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File: WIMembers/WICore/WIJ/WIProfile.js

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WIMembers/WICore/WIJ/WIProfile.js   Download  
File: WIMembers/WICore/WIJ/WIProfile.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
Database driven content management system with PDO
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 17,247 bytes



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$(document).ready(function () { $(".no-submit").submit(function () { return false; }); $("#change_password").click(function () { if(profile.validatePasswordUpdate()) profile.updatePassword(); }); $("#update_details").click(function () { profile.updateDetails(); }); }); /** PROFILE NAMESPACE ======================================== */ var profile = {}; /** * Updates user password. */ profile.updatePassword = function() { //turn on button loading state WICore.loadingButton($("#change_password"), $_lang.updating); //encrypt passwords before sending them through the network var newPass = CryptoJS.SHA512($("#new_password").val()).toString(); var oldPass = CryptoJS.SHA512($("#old_password").val()).toString(); //send data to server $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "updatePassword", oldpass : oldPass, newpass : newPass }, success: function (result) { //return button to normal state WICore.removeLoadingButton($("#change_password")); if(result == "") { //display success message WICore.displaySuccessMessage( $("#form-changepassword"), $_lang.password_updated_successfully ); } else { //display error message WICore.displayErrorMessage($("#old_password"), result); } } }); }; profile.displayBio = function($userId){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "displayBio", userId : $userId }, success: function (result) { $("#bio").html(result); } }); } /** * Validate password update form. * @returns {Boolean} TRUE if form is valid, FALSE otherwise. */ profile.validatePasswordUpdate = function () { //remove all error messages if there are some WICore.removeErrorMessages(); //get all data from form var oldpass = $("#old_password"), newpass = $("#new_password"), confpass = $("#new_password_confirm"), valid = true; //check if field is empty if($.trim(oldpass.val()) == "") { valid = false; WICore.displayErrorMessage(oldpass, $_lang.field_required); } //check if field is empty if($.trim(newpass.val()) == "") { valid = false; WICore.displayErrorMessage(newpass, $_lang.field_required); } //check if field is empty if($.trim(confpass.val()) == "") { valid = false; WICore.displayErrorMessage(confpass, $_lang.field_required); } //check if password and confirm new password are equal if($.trim(confpass.val()) != $.trim(newpass.val()) ) { valid = false; WICore.displayErrorMessage(newpass); WICore.displayErrorMessage(confpass, $_lang.password_dont_match); } return valid; }; /** * Updates user details. */ profile.updateDetails = function () { //remove error messages if there are any WICore.removeErrorMessages(); //turn on button loading state WICore.loadingButton($("#update_details"), $_lang.updating); //prepare data that will be sent to server var data = { action : "updateDetails", details: { first_name: $("#first_name").val(), last_name : $("#last_name").val(), address : $("#address").val(), phone : $("#phone").val() } }; //send data to server $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: data, success: function (result) { //return button to normal state WICore.removeLoadingButton($("#update_details")); if(result == "") { WICore.displaySuccessMessage($("#form-details"),$_lang.details_updated); } else { //display error messages console.log(result); WICore.displayErrorMessage($("#form-details input")); WICore.displayErrorMessage( $("#phone"), $_lang.error_updating_db ); } } }); }; profile.showpic = function(userId){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "showPic", userId : userId }, success: function (result) { $(".profile_picture").html(result) } }); } = function() { if( $("#updateBio").hasClass('closed') ){ $("#updateBio").removeClass('closed'); $("#updateBio").addClass('open'); } else{ $("#updateBio").removeClass('open'); $("#updateBio").addClass('closed'); } } profile.UpdateBio = function(userId) { var bio = $("textarea#bio").val(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "updateBio", userId : userId, bio : bio }, success: function (result) { var res = JSON.parse(result); //var res = $.parseJSON(result); console.log(res); if(res.status === "successful") { WICore.displaySuccessMessage($(".control-group"), res.msg); $("#updateBio").css("display", "none"); profile.displayBio(userId); } else { } } }); } profile.details = function(userId){ if( $("#updateInfo").hasClass('closed') ){ alert('closed'); $("#updateInfo").removeClass('closed'); $("#updateInfo").addClass('open'); } else{ alert('open'); $("#updateInfo").removeClass('open'); $("#updateInfo").addClass('closed'); } } profile.updateDetails = function(userId) { var fname = $("#f_name").val(); lname = $("#l_name").val(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "updateProfileDetails", userId : userId, fname : fname, lname : lname }, success: function (result) { var res = JSON.parse(result); //var res = $.parseJSON(result); console.log(res); if(res.status === "successful") { WICore.displaySuccessMessage($(".control-group"), res.msg); $("#updateBio").css("display", "none"); } else { } } }); } profile.location = function(userId) { if( $("#updateLocation").hasClass('closed') ){ $("#updateLocation").removeClass('closed'); $("#updateLocation").addClass('open'); } else{ $("#updateLocation").removeClass('open'); $("#updateLocation").addClass('closed'); } } profile.displayLocation = function(userId){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "displayLocation", userId : userId, }, success: function (result) { $("#location").html(result); } }); } profile.updateLocation = function(userId) { var country = $("#country").val(); region = $("#region").val(); city = $("#city").val(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "updateLocation", userId : userId, country : country, region : region, city : city }, success: function (result) { var res = JSON.parse(result); //var res = $.parseJSON(result); console.log(res); if(res.status === "successful") { $("#updateLocation").addClass('closed'); profile.displayLocation(userId); } else { } } }); } = function(userId) { if( $("#updateSocial").hasClass('closed') ){ $("#updateSocial").removeClass('closed'); $("#updateSocial").addClass('open'); } else{ $("#updateSocial").removeClass('open'); $("#updateSocial").addClass('closed'); } } profile.updatesocial = function(userId) { var youtube = $("#youtube").val(); facebook = $("#facebook").val(); twitter = $("#twitter").val(); website = $("#website").val(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "updateLocation", userId : userId, youtube : youtube, facebook : facebook, twitter : twitter, website : website }, success: function (result) { var res = JSON.parse(result); //var res = $.parseJSON(result); console.log(res); if(res.status === "successful") { $("#updateSocial").addClass('closed'); profile.displaySocial(userId); } else { } } }); } profile.displaySocial = function(userId){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "displaySocial", userId : userId, }, success: function (result) { $("#location").html(result); } }); } = function(userId) { $("#modal-change-photo").css("display", "block"); } profile.close = function(){ $("#modal-change-photo").css("display", "none"); } profile.cancel = function(){ $("#modal-change-photo").css("display", "none"); } profile.upload = function(userId) { event.preventDefault(); $('.ajax-loading').show(); var photo = $(".photo").text(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", // Url to which the request is send type: "POST", // Type of request to be send, called as method data: { action: "uploadUserPhoto", photo : photo, user : userId }, success: function(result) // A function to be called if request succeeds { if(result == "successful") { //$("#upload-preview").append(res.msg); //$("#modal-change-photo").css("display", "none"); $('.ajax-loading').hide(); profile.showpic(userId); $("#modal-change-photo").css("display", "none"); } else if(result === "error") { $("#upload-preview").append(res.msg); $("#modal-change-photo").css("display", "none"); } } }); } profile.toggleInteractContainers = function(x) { if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) { $('#'+x).slideDown(200); } else { $('#'+x).hide(); } $('.interactContainers').hide(); } profile.toggleViewAllFriends = function(x) { if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) { $('#'+x).fadeIn(200); } else { $('#'+x).fadeOut(200); } } profile.toggleViewMap = function(x) { if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) { $('#'+x).fadeIn(200); } else { $('#'+x).fadeOut(200); } } profile.addAsFriend = function(userId, friendId) { $("#add_friend_loader").show(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", // Url to which the request is send type: "POST", // Type of request to be