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File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/tests/tinymce/html/Schema.js

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/tests/tinymce/html/Schema.js   Download  
File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/tests/tinymce/html/Schema.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
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Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 17,046 bytes



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module("tinymce.html.Schema"); test('Valid elements global rule', function() { expect(1); var schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: '@[id|style],img[src|-style]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('img'), {"attributes": {"id": {}, "src": {}}, "attributesOrder": ["id", "src"]}); }); test('Whildcard element rule', function() { var schema; expect(17); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: '*[id|class]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'b*[id|class]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('body').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('body').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); equal(schema.getElementRule('img'), undefined); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'b?[id|class]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('bx').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('bx').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); equal(schema.getElementRule('body'), undefined); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'b+[id|class]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('body').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('body').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('bx').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('bx').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); equal(schema.getElementRule('b'), undefined); }); test('Whildcard attribute rule', function() { var schema; expect(13); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'b[id|class|*]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); ok(schema.getElementRule('b').attributePatterns[0].pattern.test('x')); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'b[id|class|x?]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); ok(schema.getElementRule('b').attributePatterns[0].pattern.test('xy')); ok(!schema.getElementRule('b').attributePatterns[0].pattern.test('xba')); ok(!schema.getElementRule('b').attributePatterns[0].pattern.test('a')); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'b[id|class|x+]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributes, {"id": {}, "class": {} }); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b').attributesOrder, ["id", "class"]); ok(!schema.getElementRule('b').attributePatterns[0].pattern.test('x')); ok(schema.getElementRule('b').attributePatterns[0].pattern.test('xb')); ok(schema.getElementRule('b').attributePatterns[0].pattern.test('xba')); }); test('Valid attributes and attribute order', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'div,a[href|title],b[title]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('div'), {"attributes": {}, "attributesOrder": []}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('a'), {"attributes": {"href": {}, "title": {}}, "attributesOrder": ["href", "title"]}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b'), {"attributes": {"title": {}}, "attributesOrder": ["title"]}); }); test('Required any attributes', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'a![id|style|href]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('a'), {"attributes": {"href": {}, "id": {}, "style": {}}, "attributesOrder": ["id", "style", "href"], "removeEmptyAttrs": true}); }); test('Required attributes', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'a[!href|!name]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('a'), {"attributes": {"href": {"required": true}, "name": {"required": true}}, "attributesOrder": ["href", "name"], "attributesRequired": ["href", "name"]}); }); test('Default