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File: wpget.php

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File: wpget.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main class
Class: WPGet
Retrieve posts from a Wordpress 2.0 database
Author: By
Last change: PHP 4 support dropped, switched over to Perl regular expressions for forwards compatibility, ability to show posts only in a specified date range, ability to show posts only matching a certain search term, support for stripping links from WPGet’s output. Bump to version 1.0!
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 22,343 bytes



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<?php /* WPGet - retrieves WordPress posts from a database for display on a web pge Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Peter Upfold. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ====================================================================== For more information: Email: Web: VERSION: 1.0 REVISION: $Rev: 20 $ */ class wpGet { // config /********** START PASTING YOUR CONFIG HERE *********/ private $mysqluser = "username"; // your MySQL username for Wordpress private $mysqlpass = "password"; // your MySQL password for Wordpress private $mysqlhost = "localhost"; // your MySQL host private $mysqldb = "wordpress"; // your MySQL database name for Wordpress private $mysqlprefix="wp_"; // Wordpress table prefix - always include underscore at end if applicable private $errorsto = false; // send error emails to whom? // set the above to false if you don't want email error notifications private $debugmode = false; // set to false when working on a real server so potential nasty people don't see MySQL errors private $conn = false; // don't touch! /********** STOP PASTING YOUR CONFIG HERE *********/ /****** PUBLIC VARIABLES (CAN BE CHANGED AT RUNTIME) *******/ public $dateformat = "Y-m-d H:i"; // date format for post date/time (the default above prints something like "17/10/2006 at 21:34" for October 17th) // see for details on the format public $showcredit = true; // boolean // controls whether the credit and link back to my site is shown (appreciated if you leave it on, but not compulsory) public $categoriestoreturn = false; // to return posts only from a particular category, turn this var // into an array of the category names // for example: // var $categoriestoreturn = array(); // $categoriestoreturn[0] = "Category Name" public $tagstoreturn = false; // return posts only from certain tags. Works just like categoriestoreturn. //Only use either categories or tags or neither, they do not work both at the same time currently. public $daterange_start = false; // Unix timestamp of the start of a daterange from which you would like to retrieve // WordPress posts. Only posts within this var and daterange_end will be included // in WPGet's output. Set to false to show posts regardless of date. public $daterange_end = false; // Unix timestamp of the end of a daterange from which you would like to retrieve // WordPress posts. Only posts within daterange_start and this var will be included // in WPGet's output. Set to false to show posts regardless of date. public $searchtoreturn = false; // Only return posts matching this search term. The post title and post content will // be searched for this string. Only posts which match will be shown in WPGet's output. // Leave as false to disable searching. public $showauthor = true; // show post author in WPGet's output public $absoluteurldir = "."; // if your wpget.php file is in a different directory // to the file that will call it, specify the full web-accessible // path (relative to the document root) of wpget.php public $usestyle = false; // use specified style for WPGet's output (or false for no style/custom) /***** INTERNAL VARIABLES ONLY, DON'T CHANGE THEM *****/ private $categorylist = array(); private $catsearch = array(); private $taglist = array(); private $tagsearch = array(); private $qcount = 0; /****** START OF CLASS FUNCTION DECLARATIONS *******/ // this function isn't mine - courtesy of mr at bbp dot biz (found at function html_substr($posttext, $minimum_length = 200, $length_offset = 20, $cut_words = FALSE, $dots = TRUE) { // $minimum_length: // The approximate length you want the concatenated text to be // $length_offset: // The variation in how long the text can be in this example text // length will be between 200 and 200-20=180 characters and the // character where the last tag ends // Reset tag counter & quote checker $tag_counter = 0; $quotes_on = FALSE; // Check if the text is too long if (strlen($posttext) > $minimum_length) { // Reset the tag_counter and pass through (part of) the entire text $c = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($posttext); $i++) { // Load the current character and the next one // if the string has not arrived at the last character $current_char = substr($posttext,$i,1); if ($i < strlen($posttext) - 1) { $next_char = substr($posttext,$i + 1,1); } else { $next_char = ""; } // First check if quotes are on if (!