send, called as method data: { action: "AddFriend", profile : 1, userId : userId, friendId : friendId }, success: function(data) // A function to be called if request succeeds { $("#add_friend").html(data).show().fadeOut(12000); } }); } profile.acceptFriendRequest = function(req_id) { $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "acceptrequest", req_id : req_id }, success: function (data) { $("#req"+req_id).html(data).show(); } }); } profile.denyFriendRequest = function(req_id) { $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "denyrequest", req_id : req_id }, success: function (data) { $("#req"+req_id).html(data).show(); } }); } profile.removeAsFriend = function(a,b) { $("#remove_friend_loader").show(); $.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "removeFriendship", mem1: a, mem2: b, thisWipit: thisRandNum } ,function(data) { $("#remove_friend").html(data).show().fadeOut(12000); }); } profile.privateMessage = function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var pmSubject = $("#pmSubject").val(); var pmTextArea = $("#pmTextArea").val(); var sendername = $("#pm_sender_name").val(); var senderid = $("#pm_sender_id").val(); var recName = $("#pm_rec_name").val(); var recID = $("#pm_rec_id").val(); alert(pmSubject); if (pmSubject == "") { $("#interactionResults").html('<img src="../WIAdmin/WIMedia/Img/round_error.png" alt="Error" width="31" height="30" /> &nbsp; Please type a subject.').show().fadeOut(6000); } else if (pmTextArea == "") { $("#interactionResults").html('<img src="../WIAdmin/WIMedia/Img/round_error.png" alt="Error" width="31" height="30" /> &nbsp; Please type in your message.').show().fadeOut(6000); } else { $("#pmFormProcessGif").show(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", // Url to which the request is send type: "POST", // Type of request to be send, called as method data: { action: "privateMessage", profile : 1, pmSub : pmSubject, pmText : pmTextArea, senderid : senderid, sendername : sendername, rec_id : recID, recName : recName }, success: function(data) // A function to be called if request succeeds { $('#private_message').slideUp("fast"); $("#interactionResults").html(data).show().fadeOut(10000); document.pmForm.pmTextArea.value=''; document.pmForm.pmSubject.value=''; $("#pmFormProcessGif").hide(); } }); } } profile.markAsRead = function(msgID, ownerid) { $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", // Url to which the request is send type: "POST", // Type of request to be send, called as method data: { action: "markAsRead", profile : 1, msgID : msgID, user : ownerid }, success: function(result) // A function to be called if request succeeds { var res = JSON.parse(result); if (res.success === "success") { if( $("#subject").hasClass('closed') ){ $("#subject").removeClass('closed'); $("#subject").addClass('open'); }else if( $("#subject").hasClass('open') ){ $("#subject").removeClass('open'); $("#subject").addClass('closed'); } ('#subj_line_'+msgID).addClass('msgRead'); } } }); } profile.toggleReplyBox = function(subject,sendername,senderid,recName,recID,replyWipit) { $("#subjectShow").text(subject); $("#recipientShow").text(recName); document.replyForm.pmSubject.value = subject; document.replyForm.pm_sender_name.value = sendername; document.replyForm.pmWipit.value = replyWipit; document.replyForm.pm_sender_id.value = senderid; document.replyForm.pm_rec_name.value = recName; document.replyForm.pm_rec_id.value = recID; document.replyForm.replyBtn.value = "Send reply to "+recName; if ($('#replyBox').is(":hidden")) { $('#replyBox').fadeIn(1000); } else { $('#replyBox').hide(); } } profile.processReply = function(){ var pmSubject = $("#pmSubject"); var pmTextArea = $("#pmTextArea"); var sendername = $("#pm_sender_name"); var senderid = $("#pm_sender_id"); var recName = $("#pm_rec_name"); var recID = $("#pm_rec_id"); if (pmTextArea.val() == "") { $("#PMStatus").text("Please type in your message.").show().fadeOut(6000); } else { $("#pmFormProcessGif").show(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", // Url to which the request is send type: "POST", // Type of request to be send, called as method data: { action: "processReply", profile : 1, sub : pmSubject, text : pmTextArea, sender : sendername, senderid : senderid, recname : recName, req_id : recID }, success: function(data) // A function to be called if request succeeds { document.replyForm.pmTextArea.value = ""; $("#pmFormProcessGif").hide(); $('#replyBox').slideUp("fast"); $("#PMFinal").html("&nbsp; &nbsp;"+data).show().fadeOut(8000); } }); } }