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File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/jquery.tinymce.js

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/jquery.tinymce.js   Download  
File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/jquery.tinymce.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
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Date: 7 years ago
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/** * jquery.tinymce.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /*global tinymce:true, jQuery */ (function($) { var undef, lazyLoading, patchApplied, delayedInits = [], win = window; $.fn.tinymce = function(settings) { var self = this, url, base, lang, suffix = ""; // No match then just ignore the call if (!self.length) { return self; } // Get editor instance if (!settings) { return window.tinymce ? tinymce.get(self[0].id) : null; } self.css('visibility', 'hidden'); // Hide textarea to avoid flicker function init() { var editors = [], initCount = 0; // Apply patches to the jQuery object, only once if (!patchApplied) { applyPatch(); patchApplied = true; } // Create an editor instance for each matched node self.each(function(i, node) { var ed, id =, oninit = settings.oninit; // Generate unique id for target element if needed if (!id) { = id = tinymce.DOM.uniqueId(); } // Only init the editor once if (tinymce.get(id)) { return; } // Create editor instance and render it ed = new tinymce.Editor(id, settings, tinymce.EditorManager); editors.push(ed); ed.on('init', function() { var scope, func = oninit; self.css('visibility', ''); // Run this if the oninit setting is defined // this logic will fire the oninit callback ones each // matched editor instance is initialized if (oninit) { // Fire the oninit event ones each editor instance is initialized if (++initCount == editors.length) { if (typeof func === "string") { scope = (func.indexOf(".") === -1) ? null : tinymce.resolve(func.replace(/\.\w+$/, "")); func = tinymce.resolve(func); } // Call the oninit function with the object func.apply(scope || tinymce, editors); } } }); }); // Render the editor instances in a separate loop since we // need to have the full editors array used in the onInit calls $.each(editors, function(i, ed) { ed.render(); }); } // Load TinyMCE on demand, if we need to if (!win.tinymce && !lazyLoading && (url = settings.script_url)) { lazyLoading = 1; base = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/")); // Check if it's a dev/src version they want to load then // make sure that all plugins, themes etc are loaded in source mode as well if (url.indexOf('.min') != -1) { suffix = ".min"; } // Setup tinyMCEPreInit object this will later be used by the TinyMCE // core script to locate other resources like CSS files, dialogs etc // You can also predefined a tinyMCEPreInit object and then it will use that instead win.tinymce = win.tinyMCEPreInit || { base: base, suffix: suffix }; // url contains gzip then we assume it's a compressor if (url.indexOf('gzip') != -1) { lang = settings.language || "en"; url = url + (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + "js=true&core=true&suffix=" + escape(suffix) + "&themes=" + escape(settings.theme || 'modern') + "&plugins=" + escape(settings.plugins || '') + "&languages=" + (lang || ''); // Check if compressor script is already loaded otherwise setup a basic one if (!win.tinyMCE_GZ) { win.tinyMCE_GZ = { start: function() { function load(url) { tinymce.ScriptLoader.markDone(tinymce.baseURI.toAbsolute(url)); } // Add core languages load("langs/" + lang + ".js"); // Add themes with languages load("themes/" + settings.theme + "/theme" + suffix + ".js"); load("themes/" + settings.theme + "/langs/" + lang + ".js"); // Add plugins with languages $.each(settings.plugins.split(","), function(i, name) { if (name) { load("plugins/" + name + "/plugin" + suffix + ".js"); load("plugins/" + name + "/langs/" + lang + ".js"); } }); }, end: function() { } }; } } var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (lazyLoading !