$quotes_on) { // Check if it's a tag // On a "<" add 3 if it's an opening tag (like <a href...) // or add only 1 if it's an ending tag (like </a>) if ($current_char == '<') { if ($next_char == '/') { $tag_counter += 1; } else { $tag_counter += 3; } } // Slash signifies an ending (like </a> or ... />) // substract 2 if ($current_char == '/' && $tag_counter <> 0) $tag_counter -= 2; // On a ">" substract 1 if ($current_char == '>') $tag_counter -= 1; // If quotes are encountered, start ignoring the tags // (for directory slashes) if ($current_char == '"') $quotes_on = TRUE; } else { // IF quotes are encountered again, turn it back off if ($current_char == '"') $quotes_on = FALSE; } // Count only the chars outside html tags if($tag_counter == 2 || $tag_counter == 0){ $c++; } // Check if the counter has reached the minimum length yet, // then wait for the tag_counter to become 0, and chop the string there if ($c > $minimum_length - $length_offset && $tag_counter == 0 && ($next_char == ' ' || $cut_words == TRUE)) { $posttext = substr($posttext,0,$i + 1); if($dots){ $posttext .= '...'; } return $posttext; } } } return $posttext; } function connectToDB() { if (!$this->conn) { // connects to the database and selects the right db ready for action $this->conn = mysql_connect($this->mysqlhost, $this->mysqluser, $this->mysqlpass) or die($this->friendlyError(mysql_error(), "{Connect}")); mysql_select_db($this->mysqldb) or die ($this->friendlyError(mysql_error(), "{Select DB}")); } } // end connectToDB() function friendlyError($error, $query, $line = false, $file = false) { // gives a friendly error should anything go wrong echo "<h1>Error Loading This Page</h1><p>Please contact the site administrator and let them know that there is a configuration issue with WPGet.</p>"; if ($this->debugmode) { echo "<p>MySQL said: <b>".$error."</b>.</p><p>It was running the following query: <b>".$query."</b>.</p><p>The query was called on line <b>".$line."</b> by file <b>".$file."</b>."; } // mail you telling you error details else if ($this->errorsto != false) { $mail = "Hey there,<br /><br />There was a database problem with the WPGet script on your site running on <b>".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."</b>.<br /><br /> A user tried to view the page <b>".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."</b> <i>(".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'].")</i>. Something went wrong with the database. <br /><br />MySQL said:<b> ".$error."</b><br /><br />Query:<b> ".$query."</b>. Called on line <b>".$line."</b> by file <b>".$file."</b>.<br /><br />Have a nice day!"; if (error_log($mail, 1, $errorsto, "From: wpget@".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."\nContent-type: text/html\n")) { echo '<p>The site administrator has been notified of this error and should fix it soon.</p>'; } else { echo '<p>There was a problem automatically notifying the site administrator. Please contact the person who manages this site and tell them there is a problem with WPGet.</p>'; } } }// end friendlyError() function query($sql, $line, $file) { // wrapper function for all SQL queries (new as of 0.7), including new error handling // and supression of PHP's errors if (!$conn) { $this->connectToDB(); } $result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->conn) or die ($this->friendlyError(mysql_error(), $sql, $line, $file)); $this->qcount++; return $result; } // end query() function crash() { // crash function $this->query("hfduhf", __LINE__, __FILE__); } // end crash() function convert_smart_quotes($string) // not mine either - thanks to Chris Shiflett at { $search = array(chr(145), chr(146), chr(147), chr(148), chr(151)); $replace = array('&lsquo;', '&rsquo;', '&ldquo;', '&rdquo;', '&mdash;'); return str_replace($search, $replace, $string); } function formatWPContent($wpdata, $chars, $stripimages, $stripembed, $stripscript, $striplinks) { if ($chars > 0) { $content = stripslashes($this->html_substr($wpdata['post_content'], $chars, 20)); $content = $this->convert_smart_quotes($content); } else { $content = $wpdata['post_content']; $content = $this->convert_smart_quotes($content); } // strip images from posts if ($stripimages) { $content = preg_replace('#</?img[^>]*>#is', '<!--img-->', $content); } if ($stripembed) { // strip embeds from posts $content = preg_replace('#</?embed[^>]*>(.+</embed[^>]*>|)#is', '<!--embed-->', $content); } if ($stripscript) { // strip javascript from posts $content = preg_replace('#</?script[^>]*>(.+</script[^>]*>|)#is', '<!--script-->', $content); } if ($striplinks) { // strip any links (or other <a> tagged content) from posts $content = preg_replace('#</?a[^>]*>#is', '<!--link-->', $content); $content = preg_replace('#</?\/a[^>]*>#is', '<!--endlink-->', $content); } ?><div class="__wpget_singleentry"><?php echo '<h2><a href="'.$wpdata['guid'].'">'.$wpdata['post_title'].'</a></h2>'.nl2br($content).'<br /><br /><p>Posted on '.date($this->dateformat, strtotime($wpdata['post_date'])); if ($this->showauthor) echo ' by '.