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File: setup_factory/setup.php4.php

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File: setup_factory/setup.php4.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: setup file for php4
Class: POG - PHP Code Generator
Generate object-relational mapping classes
Author: By
Last change: moved to set_factory folder
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 17,216 bytes



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<?php /** * @author Joel Wan & Mark Slemko. Designs by Jonathan Easton * @link * @copyright Offered under the BSD license * * This setup file does the following: * 1. Checks if configuration file is present * 2. Checks if the data in the configuration file is correct * 3. Checks if the database and table exist * 4. Create table if not present * 5. Tests 5 CRUD functions and determine if everything is OK for all objects within the current directory * 6. When all tests pass, provides an interface to the database and a way to manage objects. */ include_once("setup_library/setup_misc.php"); if(file_exists("../configuration.php")) { include_once("../configuration.php"); } else { echo "configuration file missing<br/>"; } if(!isset($_SESSION['diagnosticsSuccessful']) || (isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step']=="diagnostics")) { $_SESSION['diagnosticsSuccessful'] = false; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Php Object Generator Setup</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./setup.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./setup_library/xPandMenu.css"/> <script src="./setup_library/xPandMenu.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="header"> <?php include "setup_library/inc.header.php";?> </div> <form action="./index.php" method="POST"> <?php ini_set("error_reporting", 0); if(count($_POST) > 0 && $_SESSION['diagnosticsSuccessful']==false) { ?> <div class="container"> <div class="left"> <div class="logo2"></div> <div class="text"><div class="gold">POG setup diagnostics</div> <br/>Setup performs unit tests on all your objects in the object directory and makes sure they're OK. <br/>This makes sure that your objects can talk to your database correctly. This can also be useful if you modify / customize the objects manually and want to make sure they still work once you're done. <br/><br/>The diagnostics screen on the right shows the results of those tests. </div> </div> <div class="middle"> <div id="tabs"> <a href="./index.php?step=diagnostics"><img src="./setup_images/tab_setup.gif"/></a> <img src="./setup_images/tab_separator.gif"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_diagnosticresults_on.gif"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_separator.gif"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_manageobjects.gif"/> </div><div class="subtabs">&nbsp;</div><a href="./index.php?step=diagnostics"><img src="./setup_images/setup_recheck.jpg" border="0"/></a><div class="middle2"> <?php //perform diagnostics if (isset($GLOBALS['configuration']['pdoDriver'])) { } else { if(file_exists("../objects/class.database.php")) { include "../objects/class.database.php"; //try connecting to the database $database = new DatabaseConnection(); //success //scan for generated objects. $dir = opendir('../objects/'); $objects = array(); while(($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if(strlen($file) > 4 && substr(strtolower($file), strlen($file) - 4) === '.php' && !is_dir($file) && $file != "class.database.php" && $file != "configuration.php" && $file != "setup.php") { $objects[] = $file; } } closedir($dir); $objectNameList = array(); $errors = 0; $diagnostics = ""; $_SESSION['links'] = array(); foreach ($objects as $object) { include("../objects/{$object}"); } foreach($objects as $object) { $content = file_get_contents("../objects/".$object); $contentParts = split("<b>",$content); if (isset($contentParts[1])) { $contentParts2 = split("</b>",$contentParts[1]); } if (isset($contentParts2[0])) { $className = trim($contentParts2[0]); } if (isset($className)) { $diagnostics .= "TESTING $className...\n"; $objectNameList[] = $className; //get sql $sqlParts = split(";",$contentParts[0]); $sqlPart = split("CREATE",$sqlParts[0]); $sql = "CREATE ".$sqlPart[1].";"; $linkParts1 = split("\*\/", $contentParts[1]); $linkParts2 = split("\@link", $linkParts1[0]); $link = $linkParts2[1]; eval('$instance = new '.$className.'();'); $attributeList = array_keys(get_object_vars($instance)); $type_value = InitializeTestValues($instance->pog_attribute_type); foreach($attributeList as $attribute) { if (isset($instance->pog_attribute_type[strtolower($attribute)])) { if (isset($type_value[strtolower($attribute)])) { $instance->{$attribute} = $type_value[strtolower($attribute)]; } else { $instance->{$attribute} = "1"; } } } //Test Save() $instanceId = false; $instance->{strtolower($className)."Id"} = 0; $instanceId = $instance->Save(); if(!$instanceId) { //table doesn't exist //try to create table $database = new DatabaseConnection(); $database->Query($sql); $instanceId = $instance->Save(); if(!$instanceId) { $diagnostics .