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File: EntityGenerator/assets/js/sumoselect/jquery.sumoselect.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Entity Generator
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/*! * jquery.sumoselect - v3.0.2 * * 2014-04-08 * * Copyright 2015 Hemant Negi * Email : * Compressor */ (function ($) { 'namespace sumo'; $.fn.SumoSelect = function (options) { // This is the easiest way to have default options. var settings = $.extend({ placeholder: 'Select Here', // Dont change it here. csvDispCount: 3, // display no. of items in multiselect. 0 to display all. captionFormat:'{0} Selected', // format of caption text. you can set your locale. captionFormatAllSelected:'{0} all selected!', // format of caption text when all elements are selected. set null to use captionFormat. It will not work if there are disabled elements in select. floatWidth: 400, // Screen width of device at which the list is rendered in floating popup fashion. forceCustomRendering: false, // force the custom modal on all devices below floatWidth resolution. nativeOnDevice: ['Android', 'BlackBerry', 'iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod', 'Opera Mini', 'IEMobile', 'Silk'], // outputAsCSV: false, // true to POST data as csv ( false for Html control array ie. default select ) csvSepChar: ',', // separation char in csv mode okCancelInMulti: false, // display ok cancel buttons in desktop mode multiselect also. triggerChangeCombined: true, // im multi select mode wether to trigger change event on individual selection or combined selection. selectAll: false, // to display select all button in multiselect mode.|| also select all will not be available on mobile devices. search: false, // to display input for filtering content. selectAlltext will be input text placeholder searchText: 'Search...', // placeholder for search input noMatch: 'No matches for "{0}"', prefix: '', // some prefix usually the field name. eg. '<b>Hello</b>' locale: ['OK', 'Cancel', 'Select All'], // all text that is used. don't change the index. up: false // set true to open upside. }, options); var ret = this.each(function () { var selObj = this; // the original select object. if (this.sumo || !$(this).is('select')) return; //already initialized this.sumo = { E: $(selObj), //the jquery object of original select element. is_multi: $(selObj).attr('multiple'), //if its a multiple select select: '', caption: '', placeholder: '', optDiv: '', CaptionCont: '', ul:'', is_floating: false, is_opened: false, //backdrop: '', mob:false, // if to open device default select Pstate: [], createElems: function () { var O = this; O.E.wrap('<div class="SumoSelect" tabindex="0">'); = O.E.parent(); O.caption = $('<span>'); O.CaptionCont = $('<p class="CaptionCont"><label><i></i></label></p>').addClass('SelectBox').attr('style', O.E.attr('style')).prepend(O.caption);; // default turn off if no multiselect if(!O.is_multi)settings.okCancelInMulti = false if(O.E.attr('disabled'))'disabled').removeAttr('tabindex'); //if output as csv and is a multiselect. if (settings.outputAsCSV && O.is_multi && O.E.attr('name')) { //create a hidden field to store csv value.$('<input class="HEMANT123" type="hidden" />').attr('name', O.E.attr('name')).val(O.getSelStr())); // so it can not post the original select. O.E.removeAttr('name'); } //break for mobile rendring.. if forceCustomRendering is false if (O.isMobile() && !settings.forceCustomRendering) { O.setNativeMobile(); return; } // if there is a name attr in select add a class to container div if(O.E.attr('name'))'sumo_'+O.E.attr('name')) //hide original select O.E.addClass('SumoUnder').attr('tabindex','-1'); //## Creating the list... O.optDiv = $('<div class="optWrapper '+ (settings.up?'up':'') +'">'); //branch for floating list in low res devices. O.floatingList(); //Creating the markup for the available options O.ul = $('<ul class="options">'); O.optDiv.append(O.ul); // Select all functionality if(settings.selectAll) O.SelAll(); // search functionality if( O.Search(); O.ul.append(O.prepItems(O.E.children())); //if multiple then add the class multiple and add OK / CANCEL button if (O.is_multi) O.multiSelelect();; O.basicEvents(); O.selAllState(); }, prepItems: function(opts, d){ var lis = [], O=this; $(opts).each(function (i, opt) { // parsing options to li opt = $(opt); lis.push('optgroup')? $('<li class="group '+ (opt[0].disabled?'disabled':'') +'"><label>' + opt.attr('label') +'</label><ul></ul><li>') .find('ul') .append(O.prepItems(opt.children(), opt[0].disabled)) .end() : O.createLi(opt, d) ); }); return