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File: virtualcron.php

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File: virtualcron.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: the virtual cron class source
Class: Virtual Cron
Check whether it is time to run a periodical task
Author: By
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Date: 17 years ago
Size: 5,189 bytes



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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | virtualCron 0.1 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Date: 6 Mar 2007 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | License: LGPL |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | virtualCron is a PHP class, that simulates a cron job, |
// | in order to execute scripts periodically |
// | without a real crontab command. |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Giorgos Tsiledakis <gt(at)corissia(dot)com> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// To simulate a cron job, we need an absolute time value to estimate the time required to perform some task.
// This class uses the generation or last modification time of a control file on the server to achieve that.
// Advantage: no need of crontab commands or solutions like php preprocessing
// Disadvantage: a user access is required to perform some task
// Example:
// $vcron=new virtualcron(10,"virtualcron.txt"); // "10" minutes after the last modification of "virtualcron.txt"
// if ($vcron->allowAction()) print "Hello World"; // some action will be allowed
// Within the delay period nothing will happen -> allowAction=false
// if the delay period has passed the first user, who runs the script, with activate some action -> allowAction=true.
// All other users will be again within the delay period and nothing will happen.
// That's all
// Use this e.g. to parse RSS Feeds every 30 minutes, to generate your google sitemap once a week etc.
// Of course, prefer a real cron job if your provider allows you to use one
class virtualcron{

$controlFile="virtualcron.txt"; // the default url of the control file
var $minDelay="1"; // the default delay period in minutes

// PUBLIC [Constructor]
// param $minDelay: sets the delay period in minutes (optional)
// param $conrolFile: sets the control file url (optional). The generation or last modification time
// of this file is used to estimate the time required to be passed, in order to allow an action.
// If there is no control file the function will try to generate one.
function virtualcron($minDelay=false,$controlFile=false){
    if (
$minDelay) $this->minDelay=$minDelay;
    if (
$controlFile) $this->controlFile=$controlFile;
$this->lastExec=0; // it will contain the UNIXTIME of the last action
$this->nextExec=0; // it will contain the UNIXTIME of the next action
$this->secToExec=0; // it will contain the time in seconds until of the next action
if (file_exists($this->controlFile)) $this->check=true;
$handle=fopen($this->controlFile, "w");
        if (!
$handle) $this->check=false;
            if (!
fwrite($handle,time())) $this->check=false;
// PUBLIC allowAction() [boolean]
// checks if the current execution time is within the delay period. Example:
// $vcron=new virtualcron();
// if ($vcron->allowAction()) something...
// That's all
function allowAction(){
    if (
$this->check) $FT=$this->getFileCreationTime($this->controlFile);
    if (
        if (
$handle=fopen($this->controlFile, "w");
            if (!
$handle) return false;
                if (!
fwrite($handle,$now)) return false;
        else {
    else return
// PRIVATE getFileCreationTime()
// estimates the generation or last modification time of the control file (UNIXTIME)
function getFileCreationTime($filename){
    if (