= "Could not create table."; $diagnostics .= "ERROR: Save() could not be performed\n"; $diagnostics .= $instance->pog_query."\n"; $errors++; } else { $diagnostics .= "Created Table $className successfully\n"; $diagnostics .= "Testing Save()....OK\n"; } } else { $diagnostics .= "Testing Save()....OK\n"; } //Test SaveNew() if(!$instance->SaveNew()) { $diagnostics .= "ERROR: SaveNew() could not be performed\n"; $diagnostics .= $instance->pog_query."\n"; $errors++; } else { $instance->SaveNew(); $diagnostics .= "Testing SaveNew()....OK\n"; } //Test GetList(); //GetList() implicitly tests Get() $instanceList = $instance->GetList(array(array(strtolower($className)."Id",">",0))); if($instanceList == null) { $diagnostics .= "ERROR: GetList() could not be performed\n"; $diagnostics .= $instance->pog_query."\n"; $errors++; } else { $diagnostics .= "Testing Get()....OK\n"; $diagnostics .= "Testing GetList()....\n"; $oldCount = count($instanceList); //Test Multiple Conditions $instanceList = $instance->GetList(array(array(strtolower($className)."Id", ">=",$instanceId), array(strtolower($className)."Id", "<=", $instanceId+2)), strtolower($className)."Id", false, 2); $diagnostics .= "\tTesting Limit...."; if (sizeof($instanceList) != 2) { //Test Limit $diagnostics .= "ERROR: GetList() :sizeof(list) != \$limit\n"; $diagnostics .= $instance->pog_query."\n"; $errors++; } else { $diagnostics .= "OK\n"; } $diagnostics .= "\tTesting Sorting...."; if ($instanceList[1]->{strtolower($className)."Id"} > $instanceList[0]->{strtolower($className)."Id"}) { //Test Sorting $diagnostics .= "ERROR: GetList() :list is not properly sorted\n"; $diagnostics .= $instance->pog_query."\n"; $errors++; } else { $diagnostics .= "OK\n"; } if ($errors == 0) { $diagnostics .= "Testing GetList()....OK\n"; $instanceList = $instance->GetList(array(array(strtolower($className)."Id", ">=",$instanceId), array(strtolower($className)."Id", "<=", $instanceId+2)), strtolower($className)."Id", false, 3); foreach ($instanceList as $instance) { $attributeList = array_keys(get_object_vars($instance)); foreach ($attributeList as $attribute) { if (isset($instance->pog_attribute_type[strtolower($attribute)])) { if (isset($type_value[strtolower($attribute)])) { if ($instance->{$attribute} != $type_value[strtolower($attribute)]) { $diagnostics .= "WARNING: Failed to retrieve attribute `$attribute`. Expecting `".$type_value[strtolower($attribute)]."`; found `".$instance->{$attribute}."`. Check that column `$attribute` in the `$className` table is of type `".$instance->pog_attribute_type[strtolower($attribute)][1]."`\n"; } } } } $instance->Delete(); } } else { $diagnostics .= "Testing GetList()....Failed\n"; } $instanceList = $instance->GetList(array(array(strtolower($className)."Id",">",0))); if ($instanceList == null) { $instanceList = array(); } $newCount = count($instanceList); if($oldCount-3 == $newCount) { $diagnostics .= "Testing Delete()....OK\n"; } else { $diagnostics .= "ERROR: Delete() could not be performed\n"; $diagnostics .= $instance->pog_query."\n"; $errors++; } } if ($errors == 0) { $database->Query("optimize table ".strtolower($className)); $diagnostics .= "Optimizing ".$className."....OK\n-----\n"; $_SESSION['links'][$className] = $link; } $contentParts2 = null; $className = null; } } $diagnostics .= "\nFOUND & CHECKED ".count($objectNameList)." OBJECT(S)\n"; $_SESSION['fileNames'] = serialize($objects); $_SESSION['objectNameList'] = serialize($objectNameList); echo "<textarea>$diagnostics</textarea></div>"; if ($errors == 0) { $_SESSION['diagnosticsSuccessful'] = true; echo '<input type="image" src="./setup_images/setup_proceed.gif" name="submit"/>'; } else { $diagnostics .= "FOUND $errors ERROR(S)\n"; //echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Retry'/>"; } } else { echo "database wrapper (class.database.php) missing<br/>"; } } $_POST = null; ?> </div></div> <?php } else if($_SESSION['diagnosticsSuccessful'] == true) { ?> <div class="container"> <div class="left"> <div class="logo3"></div> <div class="text"><div class="gold">POG documentation summary</div> <br/><br/>The following 3 documents summarize what POG is all about:<br/><br/> 1. <a href="">POG Essentials</a><br/><br/> 2. <a href="">POG Object Relations</a><br/><br/> 3. <a href="">POG SOAP API</a> </div><!--text--> </div><!--left--> <div class="middle33"> <div id="tabs3"> <a href="./index.php?step=diagnostics"><img src="./setup_images/tab_setup.gif"/></a> <img src="./setup_images/tab_separator.gif"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_diagnosticresults.gif"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_separator.gif"/> <a href="./index.php"><img src="./setup_images/tab_manageobjects_on.gif"/></a> </div><!--tabs3--><div class="subtabs"> <?php //provide interface to the database include "./setup_library/xPandMenu.php"; $root = new XMenu(); if(file_exists("configuration.php")) { include "../configuration.php"; } if(file_exists("../objects/class.database.php")) { include "../objects/class.database.php"; } $fileNames = unserialize($_SESSION['fileNames']); foreach($fileNames as $filename) { include("../objects/{$filename}"); } $objectNameList = unserialize($_SESSION['objectNameList']); if (isset($_GET['objectName'])) { $_SESSION['objectName'] = $_GET['objectName']; } $objectName = (isset($_SESSION['objectName'])?