attribute values', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'img[border=0]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('img'), {"attributes": {"border": {"defaultValue": "0"}}, "attributesOrder": ["border"], "attributesDefault": [{"name": "border", "value": "0"}]}); }); test('Forced attribute values', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'img[border:0]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('img'), {"attributes": {"border": {"forcedValue": "0"}}, "attributesOrder": ["border"], "attributesForced": [{"name": "border", "value": "0"}]}); }); test('Required attribute values', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'span[dir<ltr?rtl]'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('span'), {"attributes": {"dir": {"validValues": {"rtl": {}, "ltr": {}}}}, "attributesOrder": ["dir"]}); }); test('Remove empty elements', function() { var schema; expect(2); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: '-span'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('span'), {"attributes": {}, "attributesOrder": [], "removeEmpty": true}); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: '#span'}); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('span'), {"attributes": {}, "attributesOrder": [], "paddEmpty": true}); }); test('addValidElements', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: '@[id|style],img[src|-style]'}); schema.addValidElements('b[class]'); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b'), {"attributes": {"id": {}, "style": {}, "class": {}}, "attributesOrder": ["id", "style", "class"]}); }); test('setValidElements', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: '@[id|style],img[src|-style]'}); schema.setValidElements('b[class]'); equal(schema.getElementRule('img'), undefined); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('b'), {"attributes": {"class": {}}, "attributesOrder": ["class"]}); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'img[src]'}); schema.setValidElements('@[id|style],img[src]'); deepEqual(schema.getElementRule('img'), {"attributes": {"id": {}, "style": {}, "src": {}}, "attributesOrder": ["id", "style", "src"]}); }); test('getBoolAttrs', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); deepEqual(schema.getBoolAttrs(), { "CONTROLS": {}, "LOOP": {}, "AUTOPLAY": {}, "SELECTED": {}, "READONLY": {}, "NOWRAP": {}, "NOSHADE": {}, "NORESIZE": {}, "NOHREF": {}, "MULTIPLE": {}, "ISMAP": {}, "DISABLED": {}, "DEFER": {}, "DECLARE": {}, "COMPACT": {}, "CHECKED": {}, "controls": {}, "loop": {}, "autoplay": {}, "selected": {}, "readonly": {}, "nowrap": {}, "noshade": {}, "noresize": {}, "nohref": {}, "multiple": {}, "ismap": {}, "disabled": {}, "defer": {}, "declare": {}, "compact": {}, "checked": {} }); }); test('getBlockElements', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); deepEqual(schema.getBlockElements(), { ASIDE: {}, HGROUP: {}, SECTION: {}, ARTICLE: {}, FOOTER: {}, HEADER: {}, ISINDEX: {}, MENU: {}, NOSCRIPT: {}, FIELDSET: {}, DIR: {}, DD: {}, DT: {}, DL: {}, CENTER: {}, BLOCKQUOTE: {}, CAPTION: {}, UL: {}, OL: {}, LI: {}, TD: {}, TR: {}, TH: {}, TFOOT: {}, THEAD: {}, TBODY: {}, TABLE: {}, FORM: {}, PRE: {}, ADDRESS: {}, DIV: {}, P: {}, HR: {}, H6: {}, H5: {}, H4: {}, H3: {}, H2: {}, H1: {}, NAV: {}, FIGURE: {}, DATALIST: {}, OPTGROUP: {}, OPTION: {}, SELECT: {}, aside: {}, hgroup: {}, section: {}, article: {}, footer: {}, header: {}, isindex: {}, menu: {}, noscript: {}, fieldset: {}, dir: {}, dd: {}, dt: {}, dl: {}, center: {}, blockquote: {}, caption: {}, ul: {}, ol: {}, li: {}, td: {}, tr: {}, th: {}, tfoot: {}, thead: {}, tbody: {}, table: {}, form: {}, pre: {}, address: {}, div: {}, p: {}, hr: {}, h6: {}, h5: {}, h4: {}, h3: {}, h2: {}, h1: {}, nav: {}, figure: {}, datalist: {}, optgroup: {}, option: {}, select: {} }); }); test('getShortEndedElements', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); deepEqual(schema.getShortEndedElements(), { "EMBED": {}, "PARAM": {}, "META": {}, "LINK": {}, "ISINDEX": {}, "INPUT": {}, "IMG": {}, "HR": {}, "FRAME": {}, "COL": {}, "BR": {}, "BASEFONT": {}, "BASE": {}, "AREA": {}, "SOURCE" : {}, "WBR" : {}, "TRACK" : {}, "embed": {}, "param": {}, "meta": {}, "link": {}, "isindex": {}, "input": {}, "img": {}, "hr": {}, "frame": {}, "col": {}, "br": {}, "basefont": {}, "base": {}, "area": {}, "source" : {}, "wbr" : {}, "track" : {} }); }); test('getNonEmptyElements', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); deepEqual(schema.getNonEmptyElements(), { "EMBED": {}, "PARAM": {}, "META": {}, "LINK": {}, "ISINDEX": {}, "INPUT": {}, "IMG": {}, "HR": {}, "FRAME": {}, "COL": {}, "BR": {}, "BASEFONT": {}, "BASE": {}, "AREA": {}, "SOURCE" : {}, "TD": {}, "TH": {}, "IFRAME": {}, "VIDEO": {}, "AUDIO": {}, "OBJECT": {}, "WBR": {}, "TRACK" : {}, "SCRIPT" : {}, "embed": {}, "param": {}, "meta": {}, "link": {}, "isindex": {}, "input": {}, "img": {}, "hr": {}, "frame": {}, "col": {}, "br": {}, "basefont": {}, "base": {}, "area": {}, "source" : {}, "td": {}, "th": {}, "iframe": {}, "video": {}, "audio": {}, "object": {}, "wbr" : {}, "track" : {}, "script" : {} }); }); test('getWhiteSpaceElements', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); deepEqual(schema.getWhiteSpaceElements(), { "IFRAME": {}, "NOSCRIPT": {}, "OBJECT": {}, "PRE": {}, "SCRIPT": {}, "STYLE": {}, "TEXTAREA": {}, "VIDEO": {}, "AUDIO": {}, "iframe": {}, "noscript": {}, "object": {}, "pre": {}, "script": {}, "style": {}, "textarea": {}, "video": {}, "audio": {} }); }); test('getTextBlockElements', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); deepEqual(schema.getTextBlockElements(), { "ADDRESS": {}, "ARTICLE": {}, "ASIDE": {}, "BLOCKQUOTE": {}, "CENTER": {}, "DIR": {}, "DIV": {}, "FIELDSET": {}, "FIGURE": {}, "FOOTER": {}, "FORM": {}, "H1": {}, "H2": {}, "H3": {}, "H4": {}, "H5": {}, "H6": {}, "HEADER": {}, "HGROUP": {}, "NAV": {}, "P": {}, "PRE": {}, "SECTION": {}, "address": {}, "article": {}, "aside": {}, "blockquote": {}, "center": {}, "dir": {}, "div": {}, "fieldset": {}, "figure": {}, "footer": {}, "form": {}, "h1": {}, "h2": {}, "h3": {}, "h4": {}, "h5": {}, "h6": {}, "header": {}, "hgroup": {}, "nav": {}, "p": {}, "pre": {}, "section": {} }); }); test('getTextInlineElements', function() { var schema; expect(1); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); deepEqual(schema.getTextInlineElements(), { "B": {}, "CITE": {}, "CODE": {}, "DFN": {}, "EM": {}, "FONT": {}, "I": {}, "MARK": {}, "Q": {}, "SAMP": {}, "SPAN": {}, "STRIKE": {}, "STRONG": {}, "SUB": {}, "SUP": {}, "U": {}, "VAR": {}, "b": {}, "cite": {}, "code": {}, "dfn": {}, "em": {}, "font": {}, "i": {}, "mark": {}, "q": {}, "samp": {}, "span": {}, "strike": {}, "strong": {}, "sub": {}, "sup": {}, "u": {}, "var": {} }); }); test('isValidChild', function() { var schema; expect(4); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); ok(schema.isValidChild('body', 'p')); ok(schema.isValidChild('p', 'img')); ok(!schema.isValidChild('body', 'body')); ok(!schema.isValidChild('p', 'body')); }); test('getElementRule', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); ok(schema.getElementRule('b')); ok(!schema.getElementRule('bx')); ok(!schema.getElementRule(null)); }); test('addCustomElements', function() { var schema; expect(5); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements:'inline,block'}); schema.addCustomElements('~inline,block'); ok(schema.getElementRule('inline')); ok(schema.getElementRule('block')); ok(schema.isValidChild('body', 'block')); ok(schema.isValidChild('block', 'inline')); ok(schema.isValidChild('p', 'inline')); }); test('addValidChildren', function() { var schema; expect(7); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); ok(schema.isValidChild('body', 'p')); ok(!schema.isValidChild('body', 'body')); ok(!schema.isValidChild('body', 'html')); schema.addValidChildren('+body[body|html]'); ok(schema.isValidChild('body', 'body')); ok(schema.isValidChild('body', 'html')); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); ok(schema.isValidChild('body', 'p')); schema.addValidChildren('-body[p]'); ok(!schema.isValidChild('body', 'p')); }); test('addCustomElements/getCustomElements', function() { var