells (the // new cell below, and is empty), and // - the other cells in that row set to span the split cell. var splitCellIntoRows = function (grid, exampleRow, exampleCol, comparator, substitution) { var index = exampleRow + 1; // insert after var before = grid.slice(0, index); var after = grid.slice(index); var between = GridRow.mapCells(grid[exampleRow], function (ex, i) { var isTargetCell = (i === exampleCol); return isTargetCell ? Structs.elementnew(substitution(ex.element(), comparator), true) : ex; }); return before.concat([ between ]).concat(after); }; var deleteColumnsAt = function (grid, start, finish) { var rows =, function (row) { var cells = row.cells().slice(0, start).concat(row.cells().slice(finish + 1)); return Structs.rowcells(cells, row.section()); }); // We should filter out rows that have no columns for easy deletion return Arr.filter(rows, function (row) { return row.cells().length > 0; }); }; var deleteRowsAt = function (grid, start, finish) { return grid.slice(0, start).concat(grid.slice(finish + 1)); }; return { insertRowAt: insertRowAt, insertColumnAt: insertColumnAt, splitCellIntoColumns: splitCellIntoColumns, splitCellIntoRows: splitCellIntoRows, deleteRowsAt: deleteRowsAt, deleteColumnsAt: deleteColumnsAt }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.operate.TransformOperations', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.model.GridRow' ], function (Arr, Structs, GridRow) { // substitution :: (item, comparator) -> item var replaceIn = function (grid, targets, comparator, substitution) { var isTarget = function (cell) { return Arr.exists(targets, function (target) { return comparator(cell.element(), target.element()); }); }; return, function (row) { return GridRow.mapCells(row, function (cell) { return isTarget(cell) ? Structs.elementnew(substitution(cell.element(), comparator), true) : cell; }); }); }; var notStartRow = function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex, comparator) { return GridRow.getCellElement(grid[rowIndex], colIndex) !== undefined && (rowIndex > 0 && comparator(GridRow.getCellElement(grid[rowIndex - 1], colIndex), GridRow.getCellElement(grid[rowIndex], colIndex))); }; var notStartColumn = function (row, index, comparator) { return index > 0 && comparator(GridRow.getCellElement(row, index - 1), GridRow.getCellElement(row, index)); }; // substitution :: (item, comparator) -> item var replaceColumn = function (grid, index, comparator, substitution) { // Make this efficient later. var targets = Arr.bind(grid, function (row, i) { // check if already added. var alreadyAdded = notStartRow(grid, i, index, comparator) || notStartColumn(row, index, comparator); return alreadyAdded ? [] : [ GridRow.getCell(row, index) ]; }); return replaceIn(grid, targets, comparator, substitution); }; // substitution :: (item, comparator) -> item var replaceRow = function (grid, index, comparator, substitution) { var targetRow = grid[index]; var targets = Arr.bind(targetRow.cells(), function (item, i) { // Check that we haven't already added this one. var alreadyAdded = notStartRow(grid, index, i, comparator) || notStartColumn(targetRow, i, comparator); return alreadyAdded ? [] : [ item ]; }); return replaceIn(grid, targets, comparator, substitution); }; return { replaceColumn: replaceColumn, replaceRow: replaceRow }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.calc.ColumnContext', [ ], function () { var none = function () { return folder(function (n, o, l, m, r) { return n(); }); }; var only = function (index) { return folder(function (n, o, l, m, r) { return o(index); }); }; var left = function (index, next) { return folder(function (n, o, l, m, r) { return l(index, next); }); }; var middle = function (prev, index, next) { return folder(function (n, o, l, m, r) { return m(prev, index, next); }); }; var right = function (prev, index) { return folder(function (n, o, l, m, r) { return r(prev, index); }); }; var folder = function (fold) { return { fold: fold }; }; return { none: none, only: only, left: left, middle: middle, right: right }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.calc.Deltas', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.calc.ColumnContext', 'global!Math' ], function (Arr, Fun, ColumnContext, Math) { /* * Based on the column index, identify the context */ var neighbours = function (input, index) { if (input.length === 0) return ColumnContext.none(); if (input.length === 1) return ColumnContext.only(0); if (index === 0) return ColumnContext.left(0, 1); if (index === input.length - 1) return ColumnContext.right(index - 1, index); if (index > 0 && index < input.length - 1) return ColumnContext.middle(index - 1, index, index + 1); return ColumnContext.none(); }; /* * Calculate the offsets to apply to each column width (not the absolute widths themselves) * based on a resize at column: column of step: step. The minimum column width allowed is min */ var determine = function (input, column, step, tableSize) { var result = input.slice(0); var context = neighbours(input, column); var zero = function (array) { return, Fun.constant(0)); }; var onNone = Fun.constant(zero(result)); var onOnly = function (index) { return tableSize.singleColumnWidth(result[index], step); }; var onChange = function (index, next) { if (step >= 0) { var newNext = Math.max(tableSize.minCellWidth(), result[next] - step); return zero(result.slice(0, index)).concat([ step, newNext-result[next] ]).concat(zero(result.slice(next + 1))); } else { var newThis = Math.max(tableSize.minCellWidth(), result[index] + step); var diffx = result[index] - newThis; return zero(result.slice(0, index)).concat([ newThis - result[index], diffx ]).concat(zero(result.slice(next + 1))); } }; var onLeft = onChange; var onMiddle = function (prev, index, next) { return onChange(index, next); }; var onRight = function (prev, index) { if (step >= 0) { return zero(result.slice(0, index)).concat([ step ]); } else { var size = Math.max(tableSize.minCellWidth(), result[index] + step); return zero(result.slice(0, index)).concat([ size - result[index] ]); } }; return context.fold(onNone, onOnly, onLeft, onMiddle, onRight); }; return { determine: determine }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.util.CellUtils', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', '', '', 'global!parseInt' ], function (Fun, Attr, Css, parseInt) { var getSpan = function (cell, type) { return Attr.has(cell, type) && parseInt(Attr.get(cell, type), 10) > 1; }; var hasColspan = function (cell) { return getSpan(cell, 'colspan'); }; var hasRowspan = function (cell) { return getSpan(cell, 'rowspan'); }; var getInt = function (element, property) { return parseInt(Css.get(element, property), 10); }; return { hasColspan: hasColspan, hasRowspan: hasRowspan, minWidth: Fun.constant(10), minHeight: Fun.constant(10), getInt: getInt }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.ColumnSizes', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.lookup.Blocks', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Sizes', 'ephox.snooker.util.CellUtils', 'ephox.snooker.util.Util', '' ], function (Arr, Fun, Blocks, Sizes, CellUtils, Util, Css) { var getRaw = function (cell, property, getter) { return Css.getRaw(cell, property).fold(function () { return getter(cell) + 'px'; }, function (raw) { return raw; }); }; var getRawW = function (cell) { return getRaw(cell, 'width', Sizes.getPixelWidth); }; var getRawH = function (cell) { return getRaw(cell, 'height', Sizes.getHeight); }; var getWidthFrom = function (warehouse, direction, getWidth, fallback, tableSize) { var columns = Blocks.columns(warehouse); var backups =, function (cellOption) { return; }); return, function (cellOption, c) { // Only use the width of cells that have no column span (or colspan 1) var columnCell = cellOption.filter(Fun.not(CellUtils.hasColspan)); return columnCell.fold(function () { // Can't just read the width of a cell, so calculate. var deduced = Util.deduce(backups, c); return fallback(deduced); }, function (cell) { return getWidth(cell, tableSize); }); }); }; var getDeduced = function (deduced) { return (d) { return d + 'px'; }).getOr(''); }; var getRawWidths = function (warehouse, direction) { return getWidthFrom(warehouse, direction, getRawW, getDeduced); }; var getPercentageWidths = function (warehouse, direction, tableSize) { return getWidthFrom(warehouse, direction, Sizes.getPercentageWidth, function (deduced) { return deduced.fold(function () { return tableSize.minCellWidth(); }, function (cellWidth) { return cellWidth / tableSize.pixelWidth() * 100; }); }, tableSize); }; var getPixelWidths = function (warehouse, direction, tableSize) { return getWidthFrom(warehouse, direction, Sizes.getPixelWidth, function (deduced) { // Minimum cell width when all else fails. return deduced.getOrThunk(tableSize.minCellWidth); }, tableSize); }; var getHeightFrom = function (warehouse, direction, getHeight, fallback) { var rows = Blocks.rows(warehouse); var backups =, function (cellOption) { return; }); return, function (cellOption, c) { var rowCell = cellOption.filter(Fun.not(CellUtils.hasRowspan)); return rowCell.fold(function () { var deduced = Util.deduce(backups, c); return fallback(deduced); }, function (cell) { return getHeight(cell); }); }); }; var getPixelHeights = function (warehouse, direction) { return getHeightFrom(warehouse, direction, Sizes.getHeight, function (deduced) { return deduced.getOrThunk(CellUtils.minHeight); }); }; var getRawHeights = function (warehouse, direction) { return getHeightFrom(warehouse, direction, getRawH, getDeduced); }; return { getRawWidths: getRawWidths, getPixelWidths: getPixelWidths, getPercentageWidths: getPercentageWidths, getPixelHeights: getPixelHeights, getRawHeights: getRawHeights }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.Recalculations', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'global!parseInt' ], function (Arr, Fun, Warehouse, parseInt) { // Returns the sum of elements of measures in the half-open range [start, end) // Measures is in pixels, treated as an array of integers or integers in string format. // NOTE: beware of accumulated rounding errors over multiple columns - could result in noticeable table width changes var total = function (start, end, measures) { var r = 0; for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { r += measures[i] !== undefined ? measures[i] : 0; } return r; }; // Returns an array of all cells in warehouse with updated cell-widths, using // the array 'widths' of the representative widths of each column of the table 'warehouse' var recalculateWidth = function (warehouse, widths) { var all = Warehouse.justCells(warehouse); return, function (cell) { // width of a spanning cell is sum of widths of representative columns it spans var width = total(cell.column(), cell.column() + cell.colspan(), widths); return { element: cell.element, width: Fun.constant(width), colspan: cell.colspan }; }); }; var recalculateHeight = function (warehouse, heights) { var all = Warehouse.justCells(warehouse); return, function (cell) { var height = total(cell.row(), cell.row() + cell.rowspan(), heights); return { element: cell.element, height: Fun.constant(height), rowspan: cell.rowspan }; }); }; var matchRowHeight = function (warehouse, heights) { return, function (row, i) { return { element: row.element, height: Fun.constant(heights[i]) }; }); }; return { recalculateWidth: recalculateWidth, recalculateHeight: recalculateHeight, matchRowHeight: matchRowHeight }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.TableSize', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.resize.ColumnSizes', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Sizes', 'ephox.snooker.util.CellUtils', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Width', 'global!Math' ], function (Arr, Fun, ColumnSizes, Sizes, CellUtils, Width, Math) { var percentageSize = function (width, element) { var floatWidth = parseFloat(width, 10); var pixelWidth = Width.get(element); var getCellDelta = function (delta) { return delta / pixelWidth * 100; }; var singleColumnWidth = function (width, _delta) { // If we have one column in a percent based table, that column should be 100% of the width of the table. return [100 - width]; }; // Get the width of a 10 pixel wide cell over the width of the table as a percentage var minCellWidth = function () { return CellUtils.minWidth() / pixelWidth * 100; }; var setTableWidth = function (table, _newWidths, delta) { var total = floatWidth + delta; Sizes.setPercentageWidth(table, total); }; return { width: Fun.constant(floatWidth), pixelWidth: Fun.constant(pixelWidth), getWidths: ColumnSizes.getPercentageWidths, getCellDelta: getCellDelta, singleColumnWidth: singleColumnWidth, minCellWidth: minCellWidth, setElementWidth: Sizes.setPercentageWidth, setTableWidth: setTableWidth }; }; var pixelSize = function (width) { var intWidth = parseInt(width, 10); var getCellDelta = Fun.identity; var singleColumnWidth = function (width, delta) { var newNext = Math.max(CellUtils.minWidth(), width + delta); return [ newNext - width ]; }; var setTableWidth = function (table, newWidths, _delta) { var total = Arr.foldr(newWidths, function (b, a) { return b + a; }, 0); Sizes.setPixelWidth(table, total); }; return { width: Fun.constant(intWidth), pixelWidth: Fun.constant(intWidth), getWidths: ColumnSizes.getPixelWidths, getCellDelta: getCellDelta, singleColumnWidth: singleColumnWidth, minCellWidth: CellUtils.minWidth, setElementWidth: Sizes.setPixelWidth, setTableWidth: setTableWidth }; }; var chooseSize = function (element, width) { if (Sizes.percentageBasedSizeRegex().test(width)) { var percentMatch = Sizes.percentageBasedSizeRegex().exec(width); return percentageSize(percentMatch[1], element); } else if (Sizes.pixelBasedSizeRegex().test(width)) { var pixelMatch = Sizes.pixelBasedSizeRegex().exec(width); return pixelSize(pixelMatch[1]); } else { var fallbackWidth = Width.get(element); return pixelSize(fallbackWidth); } }; var getTableSize = function (element) { var width = Sizes.getRawWidth(element); // If we have no width still, return a pixel width at least. return width.fold(function () { var fallbackWidth = Width.get(element); return pixelSize(fallbackWidth); }, function (width) { return chooseSize(element, width); }); }; return { getTableSize: getTableSize }; }); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.Adjustments', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.snooker.calc.Deltas', 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.resize.ColumnSizes', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Recalculations', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Sizes', 'ephox.snooker.resize.TableSize', 'ephox.snooker.util.CellUtils', 'global!Math' ], function (Arr, Deltas, DetailsList, Warehouse, ColumnSizes, Recalculations, Sizes, TableSize, CellUtils, Math) { var getWarehouse = function (list) { return Warehouse.generate(list); }; var sumUp = function (newSize) { return Arr.foldr(newSize, function (b, a) { return b + a; }, 0); }; var getTableWarehouse = function (table) { var list = DetailsList.fromTable(table); return getWarehouse(list); }; var adjustWidth = function (table, delta, index, direction) { var tableSize = TableSize.getTableSize(table); var step = tableSize.getCellDelta(delta); var warehouse = getTableWarehouse(table); var widths = tableSize.getWidths(warehouse, direction, tableSize); // Calculate all of the new widths for columns var deltas = Deltas.determine(widths, index, step, tableSize); var newWidths =, function (dx, i) { return dx + widths[i]; }); // Set the width of each cell based on the column widths var newSizes = Recalculations.recalculateWidth(warehouse, newWidths); Arr.each(newSizes, function (cell) { tableSize.setElementWidth(cell.element(), cell.width()); }); // Set the overall width of the table. if (index === warehouse.grid().columns() - 1) { tableSize.setTableWidth(table, newWidths, step); } }; var adjustHeight = function (table, delta, index, direction) { var warehouse = getTableWarehouse(table); var heights = ColumnSizes.getPixelHeights(warehouse, direction); var newHeights =, function (dy, i) { return index === i ? Math.max(delta + dy, CellUtils.minHeight()) : dy; }); var newCellSizes = Recalculations.recalculateHeight(warehouse, newHeights); var newRowSizes = Recalculations.matchRowHeight(warehouse, newHeights); Arr.each(newRowSizes, function (row) { Sizes.setHeight(row.element(), row.height()); }); Arr.each(newCellSizes, function (cell) { Sizes.setHeight(cell.element(), cell.height()); }); var total = sumUp(newHeights); Sizes.setHeight(table, total); }; // Ensure that the width of table cells match the passed in table information. var adjustWidthTo = function (table, list, direction) { var tableSize = TableSize.getTableSize(table); var warehouse = getWarehouse(list); var widths = tableSize.getWidths(warehouse, direction, tableSize); // Set the width of each cell based on the column widths var newSizes = Recalculations.recalculateWidth(warehouse, widths); Arr.each(newSizes, function (cell) { tableSize.setElementWidth(cell.element(), cell.width()); }); var total = Arr.foldr(widths, function (b, a) { return a + b; }, 0); if (newSizes.length > 0) { tableSize.setElementWidth(table, total); } }; return { adjustWidth: adjustWidth, adjustHeight: adjustHeight, adjustWidthTo: adjustWidthTo }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TableOperations', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'ephox.snooker.api.Generators', 'ephox.snooker.api.Structs', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableContent', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', 'ephox.snooker.model.GridRow', 'ephox.snooker.model.RunOperation', 'ephox.snooker.model.TableMerge', 'ephox.snooker.model.Transitions', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.operate.MergingOperations', 'ephox.snooker.operate.ModificationOperations', 'ephox.snooker.operate.TransformOperations', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Adjustments', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Struct, Generators, Structs, TableContent, TableLookup, DetailsList, GridRow, RunOperation, TableMerge, Transitions, Warehouse, MergingOperations, ModificationOperations, TransformOperations, Adjustments, Remove) { var prune = function (table) { var cells = TableLookup.cells(table); if (cells.length === 0) Remove.remove(table); }; var outcome = Struct.immutable('grid', 'cursor'); var elementFromGrid = function (grid, row, column) { return findIn(grid, row, column).orThunk(function () { return findIn(grid, 0, 0); }); }; var findIn = function (grid, row, column) { return Option.from(grid[row]).bind(function (r) { return Option.from(r.cells()[column]).bind(function (c) { return Option.from(c.element()); }); }); }; var bundle = function (grid, row, column) { return outcome(grid, findIn(grid, row, column)); }; var uniqueRows = function (details) { return Arr.foldl(details, function (rest, detail) { return Arr.exists(rest, function (currentDetail){ return currentDetail.row() === detail.row(); }) ? rest : rest.concat([detail]); }, []).sort(function (detailA, detailB) { return detailA.row() - detailB.row(); }); }; var uniqueColumns = function (details) { return Arr.foldl(details, function (rest, detail) { return Arr.exists(rest, function (currentDetail){ return currentDetail.column() === detail.column(); }) ? rest : rest.concat([detail]); }, []).sort(function (detailA, detailB) { return detailA.column() - detailB.column(); }); }; var insertRowBefore = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var example = detail.row(); var targetIndex = detail.row(); var newGrid = ModificationOperations.insertRowAt(grid, targetIndex, example, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, targetIndex, detail.column()); }; var insertRowsBefore = function (grid, details, comparator, genWrappers) { var example = details[0].row(); var targetIndex = details[0].row(); var rows = uniqueRows(details); var newGrid = Arr.foldl(rows, function (newGrid, _row) { return ModificationOperations.insertRowAt(newGrid, targetIndex, example, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); }, grid); return bundle(newGrid, targetIndex, details[0].column()); }; var insertRowAfter = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var example = detail.row(); var targetIndex = detail.row() + detail.rowspan(); var newGrid = ModificationOperations.insertRowAt(grid, targetIndex, example, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, targetIndex, detail.column()); }; var insertRowsAfter = function (grid, details, comparator, genWrappers) { var rows = uniqueRows(details); var example = rows[rows.length - 1].row(); var targetIndex = rows[rows.length - 1].row() + rows[rows.length - 1].rowspan(); var newGrid = Arr.foldl(rows, function (newGrid, _row) { return ModificationOperations.insertRowAt(newGrid, targetIndex, example, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); }, grid); return bundle(newGrid, targetIndex, details[0].column()); }; var insertColumnBefore = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var example = detail.column(); var targetIndex = detail.column(); var newGrid = ModificationOperations.insertColumnAt(grid, targetIndex, example, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, detail.row(), targetIndex); }; var insertColumnsBefore = function (grid, details, comparator, genWrappers) { var columns = uniqueColumns(details); var example = columns[0].column(); var targetIndex = columns[0].column(); var newGrid = Arr.foldl(columns, function (newGrid, _row) { return ModificationOperations.insertColumnAt(newGrid, targetIndex, example, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); }, grid); return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row(), targetIndex); }; var insertColumnAfter = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var example = detail.column(); var targetIndex = detail.column() + detail.colspan(); var newGrid = ModificationOperations.insertColumnAt(grid, targetIndex, example, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, detail.row(), targetIndex); }; var insertColumnsAfter = function (grid, details, comparator, genWrappers) { var example = details[details.length - 1].column(); var targetIndex = details[details.length - 1].column() + details[details.length - 1].colspan(); var columns = uniqueColumns(details); var newGrid = Arr.foldl(columns, function (newGrid, _row) { return ModificationOperations.insertColumnAt(newGrid, targetIndex, example, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); }, grid); return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row(), targetIndex); }; var makeRowHeader = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var newGrid = TransformOperations.replaceRow(grid, detail.row(), comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, detail.row(), detail.column()); }; var makeColumnHeader = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var newGrid = TransformOperations.replaceColumn(grid, detail.column(), comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, detail.row(), detail.column()); }; var unmakeRowHeader = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var newGrid = TransformOperations.replaceRow(grid, detail.row(), comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, detail.row(), detail.column()); }; var unmakeColumnHeader = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var newGrid = TransformOperations.replaceColumn(grid, detail.column(), comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, detail.row(), detail.column()); }; var splitCellIntoColumns = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var newGrid = ModificationOperations.splitCellIntoColumns(grid, detail.row(), detail.column(), comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, detail.row(), detail.column()); }; var splitCellIntoRows = function (grid, detail, comparator, genWrappers) { var newGrid = ModificationOperations.splitCellIntoRows(grid, detail.row(), detail.column(), comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, detail.row(), detail.column()); }; var eraseColumns = function (grid, details, comparator, _genWrappers) { var columns = uniqueColumns(details); var newGrid = ModificationOperations.deleteColumnsAt(grid, columns[0].column(), columns[columns.length - 1].column()); var cursor = elementFromGrid(newGrid, details[0].row(), details[0].column()); return outcome(newGrid, cursor); }; var eraseRows = function (grid, details, comparator, _genWrappers) { var rows = uniqueRows(details); var newGrid = ModificationOperations.deleteRowsAt(grid, rows[0].row(), rows[rows.length - 1].row()); var cursor = elementFromGrid(newGrid, details[0].row(), details[0].column()); return outcome(newGrid, cursor); }; var mergeCells = function (grid, mergable, comparator, _genWrappers) { var cells = mergable.cells(); TableContent.merge(cells); var newGrid = MergingOperations.merge(grid, mergable.bounds(), comparator, Fun.constant(cells[0])); return outcome(newGrid, Option.from(cells[0])); }; var unmergeCells = function (grid, unmergable, comparator, genWrappers) { var newGrid = Arr.foldr(unmergable, function (b, cell) { return MergingOperations.unmerge(b, cell, comparator, genWrappers.combine(cell)); }, grid); return outcome(newGrid, Option.from(unmergable[0])); }; var pasteCells = function (grid, pasteDetails, comparator, genWrappers) { var gridify = function (table, generators) { var list = DetailsList.fromTable(table); var wh = Warehouse.generate(list); return Transitions.toGrid(wh, generators, true); }; var gridB = gridify(pasteDetails.clipboard(), pasteDetails.generators()); var startAddress = Structs.address(pasteDetails.row(), pasteDetails.column()); var mergedGrid = TableMerge.merge(startAddress, grid, gridB, pasteDetails.generators(), comparator); return mergedGrid.fold(function () { return outcome(grid, Option.some(pasteDetails.element())); }, function (nuGrid) { var cursor = elementFromGrid(nuGrid, pasteDetails.row(), pasteDetails.column()); return outcome(nuGrid, cursor); }); }; var gridifyRows = function (rows, generators, example) { var pasteDetails = DetailsList.fromPastedRows(rows, example); var wh = Warehouse.generate(pasteDetails); return Transitions.toGrid(wh, generators, true); }; var pasteRowsBefore = function (grid, pasteDetails, comparator, genWrappers) { var example = grid[pasteDetails.cells[0].row()]; var index = pasteDetails.cells[0].row(); var gridB = gridifyRows(pasteDetails.clipboard(), pasteDetails.generators(), example); var mergedGrid = TableMerge.insert(index, grid, gridB, pasteDetails.generators(), comparator); var cursor = elementFromGrid(mergedGrid, pasteDetails.cells[0].row(), pasteDetails.cells[0].column()); return outcome(mergedGrid, cursor); }; var pasteRowsAfter = function (grid, pasteDetails, comparator, genWrappers) { var example = grid[pasteDetails.cells[0].row()]; var index = pasteDetails.cells[pasteDetails.cells.length - 1].row() + pasteDetails.cells[pasteDetails.cells.length - 1].rowspan(); var gridB = gridifyRows(pasteDetails.clipboard(), pasteDetails.generators(), example); var mergedGrid = TableMerge.insert(index, grid, gridB, pasteDetails.generators(), comparator); var cursor = elementFromGrid(mergedGrid, pasteDetails.cells[0].row(), pasteDetails.cells[0].column()); return outcome(mergedGrid, cursor); }; // Only column modifications force a resizing. Everything else just tries to preserve the table as is. var resize = Adjustments.adjustWidthTo; return { insertRowBefore:, RunOperation.onCell, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), insertRowsBefore:, RunOperation.onCells, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), insertRowAfter:, RunOperation.onCell, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), insertRowsAfter:, RunOperation.onCells, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), insertColumnBefore:, RunOperation.onCell, resize, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), insertColumnsBefore:, RunOperation.onCells, resize, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), insertColumnAfter:, RunOperation.onCell, resize, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), insertColumnsAfter:, RunOperation.onCells, resize, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), splitCellIntoColumns:, RunOperation.onCell, resize, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), splitCellIntoRows:, RunOperation.onCell, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), eraseColumns:, RunOperation.onCells, resize, prune, Generators.modification), eraseRows:, RunOperation.onCells, Fun.noop, prune, Generators.modification), makeColumnHeader:, RunOperation.onCell, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.transform('row', 'th')), unmakeColumnHeader:, RunOperation.onCell, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.transform(null, 'td')), makeRowHeader:, RunOperation.onCell, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.transform('col', 'th')), unmakeRowHeader:, RunOperation.onCell, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.transform(null, 'td')), mergeCells:, RunOperation.onMergable, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.merging), unmergeCells:, RunOperation.onUnmergable, resize, Fun.noop, Generators.merging), pasteCells:, RunOperation.onPaste, resize, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), pasteRowsBefore:, RunOperation.onPasteRows, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.modification), pasteRowsAfter:, RunOperation.onPasteRows, Fun.noop, Fun.noop, Generators.modification) }; } ); /** * Clipboard.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', [ 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element' ], function (Compare, Element) { var getBody = function (editor) { return Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); }; var getIsRoot = function (editor) { return function (element) { return Compare.eq(element, getBody(editor)); }; }; var removePxSuffix = function (size) { return size ? size.replace(/px$/, '') : ""; }; var addSizeSuffix = function (size) { if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(size)) { size += "px"; } return size; }; return { getBody: getBody, getIsRoot: getIsRoot, addSizeSuffix: addSizeSuffix, removePxSuffix: removePxSuffix }; } ); define( '', [ '' ], function (Css) { var onDirection = function (isLtr, isRtl) { return function (element) { return getDirection(element) === 'rtl' ? isRtl : isLtr; }; }; var getDirection = function (element) { return Css.get(element, 'direction') === 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; }; return { onDirection: onDirection, getDirection: getDirection }; } ); /** * Direction.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.Direction', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', '' ], function (Fun, Direction) { var ltr = { isRtl: Fun.constant(false) }; var rtl = { isRtl: Fun.constant(true) }; // Get the directionality from the position in the content var directionAt = function (element) { var dir = Direction.getDirection(element); return dir === 'rtl' ? rtl : ltr; }; return { directionAt: directionAt }; } ); /** * TableActions.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableActions', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.CellMutations', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableDirection', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableFill', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableGridSize', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableOperations', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', '', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.Direction' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, CellMutations, TableDirection, TableFill, TableGridSize, TableOperations, Element, Node, Attr, SelectorFilter, Util, Direction) { return function (editor, lazyWire) { var isTableBody = function (editor) { return === 'table'; }; var lastRowGuard = function (table) { var size = TableGridSize.getGridSize(table); return isTableBody(editor) === false || size.rows() > 1; }; var lastColumnGuard = function (table) { var size = TableGridSize.getGridSize(table); return isTableBody(editor) === false || size.columns() > 1; }; var fireNewRow = function (node) {'newrow', { node: node.dom() }); return node.dom(); }; var fireNewCell = function (node) {'newcell', { node: node.dom() }); return node.dom(); }; var cloneFormatsArray; if (editor.settings.table_clone_elements !== false) { if (typeof editor.settings.table_clone_elements == 'string') { cloneFormatsArray = editor.settings.table_clone_elements.split(/[ ,]/); } else if (Array.isArray(editor.settings.table_clone_elements)) { cloneFormatsArray = editor.settings.table_clone_elements; } } // Option.none gives the default cloneFormats. var cloneFormats = Option.from(cloneFormatsArray); var execute = function (operation, guard, mutate, lazyWire) { return function (table, target) { var dataStyleCells = SelectorFilter.descendants(table, 'td[data-mce-style],th[data-mce-style]'); Arr.each(dataStyleCells, function (cell) { Attr.remove(cell, 'data-mce-style'); }); var wire = lazyWire(); var doc = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc()); var direction = TableDirection(Direction.directionAt); var generators = TableFill.cellOperations(mutate, doc, cloneFormats); return guard(table) ? operation(wire, table, target, generators, direction).bind(function (result) { Arr.each(result.newRows(), function (row) { fireNewRow(row); }); Arr.each(result.newCells(), function (cell) { fireNewCell(cell); }); return result.cursor().map(function (cell) { var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(cell.dom(), 0); rng.setEnd(cell.dom(), 0); return rng; }); }) : Option.none(); }; }; var deleteRow = execute(TableOperations.eraseRows, lastRowGuard, Fun.noop, lazyWire); var deleteColumn = execute(TableOperations.eraseColumns, lastColumnGuard, Fun.noop, lazyWire); var insertRowsBefore = execute(TableOperations.insertRowsBefore, Fun.always, Fun.noop, lazyWire); var insertRowsAfter = execute(TableOperations.insertRowsAfter, Fun.always, Fun.noop, lazyWire); var insertColumnsBefore = execute(TableOperations.insertColumnsBefore, Fun.always, CellMutations.halve, lazyWire); var insertColumnsAfter = execute(TableOperations.insertColumnsAfter, Fun.always, CellMutations.halve, lazyWire); var mergeCells = execute(TableOperations.mergeCells, Fun.always, Fun.noop, lazyWire); var unmergeCells = execute(TableOperations.unmergeCells, Fun.always, Fun.noop, lazyWire); var pasteRowsBefore = execute(TableOperations.pasteRowsBefore, Fun.always, Fun.noop, lazyWire); var pasteRowsAfter = execute(TableOperations.pasteRowsAfter, Fun.always, Fun.noop, lazyWire); var pasteCells = execute(TableOperations.pasteCells, Fun.always, Fun.noop, lazyWire); return { deleteRow: deleteRow, deleteColumn: deleteColumn, insertRowsBefore: insertRowsBefore, insertRowsAfter: insertRowsAfter, insertColumnsBefore: insertColumnsBefore, insertColumnsAfter: insertColumnsAfter, mergeCells: mergeCells, unmergeCells: unmergeCells, pasteRowsBefore: pasteRowsBefore, pasteRowsAfter: pasteRowsAfter, pasteCells: pasteCells }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.CopyRows', [ 'ephox.snooker.model.DetailsList', 'ephox.snooker.model.RunOperation', 'ephox.snooker.model.Transitions', 'ephox.snooker.model.Warehouse', 'ephox.snooker.operate.Redraw' ], function (DetailsList, RunOperation, Transitions, Warehouse, Redraw) { var copyRows = function (table, target, generators) { var list = DetailsList.fromTable(table); var house = Warehouse.generate(list); var details = RunOperation.onCells(house, target); return (selectedCells) { var grid = Transitions.toGrid(house, generators, false); var slicedGrid = grid.slice(selectedCells[0].row(), selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1].row() + selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1].rowspan()); var slicedDetails = RunOperation.toDetailList(slicedGrid, generators); return Redraw.copy(slicedDetails); }); }; return { copyRows:copyRows }; } ); /** * ResolveGlobal.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', [ 'global!tinymce.util.Tools.resolve' ], function (resolve) { return resolve('tinymce.util.Tools'); } ); /** * ResolveGlobal.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.core.Env', [ 'global!tinymce.util.Tools.resolve' ], function (resolve) { return resolve('tinymce.Env'); } ); /** * Styles.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.Styles', [ 'tinymce.core.util.Tools' ], function (Tools) { var getTDTHOverallStyle = function (dom, elm, name) { var cells ="td,th", elm), firstChildStyle; var checkChildren = function (firstChildStyle, elms) { for (var i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) { var currentStyle = dom.getStyle(elms[i], name); if (typeof firstChildStyle === "undefined") { firstChildStyle = currentStyle; } if (firstChildStyle != currentStyle) { return ""; } } return firstChildStyle; }; firstChildStyle = checkChildren(firstChildStyle, cells); return firstChildStyle; }; var applyAlign = function (editor, elm, name) { if (name) { editor.formatter.apply('align' + name, {}, elm); } }; var applyVAlign = function (editor, elm, name) { if (name) { editor.formatter.apply('valign' + name, {}, elm); } }; var unApplyAlign = function (editor, elm) { Tools.each('left center right'.split(' '), function (name) { editor.formatter.remove('align' + name, {}, elm); }); }; var unApplyVAlign = function (editor, elm) { Tools.each('top middle bottom'.split(' '), function (name) { editor.formatter.remove('valign' + name, {}, elm); }); }; return { applyAlign: applyAlign, applyVAlign: applyVAlign, unApplyAlign: unApplyAlign, unApplyVAlign: unApplyVAlign, getTDTHOverallStyle: getTDTHOverallStyle }; } ); /** * Helpers.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * @class tinymce.table.ui.Helpers * @private */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.Helpers', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util' ], function (Fun, Tools, Util) { var buildListItems = function (inputList, itemCallback, startItems) { var appendItems = function (values, output) { output = output || []; Tools.each(values, function (item) { var menuItem = { text: item.text || item.title }; if ( { = appendItems(; } else { menuItem.value = item.value; if (itemCallback) { itemCallback(menuItem); } } output.push(menuItem); }); return output; }; return appendItems(inputList, startItems || []); }; var updateStyleField = function (editor, evt) { var dom = editor.dom; var rootControl = evt.control.rootControl; var data = rootControl.toJSON(); var css = dom.parseStyle(; if ( === 'style') { rootControl.find('#borderStyle').value(css["border-style"] || '')[0].fire('select'); rootControl.find('#borderColor').value(css["border-color"] || '')[0].fire('change'); rootControl.find('#backgroundColor').value(css["background-color"] || '')[0].fire('change'); rootControl.find('#width').value(css.width || '').fire('change'); rootControl.find('#height').value(css.height || '').fire('change'); } else { css["border-style"] = data.borderStyle; css["border-color"] = data.borderColor; css["background-color"] = data.backgroundColor; css.width = data.width ? Util.addSizeSuffix(data.width) : ''; css.height = data.height ? Util.addSizeSuffix(data.height) : ''; } rootControl.find('#style').value(dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(dom.serializeStyle(css)))); }; var extractAdvancedStyles = function (dom, elm) { var css = dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(elm, 'style')); var data = {}; if (css["border-style"]) { data.borderStyle = css["border-style"]; } if (css["border-color"]) { data.borderColor = css["border-color"]; } if (css["background-color"]) { data.backgroundColor = css["background-color"]; } = dom.serializeStyle(css); return data; }; var createStyleForm = function (editor) { var createColorPickAction = function () { var colorPickerCallback = editor.settings.color_picker_callback; if (colorPickerCallback) { return function (evt) { return editor, function (value) { evt.control.value(value).fire('change'); }, evt.control.value() ); }; } }; return { title: 'Advanced', type: 'form', defaults: { onchange: Fun.curry(updateStyleField, editor) }, items: [ { label: 'Style', name: 'style', type: 'textbox' }, { type: 'form', padding: 0, formItemDefaults: { layout: 'grid', alignH: ['start', 'right'] }, defaults: { size: 7 }, items: [ { label: 'Border style', type: 'listbox', name: 'borderStyle', width: 90, onselect: Fun.curry(updateStyleField, editor), values: [ { text: 'Select...', value: '' }, { text: 'Solid', value: 'solid' }, { text: 'Dotted', value: 'dotted' }, { text: 'Dashed', value: 'dashed' }, { text: 'Double', value: 'double' }, { text: 'Groove', value: 'groove' }, { text: 'Ridge', value: 'ridge' }, { text: 'Inset', value: 'inset' }, { text: 'Outset', value: 'outset' }, { text: 'None', value: 'none' }, { text: 'Hidden', value: 'hidden' } ] }, { label: 'Border color', type: 'colorbox', name: 'borderColor', onaction: createColorPickAction() }, { label: 'Background color', type: 'colorbox', name: 'backgroundColor', onaction: createColorPickAction() } ] } ] }; }; return { createStyleForm: createStyleForm, buildListItems: buildListItems, updateStyleField: updateStyleField, extractAdvancedStyles: extractAdvancedStyles }; } ); /** * TableDialog.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * @class tinymce.table.ui.TableDialog * @private */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.TableDialog', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'tinymce.core.Env', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.InsertTable', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.Styles', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.Helpers' ], function (Fun, Env, Tools, InsertTable, Styles, Util, Helpers) { //Explore the layers of the table till we find the first layer of tds or ths function styleTDTH(dom, elm, name, value) { if (elm.tagName === "TD" || elm.tagName === "TH") { dom.setStyle(elm, name, value); } else { if (elm.children) { for (var i = 0; i < elm.children.length; i++) { styleTDTH(dom, elm.children[i], name, value); } } } } var extractDataFromElement = function (editor, tableElm) { var dom = editor.dom; var data = { width: dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'width'), height: dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'height'), cellspacing: dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'border-spacing') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellspacing'), cellpadding: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'data-mce-cell-padding') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellpadding') || Styles.getTDTHOverallStyle(editor.dom, tableElm, 'padding'), border: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'data-mce-border') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'border') || Styles.getTDTHOverallStyle(editor.dom, tableElm, 'border'), borderColor: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'data-mce-border-color'), caption: !!'caption', tableElm)[0], 'class': dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'class') }; Tools.each('left center right'.split(' '), function (name) { if (editor.formatter.matchNode(tableElm, 'align' + name)) { data.align = name; } }); if (editor.settings.table_advtab !== false) { Tools.extend(data, Helpers.extractAdvancedStyles(dom, tableElm)); } return data; }; var applyDataToElement = function (editor, tableElm, data) { var dom = editor.dom; var attrs = {}, styles = {}; attrs['class'] = data['class']; styles.height = Util.addSizeSuffix(data.height); if (dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'width') && !editor.settings.table_style_by_css) { attrs.width = Util.removePxSuffix(data.width); } else { styles.width = Util.addSizeSuffix(data.width); } if (editor.settings.table_style_by_css) { styles['border-width'] = Util.addSizeSuffix(data.border); styles['border-spacing'] = Util.addSizeSuffix(data.cellspacing); Tools.extend(attrs, { 'data-mce-border-color': data.borderColor, 'data-mce-cell-padding': data.cellpadding, 'data-mce-border': data.border }); } else { Tools.extend(attrs, { border: data.border, cellpadding: data.cellpadding, cellspacing: data.cellspacing }); } // TODO: this has to be reworked somehow, for example by introducing dedicated option, which // will control whether child TD/THs should be processed or not if (editor.settings.table_style_by_css) { if (tableElm.children) { for (var i = 0; i < tableElm.children.length; i++) { styleTDTH(dom, tableElm.children[i], { 'border-width': Util.addSizeSuffix(data.border), 'border-color': data.borderColor, 'padding': Util.addSizeSuffix(data.cellpadding) }); } } } if ( { // merge the styles from Advanced tab on top Tools.extend(styles, dom.parseStyle(; } else { // ... otherwise take styles from original elm and update them styles = Tools.extend({}, dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'style')), styles); } = dom.serializeStyle(styles); dom.setAttribs(tableElm, attrs); }; var onSubmitTableForm = function (editor, tableElm, evt) { var dom = editor.dom; var captionElm; var data; Helpers.updateStyleField(editor, evt); data = evt.control.rootControl.toJSON(); if (data["class"] === false) { delete data["class"]; } editor.undoManager.transact(function () { if (!tableElm) { tableElm = InsertTable.insert(editor, data.cols || 1, data.rows || 1); } applyDataToElement(editor, tableElm, data); // Toggle caption on/off captionElm ='caption', tableElm)[0]; if (captionElm && !data.caption) { dom.remove(captionElm); } if (!captionElm && data.caption) { captionElm = dom.create('caption'); captionElm.innerHTML = ! ? '<br data-mce-bogus="1"/>' : '\u00a0'; tableElm.insertBefore(captionElm, tableElm.firstChild); } Styles.unApplyAlign(editor, tableElm); if (data.align) { Styles.applyAlign(editor, tableElm, data.align); } editor.focus(); editor.addVisual(); }); }; var open = function (editor, isProps) { var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, colsCtrl, rowsCtrl, classListCtrl, data = {}, generalTableForm; if (isProps === true) { tableElm = dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table'); if (tableElm) { data = extractDataFromElement(editor, tableElm); } } else { colsCtrl = { label: 'Cols', name: 'cols' }; rowsCtrl = { label: 'Rows', name: 'rows' }; } if (editor.settings.table_class_list) { if (data["class"]) { data["class"] = data["class"].replace(/\s*mce\-item\-table\s*/g, ''); } classListCtrl = { name: 'class', type: 'listbox', label: 'Class', values: Helpers.buildListItems( editor.settings.table_class_list, function (item) { if (item.value) { item.textStyle = function () { return editor.formatter.getCssText({ block: 'table', classes: [item.value] }); }; } } ) }; } generalTableForm = { type: 'form', layout: 'flex', direction: 'column', labelGapCalc: 'children', padding: 0, items: [ { type: 'form', labelGapCalc: false, padding: 0, layout: 'grid', columns: 2, defaults: { type: 'textbox', maxWidth: 50 }, items: (editor.settings.table_appearance_options !