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File: WIAdmin/WICore/WIJ/WIEditpage.js

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WIAdmin/WICore/WIJ/WIEditpage.js   Download  
File: WIAdmin/WICore/WIJ/WIEditpage.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
Database driven content management system with PDO
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 6,294 bytes



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/*********** ** email NAMESPACE **************/ $(document).ready(function(event) { var page_id = $.cookie("page_id"); WIEditpage.getInfo(page_id); WIEditpage.NextMod(); //executes code below when user click on pagination links $("#module").on( "click", ".pagination a", function (e){ e.preventDefault(); $(".loading-div").removeClass('closed'); //remove closed element $(".loading-div").addClass('open'); //show loading element var page = $(this).attr("data-page"); //get page number from link $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "NextMod", lang : 1, page : page }, success: function(result) { $("#module").html(result); $(".loading-div").removeClass('open'); //remove closed element $(".loading-div").addClass('closed'); //show loading element } }); }); WIEditpage.togglelsc(page_id); // WIEditpage.rsc(page_id); WIEditpage.loadPage(page_id); WIEditpage.loadOptions(page_id); }); var WIEditpage = {} WIEditpage.getInfo = function(page_id){ $("#page-title").attr("placeholder", page_id) $("#page-title").attr("value", page_id) } WIEditpage.NextMod = function(){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "NextModPage", lang : 1 }, success: function(result) { $("#module").html(result); $(".loading-div").removeClass('open'); //remove closed element $(".loading-div").addClass('closed'); //show loading element } }); } WIEditpage.loadPage = function(page_id){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "loadPage", page : page_id }, success: function(result) { $("#pages").html(result); } }); } WIEditpage.loadOptions = function(page_id){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "loadOptions", page : page_id }, success: function(result) { if (result.status === "completed") { if (result.lsc == 0) { $("#lsc").attr("unchecked"); }else{ $("#lsc").attr("checked"); } if (result.rsc == 0) { $("#rsc").attr("unchecked"); }else{ $("#rsc").attr("checked"); } } } }); } WIEditpage.changePage = function(page_id){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "changePage", page : page_id }, success: function(result) { $("#pages").html(result); } }); } WIEditpage.togglelsc = function(page_id){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "togglelsc_change", page : page_id, col : "left_sidebar" }, success: function(result) { console.log(result); var res = JSON.parse(result); console.log(res.lsc); if (res.status === "complete") { if (res.lsc == 0){ $("#lsc").attr("unchecked"); }else{ $("#lsc").attr("checked"); } } } } ); } WIEditpage.lsc = function(page_id){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "lsc_change", page : page_id, col : "left" }, success: function(result) { console.log(result); if (result.status === "completed") { if (result.lsc == 0) { $("#lsc").attr("unchecked"); }else{ $("#lsc").attr("checked"); } } } } ); } WIEditpage.rsc = function(page_id){ $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "rsc_change", page : page_id, col : "right" }, success: function(result) { if (result.rsc == 0) { $("#rsc").attr("unchecked"); }else{ $("#rsc").attr("checked"); } } }); } WIEditpage.changeLHC = function(){ var page_id = $("#page-title").val(); $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "lsc_changed", page : page_id, col : "left" }, success: function(result) { console.log(result); if (result.status == "complete") { alert("hiy"); if (result.lsc == 0) { alert("hey"); $("#lsc").attr("unchecked"); $("#sidenavL").remove(); $("#Mid").removeClass("col-lg-10 col-md-8 col-sm-8"); $("#Mid").addClass("col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12"); }else{ alert("hoy"); $("#lsc").attr("checked"); var element = $("#col"); $("#Mid").removeClass("col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12"); $("#Mid").addClass("col-lg-10 col-md-8 col-sm-8"); var Div = '<div class="col-sm-1 sidenav" id="sidenavL"><?php include_once "left_sidebar.php"; ?>'+ '</div><div class="col-lg-10 col-md-8 col-sm-8" id="Mid">'; element.append(Div); } } } } ); }