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File: MixedEval.php

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File: MixedEval.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Contains the MixedEval class and some sample code
Class: MixedEval
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 3,903 bytes



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<? /* MixedEval.php (c) 2001 John Dickinson ( * * TERMS OF USAGE: * This file was written and developed by John Dickinson ( * for educational and demonstration purposes only. You are granted the * rights to use, modify, and redistribute this file as you like. The only * requirement is that you must retain this notice, without modifications, at * the top of your source code. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or * implied. DO NOT use this code in a production environment without * understanding the limitations and weaknesses pretaining to or caused by the * use of these scripts, directly or indirectly. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! * * If you are looking for someone to code in php, perl, asp, java, * javascript (etc) feel free to email or visit our website at * * * If you improve upon this script, please send me a copy so i can make it * available * If you find any bugs, let me know and I will try to find time to fix them */ class MixedEval { function MixedEval ($Code) { $this->Code = stripslashes($Code); $this->setCodeArray(); } function setCodeArray() { $token = ">:<:>:<"; //make sure it is rare $phptoken = "<:>:<:>"; if(eregi('<\?=', $this->Code, $regs)) { $this->delimitererror = "<b>PHParse error: <font color=red> tag \"&lt;?=\" is not supported </font>"; echo "<br></b>"; } $this->Code = ereg_replace("<\?php", "<?", $this->Code); $this->Code = ereg_replace("<\?", "<?$phptoken ", $this->Code); $this->Code = ereg_replace("<\?", $token, $this->Code); $this->Code = ereg_replace("\?>", $token, $this->Code); $CodeArray = explode($token, $this->Code); for($i=0; $i<sizeof($CodeArray); $i++) { if(eregi("^$phptoken", $CodeArray[$i])) { $this->CodeArray[$i][TYPE] = "php"; $CodeText = substr($CodeArray[$i], strlen($phptoken)); } else { $this->CodeArray[$i][TYPE] = "html"; $CodeText = $CodeArray[$i]; } $this->CodeArray[$i][TEXT] = $CodeText; } } function formatError($offender) { eval($offender); if($this->delimitererror) echo $this->delimitererror; else echo "<b>check the line number of the following evaled of code:</b><br>"; echo "<hr>"; $offender = ereg_replace("\n", "\n", $offender); $offender = ereg_replace("\t", '&nbsp;&nbsp;\t', $offender); $offender = ereg_replace(" ", '&nbsp;', $offender); echo '<b><font color=green>0.&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;?'; $offenderlines = split("\n", $offender); for($j=0; $j<sizeof($offenderlines); $j++) { $jNext = $j + 1; echo '<br>'.$jNext.".&nbsp;&nbsp;"; echo $offenderlines[$j]; } $StrangeJ_ThingNext = $StrangeJ_ThingNext + 1; echo '<br>'.$StrangeJ_ThingNext.'.&nbsp;&nbsp;?&gt;</font></b>'; echo "<hr>"; } function show() { //Need a strange incrementor name to prevent code interference, something no one will ever use. for($StrangeI_Thing=0; $StrangeI_Thing<sizeof($this->CodeArray); $StrangeI_Thing++) { if($this->CodeArray[$StrangeI_Thing]['TYPE'] == "php") { @eval($this->CodeArray[$StrangeI_Thing]['TEXT']." \$eval_ok = true; "); if(!$eval_ok) { $offender = $this->CodeArray[$StrangeI_Thing]['TEXT']; $this->formatError($offender); } $eval_ok = false; } else { echo $this->CodeArray[$StrangeI_Thing]['TEXT']; } } } } /* //Examples of usage $str1 = 'this is a string'; $str2 = 'this is a string also'; $mixedcode = "<a href='blah'>a html link</a> <font color=red><br> <? echo 'php code'; ?><br> <?php echo \"more php code\";?> <?=$str2?> </font><Br> <a href='blah'>another html link</a><br> ... and this is just some text "; $myPHP = new MixedEval($mixedcode); $myPHP->Show(); */ ?>