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File: WIAdmin/WIInc/js/dataTables.bootstrap.js

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WIAdmin/WIInc/js/dataTables.bootstrap.js   Download  
File: WIAdmin/WIInc/js/dataTables.bootstrap.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
Database driven content management system with PDO
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,728 bytes



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/* Set the defaults for DataTables initialisation */ $.extend( true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, { "sDom": "<<'col-xs-6'l><'col-xs-6'f>r>t<<'col-xs-6'i><'col-xs-6'p>>", "sPaginationType": "bootstrap", "oLanguage": { "sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ " + $_lang.records_per_page, "sZeroRecords": $_lang.nothing_found, "sInfo": $_lang.showing + " _START_ "+ $ +" _END_ "+ $_lang.of +" _TOTAL_ " + $_lang.records, "sInfoEmpty": $_lang.showing + " 0 "+ $ +" 0 "+ $_lang.of +" 0 " + $_lang.records, "sInfoFiltered": "(" + $_lang.filtered_from +" _MAX_ " + $_lang.total_records+")", "sSearch" : $ + ":", "sEmptyTable" : $_lang.no_data_in_table } } ); /* Default class modification */ $.extend( $.fn.dataTableExt.oStdClasses, { "sWrapper": "dataTables_wrapper form-inline", "sFilterInput": "form-control input-sm", "sLengthSelect": "form-control input-sm" } ); /* * TableTools Bootstrap compatibility * Required TableTools 2.1+ */ if ( $.fn.DataTable.TableTools ) { // Set the classes that TableTools uses to something suitable for Bootstrap $.extend( true, $.fn.DataTable.TableTools.classes, { "container": "DTTT btn-group", "buttons": { "normal": "btn btn-default", "disabled": "disabled" }, "collection": { "container": "DTTT_dropdown dropdown-menu", "buttons": { "normal": "", "disabled": "disabled" } }, "print": { "info": "DTTT_print_info modal" }, "select": { "row": "active" } } ); // Have the collection use a bootstrap compatible dropdown $.extend( true, $.fn.DataTable.TableTools.DEFAULTS.oTags, { "collection": { "container": "ul", "button": "li", "liner": "a" } } ); }