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File: readme
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Description: readme
Class: PHP Ghost Face
Encrypt PHP code to generate executable scripts
Author: By
Last change: add how to test the package indications and some apologies...
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 2,636 bytes



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This class can obfuscate PHP scripts by encrypting the code and generating an obfuscated and expirable script that when executed will decrypt the code and execute it like the original version of the script until the license key expired. The epiration of license key is configurable and based on PHP Expire class.The package is itself based on the innovative class package GHOST CRYPT. The plus of this package is to obfuscate even the self decrypting code to make it harder for even some expert users to understand what the code does or change it. The self decrypting code works normally until license key expire.Then the code just display the predefined message of your choice. The class constructor: public function __construct($inFile = null, $outFileExt = '', $pubKey = '',$licenseKey='',$expiration="10",$message="Your serial number expire",$licenseKeyprefix="GhostFace") The class contains except the constructor, 2 methods: -private function encrypt() which encrypt the code. -private function decrypt() which decrypt the code. See the example.php file for example of how to use. This script is too short to provide more documentation. after encryting a code, only thing you need to put in the package with your encrypted code is the GhostHash class but also the PHP Expire class and the auto generated license key file. how to test it://actually you don't need it because i already add myself the files that are mentionned below so all you have to do is to start your server and run one of the two files infile.enc.php or ex.enc.php in your preferred browser to see the package in action .I don't add it before because by the past i have choosen a very little expiration time like 10 secondes for infile.php and 60 secondes for ex.php and i think that it would be better that the package downloader ran the example.php in his browser to generate the encrypted files, this way the license key must not be invalid before PHPCLASSES SITE approves the package but i were wrong.So i present my sincere apologies for not making the package easy to test...// first you see in the package a file named example.php and two other named infile.php and ex.php ...all you need to do is first to run example.php in your browser that will generate 4 files in your package directory...infile.enc.php,ex.enc.php,licensekey.infile.php,licensekey.ex.php...then you just need to run one of the files infile.enc.php or ex.enc.php to see the package in action Keep in mind that obfuscating the code this way slows the very long code execution... Contact at