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File: src/Generics/Client/HttpHeadersTrait.php

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  Classes of Maik Greubel   PHP Generics   src/Generics/Client/HttpHeadersTrait.php   Download  
File: src/Generics/Client/HttpHeadersTrait.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: PHP Generics
Framework for accessing streams, sockets and logs
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Last change: Update of src/Generics/Client/HttpHeadersTrait.php
Date: 1 year ago
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 * This file is part of the PHP Generics package.
 * @package Generics
namespace Generics\Client;


 * This trait provides common http(s) header functionality
 * @author Maik Greubel <>
trait HttpHeadersTrait

     * Headers
     * @var array
private $headers;

     * The response status code
     * @var int
private $responseCode;
     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @see \Generics\Streams\HttpStream::setHeader()
     * @return HttpClient
public function setHeader($headerName, $headerValue)
$this->headers[$headerName] = $headerValue;

     * Reset the headers
public function resetHeaders()
$this->headers = array();

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @see \Generics\Streams\HttpStream::getHeaders()
public function getHeaders(): array
     * Retrieve the response status code
     * @return int
public function getResponseCode(): int

     * Adjust the headers by injecting default values for missing keys.
private function adjustHeaders($requestType)
        if (!
array_key_exists('Accept', $this->headers) && $requestType != 'HEAD') {
$this->setHeader('Accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8');
        if (!
array_key_exists('Accept-Language', $this->headers) && $requestType != 'HEAD') {
$this->setHeader('Accept-Language', 'en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3');
        if (!
array_key_exists('User-Agent', $this->headers) && $requestType != 'HEAD') {
$this->setHeader('User-Agent', 'phpGenerics 1.0');
        if (!
array_key_exists('Connection', $this->headers) || strlen($this->headers['Connection']) == 0) {
        if (!
array_key_exists('Accept-Encoding', $this->headers)) {
            if (
function_exists('gzinflate')) {
$encoding = 'gzip, deflate';
            } else {
$encoding = 'identity';
$this->setHeader('Accept-Encoding', $encoding);

     * Depending on request type the connection header is either
     * set to keep-alive or close
     * @param string $requestType
private function adjustConnectionHeader($requestType)
        if (
$requestType == 'HEAD') {
$this->setHeader('Connection', 'close');
        } else {
$this->setHeader('Connection', 'keep-alive');

     * Try to parse line as header and add the results to local header list
     * @param string $line
private function addParsedHeader($line)
        if (
strpos($line, ':') === false) {
$this->responseCode = HttpStatus::parseStatus($line)->getCode();
        } else {
$line = trim($line);
            list (
$headerName, $headerValue) = explode(':', $line, 2);
$this->headers[$headerName] = trim($headerValue);

     * Adjust number of bytes to read according content length header
     * @param int $numBytes
     * @return int
private function adjustNumbytes($numBytes): int
        if (isset(
$this->headers['Content-Length'])) {
// Try to read the whole payload at once
$numBytes = intval($this->headers['Content-Length']);

     * Retrieve content type from headers
     * @return string
private function getContentEncoding(): string

     * Retrieve an given header
     * @param string $name
     * @return string
private function getHeader(string $name): string
$result = "";
        if (
Arrays::hasElement($this->headers, $name)) {
$result = $this->headers[$name];