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File: Html_graph.php

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File: Html_graph.php
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Description: Html graphic class
Class: Html_graph.php
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<? /** * A class to draw graphs in vertival or horizontally with a given text * and value. * Piotr Trawinski <> 2001.05.01 * Modified by Clive Smart <> 2001.05.02 * Modified by Bulent Tezcan <> 2001.08.27 * If you make any improvements to this class please let me * know so that i can put them up here. * Examples included on the bottom * This software is Free like Linux * @author Bulent Tezcan */ class HTML_graph { var $text; // Text describtions of elements var $value; // Element values var $size; // (array) Width or height of the image var $size2; // constant for all elements height or width var $decp; // Decimal Places for Percentage var $decv; // Decimal Places for Numerical value var $colour; // Bar Colour - Hex eg FACE00 var $bgcolour; // Background Colour - Hex eg FACE00 var $border; // Border Size var $border_style; // Border Style var $border_width; // Border Width var $border_color; // Border Color var $scale; // Maximum x/y Scale var $perc; // (array) Percentage values after calculations var $elements; // Number of elements to be shown var $title; // Table Title var $percentage; // value to print percentage or not, ie: true or false var $number; // value to print percentage or not, ie: true or false var $bgimage; // Set the image you want for the background var $t_font; // Font for the text var $t_font_color; // Font-color for the text var $t_font_size; // Font-size for the text var $t_font_weight; // Font-weight for the text var $n_font; // Font for the numbers var $n_font_color; // Font-color for the numbers var $n_font_size; // Font-size for the numbers var $n_font_weight; // Font-weight for the numbers var $shadow; // To see a shadow on the right and bottom of the table var $fixedSize; // Set this to have a fixedSize * value insted of a // changing value all the time var $descriptionLink; // Pass an array of links for each description that // you want to be a link. /** * Constructor of the class HTML_graph. * @public */ function HTML_graph() { $this->t_font = "verdana"; $this->t_font_color = "000000"; $this->t_font_size = "medium"; #[ xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large ] $this->t_font_weight = "normal"; # normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 |600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit $this->n_font = "verdana"; $this->n_font_color = "000000"; $this->n_font_size = "medium"; #[ xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large ] $this->n_font_weight = "normal"; # normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 |600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit $this->border_style = "groove"; # none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | # inset | outset $this->border_width = "medium"; # thin | thick | medium $this->border_color = "737373"; #grey $this->shadow = true; $this->colour = "990066"; $this->fixedSize = 0; $this->decp = 0; $this->decv = 2; $this->descriptionLink = null; $this->number = true; } /** * Method to set the values for the graph, it is kind of a second constructor * @public * @returns void */ function set( $text,$value,$scale,$size2,$colour="FF0000", $bgcolour="",$border=0,$colourEach=null) { $this->text = $text; $this->value = $value; $this->scale = $scale; $this->size2 = $size2; $this->colour = $colour; $this->colourEach = $colourEach; if ($bgcolour==null or $bgcolour=="") $this->bgcolour = "FFFFFF"; else $this->bgcolour = $bgcolour; $this->border = $border; $this->percentage = true; $this->bgimage = ""; } /** * Method to calculate the colors and values and percentages. * @public * @returns void */ function calculate() { $this->elements = count($this->value); // Calculate Values for ($i=0; $i < $this->elements; $i++) { $sumvalue += $this->value[$i]; } for ($i=0; $i < $this->elements;$i++) { if ($this->value[$i] != 0) { // Fixed the Percentage Calculation to be more accurate $bar_perc = (100 * $this->value[$i] / $sumvalue); $bar_perc = $bar_perc * pow(10,$this->decp); $bar_perc = round($bar_perc); $bar_perc = $bar_perc / pow(10,$this->decp); if ($this->fixedSize) $this->size[$i] = (int)($this->value[$i] * $this->fixedSize); else $this->size[$i] = (int)($this->value[$i] * ($this->scale/$sumvalue)); } elseif ($this->value[$i]==0) { $bar_perc=0.00; } // Handle Decimal Places if ($this->decp > 0) { $prtf = "%.".