* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DropDownMenu class 1.1
* **********************
* Author: Wojciech Zieliñski, 2002
* voyteck@caffe.com.pl
* This class allows user to generate drop-down menu for 2 levels (main menu and subitems)
* Generating menus with more then 2 levels is possible by nesting the objects - how to do it isshown
* on the examples page.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Class body ******************************************************************************************/
class DropDownMenu {
var $UpperedElement = "";
var $DownedElement = "";
var $RollAction = "";
var $ElementsPositions = 0;
var $UpperUponDropped = 1;
var $MainElements = array(); // Main menu items
var $SubElements = array(); // Submenu items
var $ClassID = ""; // Unique class ID
* Class constructor
* UpperedElement : element that will be displayed while menu is uppered (string that will appear
as the active element while menu is uppered)
* DownedElement : element that will be visible while menu is downed (string that will appear as
the active element while menu is downed)
* RollAction : action on which menu will be downed / uppered
* ElementsPositions : how menu items will be displayed:
* 0 - description will be used as active element
* 1 - first the active element, then the description
* 2 - first the description, then the active element
* UpperUponDropped : controls if dropped menu must be uppered after another menu has been dropped:
* 0 - menu will not be uppered
* 1 - menu will be uppered
function DropDownMenu($UpperedElement = "", $DownedElement = "", $RollAction = "OnClick", $ElementsPositions = 0, $UpperUponDropped = 1) {
$this->UpperedElement = $UpperedElement;
$this->DownedElement = $DownedElement;
$this->RollAction = $RollAction;
$this->ElementsPositions = $ElementsPositions;
$this->UpperUponDropped = $UpperUponDropped;
$this->ObjectID = uniqid("");
* Adds element to menu
* May add main menu element, as well as element for any of the submenus
* ElementID : unique ID for the element - cannot be same as any other element
* Description : description for element (string that will appear as description)
* ParentID : if item is any submenu's item - this should point at ElementID of main item
function addElement($ElementID, $Description, $ParentID = "") {
if ($ParentID == "")
$this->MainElements[$ElementID] = $Description;
$this->SubElements[$ParentID][$ElementID] = $Description;
* Generates HTML code for menu
function generateHTML() {
//echo "<div id='UpperedElement" . $this->ObjectID . "' style='display: none'>" . $this->UpperedElement . "</div>";
//echo "<div id='DownedElement" . $this->ObjectID . "' style='display: none'>" . $this->DownedElement . "</div>";
$HTMLText = "<table>";
while (list ($mainkey, $mainval) = each ($this->MainElements)) {
switch ($this->ElementsPositions) {
case 0: //description used as active element
$HTMLText .= "<tr><td id=\"menu" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "\" ";
if (is_array($this->SubElements[$mainkey]))
$HTMLText .= $this->RollAction . "=\"roll" . $this->ObjectID . "('" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "');\"";
$HTMLText .= ">" . $this->MainElements[$mainkey] . "</td>";
case 1: //first active element, then description
$HTMLText .= "<tr>";
if (is_array($this->SubElements[$mainkey])) {
$HTMLText .= "<td id=\"menu" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "\" " . $this->RollAction . "=\"roll" . $this->ObjectID . "('" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "'); " . $this->AdditionalScripts . "\"><div id='element" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "Uppered' style='display: auto'>" . $this->UpperedElement . "</div><div id='element" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "Downed' style='display: none'>" . $this->DownedElement . "</div></td>";
else {
$HTMLText .= "<td> </td>";
$HTMLText .= "<td>" . $this->MainElements[$mainkey] . "</td>";
case 2: //first description, then active element
$HTMLText .= "<tr><td>" . $this->MainElements[$mainkey] . "</td>";
if (is_array($this->SubElements[$mainkey])) {
$HTMLText .= "<td id=\"menu" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "\" " . $this->RollAction . "=\"roll" . $this->ObjectID . "('" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "'); " . $this->AdditionalScripts . "\"><div id='element" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID ."Uppered' style='display: auto'>" . $this->UpperedElement . "</div><div id='element" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "Downed' style='display: none'>" . $this->DownedElement . "</div></td>";
else {
$HTMLText .= "<td> </td>";
$HTMLText .= "</tr>\n";
if (is_array($this->SubElements[$mainkey])) {
$HTMLText .= "<tr><td colSpan=2 id=\"" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "\" style=\"display='none';\"><table>";
while (list ($subkey, $subval) = each ($this->SubElements[$mainkey]))
$HTMLText .= "<tr><td>" . $this->SubElements[$mainkey][$subkey] . "</td></tr>";
$HTMLText .= "</table></td></tr>\n";
$HTMLText .= "</table>";
return $HTMLText;
* Generates scripts for menus
function generateScript() {
$ScriptText = "<script language=javascript><!--
function roll" . $this->ObjectID . "(object) {
roller = document.all(object);
if (roller.style.display == \"none\")
{ roller.style.display = \"\"; }
{ roller.style.display = \"none\"; }";
if ($this->ElementsPositions > 0) {
$ScriptText .= "if (document.all(object).style.display == \"none\")
{ document.all(\"element\" + object + \"Uppered\").style.display = \"\"; document.all(\"element\" + object + \"Downed\").style.display = \"none\"; }
else { document.all(\"element\" + object + \"Uppered\").style.display = \"none\"; document.all(\"element\" + object + \"Downed\").style.display = \"\"; }";
if ($this->UpperUponDropped)
while (list ($mainkey, $mainval) = each ($this->MainElements))
if (is_array($this->SubElements[$mainkey])) {
$ScriptText .= "if (document.all(object).id != \"" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "\") { document.all(\"" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "\").style.display = \"none\"; ";
if ($this->ElementsPositions > 0)
$ScriptText .= "document.all(\"" . "element" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "Uppered" . "\").style.display = \"\"; document.all(\"" . "element" . $mainkey . $this->ObjectID . "Downed" . "\").style.display = \"none\";";
$ScriptText .= "}";
$ScriptText .= "}//--></script>";
return $ScriptText;