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File: readme.txt

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  Classes of Wojciech Zieliñski   DropDownMenu   readme.txt   Download  
File: readme.txt
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Description: Some documentation
Class: DropDownMenu
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Voyteck DropDownMenu v. 1.1 Class ************************** AUTHORING: Author: Wojciech Zieliñski, 2002 SHORT DESCRIPTION: This class allows user to generate drop-down menu for 2 levels (main menu and subitems) Generating menus with more then 2 levels is possible by nesting the objects - how to do it isshown on the examples page. LICENCE - POSTCARDWARE: This code may be used and modified freely as long as this file stays intact. Id you modify/enhance/improve this class, I would appreciate a copy of what you did. You can send it on the email given above. If you like this code and use it, I would appreciate to send me an email about it on address given above. NEW VERSIONS: If you'd like to have the information when next version of this code will be released - please, send me an email, and I will give you notification as soon as new version will be available on PHP Classes BUGS AND FEATURES: This script has been designed for IE browsers only. This will not work on Netscape, Mozilla, Opera or something similar. CHANGES: version 1.1 Bug with images as the active elements displaying inproperly removed Added UpperUponDropped parameter to class constructor for controling the menu's uppering after another one is dropped. Class example has been updated with different active element strings TODO: Make the menu cross-browser Design better multilevel management with single object