== false) ? [ colsCtrl, rowsCtrl, { label: 'Width', name: 'width', onchange: Fun.curry(Helpers.updateStyleField, editor) }, { label: 'Height', name: 'height', onchange: Fun.curry(Helpers.updateStyleField, editor) }, { label: 'Cell spacing', name: 'cellspacing' }, { label: 'Cell padding', name: 'cellpadding' }, { label: 'Border', name: 'border' }, { label: 'Caption', name: 'caption', type: 'checkbox' } ] : [ colsCtrl, rowsCtrl, { label: 'Width', name: 'width', onchange: Fun.curry(Helpers.updateStyleField, editor) }, { label: 'Height', name: 'height', onchange: Fun.curry(Helpers.updateStyleField, editor) } ] }, { label: 'Alignment', name: 'align', type: 'listbox', text: 'None', values: [ { text: 'None', value: '' }, { text: 'Left', value: 'left' }, { text: 'Center', value: 'center' }, { text: 'Right', value: 'right' } ] }, classListCtrl ] }; if (editor.settings.table_advtab !== false) {{ title: "Table properties", data: data, bodyType: 'tabpanel', body: [ { title: 'General', type: 'form', items: generalTableForm }, Helpers.createStyleForm(editor) ], onsubmit: Fun.curry(onSubmitTableForm, editor, tableElm) }); } else {{ title: "Table properties", data: data, body: generalTableForm, onsubmit: Fun.curry(onSubmitTableForm, editor, tableElm) }); } }; return { open: open }; } ); /** * RowDialog.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * @class tinymce.table.ui.RowDialog * @private */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.RowDialog', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.Styles', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.Helpers' ], function (Fun, Tools, Styles, Util, Helpers) { var extractDataFromElement = function (editor, elm) { var dom = editor.dom; var data = { height: dom.getStyle(elm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(elm, 'height'), scope: dom.getAttrib(elm, 'scope'), 'class': dom.getAttrib(elm, 'class') }; data.type = elm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(); Tools.each('left center right'.split(' '), function (name) { if (editor.formatter.matchNode(elm, 'align' + name)) { data.align = name; } }); if (editor.settings.table_row_advtab !== false) { Tools.extend(data, Helpers.extractAdvancedStyles(dom, elm)); } return data; }; var switchRowType = function (dom, rowElm, toType) { var tableElm = dom.getParent(rowElm, 'table'); var oldParentElm = rowElm.parentNode; var parentElm =, tableElm)[0]; if (!parentElm) { parentElm = dom.create(toType); if (tableElm.firstChild) { // caption tag should be the first descendant of the table tag (see TINY-1167) if (tableElm.firstChild.nodeName === 'CAPTION') { dom.insertAfter(parentElm, tableElm.firstChild); } else { tableElm.insertBefore(parentElm, tableElm.firstChild); } } else { tableElm.appendChild(parentElm); } } parentElm.appendChild(rowElm); if (!oldParentElm.hasChildNodes()) { dom.remove(oldParentElm); } }; function onSubmitRowForm(editor, rows, evt) { var dom = editor.dom; var data; function setAttrib(elm, name, value) { if (value) { dom.setAttrib(elm, name, value); } } function setStyle(elm, name, value) { if (value) { dom.setStyle(elm, name, value); } } Helpers.updateStyleField(editor, evt); data = evt.control.rootControl.toJSON(); editor.undoManager.transact(function () { Tools.each(rows, function (rowElm) { setAttrib(rowElm, 'scope', data.scope); setAttrib(rowElm, 'style',; setAttrib(rowElm, 'class', data['class']); setStyle(rowElm, 'height', Util.addSizeSuffix(data.height)); if (data.type !== rowElm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { switchRowType(editor.dom, rowElm, data.type); } // Apply/remove alignment if (rows.length === 1) { Styles.unApplyAlign(editor, rowElm); } if (data.align) { Styles.applyAlign(editor, rowElm, data.align); } }); editor.focus(); }); } var open = function (editor) { var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, cellElm, rowElm, classListCtrl, data, rows = [], generalRowForm; tableElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table'); cellElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'td,th'); Tools.each(tableElm.rows, function (row) { Tools.each(row.cells, function (cell) { if (dom.getAttrib(cell, 'data-mce-selected') || cell == cellElm) { rows.push(row); return false; } }); }); rowElm = rows[0]; if (!rowElm) { // If this element is null, return now to avoid crashing. return; } if (rows.length > 1) { data = { height: '', scope: '', 'class': '', align: '', type: rowElm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() }; } else { data = extractDataFromElement(editor, rowElm); } if (editor.settings.table_row_class_list) { classListCtrl = { name: 'class', type: 'listbox', label: 'Class', values: Helpers.buildListItems( editor.settings.table_row_class_list, function (item) { if (item.value) { item.textStyle = function () { return editor.formatter.getCssText({ block: 'tr', classes: [item.value] }); }; } } ) }; } generalRowForm = { type: 'form', columns: 2, padding: 0, defaults: { type: 'textbox' }, items: [ { type: 'listbox', name: 'type', label: 'Row type', text: 'Header', maxWidth: null, values: [ { text: 'Header', value: 'thead' }, { text: 'Body', value: 'tbody' }, { text: 'Footer', value: 'tfoot' } ] }, { type: 'listbox', name: 'align', label: 'Alignment', text: 'None', maxWidth: null, values: [ { text: 'None', value: '' }, { text: 'Left', value: 'left' }, { text: 'Center', value: 'center' }, { text: 'Right', value: 'right' } ] }, { label: 'Height', name: 'height' }, classListCtrl ] }; if (editor.settings.table_row_advtab !== false) {{ title: "Row properties", data: data, bodyType: 'tabpanel', body: [ { title: 'General', type: 'form', items: generalRowForm }, Helpers.createStyleForm(dom) ], onsubmit: Fun.curry(onSubmitRowForm, editor, rows) }); } else {{ title: "Row properties", data: data, body: generalRowForm, onsubmit: Fun.curry(onSubmitRowForm, editor, rows) }); } }; return { open: open }; } ); /** * CellDialog.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * @class tinymce.table.ui.CellDialog * @private */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.CellDialog', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.Styles', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.Helpers' ], function (Fun, Tools, Styles, Util, Helpers) { var updateStyles = function (elm, cssText) { += ';' + cssText; }; var extractDataFromElement = function (editor, elm) { var dom = editor.dom; var data = { width: dom.getStyle(elm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(elm, 'width'), height: dom.getStyle(elm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(elm, 'height'), scope: dom.getAttrib(elm, 'scope'), 'class': dom.getAttrib(elm, 'class') }; data.type = elm.nodeName.toLowerCase(); Tools.each('left center right'.split(' '), function (name) { if (editor.formatter.matchNode(elm, 'align' + name)) { data.align = name; } }); Tools.each('top middle bottom'.split(' '), function (name) { if (editor.formatter.matchNode(elm, 'valign' + name)) { data.valign = name; } }); if (editor.settings.table_cell_advtab !== false) { Tools.extend(data, Helpers.extractAdvancedStyles(dom, elm)); } return data; }; var onSubmitCellForm = function (editor, cells, evt) { var dom = editor.dom; var data; function setAttrib(elm, name, value) { if (value) { dom.setAttrib(elm, name, value); } } function setStyle(elm, name, value) { if (value) { dom.setStyle(elm, name, value); } } Helpers.updateStyleField(editor, evt); data = evt.control.rootControl.toJSON(); editor.undoManager.transact(function () { Tools.each(cells, function (cellElm) { setAttrib(cellElm, 'scope', data.scope); if (cells.length === 1) { setAttrib(cellElm, 'style',; } else { updateStyles(cellElm,; } setAttrib(cellElm, 'class', data['class']); setStyle(cellElm, 'width', Util.addSizeSuffix(data.width)); setStyle(cellElm, 'height', Util.addSizeSuffix(data.height)); // Switch cell type if (data.type && cellElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== data.type) { cellElm = dom.rename(cellElm, data.type); } // Remove alignment if (cells.length === 1) { Styles.unApplyAlign(editor, cellElm); Styles.unApplyVAlign(editor, cellElm); } // Apply alignment if (data.align) { Styles.applyAlign(editor, cellElm, data.align); } // Apply vertical alignment if (data.valign) { Styles.applyVAlign(editor, cellElm, data.valign); } }); editor.focus(); }); }; var open = function (editor) { var cellElm, data, classListCtrl, cells = []; // Get selected cells or the current cell cells ='td[data-mce-selected],th[data-mce-selected]'); cellElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'td,th'); if (!cells.length && cellElm) { cells.push(cellElm); } cellElm = cellElm || cells[0]; if (!cellElm) { // If this element is null, return now to avoid crashing. return; } if (cells.length > 1) { data = { width: '', height: '', scope: '', 'class': '', align: '', style: '', type: cellElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() }; } else { data = extractDataFromElement(editor, cellElm); } if (editor.settings.table_cell_class_list) { classListCtrl = { name: 'class', type: 'listbox', label: 'Class', values: Helpers.buildListItems( editor.settings.table_cell_class_list, function (item) { if (item.value) { item.textStyle = function () { return editor.formatter.getCssText({ block: 'td', classes: [item.value] }); }; } } ) }; } var generalCellForm = { type: 'form', layout: 'flex', direction: 'column', labelGapCalc: 'children', padding: 0, items: [ { type: 'form', layout: 'grid', columns: 2, labelGapCalc: false, padding: 0, defaults: { type: 'textbox', maxWidth: 50 }, items: [ { label: 'Width', name: 'width', onchange: Fun.curry(Helpers.updateStyleField, editor) }, { label: 'Height', name: 'height', onchange: Fun.curry(Helpers.updateStyleField, editor) }, { label: 'Cell type', name: 'type', type: 'listbox', text: 'None', minWidth: 90, maxWidth: null, values: [ { text: 'Cell', value: 'td' }, { text: 'Header cell', value: 'th' } ] }, { label: 'Scope', name: 'scope', type: 'listbox', text: 'None', minWidth: 90, maxWidth: null, values: [ { text: 'None', value: '' }, { text: 'Row', value: 'row' }, { text: 'Column', value: 'col' }, { text: 'Row group', value: 'rowgroup' }, { text: 'Column group', value: 'colgroup' } ] }, { label: 'H Align', name: 'align', type: 'listbox', text: 'None', minWidth: 90, maxWidth: null, values: [ { text: 'None', value: '' }, { text: 'Left', value: 'left' }, { text: 'Center', value: 'center' }, { text: 'Right', value: 'right' } ] }, { label: 'V Align', name: 'valign', type: 'listbox', text: 'None', minWidth: 90, maxWidth: null, values: [ { text: 'None', value: '' }, { text: 'Top', value: 'top' }, { text: 'Middle', value: 'middle' }, { text: 'Bottom', value: 'bottom' } ] } ] }, classListCtrl ] }; if (editor.settings.table_cell_advtab !== false) {{ title: "Cell properties", bodyType: 'tabpanel', data: data, body: [ { title: 'General', type: 'form', items: generalCellForm }, Helpers.createStyleForm(editor) ], onsubmit: Fun.curry(onSubmitCellForm, editor, cells) }); } else {{ title: "Cell properties", data: data, body: generalCellForm, onsubmit: Fun.curry(onSubmitCellForm, editor, cells) }); } }; return { open: open }; } ); /** * TableCommands.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableCommands', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.CopyRows', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableFill', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Replication', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TableTargets', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.TableDialog', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.RowDialog', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.CellDialog' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, CopyRows, TableFill, TableLookup, Insert, Remove, Replication, Element, Tools, Util, TableTargets, TableDialog, RowDialog, CellDialog) { var each = Tools.each; var clipboardRows = Option.none(); var getClipboardRows = function () { return clipboardRows.fold(function () { return; }, function (rows) { return, function (row) { return row.dom(); }); }); }; var setClipboardRows = function (rows) { var sugarRows =, Element.fromDom); clipboardRows = Option.from(sugarRows); }; var registerCommands = function (editor, actions, cellSelection, selections) { var isRoot = Util.getIsRoot(editor); var eraseTable = function () { var cell = Element.fromDom(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'th,td')); var table = TableLookup.table(cell, isRoot); table.filter(Fun.not(isRoot)).each(function (table) { var cursor = Element.fromText(''); Insert.after(table, cursor); Remove.remove(table); var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(cursor.dom(), 0); rng.setEnd(cursor.dom(), 0); editor.selection.setRng(rng); }); }; var getSelectionStartCell = function () { return Element.fromDom(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'th,td')); }; var getTableFromCell = function (cell) { return TableLookup.table(cell, isRoot); }; var actOnSelection = function (execute) { var cell = getSelectionStartCell(); var table = getTableFromCell(cell); table.each(function (table) { var targets = TableTargets.forMenu(selections, table, cell); execute(table, targets).each(function (rng) { editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.focus(); cellSelection.clear(table); }); }); }; var copyRowSelection = function (execute) { var cell = getSelectionStartCell(); var table = getTableFromCell(cell); return table.bind(function (table) { var doc = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc()); var targets = TableTargets.forMenu(selections, table, cell); var generators = TableFill.cellOperations(Fun.noop, doc, Option.none()); return CopyRows.copyRows(table, targets, generators); }); }; var pasteOnSelection = function (execute) { // If we have clipboard rows to paste clipboardRows.each(function (rows) { var clonedRows =, function (row) { return Replication.deep(row); }); var cell = getSelectionStartCell(); var table = getTableFromCell(cell); table.bind(function (table) { var doc = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc()); var generators = TableFill.paste(doc); var targets = TableTargets.pasteRows(selections, table, cell, clonedRows, generators); execute(table, targets).each(function (rng) { editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.focus(); cellSelection.clear(table); }); }); }); }; // Register action commands each({ mceTableSplitCells: function () { actOnSelection(actions.unmergeCells); }, mceTableMergeCells: function () { actOnSelection(actions.mergeCells); }, mceTableInsertRowBefore: function () { actOnSelection(actions.insertRowsBefore); }, mceTableInsertRowAfter: function () { actOnSelection(actions.insertRowsAfter); }, mceTableInsertColBefore: function () { actOnSelection(actions.insertColumnsBefore); }, mceTableInsertColAfter: function () { actOnSelection(actions.insertColumnsAfter); }, mceTableDeleteCol: function () { actOnSelection(actions.deleteColumn); }, mceTableDeleteRow: function () { actOnSelection(actions.deleteRow); }, mceTableCutRow: function (grid) { clipboardRows = copyRowSelection(); actOnSelection(actions.deleteRow); }, mceTableCopyRow: function (grid) { clipboardRows = copyRowSelection(); }, mceTablePasteRowBefore: function (grid) { pasteOnSelection(actions.pasteRowsBefore); }, mceTablePasteRowAfter: function (grid) { pasteOnSelection(actions.pasteRowsAfter); }, mceTableDelete: eraseTable }, function (func, name) { editor.addCommand(name, func); }); // Register dialog commands each({ mceInsertTable: Fun.curry(, editor), mceTableProps: Fun.curry(, editor, true), mceTableRowProps: Fun.curry(, editor), mceTableCellProps: Fun.curry(, editor) }, function (func, name) { editor.addCommand(name, function (ui, val) { func(val); }); }); }; return { registerCommands: registerCommands, getClipboardRows: getClipboardRows, setClipboardRows: setClipboardRows }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.ResizeWire', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Location', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Position' ], function (Fun, Option, Element, Location, Position) { // parent: the container where the resize bars are appended // this gets mouse event handlers only if it is not a child of 'view' (eg, detached/inline mode) // view: the container who listens to mouse events from content tables (eg, detached/inline mode) // or the document that is a common ancestor of both the content tables and the // resize bars ('parent') and so will listen to events from both (eg, iframe mode) // origin: the offset for the point to display the bars in the appropriate position var only = function (element) { // If element is a 'document', use the document element ('HTML' tag) for appending. var parent = Option.from(element.dom().documentElement).map(Element.fromDom).getOr(element); return { parent: Fun.constant(parent), view: Fun.constant(element), origin: Fun.constant(Position(0, 0)) }; }; var detached = function (editable, chrome) { var origin = Fun.curry(Location.absolute, chrome); return { parent: Fun.constant(chrome), view: Fun.constant(editable), origin: origin }; }; var body = function (editable, chrome) { return { parent: Fun.constant(chrome), view: Fun.constant(editable), origin: Fun.constant(Position(0, 0)) }; }; return { only: only, detached: detached, body: body }; } ); define( 'ephox.porkbun.Event', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct' ], function (Arr, Struct) { /** :: ([String]) -> Event */ return function (fields) { var struct = Struct.immutable.apply(null, fields); var handlers = []; var bind = function (handler) { if (handler === undefined) { throw 'Event bind error: undefined handler'; } handlers.push(handler); }; var unbind = function(handler) { // This is quite a bit slower than handlers.splice() but we hate mutation. // Unbind isn't used very often so it should be ok. handlers = Arr.filter(handlers, function (h) { return h !== handler; }); }; var trigger = function (/* values */) { // scullion does Array prototype slice, we don't need to as well var event = struct.apply(null, arguments); Arr.each(handlers, function (handler) { handler(event); }); }; return { bind: bind, unbind: unbind, trigger: trigger }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.porkbun.Events', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj' ], function (Obj) { /** :: {name : Event} -> Events */ var create = function (typeDefs) { var registry =, function (event) { return { bind: event.bind, unbind: event.unbind }; }); var trigger =, function (event) { return event.trigger; }); return { registry: registry, trigger: trigger }; }; return { create: create }; } ); define( 'ephox.dragster.api.DragApis', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Contracts' ], function (Contracts) { var mode = Contracts.exactly([ 'compare', 'extract', 'mutate', 'sink' ]); var sink = Contracts.exactly([ 'element', 'start', 'stop', 'destroy' ]); var api = Contracts.exactly([ 'forceDrop', 'drop', 'move', 'delayDrop' ]); return { mode: mode, sink: sink, api: api }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Namespace' ], function (Namespace) { var styles = Namespace.css('ephox-dragster'); return { resolve: styles.resolve }; } ); define( 'ephox.dragster.detect.Blocker', [ '', 'ephox.katamari.api.Merger', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove' ], function (Styles, Merger, Class, Css, Element, Remove) { return function (options) { var settings = Merger.merge({ 'layerClass': Styles.resolve('blocker') }, options); var div = Element.fromTag('div'); Css.setAll(div, { position: 'fixed', left: '0px', top: '0px', width: '100%', height: '100%' }); Class.add(div, Styles.resolve('blocker')); Class.add(div, settings.layerClass); var element = function () { return div; }; var destroy = function () { Remove.remove(div); }; return { element: element, destroy: destroy }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.impl.FilteredEvent', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element' ], function (Fun, Element) { var mkEvent = function (target, x, y, stop, prevent, kill, raw) { // switched from a struct to manual Fun.constant() because we are passing functions now, not just values return { 'target': Fun.constant(target), 'x': Fun.constant(x), 'y': Fun.constant(y), 'stop': stop, 'prevent': prevent, 'kill': kill, 'raw': Fun.constant(raw) }; }; var handle = function (filter, handler) { return function (rawEvent) { if (!filter(rawEvent)) return; // IE9 minimum var target = Element.fromDom(; var stop = function () { rawEvent.stopPropagation(); }; var prevent = function () { rawEvent.preventDefault(); }; var kill = Fun.compose(prevent, stop); // more of a sequence than a compose, but same effect // FIX: Don't just expose the raw event. Need to identify what needs standardisation. var evt = mkEvent(target, rawEvent.clientX, rawEvent.clientY, stop, prevent, kill, rawEvent); handler(evt); }; }; var binder = function (element, event, filter, handler, useCapture) { var wrapped = handle(filter, handler); // IE9 minimum element.dom().addEventListener(event, wrapped, useCapture); return { unbind: Fun.curry(unbind, element, event, wrapped, useCapture) }; }; var bind = function (element, event, filter, handler) { return binder(element, event, filter, handler, false); }; var capture = function (element, event, filter, handler) { return binder(element, event, filter, handler, true); }; var unbind = function (element, event, handler, useCapture) { // IE9 minimum element.dom().removeEventListener(event, handler, useCapture); }; return { bind: bind, capture: capture }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sugar.impl.FilteredEvent' ], function (Fun, FilteredEvent) { var filter = Fun.constant(true); // no filter on plain DomEvents var bind = function (element, event, handler) { return FilteredEvent.bind(element, event, filter, handler); }; var