schema; expect(4); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); schema.addCustomElements('~inline,block'); ok(schema.getBlockElements().block); ok(!schema.getBlockElements().inline); ok(schema.getCustomElements().inline); ok(schema.getCustomElements().block); }); test('whitespaceElements', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({whitespace_elements : 'pre,p'}); ok(schema.getWhiteSpaceElements().pre); ok(!schema.getWhiteSpaceElements().span); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({whitespace_elements : 'code'}); ok(schema.getWhiteSpaceElements().code); }); test('selfClosingElements', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({self_closing_elements : 'pre,p'}); ok(schema.getSelfClosingElements().pre); ok(schema.getSelfClosingElements().p); ok(!schema.getSelfClosingElements().li); }); test('shortEndedElements', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({short_ended_elements : 'pre,p'}); ok(schema.getShortEndedElements().pre); ok(schema.getShortEndedElements().p); ok(!schema.getShortEndedElements().img); }); test('booleanAttributes', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({boolean_attributes : 'href,alt'}); ok(schema.getBoolAttrs().href); ok(schema.getBoolAttrs().alt); ok(!schema.getBoolAttrs().checked); }); test('nonEmptyElements', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({non_empty_elements : 'pre,p'}); ok(schema.getNonEmptyElements().pre); ok(schema.getNonEmptyElements().p); ok(!schema.getNonEmptyElements().img); }); test('blockElements', function() { var schema; expect(3); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({block_elements : 'pre,p'}); ok(schema.getBlockElements().pre); ok(schema.getBlockElements().p); ok(!schema.getBlockElements().h1); }); test('isValid', function() { var schema; schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements : 'a[href],i[*]'}); ok(schema.isValid('a')); ok(schema.isValid('a', 'href')); ok(!schema.isValid('b')); ok(!schema.isValid('b', 'href')); ok(!schema.isValid('a', 'id')); ok(schema.isValid('i')); ok(schema.isValid('i', 'id')); }); test('validStyles', function() { var schema; schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_styles: 'color,font-size'}); deepEqual(schema.getValidStyles(), { "*": [ "color", "font-size" ] }); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_styles: 'color font-size'}); deepEqual(schema.getValidStyles(), { "*": [ "color", "font-size" ] }); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({ valid_styles: { '*': 'color font-size', 'a': 'background font-family' } }); deepEqual(schema.getValidStyles(), { "*": [ "color", "font-size" ], "a": [ "background", "font-family" ], "A": [ "background", "font-family" ] }); }); test('invalidStyles', function() { var schema; schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({invalid_styles: 'color,font-size'}); deepEqual(schema.getInvalidStyles(), { '*': { 'color': {}, 'font-size': {} } }); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({invalid_styles: 'color font-size'}); deepEqual(schema.getInvalidStyles(), { '*': { 'color': {}, 'font-size': {} } }); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({ invalid_styles: { '*': 'color font-size', 'a': 'background font-family' } }); deepEqual(schema.getInvalidStyles(), { '*': { 'color': {}, 'font-size': {} }, 'a': { 'background': {}, 'font-family': {} }, 'A': { 'background': {}, 'font-family': {} } }); }); test('validClasses', function() { var schema; schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_classes: 'classA,classB'}); deepEqual(schema.getValidClasses(), { '*': { 'classA': {}, 'classB': {} } }); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_classes: 'classA classB'}); deepEqual(schema.getValidClasses(), { '*': { 'classA': {}, 'classB': {} } }); schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({ valid_classes: { '*': 'classA classB', 'a': 'classC classD' } }); deepEqual(schema.getValidClasses(), { '*': { 'classA': {}, 'classB': {} }, 'a': { 'classC': {}, 'classD': {} }, 'A': { 'classC': {}, 'classD': {} } }); });