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File: villes/php5/phonex.cls.php

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  Classes of Johan Barbier   Cities and zip codes   villes/php5/phonex.cls.php   Download  
File: villes/php5/phonex.cls.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Phonex class
Class: Cities and zip codes
Lookup for cities and zip codes using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: Phonex class
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 5,872 bytes


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* CLASS phonex
* phonex, phonetics search algo
* based on the algorithm described here : by Frédéric BROUARD
* author Johan Barbier <[email protected]>
class phonex {

    * The public string we will work on
public $sString = '';

    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp1 = array (
'gan' => 'kan',
'gam' => 'kam',
'gain' => 'kain',
'gaim' => 'kaim'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp2 = array (
'/(ain)([aeiou])/' => 'yn$2',
'/(ein)([aeiou])/'=> 'yn$2',
'/(aim)([aeiou])/' => 'yn$2',
'/(eim)([aeiou])/'=> 'yn$2',
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp3 = array (
'eau' => 'o',
'oua' => '2',
'ein' => '4',
'ain' => '4',
'eim' => '4',
'aim' => '4'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp4 = array (
'é' => 'y',
'è' => 'y',
'ê' => 'y',
'ai' => 'y',
'ei' => 'y',
'er' => 'yr',
'ess' => 'yss',
'et' => 'yt'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp5 = array (
'/(an)($|[^aeiou1234])/' => '1$2',
'/(am)($|[^aeiou1234])/' => '1$2',
'/(en)($|[^aeiou1234])/' => '1$2',
'/(em)($|[^aeiou1234])/' => '1$2',
'/(in)($|[^aeiou1234])/' => '4$2'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp6 = array (
'on' => '1'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp7 = array (
'/([aeiou1234])(s)([aeiou1234])/' => '$1z$3'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp8 = array (
'oe' => 'e',
'eu' => 'e',
'au' => 'o',
'oi' => '2',
'oy' => '2',
'ou' => '3'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp9 = array (
'ch' => '5',
'sch' => '5',
'sh' => '5',
'ss' => 's',
'sc' => 's'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp10 = array (
'/(c)([ei])/' => 's$2'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp11 = array (
'c' => 'k',
'q' => 'k',
'qu' => 'k',
'gu' => 'k',
'ga' => 'ka',
'go' => 'ko',
'gy' => 'ky'
    * private replacement array
private $aReplaceGrp12 = array (
'a' => 'o',
'd' => 't',
'p' => 't',
'j' => 'g',
'b' => 'f',
'v' => 'f',
'm' => 'n'
    * private replacement array
private static $aReplaceGrp13 = array (
    * private replacement array
private $aEnd = array (

    * public function build ()
    * main method, building the phonex code of a given string
    * @Param string sString : the string!
public function build ($sString) {
        if (
is_string ($sString) && !empty ($sString)) {
$this -> sString = $sString;
        } else {
trigger_error ('Parameter string must not be empty', E_USER_ERROR);
$this -> sString = strtolower ($this -> sString);
$this -> sString = str_replace (' ', '', $this -> sString);
$this -> sString = str_replace ('y', 'i', $this -> sString);
$this -> sString = preg_replace ('/(?<![csp])h/', '', $this -> sString);
$this -> sString = str_replace ('ph', 'f', $this -> sString);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp1);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp2, true);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp3);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp4);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp5, true);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp6);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp7, true);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp8);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp9);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp10, true);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp11);
$this -> aReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp12);
$this -> sString = preg_replace( '/(.)\1/', '$1', $this -> sString );
$this -> trimLast ();
$this -> getNum ();

    * private function aReplace ()
    * method used to replace letters, given an array
    * @Param array aTab : the replacement array to be used
    * @Param bool bPreg : is the array an array of regular expressions patterns : true => yes`| false => no
private function aReplace (array $aTab, $bPreg = false) {
        if (
false === $bPreg) {
$this -> sString = str_replace (array_keys ($aTab), array_values ($aTab), $this -> sString);
        } else {
$this -> sString = preg_replace (array_keys ($aTab), array_values ($aTab), $this -> sString);

    * private function trimLast ()
    * method to trim the bad endings
private function trimLast () {
$length = strlen ($this -> sString) - 1;
        if (
in_array ($this -> sString{$length}, $this -> aEnd)) {
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 0, $length);

    * private static function mapNum ()
    * callback method to create the phonex numeric code, base 22
    * @Param int val : current value
    * @Param int clef : current key
    * @Returns int num : the calculated base 22 value
private static function mapNum ($val, $clef) {
$num = array_search ($val, self::$aReplaceGrp13);
$num *= pow (22, - ($clef + 1));

    * private function getNum ()
    * method to get a numeric array from the main string
    * we call the callback function mapNum and we sum all the values of the obtained array to get the final phonex code
private function getNum () {
$aString = str_split ($this -> sString);
$aNum = array_map (array ('self', 'mapNum'), array_values ($aString), array_keys ($aString));
$this -> sString = (string) array_sum ($aNum);