lis; }, //## Creates a LI element from a given option and binds events to it //## returns the jquery instance of li (not inserted in dom) createLi: function (opt, d) { var O = this; if(!opt.attr('value'))opt.attr('value',opt.val()); // todo: remove this data val li = $('<li class="opt"><label>' + opt.text() + '</label></li>');//.data('val',opt.val());'opt', opt); // store a direct reference to option.'li', li); // store a direct reference to list item. if (O.is_multi) li.prepend('<span><i></i></span>'); if (opt[0].disabled || d) li = li.addClass('disabled'); O.onOptClick(li); if (opt[0].selected) li.addClass('selected'); if (opt.attr('class')) li.addClass(opt.attr('class')); return li; }, //## Returns the selected items as string in a Multiselect. getSelStr: function () { // get the pre selected items. sopt = []; this.E.find('option:selected').each(function () { sopt.push($(this).val()); }); return sopt.join(settings.csvSepChar); }, //## THOSE OK/CANCEL BUTTONS ON MULTIPLE SELECT. multiSelelect: function () { var O = this; O.optDiv.addClass('multiple'); O.okbtn = $('<p class="btnOk">'+settings.locale[0]+'</p>').click(function () { //if combined change event is set. if (settings.triggerChangeCombined) { //check for a change in the selection. changed = false; if (O.E.find('option:selected').length != O.Pstate.length) { changed = true; } else { O.E.find('option').each(function (i,e) { if(e.selected && O.Pstate.indexOf(i) < 0) changed = true; }); } if (changed) { O.callChange(); O.setText(); } } O.hideOpts(); }); O.cancelBtn = $('<p class="btnCancel">'+settings.locale[1]+'</p>').click(function () { O._cnbtn(); O.hideOpts(); }); O.optDiv.append($('<div class="MultiControls">').append(O.okbtn).append(O.cancelBtn)); }, _cnbtn:function(){ var O = this; //remove all selections O.E.find('option:selected').each(function () { this.selected = false; }); O.optDiv.find('li.selected').removeClass('selected') //restore selections from saved state. for(var i = 0; i < O.Pstate.length; i++) { O.E.find('option')[O.Pstate[i]].selected = true; O.ul.find('li.opt').eq(O.Pstate[i]).addClass('selected'); } O.selAllState(); }, SelAll:function(){ var O = this; if(!O.is_multi)return; O.selAll = $('<p class="select-all"><span><i></i></span><label>' + settings.locale[2] + '</label></p>'); O.selAll.on('click',function(){ //O.toggSelAll(!); O.selAll.toggleClass('selected'); O.optDiv.find('li.opt').not('.hidden').each(function(ix,e){ e = $(e); if(O.selAll.hasClass('selected')){ if(!e.hasClass('selected'))e.trigger('click'); } else if(e.hasClass('selected'))e.trigger('click'); }); }); O.optDiv.prepend(O.selAll); }, // search module (can be removed if not required.) Search: function(){ var O = this, cc = O.CaptionCont.addClass('search'), P = $('<p class="no-match">'); O.ftxt = $('<input type="text" class="search-txt" value="" placeholder="' + settings.searchText + '">') .on('click', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); cc.append(O.ftxt); O.optDiv.children('ul').after(P); O.ftxt.on('keyup.sumo',function(){ var hid = O.optDiv.find('ul.options li.opt').each(function(ix,e){ e = $(e); if(e.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(O.ftxt.val().toLowerCase()) > -1) e.removeClass('hidden'); else e.addClass('hidden'); }).not('.hidden'); P.html(settings.noMatch.replace(/\{0\}/g, O.ftxt.val())).toggle(!hid.length); O.selAllState(); }); }, selAllState: function () { var O = this; if (settings.selectAll) { var sc = 0, vc = 0; O.optDiv.find('li.opt').not('.hidden').each(function (ix, e) { if ($(e).hasClass('selected')) sc++; if (!$(e).hasClass('disabled')) vc++; }); //select all checkbox state change. if (sc == vc) O.selAll.removeClass('partial').addClass('selected'); else if (sc == 0) O.selAll.removeClass('selected partial'); else O.selAll.addClass('partial')//.removeClass('selected'); } }, showOpts: function () { var O = this; if (O.E.attr('disabled')) return; // if select is disabled then retrun O.is_opened = true;'open'); if(O.ftxt)O.ftxt.focus(); else; // hide options on click outside. $(document).on('click.sumo', function (e) { if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container... && === 0){ // ... nor a descendant of the container if(!O.is_opened)return; O.hideOpts(); if (settings.okCancelInMulti)O._cnbtn(); } }); if (O.is_floating) { H = O.optDiv.children('ul').outerHeight() + 2; // +2 is clear fix if (O.is_multi) H = H + parseInt(O.optDiv.css('padding-bottom')); O.optDiv.css('height', H); $('body').addClass('sumoStopScroll'); } O.setPstate(); }, //maintain state when ok/cancel buttons are available storing