capture = function (element, event, handler) { return FilteredEvent.capture(element, event, filter, handler); }; return { bind: bind, capture: capture }; } ); define( 'ephox.dragster.api.MouseDrag', [ 'ephox.dragster.api.DragApis', 'ephox.dragster.detect.Blocker', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Position', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove' ], function (DragApis, Blocker, Option, Position, DomEvent, Insert, Remove) { var compare = function (old, nu) { return Position(nu.left() - old.left(), -; }; var extract = function (event) { return Option.some(Position(event.x(), event.y())); }; var mutate = function (mutation, info) { mutation.mutate(info.left(),; }; var sink = function (dragApi, settings) { var blocker = Blocker(settings); // Included for safety. If the blocker has stayed on the screen, get rid of it on a click. var mdown = DomEvent.bind(blocker.element(), 'mousedown', dragApi.forceDrop); var mup = DomEvent.bind(blocker.element(), 'mouseup', dragApi.drop); var mmove = DomEvent.bind(blocker.element(), 'mousemove', dragApi.move); var mout = DomEvent.bind(blocker.element(), 'mouseout', dragApi.delayDrop); var destroy = function () { blocker.destroy(); mup.unbind(); mmove.unbind(); mout.unbind(); mdown.unbind(); }; var start = function (parent) { Insert.append(parent, blocker.element()); }; var stop = function () { Remove.remove(blocker.element()); }; return DragApis.sink({ element: blocker.element, start: start, stop: stop, destroy: destroy }); }; return DragApis.mode({ compare: compare, extract: extract, sink: sink, mutate: mutate }); } ); define( 'ephox.dragster.detect.InDrag', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.porkbun.Event', 'ephox.porkbun.Events' ], function (Option, Event, Events) { return function () { var previous = Option.none(); var reset = function () { previous = Option.none(); }; // Return position delta between previous position and nu position, // or None if this is the first. Set the previous position to nu. var update = function (mode, nu) { var result = (old) { return, nu); }); previous = Option.some(nu); return result; }; var onEvent = function (event, mode) { var dataOption = mode.extract(event); // Dragster move events require a position delta. The moveevent is only triggered // on the second and subsequent dragster move events. The first is dropped. dataOption.each(function (data) { var offset = update(mode, data); offset.each(function (d) { events.trigger.move(d); }); }); }; var events = Events.create({ move: Event([ 'info' ]) }); return { onEvent: onEvent, reset: reset, events: events.registry }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.dragster.detect.NoDrag', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun' ], function (Fun) { return function (anchor) { var onEvent = function (event, mode) { }; return { onEvent: onEvent, reset: Fun.noop }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.dragster.detect.Movement', [ 'ephox.dragster.detect.InDrag', 'ephox.dragster.detect.NoDrag' ], function (InDrag, NoDrag) { return function () { var noDragState = NoDrag(); var inDragState = InDrag(); var dragState = noDragState; var on = function () { dragState.reset(); dragState = inDragState; }; var off = function () { dragState.reset(); dragState = noDragState; }; var onEvent = function (event, mode) { dragState.onEvent(event, mode); }; var isOn = function () { return dragState === inDragState; }; return { on: on, off: off, isOn: isOn, onEvent: onEvent, events: }; }; } ); defineGlobal("global!clearTimeout", clearTimeout); defineGlobal("global!setTimeout", setTimeout); define( 'ephox.katamari.api.Throttler', [ 'global!clearTimeout', 'global!setTimeout' ], function (clearTimeout, setTimeout) { // Run a function fn afer rate ms. If another invocation occurs // during the time it is waiting, update the arguments f will run // with (but keep the current schedule) var adaptable = function (fn, rate) { var timer = null; var args = null; var cancel = function () { if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; args = null; } }; var throttle = function () { args = arguments; if (timer === null) { timer = setTimeout(function () { fn.apply(null, args); timer = null; args = null; }, rate); } }; return { cancel: cancel, throttle: throttle }; }; // Run a function fn after rate ms. If another invocation occurs // during the time it is waiting, ignore it completely. var first = function (fn, rate) { var timer = null; var cancel = function () { if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } }; var throttle = function () { var args = arguments; if (timer === null) { timer = setTimeout(function () { fn.apply(null, args); timer = null; args = null; }, rate); } }; return { cancel: cancel, throttle: throttle }; }; // Run a function fn after rate ms. If another invocation occurs // during the time it is waiting, reschedule the function again // with the new arguments. var last = function (fn, rate) { var timer = null; var cancel = function () { if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } }; var throttle = function () { var args = arguments; if (timer !== null) clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { fn.apply(null, args); timer = null; args = null; }, rate); }; return { cancel: cancel, throttle: throttle }; }; return { adaptable: adaptable, first: first, last: last }; } ); define( 'ephox.dragster.core.Dragging', [ 'ephox.dragster.api.DragApis', 'ephox.dragster.detect.Movement', 'ephox.katamari.api.Throttler', 'ephox.porkbun.Event', 'ephox.porkbun.Events', 'global!Array' ], function (DragApis, Movement, Throttler, Event, Events, Array) { var setup = function (mutation, mode, settings) { var active = false; var events = Events.create({ start: Event([]), stop: Event([]) }); var movement = Movement(); var drop = function () { sink.stop(); if (movement.isOn()) {; events.trigger.stop(); } }; var throttledDrop = Throttler.last(drop, 200); var go = function (parent) { sink.start(parent); movement.on(); events.trigger.start(); }; var mouseup = function (event, ui) { drop(); }; var mousemove = function (event, ui) { throttledDrop.cancel(); movement.onEvent(event, mode); }; (event) { mode.mutate(mutation,; }); var on = function () { active = true; }; var off = function () { active = false; // acivate some events here? }; var runIfActive = function (f) { return function () { var args =, 0); if (active) { return f.apply(null, args); } }; }; var sink = mode.sink(DragApis.api({ // ASSUMPTION: runIfActive is not needed for mousedown. This is pretty much a safety measure for // inconsistent situations so that we don't block input. forceDrop: drop, drop: runIfActive(drop), move: runIfActive(mousemove), delayDrop: runIfActive(throttledDrop.throttle) }), settings); var destroy = function () { sink.destroy(); }; return { element: sink.element, go: go, on: on, off: off, destroy: destroy, events: events.registry }; }; return { setup: setup }; } ); define( 'ephox.dragster.api.Dragger', [ 'ephox.dragster.api.MouseDrag', 'ephox.dragster.core.Dragging', 'global!Array' ], function (MouseDrag, Dragging, Array) { var transform = function (mutation, options) { var settings = options !== undefined ? options : {}; var mode = settings.mode !== undefined ? settings.mode : MouseDrag; return Dragging.setup(mutation, mode, options); }; return { transform: transform }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.Mutation', [ 'ephox.porkbun.Event', 'ephox.porkbun.Events' ], function (Event, Events) { return function () { var events = Events.create({ 'drag': Event(['xDelta', 'yDelta']) }); var mutate = function (x, y) { events.trigger.drag(x, y); }; return { mutate: mutate, events: events.registry }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.BarMutation', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.porkbun.Event', 'ephox.porkbun.Events', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Mutation' ], function (Option, Event, Events, Mutation) { return function () { var events = Events.create({ drag: Event(['xDelta', 'yDelta', 'target']) }); var target = Option.none(); var delegate = Mutation(); (event) { target.each(function (t) { // There is always going to be this padding / border collapse / margin problem with widths. I'll have to resolve that. events.trigger.drag(event.xDelta(), event.yDelta(), t); }); }); var assign = function (t) { target = Option.some(t); }; var get = function () { return target; }; return { assign: assign, get: get, mutate: delegate.mutate, events: events.registry }; }; } ); define( '', [ '' ], function (SelectorFind) { var any = function (selector) { return SelectorFind.first(selector).isSome(); }; var ancestor = function (scope, selector, isRoot) { return SelectorFind.ancestor(scope, selector, isRoot).isSome(); }; var sibling = function (scope, selector) { return SelectorFind.sibling(scope, selector).isSome(); }; var child = function (scope, selector) { return SelectorFind.child(scope, selector).isSome(); }; var descendant = function (scope, selector) { return SelectorFind.descendant(scope, selector).isSome(); }; var closest = function (scope, selector, isRoot) { return SelectorFind.closest(scope, selector, isRoot).isSome(); }; return { any: any, ancestor: ancestor, sibling: sibling, child: child, descendant: descendant, closest: closest }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.resize.BarManager', [ 'ephox.dragster.api.Dragger', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.porkbun.Event', 'ephox.porkbun.Events', 'ephox.snooker.resize.BarMutation', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Bars', '', 'ephox.snooker.util.CellUtils', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Body', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', '', '', '', '', 'global!parseInt' ], function ( Dragger, Fun, Option, Event, Events, BarMutation, Bars, Styles, CellUtils, Compare, DomEvent, Body, Node, Attr, Class, Css, SelectorExists, SelectorFind, parseInt ) { var resizeBarDragging = Styles.resolve('resizer-bar-dragging'); return function (wire, direction, hdirection) { var mutation = BarMutation(); var resizing = Dragger.transform(mutation, {}); var hoverTable = Option.none(); var getResizer = function (element, type) { return Option.from(Attr.get(element, type)); }; /* Reposition the bar as the user drags */ (event) { getResizer(, 'data-row').each(function (_dataRow) { var currentRow = CellUtils.getInt(, 'top'); Css.set(, 'top', currentRow + event.yDelta() + 'px'); }); getResizer(, 'data-column').each(function (_dataCol) { var currentCol = CellUtils.getInt(, 'left'); Css.set(, 'left', currentCol + event.xDelta() + 'px'); }); }); var getDelta = function (target, direction) { var newX = CellUtils.getInt(target, direction); var oldX = parseInt(Attr.get(target, 'data-initial-' + direction), 10); return newX - oldX; }; /* Resize the column once the user releases the mouse */ () { mutation.get().each(function (target) { hoverTable.each(function (table) { getResizer(target, 'data-row').each(function (row) { var delta = getDelta(target, 'top'); Attr.remove(target, 'data-initial-top'); events.trigger.adjustHeight(table, delta, parseInt(row, 10)); }); getResizer(target, 'data-column').each(function (column) { var delta = getDelta(target, 'left'); Attr.remove(target, 'data-initial-left'); events.trigger.adjustWidth(table, delta, parseInt(column, 10)); }); Bars.refresh(wire, table, hdirection, direction); }); }); }); var handler = function (target, direction) { events.trigger.startAdjust(); mutation.assign(target); Attr.set(target, 'data-initial-' + direction, parseInt(Css.get(target, direction), 10)); Class.add(target, resizeBarDragging); Css.set(target, 'opacity', '0.2'); resizing.go(wire.parent()); }; /* mousedown on resize bar: start dragging when the bar is clicked, storing the initial position. */ var mousedown = DomEvent.bind(wire.parent(), 'mousedown', function (event) { if (Bars.isRowBar( handler(, 'top'); if (Bars.isColBar( handler(, 'left'); }); var isRoot = function (e) { return Compare.eq(e, wire.view()); }; /* mouseover on table: When the mouse moves within the CONTENT AREA (NOT THE TABLE), refresh the bars. */ var mouseover = DomEvent.bind(wire.view(), 'mouseover', function (event) { if ( === 'table' || SelectorExists.ancestor(, 'table', isRoot)) { hoverTable = === 'table' ? Option.some( : SelectorFind.ancestor(, 'table', isRoot); hoverTable.each(function (ht) { Bars.refresh(wire, ht, hdirection, direction); }); } else if (Body.inBody( { /* * mouseout is not reliable within ContentEditable, so for all other mouseover events we clear bars. * This is fairly safe to do frequently; it's a single querySelectorAll() on the content and on the result. * If we _really_ need to optimise it further, we can start caching the bar references in the wire somehow. */ Bars.destroy(wire); } }); var destroy = function () { mousedown.unbind(); mouseover.unbind(); resizing.destroy(); Bars.destroy(wire); }; var refresh = function (tbl) { Bars.refresh(wire, tbl, hdirection, direction); }; var events = Events.create({ adjustHeight: Event(['table', 'delta', 'row']), adjustWidth: Event(['table', 'delta', 'column']), startAdjust: Event([]) }); return { destroy: destroy, refresh: refresh, on: resizing.on, off:, hideBars: Fun.curry(Bars.hide, wire), showBars: Fun.curry(, wire), events: events.registry }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.TableResize', [ 'ephox.porkbun.Event', 'ephox.porkbun.Events', 'ephox.snooker.resize.Adjustments', 'ephox.snooker.resize.BarManager', 'ephox.snooker.resize.BarPositions' ], function (Event, Events, Adjustments, BarManager, BarPositions) { /* * Creates and sets up a bar-based column resize manager. * Wire is used to provide the parent, view, and origin */ return function (wire, vdirection) { var hdirection = BarPositions.height; var manager = BarManager(wire, vdirection, hdirection); var events = Events.create({ beforeResize: Event(['table']), afterResize: Event(['table']), startDrag: Event([]) }); (event) { events.trigger.beforeResize(event.table()); var delta =, event.table()); Adjustments.adjustHeight(event.table(), delta, event.row(), hdirection); events.trigger.afterResize(event.table()); }); (event) { events.trigger.startDrag(); }); (event) { events.trigger.beforeResize(event.table()); var delta =, event.table()); Adjustments.adjustWidth(event.table(), delta, event.column(), vdirection); events.trigger.afterResize(event.table()); }); return { on: manager.on, off:, hideBars: manager.hideBars, showBars: manager.showBars, destroy: manager.destroy, events: events.registry }; }; } ); /** * TableWire.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableWire', [ 'ephox.snooker.api.ResizeWire', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Remove', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Body', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util' ], function (ResizeWire, Insert, Remove, Body, Element, Css, Util) { var createContainer = function () { var container = Element.fromTag('div'); Css.setAll(container, { position: 'static', height: '0', width: '0', padding: '0', margin: '0', border: '0' }); Insert.append(Body.body(), container); return container; }; var get = function (editor, container) { return editor.inline ? ResizeWire.body(Util.getBody(editor), createContainer()) : ResizeWire.only(Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc())); }; var remove = function (editor, wire) { if (editor.inline) { Remove.remove(wire.parent()); } }; return { get: get, remove: remove }; } ); /** * ResizeHandler.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.ResizeHandler', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.ResizeWire', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableDirection', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableResize', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '', '', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableWire', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.Direction', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools' ], function (Arr, Option, ResizeWire, TableDirection, TableResize, Element, Attr, SelectorFilter, TableWire, Direction, Tools) { return function (editor) { var selectionRng = Option.none(); var resize = Option.none(); var wire = Option.none(); var percentageBasedSizeRegex = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)%/; var startW, startRawW; var isTable = function (elm) { return elm.nodeName === 'TABLE'; }; var getRawWidth = function (elm) { return editor.dom.getStyle(elm, 'width') || editor.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'width'); }; var lazyResize = function () { return resize; }; var lazyWire = function () { return wire.getOr(ResizeWire.only(Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()))); }; var destroy = function () { resize.each(function (sz) { sz.destroy(); }); wire.each(function (w) { TableWire.remove(editor, w); }); }; editor.on('init', function () { var direction = TableDirection(Direction.directionAt); var rawWire = TableWire.get(editor); wire = Option.some(rawWire); if (editor.settings.object_resizing && editor.settings.table_resize_bars !== false && (editor.settings.object_resizing === true || editor.settings.object_resizing === 'table')) { var sz = TableResize(rawWire, direction); sz.on(); (event) { selectionRng = Option.some(editor.selection.getRng()); }); (event) { var table = event.table(); var dataStyleCells = SelectorFilter.descendants(table, 'td[data-mce-style],th[data-mce-style]'); Arr.each(dataStyleCells, function (cell) { Attr.remove(cell, 'data-mce-style'); }); selectionRng.each(function (rng) { editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.focus(); }); editor.undoManager.add(); }); resize = Option.some(sz); } }); // If we're updating the table width via the old mechanic, we need to update the constituent cells' widths/heights too. editor.on('ObjectResizeStart', function (e) { if (isTable( { startW = e.width; startRawW = getRawWidth(; } }); editor.on('ObjectResized', function (e) { if (isTable( { var table =; if (percentageBasedSizeRegex.test(startRawW)) { var percentW = parseFloat(percentageBasedSizeRegex.exec(startRawW)[1], 10); var targetPercentW = e.width * percentW / startW; editor.dom.setStyle(table, 'width', targetPercentW + '%'); } else { var newCellSizes = []; Tools.each(table.rows, function (row) { Tools.each(row.cells, function (cell) { var width = editor.dom.getStyle(cell, 'width', true); newCellSizes.push({ cell: cell, width: width }); }); }); Tools.each(newCellSizes, function (newCellSize) { editor.dom.setStyle(newCellSize.cell, 'width', newCellSize.width); editor.dom.setAttrib(newCellSize.cell, 'width', null); }); } } }); return { lazyResize: lazyResize, lazyWire: lazyWire, destroy: destroy }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.CellLocation', [ ], function () { /* * The CellLocation ADT is used to represent a cell when navigating. The * last type constructor is used because special behaviour may be required * when navigating past the last cell (e.g. create a new row). */ var none = function (current) { return folder(function (n, f, m, l) { return n(current); }); }; var first = function (current) { return folder(function (n, f, m, l) { return f(current); }); }; var middle = function (current, target) { return folder(function (n, f, m, l) { return m(current, target); }); }; var last = function (current) { return folder(function (n, f, m, l) { return l(current); }); }; var folder = function (fold) { return { fold: fold }; }; return { none: none, first: first, middle: middle, last: last }; } ); define( 'ephox.snooker.api.CellNavigation', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.snooker.api.CellLocation', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare' ], function (Arr, Fun, CellLocation, TableLookup, Compare) { /* * Identify the index of the current cell within all the cells, and * a list of the cells within its table. */ var detect = function (current, isRoot) { return TableLookup.table(current, isRoot).bind(function (table) { var all = TableLookup.cells(table); var index = Arr.findIndex(all, function (x) { return Compare.eq(current, x); }); return (ind) { return { index: Fun.constant(ind), all: Fun.constant(all) }; }); }); }; /* * Identify the CellLocation of the cell when navigating forward from current */ var next = function (current, isRoot) { var detection = detect(current, isRoot); return detection.fold(function () { return CellLocation.none(current); }, function (info) { return info.index() + 1 < info.all().length ? CellLocation.middle(current, info.all()[info.index() + 1]) : CellLocation.last(current); }); }; /* * Identify the CellLocation of the cell when navigating back from current */ var prev = function (current, isRoot) { var detection = detect(current, isRoot); return detection.fold(function () { return CellLocation.none(); }, function (info) { return info.index() - 1 >= 0 ? CellLocation.middle(current, info.all()[info.index() - 1]) : CellLocation.first(current); }); }; return { next: next, prev: prev }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Adt', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun' ], function (Adt, Fun) { var adt = Adt.generate([ { 'before': [ 'element' ] }, { 'on': [ 'element', 'offset' ] }, { after: [ 'element' ] } ]); // Probably don't need this given that we now have "match" var cata = function (subject, onBefore, onOn, onAfter) { return subject.fold(onBefore, onOn, onAfter); }; var getStart = function (situ) { return situ.fold(Fun.identity, Fun.identity, Fun.identity) }; return { before: adt.before, on: adt.on, after: adt.after, cata: cata, getStart: getStart }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Adt', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ' ], function (Adt, Struct, Element, Traverse, Situ) { // Consider adding a type for "element" var type = Adt.generate([ { domRange: [ 'rng' ] }, { relative: [ 'startSitu', 'finishSitu' ] }, { exact: [ 'start', 'soffset', 'finish', 'foffset' ] } ]); var range = Struct.immutable( 'start', 'soffset', 'finish', 'foffset' ); var exactFromRange = function (simRange) { return type.exact(simRange.start(), simRange.soffset(), simRange.finish(), simRange.foffset()); }; var getStart = function (selection) { return selection.match({ domRange: function (rng) { return Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer); }, relative: function (startSitu, finishSitu) { return Situ.getStart(startSitu); }, exact: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { return start; } }); }; var getWin = function (selection) { var start = getStart(selection); return Traverse.defaultView(start); }; return { domRange: type.domRange, relative: type.relative, exact: type.exact, exactFromRange: exactFromRange, range: range, getWin: getWin }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.DocumentPosition', [ 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '' ], function (Compare, Element, Traverse) { var makeRange = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var