== 2 && (e.type == 'load' || /complete|loaded/.test(script.readyState))) { tinymce.dom.Event.domLoaded = 1; lazyLoading = 2; // Execute callback after mainscript has been loaded and before the initialization occurs if (settings.script_loaded) { settings.script_loaded(); } init(); $.each(delayedInits, function(i, init) { init(); }); } }; script.src = url; document.body.appendChild(script); } else { // Delay the init call until tinymce is loaded if (lazyLoading === 1) { delayedInits.push(init); } else { init(); } } return self; }; // Add :tinymce psuedo selector this will select elements that has been converted into editor instances // it's now possible to use things like $('*:tinymce') to get all TinyMCE bound elements. $.extend($.expr[":"], { tinymce: function(e) { var editor; if ( && "tinymce" in window) { editor = tinymce.get(; if (editor && editor.editorManager === tinymce) { return true; } } return false; } }); // This function patches internal jQuery functions so that if // you for example remove an div element containing an editor it's // automatically destroyed by the TinyMCE API function applyPatch() { // Removes any child editor instances by looking for editor wrapper elements function removeEditors(name) { // If the function is remove if (name === "remove") { this.each(function(i, node) { var ed = tinyMCEInstance(node); if (ed) { ed.remove(); } }); } this.find("span.mceEditor,div.mceEditor").each(function(i, node) { var ed = tinymce.get($/, "")); if (ed) { ed.remove(); } }); } // Loads or saves contents from/to textarea if the value // argument is defined it will set the TinyMCE internal contents function loadOrSave(value) { var self = this, ed; // Handle set value /*jshint eqnull:true */ if (value != null) {; // Saves the contents before get/set value of textarea/div self.each(function(i, node) { var ed; if ((ed = tinymce.get( { ed.setContent(value); } }); } else if (self.length > 0) { // Handle get value if ((ed = tinymce.get(self[0].id))) { return ed.getContent(); } } } // Returns tinymce instance for the specified element or null if it wasn't found function tinyMCEInstance(element) { var ed = null; if (element && && win.tinymce) { ed = tinymce.get(; } return ed; } // Checks if the specified set contains tinymce instances function containsTinyMCE(matchedSet) { return !!((matchedSet) && (matchedSet.length) && (win.tinymce) && (":tinymce"))); } // Patch various jQuery functions var jQueryFn = {}; // Patch some setter/getter functions these will // now be able to set/get the contents of editor instances for // example $('#editorid').html('Content'); will update the TinyMCE iframe instance $.each(["text", "html", "val"], function(i, name) { var origFn = jQueryFn[name] = $.fn[name], textProc = (name === "text"); $.fn[name] = function(value) { var self = this; if (!containsTinyMCE(self)) { return origFn.apply(self, arguments); } if (value !== undef) {":tinymce"), value); origFn.apply(self.not(":tinymce"), arguments); return self; // return original set for chaining } var ret = ""; var args = arguments; (textProc ? self : self.eq(0)).each(function(i, node) { var ed = tinyMCEInstance(node); if (ed) { ret += textProc ? ed.getContent().replace(/<(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/g, "") : ed.getContent({save: true}); } else { ret += origFn.apply($(node), args); } }); return ret; }; }); // Makes it possible to use $('#id').append("content"); to append contents to the TinyMCE editor iframe $.each(["append", "prepend"], function(i, name) { var origFn = jQueryFn[name] = $.fn[name], prepend = (name === "prepend"); $.fn[name] = function(value) { var self = this; if (!containsTinyMCE(self)) { return origFn.apply(self, arguments); } if (value !== undef) { if (typeof value === "string") { self.filter(":tinymce").each(function(i, node) { var ed = tinyMCEInstance(node); if (ed) { ed.setContent(prepend ? value + ed.getContent() : ed.getContent() + value); } }); } origFn.apply(self.not(":tinymce"), arguments); return self; // return original set for chaining } }; }); // Makes sure that the editor instance gets properly destroyed when the parent element is removed $.each(["remove", "replaceWith", "replaceAll", "empty"], function(i, name) { var origFn = jQueryFn[name] = $.fn[name]; $.fn[name] = function() {, name); return origFn.apply(this, arguments); }; }); jQueryFn.attr = $.fn.attr; // Makes sure that $('#tinymce_id').attr('value') gets the editors current HTML contents $.fn.attr = function(name, value) { var self = this, args = arguments; if ((!name) || (name !== "value") || (!containsTinyMCE(self))) { if (value !== undef) { return jQueryFn.attr.apply(self, args); } return jQueryFn.attr.apply(self, args); } if (value !== undef) {":tinymce"), value); jQueryFn.attr.apply(self.not(":tinymce"), args); return self; // return original set for chaining } var node = self[0], ed = tinyMCEInstance(node); return ed ? ed.getContent({save: true}) : jQueryFn.attr.apply($(node), args); }; } })(jQuery);