the indexes. setPstate: function(){ var O = this; if (O.is_multi && (O.is_floating || settings.okCancelInMulti)){ O.Pstate = []; // assuming that find returns elements in tree order O.E.find('option').each(function (i, e){if(e.selected) O.Pstate.push(i);}); } }, callChange:function(){ this.E.trigger('change').trigger('click'); }, hideOpts: function () { var O = this; if(O.is_opened){ O.is_opened = false;'open').find('ul li.sel').removeClass('sel'); $(document).off('click.sumo');; $('body').removeClass('sumoStopScroll'); // clear the search if({ O.ftxt.val(''); O.optDiv.find('ul.options li').removeClass('hidden'); O.optDiv.find('.no-match').toggle(false); } } }, setOnOpen: function () { var O = this, li = O.optDiv.find('li.opt:not(.hidden)').eq([0].selectedIndex); O.optDiv.find('li.sel').removeClass('sel'); li.addClass('sel'); O.showOpts(); }, nav: function (up) { var O = this, c, s=O.ul.find('li.opt:not(.disabled, .hidden)'), sel = O.ul.find('li.opt.sel:not(.hidden)'), idx = s.index(sel); if (O.is_opened && sel.length) { if (up && idx > 0) c = s.eq(idx-1); else if(!up && idx < s.length-1 && idx > -1) c = s.eq(idx+1); else return; // if no items before or after sel.removeClass('sel'); sel = c.addClass('sel'); // setting sel item to visible view. var ul = O.ul, st = ul.scrollTop(), t = sel.position().top + st; if(t >= st + ul.height()-sel.outerHeight()) ul.scrollTop(t - ul.height() + sel.outerHeight()); if(t<st) ul.scrollTop(t); } else O.setOnOpen(); }, basicEvents: function () { var O = this; (evt) { O.E.trigger('click'); if (O.is_opened) O.hideOpts(); else O.showOpts(); evt.stopPropagation(); });'keydown.sumo', function (e) { switch (e.which) { case 38: // up O.nav(true); break; case 40: // down O.nav(false); break; case 32: // space if( &&; case 13: // enter if (O.is_opened) O.optDiv.find('ul li.sel').trigger('click'); else O.setOnOpen(); break; case 9: //tab case 27: // esc if (settings.okCancelInMulti)O._cnbtn(); O.hideOpts(); return; default: return; // exit this handler for other keys } e.preventDefault(); // prevent the default action (scroll / move caret) }); $(window).on('resize.sumo', function () { O.floatingList(); }); }, onOptClick: function (li) { var O = this; () { var li = $(this); if(li.hasClass('disabled'))return; txt = ""; if (O.is_multi) { li.toggleClass('selected');'opt')[0].selected = li.hasClass('selected'); O.selAllState(); } else { li.parent().find('li.selected').removeClass('selected'); //if not multiselect then remove all selections from this list li.toggleClass('selected');'opt')[0].selected = true; } //branch for combined change event. if (!(O.is_multi && settings.triggerChangeCombined && (O.is_floating || settings.okCancelInMulti))) { O.setText(); O.callChange(); } if (!O.is_multi) O.hideOpts(); //if its not a multiselect then hide on single select. }); }, setText: function () { var O = this; O.placeholder = ""; if (O.is_multi) { sels = O.E.find(':selected').not(':disabled'); //selected options. for (i = 0; i < sels.length; i++) { if (i + 1 >= settings.csvDispCount && settings.csvDispCount) { if (sels.length == O.E.find('option').length && settings.captionFormatAllSelected) { O.placeholder = settings.captionFormatAllSelected.replace(/\{0\}/g, sels.length)+','; } else { O.placeholder = settings.captionFormat.replace(/\{0\}/g, sels.length)+','; } break; } else O.placeholder += $(sels[i]).text() + ", "; } O.placeholder = O.placeholder.replace(/,([^,]*)$/, '$1'); //remove unexpected "," from last. } else { O.placeholder = O.E.find(':selected').not(':disabled').text(); } is_placeholder = false; if (!O.placeholder) { is_placeholder = true; O.placeholder = O.E.attr('placeholder'); if (!O.placeholder) //if placeholder is there then set it O.placeholder = O.E.find('option:disabled:selected').text(); } O.placeholder = O.placeholder ? (settings.prefix + ' ' + O.placeholder) : settings.placeholder //set display text O.caption.html(O.placeholder); O.CaptionCont.attr('title', O.placeholder); //set the hidden field if post as csv is true. csvField ='input.HEMANT123'); if (csvField.length) csvField.val(O.getSelStr()); //add class placeholder if its a placeholder text. if (is_placeholder) O.caption.addClass('placeholder'); else O.caption.removeClass('placeholder'); return O.placeholder; }, isMobile: function () { // Adapted from var ua = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; // Checks for iOs, Android, Blackberry, Opera Mini, and Windows mobile devices for (var i = 0; i < settings.nativeOnDevice.length; i++) if (ua.