doc = Traverse.owner(start); // TODO: We need to think about a better place to put native range creation code. Does it even belong in sugar? // Could the `Compare` checks (node.compareDocumentPosition) handle these situations better? var rng = doc.dom().createRange(); rng.setStart(start.dom(), soffset); rng.setEnd(finish.dom(), foffset); return rng; }; // Return the deepest - or furthest down the document tree - Node that contains both boundary points // of the range (start:soffset, finish:foffset). var commonAncestorContainer = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var r = makeRange(start, soffset, finish, foffset); return Element.fromDom(r.commonAncestorContainer); }; var after = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var r = makeRange(start, soffset, finish, foffset); var same = Compare.eq(start, finish) && soffset === foffset; return r.collapsed && !same; }; return { after: after, commonAncestorContainer: commonAncestorContainer }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Fragment', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'global!document' ], function (Arr, Element, document) { var fromElements = function (elements, scope) { var doc = scope || document; var fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); Arr.each(elements, function (element) { fragment.appendChild(element.dom()); }); return Element.fromDom(fragment); }; return { fromElements: fromElements }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.NativeRange', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element' ], function (Fun, Option, Compare, Element) { var selectNodeContents = function (win, element) { var rng = win.document.createRange(); selectNodeContentsUsing(rng, element); return rng; }; var selectNodeContentsUsing = function (rng, element) { rng.selectNodeContents(element.dom()); }; var isWithin = function (outerRange, innerRange) { // Adapted from: return innerRange.compareBoundaryPoints(outerRange.END_TO_START, outerRange) < 1 && innerRange.compareBoundaryPoints(outerRange.START_TO_END, outerRange) > -1; }; var create = function (win) { return win.document.createRange(); }; // NOTE: Mutates the range. var setStart = function (rng, situ) { situ.fold(function (e) { rng.setStartBefore(e.dom()); }, function (e, o) { rng.setStart(e.dom(), o); }, function (e) { rng.setStartAfter(e.dom()); }); }; var setFinish = function (rng, situ) { situ.fold(function (e) { rng.setEndBefore(e.dom()); }, function (e, o) { rng.setEnd(e.dom(), o); }, function (e) { rng.setEndAfter(e.dom()); }); }; var replaceWith = function (rng, fragment) { // Note: this document fragment approach may not work on IE9. deleteContents(rng); rng.insertNode(fragment.dom()); }; var isCollapsed = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { return Compare.eq(start, finish) && soffset === foffset; }; var relativeToNative = function (win, startSitu, finishSitu) { var range = win.document.createRange(); setStart(range, startSitu); setFinish(range, finishSitu); return range; }; var exactToNative = function (win, start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var rng = win.document.createRange(); rng.setStart(start.dom(), soffset); rng.setEnd(finish.dom(), foffset); return rng; }; var deleteContents = function (rng) { rng.deleteContents(); }; var cloneFragment = function (rng) { var fragment = rng.cloneContents(); return Element.fromDom(fragment); }; var toRect = function (rect) { return { left: Fun.constant(rect.left), top: Fun.constant(, right: Fun.constant(rect.right), bottom: Fun.constant(rect.bottom), width: Fun.constant(rect.width), height: Fun.constant(rect.height) }; }; var getFirstRect = function (rng) { var rects = rng.getClientRects(); // ASSUMPTION: The first rectangle is the start of the selection var rect = rects.length > 0 ? rects[0] : rng.getBoundingClientRect(); return rect.width > 0 || rect.height > 0 ? Option.some(rect).map(toRect) : Option.none(); }; var getBounds = function (rng) { var rect = rng.getBoundingClientRect(); return rect.width > 0 || rect.height > 0 ? Option.some(rect).map(toRect) : Option.none(); }; var toString = function (rng) { return rng.toString(); }; return { create: create, replaceWith: replaceWith, selectNodeContents: selectNodeContents, selectNodeContentsUsing: selectNodeContentsUsing, isCollapsed: isCollapsed, relativeToNative: relativeToNative, exactToNative: exactToNative, deleteContents: deleteContents, cloneFragment: cloneFragment, getFirstRect: getFirstRect, getBounds: getBounds, isWithin: isWithin, toString: toString }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.SelectionDirection', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Adt', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Thunk', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.NativeRange' ], function (Adt, Fun, Option, Thunk, Element, NativeRange) { var adt = Adt.generate([ { ltr: [ 'start', 'soffset', 'finish', 'foffset' ] }, { rtl: [ 'start', 'soffset', 'finish', 'foffset' ] } ]); var fromRange = function (win, type, range) { return type(Element.fromDom(range.startContainer), range.startOffset, Element.fromDom(range.endContainer), range.endOffset); }; var getRanges = function (win, selection) { return selection.match({ domRange: function (rng) { return { ltr: Fun.constant(rng), rtl: Option.none }; }, relative: function (startSitu, finishSitu) { return { ltr: Thunk.cached(function () { return NativeRange.relativeToNative(win, startSitu, finishSitu); }), rtl: Thunk.cached(function () { return Option.some( NativeRange.relativeToNative(win, finishSitu, startSitu) ); }) }; }, exact: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { return { ltr: Thunk.cached(function () { return NativeRange.exactToNative(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset); }), rtl: Thunk.cached(function () { return Option.some( NativeRange.exactToNative(win, finish, foffset, start, soffset) ); }) }; } }); }; var doDiagnose = function (win, ranges) { // If we cannot create a ranged selection from start > finish, it could be RTL var rng = ranges.ltr(); if (rng.collapsed) { // Let's check if it's RTL ... if it is, then reversing the direction will not be collapsed var reversed = ranges.rtl().filter(function (rev) { return rev.collapsed === false; }); return (rev) { // We need to use "reversed" here, because the original only has one point (collapsed) return adt.rtl( Element.fromDom(rev.endContainer), rev.endOffset, Element.fromDom(rev.startContainer), rev.startOffset ); }).getOrThunk(function () { return fromRange(win, adt.ltr, rng); }); } else { return fromRange(win, adt.ltr, rng); } }; var diagnose = function (win, selection) { var ranges = getRanges(win, selection); return doDiagnose(win, ranges); }; var asLtrRange = function (win, selection) { var diagnosis = diagnose(win, selection); return diagnosis.match({ ltr: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var rng = win.document.createRange(); rng.setStart(start.dom(), soffset); rng.setEnd(finish.dom(), foffset); return rng; }, rtl: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { // NOTE: Reversing start and finish var rng = win.document.createRange(); rng.setStart(finish.dom(), foffset); rng.setEnd(start.dom(), soffset); return rng; } }); }; return { ltr: adt.ltr, rtl: adt.rtl, diagnose: diagnose, asLtrRange: asLtrRange }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.alien.Geometry', [ 'global!Math' ], function (Math) { var searchForPoint = function (rectForOffset, x, y, maxX, length) { // easy cases if (length === 0) return 0; else if (x === maxX) return length - 1; var xDelta = maxX; // start at 1, zero is the fallback for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { var rect = rectForOffset(i); var curDeltaX = Math.abs(x - rect.left); if (y > rect.bottom) { // range is too high, above drop point, do nothing } else if (y < || curDeltaX > xDelta) { // if the search winds up on the line below the drop point, // or we pass the best X offset, // wind back to the previous (best) delta return i - 1; } else { // update current search delta xDelta = curDeltaX; } } return 0; // always return something, even if it's not the exact offset it'll be better than nothing }; var inRect = function (rect, x, y) { return x >= rect.left && x <= rect.right && y >= && y <= rect.bottom; }; return { inRect: inRect, searchForPoint: searchForPoint }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.TextPoint', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Options', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Text', 'ephox.sugar.selection.alien.Geometry', 'global!Math' ], function (Option, Options, Text, Geometry, Math) { var locateOffset = function (doc, textnode, x, y, rect) { var rangeForOffset = function (offset) { var r = doc.dom().createRange(); r.setStart(textnode.dom(), offset); r.collapse(true); return r; }; var rectForOffset = function (offset) { var r = rangeForOffset(offset); return r.getBoundingClientRect(); }; var length = Text.get(textnode).length; var offset = Geometry.searchForPoint(rectForOffset, x, y, rect.right, length); return rangeForOffset(offset); }; var locate = function (doc, node, x, y) { var r = doc.dom().createRange(); r.selectNode(node.dom()); var rects = r.getClientRects(); var foundRect = Options.findMap(rects, function (rect) { return Geometry.inRect(rect, x, y) ? Option.some(rect) : Option.none(); }); return (rect) { return locateOffset(doc, node, x, y, rect); }); }; return { locate: locate }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.ContainerPoint', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Options', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', 'ephox.sugar.selection.alien.Geometry', 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.TextPoint', 'global!Math' ], function (Option, Options, Node, Traverse, Geometry, TextPoint, Math) { /** * Future idea: * * This code requires the drop point to be contained within the nodes array somewhere. If it isn't, * we fall back to the extreme start or end of the node array contents. * This isn't really what the user intended. * * In theory, we could just find the range point closest to the boxes representing the node * (repartee does something similar). */ var searchInChildren = function (doc, node, x, y) { var r = doc.dom().createRange(); var nodes = Traverse.children(node); return Options.findMap(nodes, function (n) { // slight mutation because we assume creating ranges is expensive r.selectNode(n.dom()); return Geometry.inRect(r.getBoundingClientRect(), x, y) ? locateNode(doc, n, x, y) : Option.none(); }); }; var locateNode = function (doc, node, x, y) { var locator = Node.isText(node) ? TextPoint.locate : searchInChildren; return locator(doc, node, x, y); }; var locate = function (doc, node, x, y) { var r = doc.dom().createRange(); r.selectNode(node.dom()); var rect = r.getBoundingClientRect(); // Clamp x,y at the bounds of the node so that the locate function has SOME chance var boundedX = Math.max(rect.left, Math.min(rect.right, x)); var boundedY = Math.max(, Math.min(rect.bottom, y)); return locateNode(doc, node, boundedX, boundedY); }; return { locate: locate }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.EdgePoint', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.CursorPosition' ], function (Option, Traverse, CursorPosition) { /* * When a node has children, we return either the first or the last cursor * position, whichever is closer horizontally * * When a node has no children, we return the start of end of the element, * depending on which is closer horizontally * */ // TODO: Make this RTL compatible var COLLAPSE_TO_LEFT = true; var COLLAPSE_TO_RIGHT = false; var getCollapseDirection = function (rect, x) { return x - rect.left < rect.right - x ? COLLAPSE_TO_LEFT : COLLAPSE_TO_RIGHT; }; var createCollapsedNode = function (doc, target, collapseDirection) { var r = doc.dom().createRange(); r.selectNode(target.dom()); r.collapse(collapseDirection); return r; }; var locateInElement = function (doc, node, x) { var cursorRange = doc.dom().createRange(); cursorRange.selectNode(node.dom()); var rect = cursorRange.getBoundingClientRect(); var collapseDirection = getCollapseDirection(rect, x); var f = collapseDirection === COLLAPSE_TO_LEFT ? CursorPosition.first : CursorPosition.last; return f(node).map(function (target) { return createCollapsedNode(doc, target, collapseDirection); }); }; var locateInEmpty = function (doc, node, x) { var rect = node.dom().getBoundingClientRect(); var collapseDirection = getCollapseDirection(rect, x); return Option.some(createCollapsedNode(doc, node, collapseDirection)); }; var search = function (doc, node, x) { var f = Traverse.children(node).length === 0 ? locateInEmpty : locateInElement; return f(doc, node, x); }; return { search: search }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.CaretRange', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.ContainerPoint', 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.EdgePoint', 'global!document', 'global!Math' ], function (Option, Element, Traverse, Selection, ContainerPoint, EdgePoint, document, Math) { var caretPositionFromPoint = function (doc, x, y) { return Option.from(doc.dom().caretPositionFromPoint(x, y)).bind(function (pos) { // It turns out that Firefox can return null for pos.offsetNode if (pos.offsetNode === null) return Option.none(); var r = doc.dom().createRange(); r.setStart(pos.offsetNode, pos.offset); r.collapse(); return Option.some(r); }); }; var caretRangeFromPoint = function (doc, x, y) { return Option.from(doc.dom().caretRangeFromPoint(x, y)); }; var searchTextNodes = function (doc, node, x, y) { var r = doc.dom().createRange(); r.selectNode(node.dom()); var rect = r.getBoundingClientRect(); // Clamp x,y at the bounds of the node so that the locate function has SOME chance var boundedX = Math.max(rect.left, Math.min(rect.right, x)); var boundedY = Math.max(, Math.min(rect.bottom, y)); return ContainerPoint.locate(doc, node, boundedX, boundedY); }; var searchFromPoint = function (doc, x, y) { // elementFromPoint is defined to return null when there is no element at the point // This often happens when using IE10 event.y instead of event.clientY return Element.fromPoint(doc, x, y).bind(function (elem) { // used when the x,y position points to an image, or outside the bounds var fallback = function () { return, elem, x); }; return Traverse.children(elem).length === 0 ? fallback() : // if we have children, search for the right text node and then get the offset out of it searchTextNodes(doc, elem, x, y).orThunk(fallback); }); }; var availableSearch = document.caretPositionFromPoint ? caretPositionFromPoint : // defined standard document.caretRangeFromPoint ? caretRangeFromPoint : // webkit implementation searchFromPoint; // fallback var fromPoint = function (win, x, y) { var doc = Element.fromDom(win.document); return availableSearch(doc, x, y).map(function (rng) { return Selection.range( Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset, Element.fromDom(rng.endContainer), rng.endOffset ); }); }; return { fromPoint: fromPoint }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.Within', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.NativeRange', 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.SelectionDirection' ], function (Arr, Element, Node, SelectorFilter, Selectors, NativeRange, SelectionDirection) { var withinContainer = function (win, ancestor, outerRange, selector) { var innerRange = NativeRange.create(win); var self =, selector) ? [ ancestor ] : []; var elements = self.concat(SelectorFilter.descendants(ancestor, selector)); return Arr.filter(elements, function (elem) { // Mutate the selection to save creating new ranges each time NativeRange.selectNodeContentsUsing(innerRange, elem); return NativeRange.isWithin(outerRange, innerRange); }); }; var find = function (win, selection, selector) { // Reverse the selection if it is RTL when doing the comparison var outerRange = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, selection); var ancestor = Element.fromDom(outerRange.commonAncestorContainer); // Note, this might need to change when we have to start looking for non elements. return Node.isElement(ancestor) ? withinContainer(win, ancestor, outerRange, selector) : []; }; return { find: find }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.selection.quirks.Prefilter', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ' ], function (Arr, Element, Node, Selection, Situ) { var beforeSpecial = function (element, offset) { // From memory, we don't want to use <br> directly on Firefox because it locks the keyboard input. // It turns out that <img> directly on IE locks the keyboard as well. // If the offset is 0, use before. If the offset is 1, use after. // TBIO-3889: Firefox Situ.on <input> results in a child of the <input>; Situ.before <input> results in platform inconsistencies var name =; if ('input' === name) return Situ.after(element); else if (!Arr.contains([ 'br', 'img' ], name)) return Situ.on(element, offset); else return offset === 0 ? Situ.before(element) : Situ.after(element); }; var preprocessRelative = function (startSitu, finishSitu) { var start = startSitu.fold(Situ.before, beforeSpecial, Situ.after); var finish = finishSitu.fold(Situ.before, beforeSpecial, Situ.after); return Selection.relative(start, finish); }; var preprocessExact = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var startSitu = beforeSpecial(start, soffset); var finishSitu = beforeSpecial(finish, foffset); return Selection.relative(startSitu, finishSitu); }; var preprocess = function (selection) { return selection.match({ domRange: function (rng) { var start = Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer); var finish = Element.fromDom(rng.endContainer); return preprocessExact(start, rng.startOffset, finish, rng.endOffset); }, relative: preprocessRelative, exact: preprocessExact }); }; return { beforeSpecial: beforeSpecial, preprocess: preprocess, preprocessRelative: preprocessRelative, preprocessExact: preprocessExact }; } ); define( 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.WindowSelection', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.DocumentPosition', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Fragment', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.NativeRange', 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.SelectionDirection', 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.CaretRange', 'ephox.sugar.selection.query.Within', 'ephox.sugar.selection.quirks.Prefilter' ], function (Option, DocumentPosition, Element, Fragment, Traverse, Selection, NativeRange, SelectionDirection, CaretRange, Within, Prefilter) { var doSetNativeRange = function (win, rng) { Option.from(win.getSelection()).each(function(selection) { selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(rng); }); }; var doSetRange = function (win, start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var rng = NativeRange.exactToNative(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset); doSetNativeRange(win, rng); }; var findWithin = function (win, selection, selector) { return Within.find(win, selection, selector); }; var setRangeFromRelative = function (win, relative) { return SelectionDirection.diagnose(win, relative).match({ ltr: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { doSetRange(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset); }, rtl: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var selection = win.getSelection(); // If this selection is backwards, then we need to use extend. if (selection.extend) { selection.collapse(start.dom(), soffset); selection.extend(finish.dom(), foffset); } else { doSetRange(win, finish, foffset, start, soffset); } } }); }; var setExact = function (win, start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var relative = Prefilter.preprocessExact(start, soffset, finish, foffset); setRangeFromRelative(win, relative); }; var setRelative = function (win, startSitu, finishSitu) { var relative = Prefilter.preprocessRelative(startSitu, finishSitu); setRangeFromRelative(win, relative); }; var toNative = function (selection) { var win = Selection.getWin(selection).dom(); var getDomRange = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { return NativeRange.exactToNative(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset); }; var filtered = Prefilter.preprocess(selection); return SelectionDirection.diagnose(win, filtered).match({ ltr: getDomRange, rtl: getDomRange }); }; // NOTE: We are still reading the range because it gives subtly different behaviour // than using the anchorNode and focusNode. I'm not sure if this behaviour is any // better or worse; it's just different. var readRange = function (selection) { if (selection.rangeCount > 0) { var firstRng = selection.getRangeAt(0); var lastRng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1); return Option.some(Selection.range( Element.fromDom(firstRng.startContainer), firstRng.startOffset, Element.fromDom(lastRng.endContainer), lastRng.endOffset )); } else { return Option.none(); } }; var doGetExact = function (selection) { var anchorNode = Element.fromDom(selection.anchorNode); var focusNode = Element.fromDom(selection.focusNode); return DocumentPosition.after(anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset, focusNode, selection.focusOffset) ? Option.some( Selection.range( Element.fromDom(selection.anchorNode), selection.anchorOffset, Element.fromDom(selection.focusNode), selection.focusOffset ) ) : readRange(selection); }; var setToElement = function (win, element) { var rng = NativeRange.selectNodeContents(win, element); doSetNativeRange(win, rng); }; var forElement = function (win, element) { var rng = NativeRange.selectNodeContents(win, element); return Selection.range( Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset, Element.fromDom(rng.endContainer), rng.endOffset ); }; var getExact = function (win) { // We want to retrieve the selection as it is. var selection = win.getSelection(); return selection.rangeCount > 0 ? doGetExact(selection) : Option.none(); }; // TODO: Test this. var get = function (win) { return getExact(win).map(function (range) { return Selection.exact(range.start(), range.soffset(), range.finish(), range.foffset()); }); }; var getFirstRect = function (win, selection) { var rng = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, selection); return NativeRange.getFirstRect(rng); }; var getBounds = function (win, selection) { var rng = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, selection); return NativeRange.getBounds(rng); }; var getAtPoint = function (win, x, y) { return CaretRange.fromPoint(win, x, y); }; var getAsString = function (win, selection) { var rng = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, selection); return NativeRange.toString(rng); }; var clear = function (win) { var selection = win.