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File: src/Cabin/Bridge/View/cargo/bridge_csp.twig

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/Cabin/Bridge/View/cargo/bridge_csp.twig   Download  
File: src/Cabin/Bridge/View/cargo/bridge_csp.twig
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 6,894 bytes



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{% set form_labels = { "connect-src": __("AJAX Endpoints"), "child-src": __("Frame children"), "form-action": __("Form destinations allowed"), "frame-ancestors": __("Frame ancestors allowed"), "font-src": __("Load Fonts from"), "img-src": __("Load Images from"), "media-src": __("Load HTML5 Audio/Video from"), "object-src": __("Load Objects from"), "script-src": __("Load JavaScript from"), "style-src": __("Load CSS from"), "plugin-types": __("MIME Types for Browser Plugins") } %} <div class="table full-width table-pad-1"> {% if inherit_box %} <div class="table-min-width table-pad-right text-right table-cell"> {{ __("Cabin-Specific Option") }}: </div> <div class="table-cell"> <div class="multiline_checkbox_container"> <div class="multiline_checkbox"> <input id="csp_inherit_box" type="checkbox" name="content_security_policy[inherit]" value="1" {% if csp['inherit'] %} checked="checked" {% endif %} /> <label for="csp_inherit_box"> {{ __("Include, and extend, the Universal CSP Rules?") }} </label> </div> </div> </div> {% endif %} {% for key, label in form_labels %} {% if key == "plugin-types" %} {% set ph = "application/javascript" %} {% set btn = __("Add Type") %} {% else %} {% set ph = "" %} {% set btn = __("Add Source") %} {% endif %} <div class="table-row"> <div class="table-min-width table-pad-right text-right table-cell"> {{ label }}: </div> <div class="table-cell"> <fieldset> <legend> <input class="csp_disable_all" id="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_disable_security" data-key="{{ key|e('html_attr') }}" type="checkbox" name="content_security_policy[{{ key|e('html_attr') }}][disable-security]" value="1" {% if '*' in csp[key]['allow'] %} checked="checked" {% endif %} /> <label for="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_disable_security"> {{ __("Disable all security for this directive?") }} </label> </legend> <div id="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_inner"> <ol id="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_whitelist"> {% for url in csp[key]['allow'] %}{% if url != '*' %} <li><input class="full-width" type="text" placeholder="{{ ph|e('html_attr') }}" name="content_security_policy[{{ key|e('html_attr') }}][allow][]" value="{{ url|e('html_attr') }}" /></li> {% endif %}{% endfor %} </ol> <button type="button" data-key="{{ key|e('html_attr') }}" id="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_add" class="pure-button pure-button-tertiary csp_add_btn" > <i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i>{# #}{% if key == 'plugin-types' %}{# #}{{ btn }}{# #}{% else %}{# #}{{ btn }}{# #}{% endif %} </button> {# BEGIN EXCEPTIONS: #} {% if key != 'plugin-types' %} <hr /> {% if key in ['script-src', 'style-src'] %} <input id="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_unsafe_inline" type="checkbox" name="content_security_policy[{{ key|e('html_attr') }}][unsafe-inline]" value="1" {% if csp[key]['unsafe-inline'] %} checked="checked" {% endif %} /> <label for="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_unsafe_inline"> {{ __("Allow unsafe inline?") }} </label><br /> {% if key == 'script-src' %} <input id="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_unsafe_eval" type="checkbox" name="content_security_policy[{{ key|e('html_attr') }}][unsafe-eval]" value="1" {% if csp[key]['unsafe-eval'] %} checked="checked" {% endif %} /> <label for="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_unsafe_eval"> {{ __("Allow eval()?") }} </label><br /> {% endif %} {% endif %} <input id="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_self" type="checkbox" name="content_security_policy[{{ key|e('html_attr') }}][self]" value="1" {% if csp[key]['self'] %} checked="checked" {% endif %} /> <label for="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_self"> {{ __("Allow self-references?") }} </label><br /> {% if key[-4:] == '-src' %} <input id="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_data" type="checkbox" name="content_security_policy[{{ key|e('html_attr') }}][data]" value="1" {% if csp[key]['data'] %} checked="checked" {% endif %} /> <label for="csp_{{ key|e('html_attr') }}_data"> {{ __("Allow data URIs?") }} </label> {% endif %} {% endif %} </div> </fieldset> </div> </div> {% endfor %} </div>