$wpdata['display_name']; // print author name echo '.<br />'.$wpdata['comment_count']; if ($wpdata['comment_count'] > 0) { $jump = "#comments"; } else { $jump = "#respond"; } if ($wpdata['comment_count'] == 1) { $comment = "comment"; } else { $comment = "comments"; } echo ' <a href="'.$wpdata['guid'].$jump.'">'.$comment.'</a>.</p>'; ?></div><?php } // end formatWPContent() function populateCategoryList() { // now only compatible with 2.3/2.5.x series or higher. // Support for < 2.2 is now dropped. // this function populates an array of the available categories // and their associated IDs so we can pull only relevant posts $this->connectToDB(); $sql = "SELECT wpg_taxon.`term_taxonomy_id`, `name`, `slug` FROM `".$this->mysqlprefix."terms` AS wpg_terms INNER JOIN `".$this->mysqlprefix."term_taxonomy` AS wpg_taxon ON wpg_terms.`term_id` = wpg_taxon.`term_id` WHERE wpg_taxon.`taxonomy` = 'category';"; $q = $this->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__); while ($ar = mysql_fetch_array($q, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $this->categorylist[$ar['term_taxonomy_id']] = $ar['slug']; } // end while // now we want to create an array of the category IDs we are looking for /* so iterate through all the categories we've been given and match them to the numeric category IDs in the category list we just created */ $i = 0; // an array counter for us foreach ($this->categoriestoreturn as $cat) { $srch = array_search($cat, $this->categorylist); if ($srch === false) { // treble equals to check if it is bool false and not just zero // category not found, throw an error and halt execution die("The category ".$cat." was not found, WPGet cannot get the posts!"); } else { $this->catsearch[$i] = $srch; // set the list of categories to search to the ID of the current category $i++; // increment the counter } } // end foreach } // end populateCategoryList() function populateTagList() { // pull posts from a set of tags // only compatible with 2.3/2.5.x series or higher. $this->connectToDB(); $sql = "SELECT wpg_taxon.`term_taxonomy_id`, `name`, `slug` FROM `".$this->mysqlprefix."terms` AS wpg_terms INNER JOIN `".$this->mysqlprefix."term_taxonomy` AS wpg_taxon ON wpg_terms.`term_id` = wpg_taxon.`term_id` WHERE wpg_taxon.`taxonomy` = 'post_tag';"; $q = $this->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__); while ($ar = mysql_fetch_array($q, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $this->taglist[$ar['term_taxonomy_id']] = $ar['slug']; } // end while // now we want to create an array of the category IDs we are looking for /* so iterate through all the tags we've been given and match them to the numeric tags IDs in the tag list we just created */ $i = 0; // an array counter for us foreach ($this->tagstoreturn as $tag) { $srch = array_search($tag, $this->taglist); if ($srch === false) { // treble equals to check if it is bool false and not just zero // tag not found, throw an error and halt execution die("The tag ".$tag." was not found, WPGet cannot get the posts!"); } else { $this->tagsearch[$i] = $srch; // set the list of tags to search to the ID of the current tag $i++; // increment the counter } } // end foreach } // end populateTagList() function getWordpressEntries($number = 5, $chars = 300, $stripimages = true, $stripembed = true, $stripscript = true, $striplinks = false) { if (is_array($this->categoriestoreturn)) { // if we have selective categories on // we do it a completely different way // so populate the list $this->populateCategoryList(); // then launch the alternative way to do it $this->getCatWPEntries($this->catsearch, $number, $chars, $stripimages, $stripembed, $stripscript); // and quit out of this function return; } // end if else if (is_array($this->tagstoreturn)) { // selected tags are on // populate tags $this->populateTagList(); // launch category pull, passing in the tags $this->getCatWPEntries($this->tagsearch, $number, $chars, $stripimages, $stripembed, $stripscript); return; } $dateRangeClause = ''; $searchClause = ''; // if date range is set if ($this->daterange_start !== false && $this->daterange_end !== false) { // get both start and end as Unix timestamps if ((int) $this->daterange_start === $this->daterange_start) { // assume a timestamp $start = (int) $this->daterange_start; } else { $start = (int) strtotime($this->daterange_start); } if ((int) $this->daterange_end === $this->daterange_end) { // assume a timestamp $end = (int) $this->daterange_end; } else { $end = (int) strtotime($this->daterange_end); } if ($start == 0 || $end == 0) { // there is a problem with the date ranges echo 'Invalid WPGet date ranges specified.'; if ($this->debugmode) { echo ' on line '.__LINE__.' of '.__FILE__; } return false; } $dateRangeClause = "AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posts.`post_date`) > {$start} AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posts.`post_date`) < {$end}"; } if ($this->searchtoreturn !