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); }; var clone = function (win, selection) { var rng = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, selection); return NativeRange.cloneFragment(rng); }; var replace = function (win, selection, elements) { var rng = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, selection); var fragment = Fragment.fromElements(elements, win.document); NativeRange.replaceWith(rng, fragment); }; var deleteAt = function (win, selection) { var rng = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, selection); NativeRange.deleteContents(rng); }; return { setExact: setExact, getExact: getExact, get: get, setRelative: setRelative, toNative: toNative, setToElement: setToElement, clear: clear, clone: clone, replace: replace, deleteAt: deleteAt, forElement: forElement, getFirstRect: getFirstRect, getBounds: getBounds, getAtPoint: getAtPoint, findWithin: findWithin, getAsString: getAsString }; } ); /** * ResolveGlobal.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.core.util.VK', [ 'global!tinymce.util.Tools.resolve' ], function (resolve) { return resolve('tinymce.util.VK'); } ); /** * TabContext.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TabContext', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.CellNavigation', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.CursorPosition', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.WindowSelection', 'tinymce.core.util.VK', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TableTargets' ], function (Arr, Option, CellNavigation, TableLookup, Compare, Element, Node, SelectorFilter, SelectorFind, CursorPosition, Selection, WindowSelection, VK, Util, TableTargets) { var forward = function (editor, isRoot, cell, lazyWire) { return go(editor, isRoot,, lazyWire); }; var backward = function (editor, isRoot, cell, lazyWire) { return go(editor, isRoot, CellNavigation.prev(cell), lazyWire); }; var getCellFirstCursorPosition = function (editor, cell) { var selection = Selection.exact(cell, 0, cell, 0); return WindowSelection.toNative(selection); }; var getNewRowCursorPosition = function (editor, table) { var rows = SelectorFilter.descendants(table, 'tr'); return Arr.last(rows).bind(function (last) { return SelectorFind.descendant(last, 'td,th').map(function (first) { return getCellFirstCursorPosition(editor, first); }); }); }; var go = function (editor, isRoot, cell, actions, lazyWire) { return cell.fold(Option.none, Option.none, function (current, next) { return CursorPosition.first(next).map(function (cell) { return getCellFirstCursorPosition(editor, cell); }); }, function (current) { return TableLookup.table(current, isRoot).bind(function (table) { var targets = TableTargets.noMenu(current); editor.undoManager.transact(function () { actions.insertRowsAfter(table, targets); }); return getNewRowCursorPosition(editor, table); }); }); }; var rootElements = ['table', 'li', 'dl']; var handle = function (event, editor, actions, lazyWire) { if (event.keyCode === VK.TAB) { var body = Util.getBody(editor); var isRoot = function (element) { var name =; return Compare.eq(element, body) || Arr.contains(rootElements, name); }; var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); if (rng.collapsed) { var start = Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer); TableLookup.cell(start, isRoot).each(function (cell) { event.preventDefault(); var navigation = event.shiftKey ? backward : forward; var rng = navigation(editor, isRoot, cell, actions, lazyWire); rng.each(function (range) { editor.selection.setRng(range); }); }); } } }; return { handle: handle }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.api.Responses', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct' ], function (Struct) { var response = Struct.immutable('selection', 'kill'); return { response: response }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.api.SelectionKeys', [ ], function () { var isKey = function (key) { return function (keycode) { return keycode === key; }; }; var isUp = isKey(38); var isDown = isKey(40); var isNavigation = function (keycode) { return keycode >= 37 && keycode <= 40; }; return { ltr: { // We need to move KEYS out of keytar and into something much more low-level. isBackward: isKey(37), isForward: isKey(39) }, rtl: { isBackward: isKey(39), isForward: isKey(37) }, isUp: isUp, isDown: isDown, isNavigation: isNavigation }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.selection.Util', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ', 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.SelectionDirection' ], function (Fun, Element, Situ, SelectionDirection) { var convertToRange = function (win, selection) { // TODO: Use API packages of sugar var rng = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, selection); return { start: Fun.constant(Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer)), soffset: Fun.constant(rng.startOffset), finish: Fun.constant(Element.fromDom(rng.endContainer)), foffset: Fun.constant(rng.endOffset) }; }; var makeSitus = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { return { start: Fun.constant(Situ.on(start, soffset)), finish: Fun.constant(Situ.on(finish, foffset)) }; }; return { convertToRange: convertToRange, makeSitus: makeSitus }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.api.WindowBridge', [ 'ephox.darwin.selection.Util', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Obj', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.WindowSelection' ], function (Util, Fun, Obj, Option, Element, Selection, Situ, WindowSelection) { return function (win) { var elementFromPoint = function (x, y) { return Option.from(win.document.elementFromPoint(x, y)).map(Element.fromDom); }; var getRect = function (element) { return element.dom().getBoundingClientRect(); }; var getRangedRect = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { var sel = Selection.exact(start, soffset, finish, foffset); return WindowSelection.getFirstRect(win, sel).map(function (structRect) { return, Fun.apply); }); }; var getSelection = function () { return WindowSelection.get(win).map(function (exactAdt) { return Util.convertToRange(win, exactAdt); }); }; var fromSitus = function (situs) { var relative = Selection.relative(situs.start(), situs.finish()); return Util.convertToRange(win, relative); }; var situsFromPoint = function (x, y) { return WindowSelection.getAtPoint(win, x, y).map(function (exact) { return { start: Fun.constant(Situ.on(exact.start(), exact.soffset())), finish: Fun.constant(Situ.on(exact.finish(), exact.foffset())) }; }); }; var clearSelection = function () { WindowSelection.clear(win); }; var selectContents = function (element) { WindowSelection.setToElement(win, element); }; var setSelection = function (sel) { WindowSelection.setExact(win, sel.start(), sel.soffset(), sel.finish(), sel.foffset()); }; var setRelativeSelection = function (start, finish) { WindowSelection.setRelative(win, start, finish); }; var getInnerHeight = function () { return win.innerHeight; }; var getScrollY = function () { return win.scrollY; }; var scrollBy = function (x, y) { win.scrollBy(x, y); }; return { elementFromPoint: elementFromPoint, getRect: getRect, getRangedRect: getRangedRect, getSelection: getSelection, fromSitus: fromSitus, situsFromPoint: situsFromPoint, clearSelection: clearSelection, setSelection: setSelection, setRelativeSelection: setRelativeSelection, selectContents: selectContents, getInnerHeight: getInnerHeight, getScrollY: getScrollY, scrollBy: scrollBy }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.KeySelection', [ 'ephox.darwin.api.Responses', 'ephox.darwin.selection.CellSelection', 'ephox.darwin.selection.Util', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ' ], function (Responses, CellSelection, Util, Fun, Option, Compare, SelectorFind, Awareness, Selection, Situ) { // Based on a start and finish, select the appropriate box of cells var sync = function (container, isRoot, start, soffset, finish, foffset, selectRange) { if (!(Compare.eq(start, finish) && soffset === foffset)) { return SelectorFind.closest(start, 'td,th', isRoot).bind(function (s) { return SelectorFind.closest(finish, 'td,th', isRoot).bind(function (f) { return detect(container, isRoot, s, f, selectRange); }); }); } else { return Option.none(); } }; // If the cells are different, and there is a rectangle to connect them, select the cells. var detect = function (container, isRoot, start, finish, selectRange) { if (! Compare.eq(start, finish)) { var boxes = CellSelection.identify(start, finish, isRoot).getOr([]); if (boxes.length > 0) { selectRange(container, boxes, start, finish); return Option.some(Responses.response( Option.some(Util.makeSitus(start, 0, start, Awareness.getEnd(start))), true )); } } return Option.none(); }; var update = function (rows, columns, container, selected, annotations) { var updateSelection = function (newSels) { annotations.clear(container); annotations.selectRange(container, newSels.boxes(), newSels.start(), newSels.finish()); return newSels.boxes(); }; return CellSelection.shiftSelection(selected, rows, columns, annotations.firstSelectedSelector(), annotations.lastSelectedSelector()).map(updateSelection); }; return { sync: sync, detect: detect, update: update }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Carets', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct' ], function (Struct) { var nu = Struct.immutableBag([ 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom' ], []); var moveDown = function (caret, amount) { return nu({ left: caret.left(), top: + amount, right: caret.right(), bottom: caret.bottom() + amount }); }; var moveUp = function (caret, amount) { return nu({ left: caret.left(), top: - amount, right: caret.right(), bottom: caret.bottom() - amount }); }; var moveBottomTo = function (caret, bottom) { var height = caret.bottom() -; return nu({ left: caret.left(), top: bottom - height, right: caret.right(), bottom: bottom }); }; var moveTopTo = function (caret, top) { var height = caret.bottom() -; return nu({ left: caret.left(), top: top, right: caret.right(), bottom: top + height }); }; var translate = function (caret, xDelta, yDelta) { return nu({ left: caret.left() + xDelta, top: + yDelta, right: caret.right() + xDelta, bottom: caret.bottom() + yDelta }); }; var getTop = function (caret) { return; }; var getBottom = function (caret) { return caret.bottom(); }; var toString = function (caret) { return '(' + caret.left() + ', ' + + ') -> (' + caret.right() + ', ' + caret.bottom() + ')'; }; return { nu: nu, moveUp: moveUp, moveDown: moveDown, moveBottomTo: moveBottomTo, moveTopTo: moveTopTo, getTop: getTop, getBottom: getBottom, translate: translate, toString: toString }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Rectangles', [ 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Carets', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness' ], function (Carets, Option, Node, Awareness) { var getPartialBox = function (bridge, element, offset) { if (offset >= 0 && offset < Awareness.getEnd(element)) return bridge.getRangedRect(element, offset, element, offset+1); else if (offset > 0) return bridge.getRangedRect(element, offset - 1, element, offset); return Option.none(); }; var toCaret = function (rect) { return{ left: rect.left, top:, right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom }); }; var getElemBox = function (bridge, element) { return Option.some(bridge.getRect(element)); }; var getBoxAt = function (bridge, element, offset) { // Note, we might need to consider this offset and descend. if (Node.isElement(element)) return getElemBox(bridge, element, offset).map(toCaret); else if (Node.isText(element)) return getPartialBox(bridge, element, offset).map(toCaret); else return Option.none(); }; var getEntireBox = function (bridge, element) { if (Node.isElement(element)) return getElemBox(bridge, element).map(toCaret); else if (Node.isText(element)) return bridge.getRangedRect(element, 0, element, Awareness.getEnd(element)).map(toCaret); else return Option.none(); }; return { getBoxAt: getBoxAt, getEntireBox: getEntireBox }; } ); define( 'ephox.phoenix.gather.Walker', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct' ], function (Arr, Option, Struct) { var traverse = Struct.immutable('item', 'mode'); var backtrack = function (universe, item, direction, _transition) { var transition = _transition !== undefined ? _transition : sidestep; return (p) { return traverse(p, transition); }); }; var sidestep = function (universe, item, direction, _transition) { var transition = _transition !== undefined ? _transition : advance; return direction.sibling(universe, item).map(function (p) { return traverse(p, transition); }); }; var advance = function (universe, item, direction, _transition) { var transition = _transition !== undefined ? _transition : advance; var children =; var result = direction.first(children); return (r) { return traverse(r, transition); }); }; /* * Rule breakdown: * * current: the traversal that we are applying. * next: the next traversal to apply if the current traversal succeeds (e.g. advance after sidestepping) * fallback: the traversal to fallback to when the current traversal does not find a node */ var successors = [ { current: backtrack, next: sidestep, fallback: Option.none() }, { current: sidestep, next: advance, fallback: Option.some(backtrack) }, { current: advance, next: advance, fallback: Option.some(sidestep) } ]; var go = function (universe, item, mode, direction, _rules) { var rules = _rules !== undefined ? _rules : successors; // INVESTIGATE: Find a way which doesn't require an array search first to identify the current mode. var ruleOpt = Arr.find(rules, function (succ) { return succ.current === mode; }); return ruleOpt.bind(function (rule) { // Attempt the current mode. If not, use the fallback and try again. return rule.current(universe, item, direction, () { return rule.fallback.bind(function (fb) { return go(universe, item, fb, direction) }); }); }); }; return { backtrack: backtrack, sidestep: sidestep, advance: advance, go: go }; } ); define( 'ephox.phoenix.gather.Walkers', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option' ], function (Option) { var left = function () { var sibling = function (universe, item) { return universe.query().prevSibling(item); }; var first = function (children) { return children.length > 0 ? Option.some(children[children.length - 1]) : Option.none(); }; return { sibling: sibling, first: first }; }; var right = function () { var sibling = function (universe, item) { return universe.query().nextSibling(item); }; var first = function (children) { return children.length > 0 ? Option.some(children[0]) : Option.none(); }; return { sibling: sibling, first: first }; }; return { left: left, right: right }; } ); define( 'ephox.phoenix.gather.Seeker', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.phoenix.gather.Walker', 'ephox.phoenix.gather.Walkers' ], function (Option, Walker, Walkers) { var hone = function (universe, item, predicate, mode, direction, isRoot) { var next = Walker.go(universe, item, mode, direction); return next.bind(function (n) { if (isRoot(n.item())) return Option.none(); else return predicate(n.item()) ? Option.some(n.item()) : hone(universe, n.item(), predicate, n.mode(), direction, isRoot); }); }; var left = function (universe, item, predicate, isRoot) { return hone(universe, item, predicate, Walker.sidestep, Walkers.left(), isRoot); }; var right = function (universe, item, predicate, isRoot) { return hone(universe, item, predicate, Walker.sidestep, Walkers.right(), isRoot); }; return { left: left, right: right }; } ); define( 'ephox.phoenix.api.general.Gather', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.phoenix.gather.Seeker', 'ephox.phoenix.gather.Walker', 'ephox.phoenix.gather.Walkers' ], /** * Documentation is in the actual implementations. */ function (Fun, Seeker, Walker, Walkers) { var isLeaf = function (universe, element) { return === 0; }; var before = function (universe, item, isRoot) { return seekLeft(universe, item, Fun.curry(isLeaf, universe), isRoot); }; var after = function (universe, item, isRoot) { return seekRight(universe, item, Fun.curry(isLeaf, universe), isRoot); }; var seekLeft = function (universe, item, predicate, isRoot) { return Seeker.left(universe, item, predicate, isRoot); }; var seekRight = function (universe, item, predicate, isRoot) { return Seeker.right(universe, item, predicate, isRoot); }; var walkers = function () { return { left: Walkers.left, right: Walkers.right }; }; var walk = function (universe, item, mode, direction, _rules) { return Walker.go(universe, item, mode, direction, _rules); }; return { before: before, after: after, seekLeft: seekLeft, seekRight: seekRight, walkers: walkers, walk: walk, // These have to be direct references. backtrack: Walker.backtrack, sidestep: Walker.sidestep, advance: Walker.advance }; } ); define( 'ephox.phoenix.api.dom.DomGather', [ 'ephox.boss.api.DomUniverse', 'ephox.phoenix.api.general.Gather' ], /** * Documentation is in the actual implementations. */ function (DomUniverse, Gather) { var universe = DomUniverse(); var gather = function (element, prune, transform) { return Gather.gather(universe, element, prune, transform); }; var before = function (element, isRoot) { return Gather.before(universe, element, isRoot); }; var after = function (element, isRoot) { return Gather.after(universe, element, isRoot); }; var seekLeft = function (element, predicate, isRoot) { return Gather.seekLeft(universe, element, predicate, isRoot); }; var seekRight = function (element, predicate, isRoot) { return Gather.seekRight(universe, element, predicate, isRoot); }; var walkers = function () { return Gather.walkers(); }; var walk = function (item, mode, direction, _rules) { return Gather.walk(universe, item, mode, direction, _rules); }; return { gather: gather, before: before, after: after, seekLeft: seekLeft, seekRight: seekRight, walkers: walkers, walk: walk // Due to exact references being required, these can't go through the DOM layer. // Outside modules need to be able to creates sets of rules which use the exports directly, // because when we are applying the rules we use a simple equality check to work out which // rule is which. If we delegate here, the memory address of the API rule and the internal // rule will be different. // backtrack: backtrack, // sidestep: sidestep, // advance: advance }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Retries', [ 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Carets', 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Rectangles', 'ephox.katamari.api.Adt', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.phoenix.api.dom.DomGather', 'ephox.robin.api.dom.DomStructure', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', '', 'global!Math' ], function (Carets, Rectangles, Adt, Fun, Option, DomGather, DomStructure, Node, PredicateFind, Math) { var JUMP_SIZE = 5; var NUM_RETRIES = 100; var adt = Adt.generate([ { 'none' : [] }, { 'retry': [ 'caret' ] } ]); var isOutside = function (caret, box) { return caret.left() < box.left() || Math.abs(box.right() - caret.left()) < 1 || caret.left() > box.right(); }; // Find the block and determine whether or not that block is outside. If it is outside, move up/down and right. var inOutsideBlock = function (bridge, element, caret) { return PredicateFind.closest(element, DomStructure.isBlock).fold(Fun.constant(false), function (cell) { return Rectangles.getEntireBox(bridge, cell).exists(function (box) { return isOutside(caret, box); }); }); }; /* * The approach is as follows. * * The browser APIs for caret ranges return elements that are the closest text elements to your (x, y) position, even if those * closest elements are miles away. This causes problems when you are trying to identify what is immediately above or below * a cell, because often the closest text is in a cell that is in a completely different column. Therefore, the approach needs * to keep moving down until the thing that we are hitting is likely to be a true positive. * * Steps: * * 1. If the y position of the next guess is not different from the original, keep going. * 2a. If the guess box doesn't actually include the position looked for, then the browser has returned a node that does not have * a rectangle which truly intercepts the point. So, keep going. Note, we used to jump straight away here, but that means that * we might skip over something that wasn't considered close enough but was a better guess than just making the y value skip. * 2b. If the guess box exactly aligns with the caret, then adjust by 1 and go again. This is to get a more accurate offset. * 3. if the guess box does include the caret, but the guess box's parent cell does not *really* contain the caret, try again shifting * only the x value. If the guess box's parent cell does *really* contain the caret (i.e. it is horizontally-aligned), then stop * because the guess is GOOD. */ var adjustDown = function (bridge, element, guessBox, original, caret) { var lowerCaret = Carets.moveDown(caret, JUMP_SIZE); if (Math.abs(guessBox.bottom() - original.bottom()) < 1) return adt.retry(lowerCaret); else if ( > caret.bottom()) return adt.retry(lowerCaret); else if ( === caret.bottom()) return adt.retry(Carets.moveDown(caret, 1)); else return inOutsideBlock(bridge, element, caret) ? adt.retry(Carets.translate(lowerCaret, JUMP_SIZE, 0)) : adt.none(); }; var adjustUp = function (bridge, element, guessBox, original, caret) { var higherCaret = Carets.moveUp(caret, JUMP_SIZE); if (Math.abs( - < 1) return adt.retry(higherCaret); else if (guessBox.bottom() < return adt.retry(higherCaret); else if (guessBox.bottom() === return adt.retry(Carets.moveUp(caret, 1)); else return inOutsideBlock(bridge, element, caret) ? adt.retry(Carets.translate(higherCaret, JUMP_SIZE, 0)) : adt.none(); }; var upMovement = { point: Carets.getTop, adjuster: adjustUp, move: Carets.moveUp, gather: DomGather.before }; var downMovement = { point: Carets.getBottom, adjuster: adjustDown, move: Carets.moveDown, gather: DomGather.after }; var isAtTable = function (bridge, x, y) { return bridge.elementFromPoint(x, y).filter(function (elm) { return === 'table'; }).isSome(); }; var adjustForTable = function (bridge, movement, original, caret, numRetries) { return adjustTil(bridge, movement, original, movement.move(caret, JUMP_SIZE), numRetries); }; var adjustTil = function (bridge, movement, original, caret, numRetries) { if (numRetries === 0) return Option.some(caret); if (isAtTable(bridge, caret.left(), movement.point(caret))) return adjustForTable(bridge, movement, original, caret, numRetries-1); return bridge.situsFromPoint(caret.left(), movement.point(caret)).bind(function (guess) { return guess.start().fold(Option.none, function (element, offset) { return Rectangles.getEntireBox(bridge, element, offset).bind(function (guessBox) { return movement.adjuster(bridge, element, guessBox, original, caret).fold( Option.none, function (newCaret) { return adjustTil(bridge, movement, original, newCaret, numRetries-1); } ); }).orThunk(function () { return Option.some(caret); }); }, Option.none); }); }; var ieTryDown = function (bridge, caret) { return bridge.situsFromPoint(caret.left(), caret.bottom() + JUMP_SIZE); }; var ieTryUp = function (bridge, caret) { return bridge.situsFromPoint(caret.left(), - JUMP_SIZE); }; var checkScroll = function (movement, adjusted, bridge) { // I'm not convinced that this is right. Let's re-examine it later. if (movement.point(adjusted) > bridge.getInnerHeight()) return Option.some(movement.point(adjusted) - bridge.getInnerHeight()); else if (movement.point(adjusted) < 0) return Option.some(-movement.point(adjusted)); else return Option.none(); }; var retry = function (movement, bridge, caret) { var moved = movement.move(caret, JUMP_SIZE); var adjusted = adjustTil(bridge, movement, caret, moved, NUM_RETRIES).getOr(moved); return checkScroll(movement, adjusted, bridge).fold(function () { return bridge.situsFromPoint(adjusted.left(), movement.point(adjusted)); }, function (delta) { bridge.scrollBy(0, delta); return bridge.situsFromPoint(adjusted.left(), movement.point(adjusted) - delta); }); }; return { tryUp: Fun.curry(retry, upMovement), tryDown: Fun.curry(retry, downMovement), ieTryUp: ieTryUp, ieTryDown: ieTryDown, getJumpSize: Fun.constant(JUMP_SIZE) }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.navigation.BeforeAfter', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Adt', 'ephox.robin.api.dom.DomParent', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness' ], function (Adt, DomParent, Compare, SelectorFind, Awareness) { var adt = Adt.generate([ { 'none' : [ 'message'] }, { 'success': [ ] }, { 'failedUp': [ 'cell' ] }, { 'failedDown': [ 'cell' ] } ]); // Let's get some bounding rects, and see if they overlap (x-wise) var isOverlapping = function (bridge, before, after) { var beforeBounds = bridge.getRect(before); var afterBounds = bridge.getRect(after); return afterBounds.right > beforeBounds.left && afterBounds.left < beforeBounds.right; }; var verify = function (bridge, before, beforeOffset, after, afterOffset, failure, isRoot) { // Identify the cells that the before and after are in. return SelectorFind.closest(after, 'td,th', isRoot).bind(function (afterCell) { return SelectorFind.closest(before, 'td,th', isRoot).map(function (beforeCell) { // If they are not in the same cell if (! Compare.eq(afterCell, beforeCell)) { return DomParent.sharedOne(isRow, [ afterCell, beforeCell ]).fold(function () { // No shared row, and they overlap x-wise -> success, otherwise: failed return isOverlapping(bridge, beforeCell, afterCell) ? adt.success() : failure(beforeCell); }, function (sharedRow) { // In the same row, so it failed. return failure(beforeCell); }); } else { return Compare.eq(after, afterCell) && Awareness.getEnd(afterCell) === afterOffset ? failure(beforeCell) : adt.none('in same cell'); } }); }).getOr(adt.none('default')); }; var isRow = function (elem) { return SelectorFind.closest(elem, 'tr'); }; var cata = function (subject, onNone, onSuccess, onFailedUp, onFailedDown) { return subject.fold(onNone, onSuccess, onFailedUp, onFailedDown); }; return { verify: verify, cata: cata, adt: adt }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct' ], function (Struct) { var point = Struct.immutable('element', 'offset'); var delta = Struct.immutable('element', 'deltaOffset'); var range = Struct.immutable('element', 'start', 'finish'); var points = Struct.immutable('begin', 'end'); var text = Struct.immutable('element', 'text'); return { point: point, delta: delta, range: range, points: points, text: text }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', '', '', '' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Struct, Compare, PredicateFind, SelectorFilter, SelectorFind, Traverse) { var inAncestor = Struct.immutable('ancestor', 'descendants', 'element', 'index'); var inParent = Struct.immutable('parent', 'children', 'element', 'index'); var childOf = function (element, ancestor) { return PredicateFind.closest(element, function (elem) { return Traverse.parent(elem).exists(function (parent) { return Compare.eq(parent, ancestor); }); }); }; var indexInParent = function (element) { return Traverse.parent(element).bind(function (parent) { var children = Traverse.children(parent); return indexOf(children, element).map(function (index) { return inParent(parent, children, element, index); }); }); }; var indexOf = function (elements, element) { return Arr.findIndex(elements, Fun.curry(Compare.eq, element)); }; var selectorsInParent = function (element, selector) { return Traverse.parent(element).bind(function (parent) { var children = SelectorFilter.children(parent, selector); return indexOf(children, element).map(function (index) { return inParent(parent, children, element, index); }); }); }; var descendantsInAncestor = function (element, ancestorSelector, descendantSelector) { return SelectorFind.closest(element, ancestorSelector).bind(function (ancestor) { var descendants = SelectorFilter.descendants(ancestor, descendantSelector); return indexOf(descendants, element).map(function (index) { return inAncestor(ancestor, descendants, element, index); }); }); }; return { childOf: childOf, indexOf: indexOf, indexInParent: indexInParent, selectorsInParent: selectorsInParent, descendantsInAncestor: descendantsInAncestor }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.navigation.BrTags', [ 'ephox.darwin.navigation.BeforeAfter', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Text', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ' ], function (BeforeAfter, Fun, Option, Spot, Node, Text, ElementAddress, Traverse, Awareness, Situ) { var isBr = function (elem) { return === 'br'; }; var gatherer = function (cand, gather, isRoot) { return gather(cand, isRoot).bind(function (target) { return Node.isText(target) && Text.get(target).trim().length === 0 ? gatherer(target, gather, isRoot) : Option.some(target); }); }; var handleBr = function (isRoot, element, direction) { // 1. Has a neighbouring sibling ... position relative to neighbouring element // 2. Has no neighbouring sibling ... position relative to gathered element return direction.traverse(element).orThunk(function () { return gatherer(element, direction.gather, isRoot); }).map(direction.relative); }; var findBr = function (element, offset) { return Traverse.child(element, offset).filter(isBr).orThunk(function () { // Can be either side of the br, and still be a br. return Traverse.child(element, offset-1).filter(isBr); }); }; var handleParent = function (isRoot, element, offset, direction) { // 1. Has no neighbouring sibling, position relative to gathered element // 2. Has a neighbouring sibling, position at the neighbouring sibling with respect to parent return findBr(element, offset).bind(function (br) { return direction.traverse(br).fold(function () { return gatherer(br, direction.gather, isRoot).map(direction.relative); }, function (adjacent) { return ElementAddress.indexInParent(adjacent).map(function (info) { return Situ.on(info.parent(), info.index()); }); }); }); }; var tryBr = function (isRoot, element, offset, direction) { // Three different situations // 1. the br is the child, and it has a previous sibling. Use parent, index-1) // 2. the br is the child and it has no previous sibling, set to before the previous gather result // 3. the br is the element and it has a previous sibling, use parent index-1) // 4. the br is the element and it has no previous sibling, set to before the previous gather result. // 2. the element is the br itself, var target = isBr(element) ? handleBr(isRoot, element, direction) : handleParent(isRoot, element, offset, direction); return (tgt) { return { start: Fun.constant(tgt), finish: Fun.constant(tgt) }; }); }; var process = function (analysis) { return BeforeAfter.cata(analysis, function (message) { return Option.none('BR ADT: none'); }, function () { return Option.none(); }, function (cell) { return Option.some(Spot.point(cell, 0)); }, function (cell) { return Option.some(Spot.point(cell, Awareness.getEnd(cell))); } ); }; return { tryBr: tryBr, process: process }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.TableKeys', [ 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Carets', 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Rectangles', 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Retries', 'ephox.darwin.navigation.BeforeAfter', 'ephox.darwin.navigation.BrTags', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', '', 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness' ], function (Carets, Rectangles, Retries, BeforeAfter, BrTags, Option, Spot, PlatformDetection, Compare, Awareness) { var MAX_RETRIES = 20; var platform = PlatformDetection.detect(); var findSpot = function (bridge, isRoot, direction) { return bridge.getSelection().bind(function (sel) { return BrTags.tryBr(isRoot, sel.finish(), sel.foffset(), direction).fold(function () { return Option.some(Spot.point(sel.finish(), sel.foffset())); }, function (brNeighbour) { var range = bridge.fromSitus(brNeighbour); var analysis = BeforeAfter.verify(bridge, sel.finish(), sel.foffset(), range.finish(), range.foffset(), direction.failure, isRoot); return BrTags.process(analysis); }); }); }; var scan = function (bridge, isRoot, element, offset, direction, numRetries) { if (numRetries === 0) return Option.none(); // Firstly, move the (x, y) and see what element we end up on. return tryCursor(bridge, isRoot, element, offset, direction).bind(function (situs) { var range = bridge.fromSitus(situs); // Now, check to see if the element is a new cell. var analysis = BeforeAfter.verify(bridge, element, offset, range.finish(), range.foffset(), direction.failure, isRoot); return BeforeAfter.cata(analysis, function () { return Option.none(); }, function () { // We have a new cell, so we stop looking. return Option.some(situs); }, function (cell) { if (Compare.eq(element, cell) && offset === 0) return tryAgain(bridge, element, offset, Carets.moveUp, direction); // We need to look again from the start of our current cell else return scan(bridge, isRoot, cell, 0, direction, numRetries - 1); }, function (cell) { // If we were here last time, move and try again. if (Compare.eq(element, cell) && offset === Awareness.getEnd(cell)) return tryAgain(bridge, element, offset, Carets.moveDown, direction); // We need to look again from the end of our current cell else return scan(bridge, isRoot, cell, Awareness.getEnd(cell), direction, numRetries - 1); }); }); }; var tryAgain = function (bridge, element, offset, move, direction) { return Rectangles.getBoxAt(bridge, element, offset).bind(function (box) { return tryAt(bridge, direction, move(box, Retries.getJumpSize())); }); }; var tryAt = function (bridge, direction, box) { // NOTE: As we attempt to take over selection everywhere, we'll probably need to separate these again. if (platform.browser.isChrome() || platform.browser.isSafari() || platform.browser.isFirefox() || platform.browser.isEdge()) return direction.otherRetry(bridge, box); else if (platform.browser.isIE()) return direction.ieRetry(bridge, box); else return Option.none(); }; var tryCursor = function (bridge, isRoot, element, offset, direction) { return Rectangles.getBoxAt(bridge, element, offset).bind(function (box) { return tryAt(bridge, direction, box); }); }; var handle = function (bridge, isRoot, direction) { return findSpot(bridge, isRoot, direction).bind(function (spot) { // There is a point to start doing box-hitting from return scan(bridge, isRoot, spot.element(), spot.offset(), direction, MAX_RETRIES).map(bridge.fromSitus); }); }; return { handle: handle }; } ); define( '', [ '' ], function (PredicateFind) { var any = function (predicate) { return PredicateFind.first(predicate).isSome(); }; var ancestor = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) { return PredicateFind.ancestor(scope, predicate, isRoot).isSome(); }; var closest = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) { return PredicateFind.closest(scope, predicate, isRoot).isSome(); }; var sibling = function (scope, predicate) { return PredicateFind.sibling(scope, predicate).isSome(); }; var child = function (scope, predicate) { return PredicateFind.child(scope, predicate).isSome(); }; var descendant = function (scope, predicate) { return PredicateFind.descendant(scope, predicate).isSome(); }; return { any: any, ancestor: ancestor, closest: closest, sibling: sibling, child: child, descendant: descendant }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.VerticalMovement', [ 'ephox.darwin.api.Responses', 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.KeySelection', 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.TableKeys', 'ephox.darwin.selection.Util', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', '', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Awareness', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.CursorPosition' ], function ( Responses, KeySelection, TableKeys, Util, Arr, Fun, Option, PlatformDetection, Compare, PredicateExists, SelectorFilter, SelectorFind, Traverse, Awareness, CursorPosition ) { var detection = PlatformDetection.detect(); var inSameTable = function (elem, table) { return PredicateExists.ancestor(elem, function (e) { return Traverse.parent(e).exists(function (p) { return Compare.eq(p, table); }); }); }; // Note: initial is the finishing element, because that's where the cursor starts from // Anchor is the starting element, and is only used to work out if we are in the same table var simulate = function (bridge, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor) { return SelectorFind.closest(initial, 'td,th', isRoot).bind(function (start) { return SelectorFind.closest(start, 'table', isRoot).bind(function (table) { if (!inSameTable(anchor, table)) return Option.none(); return TableKeys.handle(bridge, isRoot, direction).bind(function (range) { return SelectorFind.closest(range.finish(), 'td,th', isRoot).map(function (finish) { return { start: Fun.constant(start), finish: Fun.constant(finish), range: Fun.constant(range) }; }); }); }); }); }; var navigate = function (bridge, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor, precheck) { // Do not override the up/down keys on IE. if (detection.browser.isIE()) { return Option.none(); } else { return precheck(initial, isRoot).orThunk(function () { return simulate(bridge, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor).map(function (info) { var range = info.range(); return Responses.response( Option.some(Util.makeSitus(range.start(), range.soffset(), range.finish(), range.foffset())), true ); }); }); } }; var firstUpCheck = function (initial, isRoot) { return SelectorFind.closest(initial, 'tr', isRoot).bind(function (startRow) { return SelectorFind.closest(startRow, 'table', isRoot).bind(function (table) { var rows = SelectorFilter.descendants(table, 'tr'); if (Compare.eq(startRow, rows[0])) { return Traverse.prevSibling(table).bind(CursorPosition.last).map(function (last) { var lastOffset = Awareness.getEnd(last); return Responses.response( Option.some(Util.makeSitus(last, lastOffset, last, lastOffset)), true ); }); } else { return Option.none(); } }); }); }; var lastDownCheck = function (initial, isRoot) { return SelectorFind.closest(initial, 'tr', isRoot).bind(function (startRow) { return SelectorFind.closest(startRow, 'table', isRoot).bind(function (table) { var rows = SelectorFilter.descendants(table, 'tr'); if (Compare.eq(startRow, rows[rows.length - 1])) { return Traverse.nextSibling(table).bind(CursorPosition.first).map(function (first) { return Responses.response( Option.some(Util.makeSitus(first, 0, first, 0)), true ); }); } else { return Option.none(); } }); }); }; var select = function (bridge, container, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor, selectRange) { return simulate(bridge, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor).bind(function (info) { return KeySelection.detect(container, isRoot, info.start(), info.finish(), selectRange); }); }; return { navigate: navigate, select: select, firstUpCheck: firstUpCheck, lastDownCheck: lastDownCheck }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.mouse.MouseSelection', [ 'ephox.darwin.selection.CellSelection', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '' ], function (CellSelection, Option, Compare, SelectorFind) { var findCell = function (target, isRoot) { return SelectorFind.closest(target, 'td,th', isRoot); }; return function (bridge, container, isRoot, annotations) { var cursor = Option.none(); var clearState = function () { cursor = Option.none(); }; /* Keep this as lightweight as possible when we're not in a table selection, it runs constantly */ var mousedown = function (event) { annotations.clear(container); cursor = findCell(, isRoot); }; /* Keep this as lightweight as possible when we're not in a table selection, it runs constantly */ var mouseover = function (event) { cursor.each(function (start) { annotations.clear(container); findCell(, isRoot).each(function (finish) { var boxes = CellSelection.identify(start, finish, isRoot).getOr([]); // Wait until we have more than one, otherwise you can't do text selection inside a cell. // Alternatively, if the one cell selection starts in one cell and ends in a different cell, // we can assume that the user is trying to make a one cell selection in two different tables which should be possible. if (boxes.length > 1 || (boxes.length === 1 && !Compare.eq(start, finish))) { annotations.selectRange(container, boxes, start, finish); // stop the browser from creating a big text selection, select the cell where the cursor is bridge.selectContents(finish); } }); }); }; /* Keep this as lightweight as possible when we're not in a table selection, it runs constantly */ var mouseup = function () { cursor.each(clearState); }; return { mousedown: mousedown, mouseover: mouseover, mouseup: mouseup }; }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.navigation.KeyDirection', [ 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.Retries', 'ephox.darwin.navigation.BeforeAfter', 'ephox.phoenix.api.dom.DomGather', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ' ], function (Retries, BeforeAfter, DomGather, Traverse, Situ) { return { down: { traverse: Traverse.nextSibling, gather: DomGather.after, relative: Situ.before, otherRetry: Retries.tryDown, ieRetry: Retries.ieTryDown, failure: BeforeAfter.adt.failedDown }, up: { traverse: Traverse.prevSibling, gather: DomGather.before, relative: Situ.before, otherRetry: Retries.tryUp, ieRetry: Retries.ieTryUp, failure: BeforeAfter.adt.failedUp } }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.api.InputHandlers', [ 'ephox.darwin.api.Responses', 'ephox.darwin.api.SelectionKeys', 'ephox.darwin.api.WindowBridge', 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.KeySelection', 'ephox.darwin.keyboard.VerticalMovement', 'ephox.darwin.mouse.MouseSelection', 'ephox.darwin.navigation.KeyDirection', 'ephox.darwin.selection.CellSelection', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Options', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Situ' ], function (Responses, SelectionKeys, WindowBridge, KeySelection, VerticalMovement, MouseSelection, KeyDirection, CellSelection, Fun, Option, Options, Struct, Situ) { var rc = Struct.immutable('rows', 'cols'); var mouse = function (win, container, isRoot, annotations) { var bridge = WindowBridge(win); var handlers = MouseSelection(bridge, container, isRoot, annotations); return { mousedown: handlers.mousedown, mouseover: handlers.mouseover, mouseup: handlers.mouseup }; }; var keyboard = function (win, container, isRoot, annotations) { var bridge = WindowBridge(win); var clearToNavigate = function () { annotations.clear(container); return Option.none(); }; var keydown = function (event, start, soffset, finish, foffset, direction) { var keycode = event.raw().which; var shiftKey = event.raw().shiftKey === true; var handler = CellSelection.retrieve(container, annotations.selectedSelector()).fold(function () { // Shift down should predict the movement and set the selection. if (SelectionKeys.isDown(keycode) && shiftKey) { return Fun.curry(, bridge, container, isRoot, KeyDirection.down, finish, start, annotations.selectRange); } // Shift up should predict the movement and set the selection. else if (SelectionKeys.isUp(keycode) && shiftKey) { return Fun.curry(, bridge, container, isRoot, KeyDirection.up, finish, start, annotations.selectRange); } // Down should predict the movement and set the cursor else if (SelectionKeys.isDown(keycode)) { return Fun.curry(VerticalMovement.navigate, bridge, isRoot, KeyDirection.down, finish, start, VerticalMovement.lastDownCheck); } // Up should predict the movement and set the cursor else if (SelectionKeys.isUp(keycode)) { return Fun.curry(VerticalMovement.navigate, bridge, isRoot, KeyDirection.up, finish, start, VerticalMovement.firstUpCheck); } else { return Option.none; } }, function (selected) { var update = function (attempts) { return function () { var navigation = Options.findMap(attempts, function (delta) { return KeySelection.update(delta.rows(), delta.cols(), container, selected, annotations); }); // Shift the selected rows and update the selection. return navigation.fold(function () { // The cell selection went outside the table, so clear it and bridge from the first box to before/after // the table return CellSelection.getEdges(container, annotations.firstSelectedSelector(), annotations.lastSelectedSelector()).map(function (edges) { var relative = SelectionKeys.isDown(keycode) || direction.isForward(keycode) ? Situ.after : Situ.before; bridge.setRelativeSelection(Situ.on(edges.first(), 0), relative(edges.table())); annotations.clear(container); return Responses.response(Option.none(), true); }); }, function (_) { return Option.some(Responses.response(Option.none(), true)); }); }; }; if (SelectionKeys.isDown(keycode) && shiftKey) return update([ rc(+1, 0) ]); else if (SelectionKeys.isUp(keycode) && shiftKey) return update([ rc(-1, 0) ]); // Left and right should try up/down respectively if they fail. else if (direction.isBackward(keycode) && shiftKey) return update([ rc(0, -1), rc(-1, 0) ]); else if (direction.isForward(keycode) && shiftKey) return update([ rc(0, +1), rc(+1, 0) ]); // Clear the selection on normal arrow keys. else if (SelectionKeys.isNavigation(keycode) && shiftKey === false) return clearToNavigate; else return Option.none; }); return handler(); }; var keyup = function (event, start, soffset, finish, foffset) { return CellSelection.retrieve(container, annotations.selectedSelector()).fold(function () { var keycode = event.raw().which; var shiftKey = event.raw().shiftKey === true; if (shiftKey === false) return Option.none(); if (SelectionKeys.isNavigation(keycode)) return KeySelection.sync(container, isRoot, start, soffset, finish, foffset, annotations.selectRange); else return Option.none(); }, Option.none); }; return { keydown: keydown, keyup: keyup }; }; return { mouse: mouse, keyboard: keyboard }; } ); define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', '', 'ephox.sugar.impl.ClassList', 'global!Array' ], function (Arr, Class, ClassList, Array) { /* * ClassList is IE10 minimum: * */ var add = function (element, classes) { Arr.each(classes, function (x) { Class.add(element, x); }); }; var remove = function (element, classes) { Arr.each(classes, function (x) { Class.remove(element, x); }); }; var toggle = function (element, classes) { Arr.each(classes, function (x) { Class.toggle(element, x); }); }; var hasAll = function (element, classes) { return Arr.forall(classes, function (clazz) { return Class.has(element, clazz); }); }; var hasAny = function (element, classes) { return Arr.exists(classes, function (clazz) { return Class.has(element, clazz); }); }; var getNative = function (element) { var classList = element.dom().classList; var r = new Array(classList.length); for (var i = 0; i < classList.length; i++) { r[i] = classList.item(i); } return r; }; var get = function (element) { return ClassList.supports(element) ? getNative(element) : ClassList.get(element); }; // set deleted, risks bad performance. Be deterministic. return { add: add, remove: remove, toggle: toggle, hasAll: hasAll, hasAny: hasAny, get: get }; } ); define( '', [ '', '' ], function (Class, Classes) { var addClass = function (clazz) { return function (element) { Class.add(element, clazz); }; }; var removeClass = function (clazz) { return function (element) { Class.remove(element, clazz); }; }; var removeClasses = function (classes) { return function (element) { Classes.remove(element, classes); }; }; var hasClass = function (clazz) { return function (element) { return Class.has(element, clazz); }; }; return { addClass: addClass, removeClass: removeClass, removeClasses: removeClasses, hasClass: hasClass }; } ); define( 'ephox.darwin.api.SelectionAnnotation', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', '', '', '', '' ], function (Arr, Attr, Class, OnNode, SelectorFilter) { var byClass = function (ephemera) { var addSelectionClass = OnNode.addClass(ephemera.selected()); var removeSelectionClasses = OnNode.removeClasses([ ephemera.selected(), ephemera.lastSelected(), ephemera.firstSelected() ]); var clear = function (container) { var sels = SelectorFilter.descendants(container, ephemera.selectedSelector()); Arr.each(sels, removeSelectionClasses); }; var selectRange = function (container, cells, start, finish) { clear(container); Arr.each(cells, addSelectionClass); Class.add(start, ephemera.firstSelected()); Class.add(finish, ephemera.lastSelected()); }; return { clear: clear, selectRange: selectRange, selectedSelector: ephemera.selectedSelector, firstSelectedSelector: ephemera.firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector: ephemera.lastSelectedSelector }; }; var byAttr = function (ephemera) { var removeSelectionAttributes = function (element) { Attr.remove(element, ephemera.selected()); Attr.remove(element, ephemera.firstSelected()); Attr.remove(element, ephemera.lastSelected()); }; var addSelectionAttribute = function (element) { Attr.set(element, ephemera.selected(), '1'); }; var clear = function (container) { var sels = SelectorFilter.descendants(container, ephemera.selectedSelector()); Arr.each(sels, removeSelectionAttributes); }; var selectRange = function (container, cells, start, finish) { clear(container); Arr.each(cells, addSelectionAttribute); Attr.set(start, ephemera.firstSelected(), '1'); Attr.set(finish, ephemera.lastSelected(), '1'); }; return { clear: clear, selectRange: selectRange, selectedSelector: ephemera.selectedSelector, firstSelectedSelector: ephemera.firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector: ephemera.lastSelectedSelector }; }; return { byClass: byClass, byAttr: byAttr }; } ); /** * CellSelection.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /*eslint no-bitwise:0 */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.CellSelection', [ 'ephox.darwin.api.InputHandlers', 'ephox.darwin.api.SelectionAnnotation', 'ephox.darwin.api.SelectionKeys', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Text', '', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.Selection', 'ephox.sugar.selection.core.SelectionDirection', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.Direction', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Ephemera' ], function (InputHandlers, SelectionAnnotation, SelectionKeys, Fun, Option, Struct, TableLookup, Compare, Element, Node, Text, Attr, Traverse, Selection, SelectionDirection, Util, Direction, Ephemera) { return function (editor, lazyResize) { var handlerStruct = Struct.immutableBag(['mousedown', 'mouseover', 'mouseup', 'keyup', 'keydown'], []); var handlers = Option.none(); var annotations = SelectionAnnotation.byAttr(Ephemera); editor.on('init', function (e) { var win = editor.getWin(); var body = Util.getBody(editor); var isRoot = Util.getIsRoot(editor); var syncSelection = function () { var sel = editor.selection; var start = Element.fromDom(sel.getStart()); var end = Element.fromDom(sel.getEnd()); var startTable = TableLookup.table(start); var endTable = TableLookup.table(end); var sameTable = startTable.bind(function (tableStart) { return endTable.bind(function (tableEnd) { return Compare.eq(tableStart, tableEnd) ? Option.some(true) : Option.none(); }); }); sameTable.fold(function () { annotations.clear(body); }, Fun.noop); }; var mouseHandlers = InputHandlers.mouse(win, body, isRoot, annotations); var keyHandlers = InputHandlers.keyboard(win, body, isRoot, annotations); var handleResponse = function (event, response) { if (response.kill()) { event.kill(); } response.selection().each(function (ns) { var relative = Selection.relative(ns.start(), ns.finish()); var rng = SelectionDirection.asLtrRange(win, relative); editor.selection.setRng(rng); }); }; var keyup = function (event) { var wrappedEvent = wrapEvent(event); // Note, this is an optimisation. if (wrappedEvent.raw().shiftKey && SelectionKeys.isNavigation(wrappedEvent.raw().which)) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var start = Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer); var end = Element.fromDom(rng.endContainer); keyHandlers.keyup(wrappedEvent, start, rng.startOffset, end, rng.endOffset).each(function (response) { handleResponse(wrappedEvent, response); }); } }; var checkLast = function (last) { return !Attr.has(last, 'data-mce-bogus') && !== 'br' && !(Node.isText(last) && Text.get(last).length === 0); }; var getLast = function () { var body = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var lastChild = Traverse.lastChild(body); var getPrevLast = function (last) { return Traverse.prevSibling(last).bind(function (prevLast) { return checkLast(prevLast) ? Option.some(prevLast) : getPrevLast(prevLast); }); }; return lastChild.bind(function (last) { return checkLast(last) ? Option.some(last) : getPrevLast(last); }); }; var keydown = function (event) { var wrappedEvent = wrapEvent(event); lazyResize().each(function (resize) { resize.hideBars(); }); if (event.which === 40) { getLast().each(function (last) { if ( === 'table') { if (editor.settings.forced_root_block) { editor.dom.add( editor.getBody(), editor.settings.forced_root_block, editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs, '<br/>' ); } else { editor.dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'br'); } } }); } var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var startContainer = Element.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart()); var start = Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer); var end = Element.fromDom(rng.endContainer); var direction = Direction.directionAt(startContainer).isRtl() ? SelectionKeys.rtl : SelectionKeys.ltr; keyHandlers.keydown(wrappedEvent, start, rng.startOffset, end, rng.endOffset, direction).each(function (response) { handleResponse(wrappedEvent, response); }); lazyResize().each(function (resize) { resize.showBars(); }); }; var wrapEvent = function (event) { // IE9 minimum var target = Element.fromDom(; var stop = function () { event.stopPropagation(); }; var prevent = function () { event.preventDefault(); }; var kill = Fun.compose(prevent, stop); // more of a sequence than a compose, but same effect // FIX: Don't just expose the raw event. Need to identify what needs standardisation. return { 'target': Fun.constant(target), 'x': Fun.constant(event.x), 'y': Fun.constant(event.y), 'stop': stop, 'prevent': prevent, 'kill': kill, 'raw': Fun.constant(event) }; }; var isLeftMouse = function (raw) { return raw.button === 0; }; // var isLeftButtonPressed = function (raw) { // Only added by Chrome/Firefox in June 2015. // This is only to fix a 1px bug (TBIO-2836) so return true if we're on an older browser if (raw.buttons === undefined) { return true; } // use bitwise & for optimal comparison return (raw.buttons & 1) !== 0; }; var mouseDown = function (e) { if (isLeftMouse(e)) { mouseHandlers.mousedown(wrapEvent(e)); } }; var mouseOver = function (e) { if (isLeftButtonPressed(e)) { mouseHandlers.mouseover(wrapEvent(e)); } }; var mouseUp = function (e) { if (isLeftMouse) { mouseHandlers.mouseup(wrapEvent(e)); } }; editor.on('mousedown', mouseDown); editor.on('mouseover', mouseOver); editor.on('mouseup', mouseUp); editor.on('keyup', keyup); editor.on('keydown', keydown); editor.on('nodechange', syncSelection); handlers = Option.some(handlerStruct({ mousedown: mouseDown, mouseover: mouseOver, mouseup: mouseUp, keyup: keyup, keydown: keydown })); }); var destroy = function () { handlers.each(function (handlers) { //'mousedown', handlers.mousedown()); //'mouseover', handlers.mouseover()); //'mouseup', handlers.mouseup()); //'keyup', handlers.keyup()); //'keydown', handlers.keydown()); }); }; return { clear: annotations.clear, destroy: destroy }; }; } ); /** * Selections.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Selections', [ 'ephox.darwin.api.TableSelection', 'tinymce.plugins.table.alien.Util', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Ephemera', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.SelectionTypes' ], function (TableSelection, Util, Ephemera, SelectionTypes) { return function (editor) { var get = function () { var body = Util.getBody(editor); return TableSelection.retrieve(body, Ephemera.selectedSelector()).fold(function () { if (editor.selection.getStart() === undefined) { return SelectionTypes.none(); } else { return SelectionTypes.single(editor.selection); } }, function (cells) { return SelectionTypes.multiple(cells); }); }; return { get: get }; }; } ); /** * Buttons.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.Buttons', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.TableDialog' ], function (Fun, Tools, TableDialog) { var each = Tools.each; var addButtons = function (editor) { var menuItems = []; each("inserttable tableprops deletetable | cell row column".split(' '), function (name) { if (name == '|') { menuItems.push({ text: '-' }); } else { menuItems.push(editor.menuItems[name]); } }); editor.addButton("table", { type: "menubutton", title: "Table", menu: menuItems }); function cmd(command) { return function () { editor.execCommand(command); }; } editor.addButton('tableprops', { title: 'Table properties', onclick: Fun.curry(, editor, true), icon: 'table' }); editor.addButton('tabledelete', { title: 'Delete table', onclick: cmd('mceTableDelete') }); editor.addButton('tablecellprops', { title: 'Cell properties', onclick: cmd('mceTableCellProps') }); editor.addButton('tablemergecells', { title: 'Merge cells', onclick: cmd('mceTableMergeCells') }); editor.addButton('tablesplitcells', { title: 'Split cell', onclick: cmd('mceTableSplitCells') }); editor.addButton('tableinsertrowbefore', { title: 'Insert row before', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertRowBefore') }); editor.addButton('tableinsertrowafter', { title: 'Insert row after', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertRowAfter') }); editor.addButton('tabledeleterow', { title: 'Delete row', onclick: cmd('mceTableDeleteRow') }); editor.addButton('tablerowprops', { title: 'Row properties', onclick: cmd('mceTableRowProps') }); editor.addButton('tablecutrow', { title: 'Cut row', onclick: cmd('mceTableCutRow') }); editor.addButton('tablecopyrow', { title: 'Copy row', onclick: cmd('mceTableCopyRow') }); editor.addButton('tablepasterowbefore', { title: 'Paste row before', onclick: cmd('mceTablePasteRowBefore') }); editor.addButton('tablepasterowafter', { title: 'Paste row after', onclick: cmd('mceTablePasteRowAfter') }); editor.addButton('tableinsertcolbefore', { title: 'Insert column before', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertColBefore') }); editor.addButton('tableinsertcolafter', { title: 'Insert column after', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertColAfter') }); editor.addButton('tabledeletecol', { title: 'Delete column', onclick: cmd('mceTableDeleteCol') }); }; var addToolbars = function (editor) { var isTable = function (table) { var selectorMatched =, 'table') && editor.getBody().contains(table); return selectorMatched; }; var toolbarItems = editor.settings.table_toolbar; if (toolbarItems === '' || toolbarItems === false) { return; } if (!toolbarItems) { toolbarItems = 'tableprops tabledelete | ' + 'tableinsertrowbefore tableinsertrowafter tabledeleterow | ' + 'tableinsertcolbefore tableinsertcolafter tabledeletecol'; } editor.addContextToolbar( isTable, toolbarItems ); }; return { addButtons: addButtons, addToolbars: addToolbars }; } ); /** * MenuItems.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.MenuItems', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.snooker.api.TableLookup', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.InsertTable', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TableTargets', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.TableDialog' ], function (Fun, Arr, Option, TableLookup, Element, InsertTable, TableTargets, TableDialog) { var addMenuItems = function (editor, selections) { var targets = Option.none(); var tableCtrls = []; var cellCtrls = []; var mergeCtrls = []; var unmergeCtrls = []; var noTargetDisable = function (ctrl) { ctrl.disabled(true); }; var ctrlEnable = function (ctrl) { ctrl.disabled(false); }; var pushTable = function () { var self = this; tableCtrls.push(self); targets.fold(function () { noTargetDisable(self); }, function (targets) { ctrlEnable(self); }); }; var pushCell = function () { var self = this; cellCtrls.push(self); targets.fold(function () { noTargetDisable(self); }, function (targets) { ctrlEnable(self); }); }; var pushMerge = function () { var self = this; mergeCtrls.push(self); targets.fold(function () { noTargetDisable(self); }, function (targets) { self.disabled(targets.mergable().isNone()); }); }; var pushUnmerge = function () { var self = this; unmergeCtrls.push(self); targets.fold(function () { noTargetDisable(self); }, function (targets) { self.disabled(targets.unmergable().isNone()); }); }; var setDisabledCtrls = function () { targets.fold(function () { Arr.each(tableCtrls, noTargetDisable); Arr.each(cellCtrls, noTargetDisable); Arr.each(mergeCtrls, noTargetDisable); Arr.each(unmergeCtrls, noTargetDisable); }, function (targets) { Arr.each(tableCtrls, ctrlEnable); Arr.each(cellCtrls, ctrlEnable); Arr.each(mergeCtrls, function (mergeCtrl) { mergeCtrl.disabled(targets.mergable().isNone()); }); Arr.each(unmergeCtrls, function (unmergeCtrl) { unmergeCtrl.disabled(targets.unmergable().isNone()); }); }); }; editor.on('init', function () { editor.on('nodechange', function (e) { var cellOpt = Option.from(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'th,td')); targets = cellOpt.bind(function (cellDom) { var cell = Element.fromDom(cellDom); var table = TableLookup.table(cell); return (table) { return TableTargets.forMenu(selections, table, cell); }); }); setDisabledCtrls(); }); }); var generateTableGrid = function () { var html = ''; html = '<table role="grid" class="mce-grid mce-grid-border" aria-readonly="true">'; for (var y = 0; y < 10; y++) { html += '<tr>'; for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) { html += '<td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"><a id="mcegrid' + (y * 10 + x) + '" href="#" ' + 'data-mce-x="' + x + '" data-mce-y="' + y + '"></a></td>'; } html += '</tr>'; } html += '</table>'; html += '<div class="mce-text-center" role="presentation">1 x 1</div>'; return html; }; var selectGrid = function (editor, tx, ty, control) { var table = control.getEl().getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var x, y, focusCell, cell, active; var rtl = control.isRtl() || control.parent().rel == 'tl-tr'; table.nextSibling.innerHTML = (tx + 1) + ' x ' + (ty + 1); if (rtl) { tx = 9 - tx; } for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) { cell = table.rows[y].childNodes[x].firstChild; active = (rtl ? x >= tx : x <= tx) && y <= ty; editor.dom.toggleClass(cell, 'mce-active', active); if (active) { focusCell = cell; } } } return focusCell.parentNode; }; var insertTable = editor.settings.table_grid === false ? { text: 'Table', icon: 'table', context: 'table', onclick: Fun.curry(, editor) } : { text: 'Table', icon: 'table', context: 'table', ariaHideMenu: true, onclick: function (e) { if (e.aria) { this.parent().hideAll(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();; } }, onshow: function () { selectGrid(editor, 0, 0,[0]); }, onhide: function () { var elements =[0].getEl().getElementsByTagName('a'); editor.dom.removeClass(elements, 'mce-active'); editor.dom.addClass(elements[0], 'mce-active'); }, menu: [ { type: 'container', html: generateTableGrid(), onPostRender: function () { this.lastX = this.lastY = 0; }, onmousemove: function (e) { var target =, x, y; if (target.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'A') { x = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-mce-x'), 10); y = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-mce-y'), 10); if (this.isRtl() || this.parent().rel == 'tl-tr') { x = 9 - x; } if (x !== this.lastX || y !== this.lastY) { selectGrid(editor, x, y, e.control); this.lastX = x; this.lastY = y; } } }, onclick: function (e) { var self = this; if ( == 'A') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); self.parent().cancel(); editor.undoManager.transact(function () { InsertTable.insert(editor, self.lastX + 1, self.lastY + 1); }); editor.addVisual(); } } } ] }; function cmd(command) { return function () { editor.execCommand(command); }; } var tableProperties = { text: 'Table properties', context: 'table', onPostRender: pushTable, onclick: Fun.curry(, editor, true) }; var deleteTable = { text: 'Delete table', context: 'table', onPostRender: pushTable, cmd: 'mceTableDelete' }; var row = { text: 'Row', context: 'table', menu: [ { text: 'Insert row before', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertRowBefore'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Insert row after', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertRowAfter'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Delete row', onclick: cmd('mceTableDeleteRow'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Row properties', onclick: cmd('mceTableRowProps'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: '-' }, { text: 'Cut row', onclick: cmd('mceTableCutRow'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Copy row', onclick: cmd('mceTableCopyRow'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Paste row before', onclick: cmd('mceTablePasteRowBefore'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Paste row after', onclick: cmd('mceTablePasteRowAfter'), onPostRender: pushCell } ] }; var column = { text: 'Column', context: 'table', menu: [ { text: 'Insert column before', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertColBefore'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Insert column after', onclick: cmd('mceTableInsertColAfter'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Delete column', onclick: cmd('mceTableDeleteCol'), onPostRender: pushCell } ] }; var cell = { separator: 'before', text: 'Cell', context: 'table', menu: [ { text: 'Cell properties', onclick: cmd('mceTableCellProps'), onPostRender: pushCell }, { text: 'Merge cells', onclick: cmd('mceTableMergeCells'), onPostRender: pushMerge }, { text: 'Split cell', onclick: cmd('mceTableSplitCells'), onPostRender: pushUnmerge } ] }; editor.addMenuItem('inserttable', insertTable); editor.addMenuItem('tableprops', tableProperties); editor.addMenuItem('deletetable', deleteTable); editor.addMenuItem('row', row); editor.addMenuItem('column', column); editor.addMenuItem('cell', cell); }; return { addMenuItems: addMenuItems }; } ); /** * Plugin.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * This class contains all core logic for the table plugin. * * @class tinymce.table.Plugin * @private */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.table.Plugin', [ 'tinymce.core.PluginManager', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.Clipboard', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.InsertTable', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableActions', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.TableCommands', 'tinymce.plugins.table.actions.ResizeHandler', 'tinymce.plugins.table.queries.TabContext', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.CellSelection', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Ephemera', 'tinymce.plugins.table.selection.Selections', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.Buttons', 'tinymce.plugins.table.ui.MenuItems' ], function (PluginManager, Clipboard, InsertTable, TableActions, TableCommands, ResizeHandler, TabContext, CellSelection, Ephemera, Selections, Buttons, MenuItems) { function Plugin(editor) { var self = this; var resizeHandler = ResizeHandler(editor); var cellSelection = CellSelection(editor, resizeHandler.lazyResize); var actions = TableActions(editor, resizeHandler.lazyWire); var selections = Selections(editor); TableCommands.registerCommands(editor, actions, cellSelection, selections); Clipboard.registerEvents(editor, selections, actions, cellSelection); MenuItems.addMenuItems(editor, selections); Buttons.addButtons(editor); Buttons.addToolbars(editor); editor.on('PreInit', function () { // Remove internal data attributes editor.serializer.addTempAttr(Ephemera.firstSelected()); editor.serializer.addTempAttr(Ephemera.lastSelected()); }); // Enable tab key cell navigation if (editor.settings.table_tab_navigation !== false) { editor.on('keydown', function (e) { TabContext.handle(e, editor, actions, resizeHandler.lazyWire); }); } editor.on('remove', function () { resizeHandler.destroy(); cellSelection.destroy(); }); self.insertTable = function (columns, rows) { return InsertTable.insert(editor, columns, rows); }; self.setClipboardRows = TableCommands.setClipboardRows; self.getClipboardRows = TableCommands.getClipboardRows; } PluginManager.add('table', Plugin); return function () { }; } ); dem('tinymce.plugins.table.Plugin')(); })();