$this->decp."f%% "; } else { $prtf = "%d%% "; } $this->perc[$i] = sprintf($prtf, $bar_perc); } } /** * Method to set the title of the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } /** * Method to set the background image for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetBackgroungImage($imagePath) { $this->bgimage = $imagePath; } /** * Method to set the background color for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetBgColour($colour) { $this->bgcolour = $colour; } /** * Method to set the percentage on / off graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetPercentage($percentage) { switch (true) { case $percentage == true: case $percentage == false: case $percentage == 1: case $percentage == 0: $this->percentage = $percentage; break; default: $this->percentage = true; } } /** * Method to set the numbers on / off the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetNumber($number) { switch (true) { case $number == true: case $number == false: case $number == 1: case $number == 0: $this->number = $number; break; default: $this->number = true; } } /** * Method to set the text font for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetTextFont($font) { $this->t_font = $font; } /** * Method to set the text font color for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetTextFontColor($fontColor) { $this->t_font_color = $fontColor; } /** * Method to set the text font size for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetTextFontSize($fontSize) { $this->t_font_size = $fontSize; } /** * Method to set the text font weight for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetTextFontWeight($fontWeight) { $this->t_font_weight = $fontWeight; } /** * Method to set the number font for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetNumberFont($font) { $this->n_font = $font; } /** * Method to set the number font color for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetNumberFontColor($fontColor) { $this->n_font_color = $fontColor; } /** * Method to set the number font size for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetNumberFontSize($fontSize) { $this->n_font_size = $fontSize; } /** * Method to set the number font weight for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetNumberFontWeight($fontWeight) { $this->n_font_weight = $fontWeight; } /** * Method to set a shadow for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetShadow($trueFalse) { switch (true) { case $trueFalse == true: case $trueFalse == false: case $trueFalse == 1: case $trueFalse == 0: $this->shadow = $trueFalse; break; default: $this->shadow = true; } } /** * Method to set the border style for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetBorderStyle($style) { $this->border_style = $style; } /** * Method to set the border width for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetBorderWidth($width) { $this->border_width = $width; } /** * Method to set the border color for the graph. * @public * @returns void */ function SetBorderColor($color) { $this->border_color = $color; } /** * Method to set the value of fixedsize(this will effect the size of the graph). * @public * @returns void */ function SetFixedSize($size) { $this->fixedSize = $size; } /** * Method to set the percentage precision. * @public * @returns void */ function SetPercentagePrecision($size) { $this->decp = $size; } /** * Method to set the number precision. * @public * @returns void */ function SetNumberPrecision($size) { $this->decv = $size; } /** * Method to set the description link value.If there is a link value, * users will be able to go to that link by clicking on it. * @public * @returns void */ function SetDescriptionLink($arrayOfLinks) { if (is_array($arrayOfLinks)) $this->descriptionLink = $arrayOfLinks; } /** * Method to format the number. * @private * @returns void */ function FormatNumber( $numberToFormat ) { if ($this->decv > 0) { $prtf = "%.".$this->decp."f "; } else { $prtf = "%d "; } return sprintf($prtf, $numberToFormat); } function sort() { // Function to sort values descending ... #in the future } /** * Method to display the graph horizontaly. * @public * @returns void */ function horizontal() { // Needs: @text @value @perc @size $elements $height $this->calculate(); $html = "<table cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"".$this->border ."\" bgcolor=\"#".$this->bgcolour."\""; if ($this->shadow) $html .= "style=\"border-right-style: ".$this->border_style ."; border-bottom-style: ".$this->border_style ."; border-width:".$this->border_width ."; border-color: #".$this->border_color."\""; $html .= ">\n"; if ($this->title) { $html .= "<tr align=\"center\"><th>$this->title</th></tr>"; $html .= "\n<tr><td>"; } $html .= " <tr>\n <td>\n"; $html .= " <table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" "; if ($this->bgimage) $html .= " background=\"" .$this->bgimage."\" "; else $html .= " bgcolor=\"#".$this->bgcolour."\" "; $html .= ">\n"; for ($i=0; $i < $this->elements; $i++) { $html .= " <tr>\n <td height=\"15\" align=\"left\""; $html .= " style=\"font-family:".$this->t_font ."; color:#".$this->t_font_color."; font-size:".$this->t_font_size ."; font-weight:".$this->t_font_weight."\""; $html .=">"; if ( is_array($this->descriptionLink) ) { if ($this->descriptionLink[$i]) $html .= "<a href=\"".$this->descriptionLink[$i]."\">".$this->text[$i] ."</a></td>\n"; else $html .= $this->text[$i]."</td>\n"; } else $html .= $this->text[$i]."</td>\n"; $html .= " <td>&nbsp;</td>\n <td valign=\"top\" "; $html .= "style=\"font-family:".$this->n_font ."; color:#".$this->n_font_color."; font-size:".$this->n_font_size ."; font-weight:".$this->n_font_weight."\""; $html .