== false) { // do a post title/post content search -- only return posts which match the search $this->connectToDB(); $search = mysql_real_escape_string($this->searchtoreturn); $searchClause = "AND ((posts.post_title LIKE '%{$search}%') OR (posts.post_content LIKE '%{$search}%'))"; } // if we have a style if ($this->usestyle != false) { $this->printStyleCSS($this->usestyle); } // gets $number of wordpress entries and prints in a friendly format $this->connectToDB(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `".$this->mysqlprefix."posts` as posts INNER JOIN `".$this->mysqlprefix."users` as users ON users.ID = posts.post_author WHERE posts.`post_status` = 'publish' AND posts.`post_type` = 'post' {$dateRangeClause} {$searchClause} ORDER BY `post_date` DESC LIMIT {$number};"; $q = $this->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__); ?><div id="__wpget_entries"><?php while ($ar = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { $ar['post_ID'] = $ar[0]; // first row returned is posts.ID $this->formatWPContent($ar, $chars, $stripimages, $stripembed, $stripscript, $striplinks); } // Credit to me can be disabled, see top for details if ($this->showcredit) { echo '<p style="font-size:0.8em">WordPress integration powered by <a href="">WPGet</a> by Peter Upfold.</p>'; } ?></div><?php } // end getWordpressEntries() function getSinglePost($postid, $chars = 0, $stripimages = true, $stripembed = true, $stripscript = true, $striplinks = false) { // gets the specified post ID $this->connectToDB(); settype($postid, int); $postid = addslashes($postid); $sql = "SELECT *, posts.`ID` as `post_ID` FROM `".$this->mysqlprefix."posts` as posts INNER JOIN `".$this->mysqlprefix."users` as users ON users.ID = posts.post_author WHERE posts.`post_status` = 'publish' AND posts.`ID` = {$postid} AND users.`ID` = posts.`post_author` ORDER BY `post_date` DESC LIMIT 1;"; $q = $this->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__); $ar = mysql_fetch_assoc($q); ?><div id="__wpget_entries"><?php $this->formatWPContent($ar, $chars, $stripimages, $stripembed, $stripscript, $striplinks); // Credit to me can be disabled, see top for details if ($this->showcredit) { echo '<p style="font-size:0.8em">WordPress integration powered by <a href="">WPGet</a> by Peter Upfold.</p>'; } ?></div><?php } // end getSinglePost function getCatWPEntries($categories, $number = 5, $chars = 300, $stripimages = true, $stripembed = true, $stripscript = true, $striplinks = false) { $i = 0; // counter $catclause = "WHERE p2c.`term_taxonomy_id` IN ("; $catclause .= implode(',', $categories); // implode our array of categories into a comma-delimited list for MySQL's 'IN' $catclause .= ')'; $dateRangeClause = ''; $searchClause = ''; // if date range is set if ($this->daterange_start !== false && $this->daterange_end !== false) { // get both start and end as Unix timestamps if ((int) $this->daterange_start === $this->daterange_start) { // assume a timestamp $start = (int) $this->daterange_start; } else { $start = (int) strtotime($this->daterange_start); } if ((int) $this->daterange_end === $this->daterange_end) { // assume a timestamp $end = (int) $this->daterange_end; } else { $end = (int) strtotime($this->daterange_end); } if ($start == 0 || $end == 0) { // there is a problem with the date ranges echo 'Invalid WPGet date ranges specified.'; if ($this->debugmode) { echo ' on line '.__LINE__.' of '.__FILE__; } return false; } $dateRangeClause = "AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posts.`post_date`) > {$start} AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posts.`post_date`) < {$end}"; } if ($this->searchtoreturn !== false) { // do a post title/post content search -- only return posts which match the search $this->connectToDB(); $search = mysql_real_escape_string($this->searchtoreturn); $searchClause = "AND ((posts.post_title LIKE '%{$search}%') OR (posts.post_content LIKE '%{$search}%'))"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->mysqlprefix}posts` AS posts INNER JOIN `{$this->mysqlprefix}term_relationships` AS p2c ON posts.`ID` = p2c.`object_id` INNER JOIN `{$this->mysqlprefix}users` AS users ON users.`ID` = posts.`post_author` {$catclause} {$dateRangeClause} {$searchClause} AND posts.`post_status` = 'publish' AND posts.`post_type` = 'post' ORDER BY p2c.`object_id` DESC LIMIT {$number};"; $q = $this->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__); // duplicate prevention $shownPosts = array(); $spc = 0; while ($ar = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { $ar['post_ID'] = $ar['object_id']; // for formatWPContent() if (!in_array($ar['object_id'], $shownPosts)) { $shownPosts[$spc] = $ar['object_id']; $spc++; $this->formatWPContent($ar, $chars, $stripimages, $stripembed, $stripscript, $striplinks); } } // end while // Credit to me can be disabled, see top for details if ($this->showcredit) { echo '<p style="font-size:0.8em">WordPress integration powered by <a href="">WPGet</a> by Peter Upfold.</p>'; } } // end getCatWPEntries() } // end class ?>