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(settings.nativeOnDevice[i].toLowerCase()) > 0) return settings.nativeOnDevice[i]; return false; }, setNativeMobile: function () { var O = this; O.E.addClass('SelectClass')//.css('height',; O.mob = true; O.E.change(function () { O.setText(); }); }, floatingList: function () { var O = this; //called on init and also on resize. //O.is_floating = true if window width is < specified float width O.is_floating = $(window).width() <= settings.floatWidth; //set class isFloating O.optDiv.toggleClass('isFloating', O.is_floating); //remove height if not floating if (!O.is_floating) O.optDiv.css('height', ''); //toggle class according to okCancelInMulti flag only when it is not floating O.optDiv.toggleClass('okCancelInMulti', settings.okCancelInMulti && !O.is_floating); }, //HELPERS FOR OUTSIDERS // validates range of given item operations vRange: function (i) { var O = this; opts = O.E.find('option'); if (opts.length <= i || i < 0) throw "index out of bounds" return O; }, //toggles selection on c as boolean. toggSel: function (c, i) { var O = this; if (typeof(i) === "number"){ O.vRange(i); opt = O.E.find('option')[i]; } else{ opt = O.E.find('option[value="'+i+'"]')[0]||0; } if (!opt || opt.disabled) return; if(opt.selected != c){ opt.selected = c; if(!O.mob) $(opt).data('li').toggleClass('selected',c); O.callChange(); O.setPstate(); O.setText(); O.selAllState(); } }, //toggles disabled on c as boolean. toggDis: function (c, i) { var O = this.vRange(i); O.E.find('option')[i].disabled = c; if(c)O.E.find('option')[i].selected = false; if(!O.mob)O.optDiv.find('ul.options li').eq(i).toggleClass('disabled', c).removeClass('selected'); O.setText(); }, // toggle disable/enable on complete select control toggSumo: function(val) { var O = this; O.enabled = val;'disabled', val); if (val) { O.E.attr('disabled', 'disabled');'tabindex'); } else{ O.E.removeAttr('disabled');'tabindex','0'); } return O; }, //toggles alloption on c as boolean. toggSelAll: function (c) { var O = this; O.E.find('option').each(function (ix, el) { if (O.E.find('option')[$(this).index()].disabled) return; O.E.find('option')[$(this).index()].selected = c; if (!O.mob) O.optDiv.find('ul.options li').eq($(this).index()).toggleClass('selected', c); O.setText(); }); if(!O.mob && O.selAll)O.selAll.removeClass('partial').toggleClass('selected',c); O.callChange(); O.setPstate(); }, /* outside accessibility options which can be accessed from the element instance. */ reload:function(){ var elm = this.unload(); return $(elm).SumoSelect(settings); }, unload: function () { var O = this;;; if (settings.outputAsCSV && O.is_multi &&'input.HEMANT123').length) { O.E.attr('name','input.HEMANT123').attr('name')); // restore the name; }; delete selObj.sumo; return selObj; }, //## add a new option to select at a given index. add: function (val, txt, i) { if (typeof val == "undefined") throw "No value to add" var O = this; opts=O.E.find('option') if (typeof txt == "number") { i = txt; txt = val; } if (typeof txt == "undefined") { txt = val; } opt = $("<option></option>").val(val).html(txt); if (opts.length < i) throw "index out of bounds" if (typeof i == "undefined" || opts.length == i) { // add it to the last if given index is last no or no index provides. O.E.append(opt); if(!O.mob)O.ul.append(O.createLi(opt)); } else { opts.eq(i).before(opt); if(!O.mob)O.ul.find('li.opt').eq(i).before(O.createLi(opt)); } return selObj; }, //## removes an item at a given index. remove: function (i) { var O = this.vRange(i); O.E.find('option').eq(i).remove(); if(!O.mob)O.optDiv.find('ul.options li').eq(i).remove(); O.setText(); }, //## Select an item at a given index. selectItem: function (i) { this.toggSel(true, i); }, //## UnSelect an iten at a given index. unSelectItem: function (i) { this.toggSel(false, i); }, //## Select all items of the select. selectAll: function () { this.toggSelAll(true); }, //## UnSelect all items of the select. unSelectAll: function () { this.toggSelAll(false); }, //## Disable an iten at a given index. disableItem: function (i) { this.toggDis(true, i) }, //## Removes disabled an iten at a given index. enableItem: function (i) { this.toggDis(false, i) }, //## New simple methods as getter and setter are not working fine in ie8- //## variable to check state of control if enabled or disabled. enabled : true, //## Enables the control enable: function(){return this.toggSumo(false)}, //## Disables the control disable: function(){return this.toggSumo(true)}, init: function () { var O = this; O.createElems(); O.setText(); return O } }; selObj.sumo.init(); }); return ret.length == 1 ? ret[0] : ret; }; }(jQuery));