= ">"; if ($this->value[$i] > 0) { if (is_array($this->colour)) { $x = $i % sizeof($this->colour); $this->mColour = $this->colour[$x]; } elseif (is_array($this->colourEach)) { $x = $i % sizeof($this->colourEach); $this->mColour = $this->colourEach[$x]; } else { # default color is black $this->mColour = "000000"; } $html .= "<img src=\"gifpix.php?c=".$this->mColour ."\" height=\"".$this->size2."\" width=\"".$this->size[$i]."\"" ." alt=\"".$this->text[$i]."(".$this->value[$i].")\"".">"; } switch (TRUE) { case $this->percentage: $html .= $this->perc[$i]." (".($this->value[$i]).")"; break; case $this->number: if ($this->value[$i] == -1) $html .= " (n/a)"; elseif ($this->value[$i] == -2) $html .= " (Incomplete)"; else $html .= " (".$this->FormatNumber($this->value[$i]).")"; break; } $html .= "</td>\n"; } $html .= " </tr>\n </table>\n"; $html .= " </td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n"; return $html; } /** * Method to display the graph vertically. * @public * @returns void */ function vertical () { $html = "<table cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\"" ."border=\"".$this->border."\" bgcolor=\"#".$this->bgcolour."\""; if ($this->shadow) $html .= " style=\"border-right-style: ".$this->border_style ."; border-bottom-style: ".$this->border_style ."; border-width:".$this->border_width ."; border-color: #".$this->border_color."\""; $html .= ">\n"; if ($this->title) { $html .= "\n<tr align=\"center\"><th>$this->title</th></tr>"; $html .= "\n<tr><td>"; } $html .= " <tr>\n <td>\n"; $html .= " <table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\""; if ($this->bgimage != "") $html .= " background=\"" .$this->bgimage."\" "; else $html .= " bgcolor=\"#".$this->bgcolour."\" "; $html .= ">\n <tr>\n"; for ($i=0; $i < $this->elements; $i++) { $html .= " <td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"middle\""; $html .= " style=\"font-family:".$this->n_font ."; color:#".$this->n_font_color."; font-size:".$this->n_font_size ."; font-weight:".$this->n_font_weight."\""; $html .=">"; switch (TRUE) { case $this->percentage: $html .= $this->perc[$i]." (".($this->value[$i]).")"; break; case $this->number: $html .= "<center> (".$this->FormatNumber($this->value[$i]).")</center>"; break; } if ($this->value[$i] != 0) { if (is_array($this->colour)) { $x = $i % sizeof($this->colour); $this->mColour = $this->colour[$x]; } elseif (is_array($this->colourEach)) { $x = $i % sizeof($this->colourEach); $this->mColour = $this->colourEach[$x]; } else { # default colur is black $this->mColour = "000000"; } $html .= "<img src=\"gifpix.php?c=".$this->mColour ."\" width=\"".$this->size2."\" height=\"".$this->size[$i]."\"" ."alt=\"".$this->text[$i]."(".$this->value[$i].")\"".">"; } $html .= "</td>\n"; } $html .= " </tr>\n <tr>\n"; for ($i=0; $i < $this->elements; $i++) { $html .= " <td width=\"20\" valign=\"top\" align=\"middle\""; $html .= "style=\"font-family:" .$this->t_font ."; color:#" .$this->t_font_color ."; font-size:" .$this->t_font_size ."; font-weight:" .$this->t_font_weight ."\""; $html .= ">" .$this->text[$i] ."</td>\n"; } $html .= " </tr>\n </table>\n"; $html .= " </td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n"; return $html; } } // Examples #Header("Content-type: text/html"); # There are 4 input values # Required # 1. text elements, # 2. Numerical values, # 3. Scale - sets the maximum width or height for a bar # 4. Value constant for all all elements height (horizontal) or width (vertical) # Optional # 5. Decimal Places to display in the Percentage - Default=2 # 6. Bar Colour in Hex (eg. A0A0A8) - Default=FF0000 (Red) # 7. Background Colour in Hex (eg. A0A0A8) - Default='' (None) # 8. Boder Size - Default=0 # Note : If you want to run a test of this class # remove the if(0), it will print you the graph. # # Make sure you put the images in the same directory as the class file # reside, or change the path to whatever your images reside. # Example : $bar->SetBackgroungImage("./images/tile.jpg"); if(0) { $bar = new HTML_graph(); $text = array("Blod Pressure","Body Composition","Fasting Cholesterol","Fasting Glucose","Physical Activity","Alchocol Consumption","Driving","Smoking","Family History","Self Care practicies","Health Screening","Environmentel Factors"); $value = array (100,50,40,50,30,10,75,68,53,89,23,45); $bar->set($text,$value,1500,10,0,"FFB164","E8E8D0",0); #set($text,$value,$scale,$size2,$decp=2,$colour="FF0000",$bgcolour="",$border=0) $bar->SetTitle("Horizontal Bar Plot with one colour and a background colour and image"); $bar->SetBackgroungImage("tile.jpg"); $bar->SetPercentage(false); $bar->SetTextFontColor("FFFFFF"); $bar->SetNumberFontColor("33FFFF"); $bar->SetBorderColor("6B6B6B"); echo $bar->horizontal(); echo "<HR>"; $colors = array("CC00CC","00CC00","000000"); $bar->Set($text,$value,1500,10,$colors,"",0,"fcfcfc"); $bar->SetTextFontColor("000000"); $bar->SetTextFontSize("xx-small"); $bar->SetNumberFontColor("CC0000"); $bar->SetTitle("Horizontal Bar Plot with three colours"); $bar->SetBorderStyle("inset"); $bar->SetShadow(true); echo $bar->horizontal(); echo "<HR>"; #$bar->SetTitle("Vertical Bar Plot with three colours"); $bar->SetBackgroungImage("tile1.jpg"); $bar->SetTitle(""); $bar->SetBgColour("666633"); $bar->SetBorderStyle("outset"); $bar->SetBorderWidth("medium"); $bar->SetBorderColor("62B0FF"); $bar->SetShadow(false); echo $bar->vertical(); } ?>