$_SESSION['objectName']:$objectNameList[0]); ?> <div id="header"> <ul> <li id='inactive'>My Tables:</li> <?php if (!isset($_SESSION['objectName'])) { $_SESSION['objectName'] = $objectNameList[0]; } for($i=0; $i<count($objectNameList); $i++) { echo "<li ".($_SESSION['objectName']==$objectNameList[$i]?"id='current'":'')."><a href='./index.php?objectName=".$objectNameList[$i]."'>".$objectNameList[$i]."</a></li>"; //echo "<a href='./index.php?objectName=".$objectNameList[$i]."'".(isset($_SESSION['objectName']) && $_SESSION['objectName']==$objectNameList[$i]?"class='activetab'":(!isset($_SESSION['objectName'])&&$i==0?"class='activetab'":"inactivetab")).">".$objectNameList[$i]."</a> "; } ?> </ul> </div><!--header--> </div><!--subtabs--> <div class="toolbar"><a href="<?php echo $_SESSION['links'][$_SESSION['objectName']]?>" target="_blank" title="modify and regenerate object"><img src="./setup_images/setup_regenerate.jpg" border="0"/></a><a href="./?thrashall=true" title="Delete all objects"><img src='./setup_images/setup_deleteall.jpg' alt='delete all' border="0"/></a><a href="#" onclick="javascript:expandAll();return false;" title="expand all nodes"><img src='./setup_images/setup_expandall.jpg' alt='expand all' border="0"/></a><a href="#" onclick="javascript:collapseAll();return false;" title="collapse all nodes"><img src='./setup_images/setup_collapseall.jpg' alt='collapse all' border="0"/></a><a href="./setup_library/upgrade.php" target="_blank" title="update all objects to newest POG version"><img src='./setup_images/setup_updateall.jpg' alt='update all objects' border='0'/></a></div><div class="middle3"> <?php //is there an action to perform? if (isset($_GET['thrashall'])) { eval('$instance = new '.$objectName.'();'); $instanceId = strtolower(get_class($instance))."Id"; $instanceList = $instance->GetList(array(array($instanceId, ">", "0"))); foreach ($instanceList as $instance) { $instance->Delete(); } $_GET = null; } echo "<script>sndReq('GetList', '', '$objectName', '', '', '');</script>"; echo '<div id="container"></div>'; $_SESSION['fileNames'] = serialize($fileNames); $_SESSION['objectNameList'] = serialize($objectNameList); ?> <b class="rbottom"><b class="r4"></b><b class="r3"></b><b class="r2"></b><b class="r1"></b></b> </div><!--middle3--> </div><!--middle33--> </div><!--container--> <?php } else { //welcome screen ?> <div class="container"> <div class="left"> <div class="logo"></div> <div class="text"><div class="gold">What is POG Setup?</div>POG Setup is an extension of the online Php Object Generator. It is meant to help the veteran POG user and the novice alike. <br/><br/>POG Setup is a 3 step process which:<br/><br/> 1. Creates tables for your generated objects.<br/><br/> 2. Performs diagnostics tests on all objects within your 'objects' directory.<br/><br/> 3. Provides a light interface to your object tables.</div> </div> <div class="middle"> <div id="tabs"> <img src="./setup_images/tab_setup_on.gif" height="20px" width="70px"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_separator.gif" height="20px" width="17px"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_diagnosticresults.gif" height="20px" width="137px"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_separator.gif" height="20px" width="17px"/> <img src="./setup_images/tab_manageobjects.gif" height="20px" width="129px"/> </div> <div id="nifty"> <div style="height:500px"> <img src="./setup_images/setup_welcome.jpg" height="47px" width="617px"/> <div class="col1"><img src="./setup_images/pog_setup_closed.jpg"/><div class="gold">What is POG?</div>POG generates PHP objects with integrated CRUD methods to dramatically accelerate web application development in PHP. <br/> <br/>POG allows developers to easily map object attributes onto columns of a database table without having to write SQL queries.</div> <div class="col2"><img src="./setup_images/pog_setup_open.jpg"/><div class="gold">What is POG Setup?</div>You've generated one or more objects using Php Object Generator ... Now what?<br/> <br/>POG SETUP is an answer to this question and takes the POG experience one step further. The Setup process automates <b>table creation</b>, <b>unit testing</b> and provides a light <b>scaffolding</b> environment.</div> <div class="col3"> <div class="gold">If you are ready to get POG'd up, click on thebutton below to proceed. Doing this will:</div> <br/>1. Establish a database connection.<br/> 2. Create table(s) for your objec(s), if required.<br/> 3. Perform diagnostics tests on your object(s).<br/> 4. Provide you with the test results.<br/><input type="image" src="./setup_images/setup_pogmeup.gif" name="submit"/></div> </div> <b class="rbottom"><b class="r4"></b><b class="r3"></b><b class="r2"></b><b class="r1"></b></b> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </form> <div class="footer"> <?php include "setup_library/inc.footer.php";?> </div> </body> </html>