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File: tools/i18n_dbm_editor.php

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  Classes of Alan H. Lake   I18N class   tools/i18n_dbm_editor.php   Download  
File: tools/i18n_dbm_editor.php
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Program to edit DBM data
Class: I18N class
Get translation texts from different containers
Author: By
Last change: Added subdirectory to file name.
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 11,773 bytes



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<?php /* i18n_dbm_editor.php - XL() Translation file (DBM) editor Copyright (C) 2005 Alan Lake This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Current version: 1.0.0 (August 23, 2005) */ $ScriptName = "i18n_dbm_editor.php"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function OpenLocaleFile ($localepath, $locale) { // Open an existing locale file for writing $filename = $localepath . $locale . ".dbm"; $dbi = dbmopen ($filename, "c"); return $dbi; } function CloseLocaleFile ($dbi) { dbmclose ($dbi); } function ReadLocaleFile ($dbi) { $key = dbmfirstkey ($dbi); while ($key) { $result[$key] = stripslashes (unserialize (urldecode (dbmfetch ($dbi, $key)))); $key = dbmnextkey ($dbi, $key); } return $result; } function AddLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry, $value) { $dbi = OpenLocaleFile ($localepath, $selectedlocale); dbminsert ($dbi, $entry, urlencode (serialize ($value))); CloseLocaleFile ($dbi); } function EditLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry, $value) { $dbi = OpenLocaleFile ($localepath, $selectedlocale); dbmreplace ($dbi, $entry, urlencode (serialize ($value))); CloseLocaleFile ($dbi); } function DeleteLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry) { $dbi = OpenLocaleFile ($localepath, $selectedlocale); dbmdelete ($dbi, $entry); CloseLocaleFile ($dbi); } function RenameLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $oldentry, $entry) { $oldvalue = GetLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $oldentry); AddLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry, $oldvalue); DeleteLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $oldentry); } function GetLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry) { $dbi = OpenLocaleFile ($localepath, $selectedlocale); $value = stripslashes (unserialize (urldecode (dbmfetch ($dbi, $entry)))); CloseLocaleFile ($dbi); return $value; } function DisplayLocalePathForm() { // Display the form requesting locale path and storage type // Global variables global $ScriptName; // Display the form echo "<p><b>Enter configuration information about this STPhp enabled ", "application.</b>\n"; echo "<p><br><form action=\"$ScriptName\" method=POST>\n"; echo "Please enter the path to the locale files.\n"; echo "<input maxlen=255 size=50 name=localepath><br><br>\n"; echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Continue\">"; echo "</form>\n"; } function DisplayLocaleSelectionForm ($localepath) { // Display form permitting the user to select the locale they // wish to edit // Global variables global $ScriptName; echo "<p><b>Please enter the identifier for the locale you wish ", "to edit.</b>\n"; echo "<form action=\"$ScriptName\" method=POST>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=localepath value=$localepath>\n"; echo "Locale identifier: <input maxlen=10 size=10 ", "name=selectedlocale><br>\n\n"; echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Continue\">"; echo "</form>\n"; } function DisplayLocaleData ($localepath, $selectedlocale) { $dbi = OpenLocaleFile ($localepath, $selectedlocale); $localedata = ReadLocaleFile ($dbi); CloseLocaleFile ($dbi); if (!empty ($localedata)) { ksort ($localedata); reset ($localedata); echo "<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 border=1>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Message Identifier</th><th>Message Value</th>", "<th>&nbsp;</th></tr>\n"; while (list ($key, $value) = each ($localedata)) { echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td>$value</td><td>"; ShowTagEditEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $key); ShowTagRenameEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $key, "<br>"); ShowTagDeleteEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $key, "<br>"); echo "</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; } else { echo "<p>The selected locale's translation file is empty.", "<br>\n"; } ShowTagAddEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, "<br>", "<br>"); } function DisplayFormAddEditEntry ($command, $localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry) { // Global variables global $ScriptName; echo "<p><b>Please enter the value for this entry ($entry)</b>\n"; echo "<form action=\"$ScriptName\" method=POST>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=localepath value=$localepath>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=selectedlocale ", "value=$selectedlocale>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=entry value=$entry>\n"; if ($command == "ADD") { echo "Value: <input maxlen=255 size=50 ", "name=value><br>\n\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=submit_new_entry value=1>\n"; echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Add\">"; } elseif ($command == "EDIT") { $value = GetLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry); echo "Value: <input maxlen=255 size=50 ", "name=value value=\"", htmlspecialchars ($value), "\"><br>\n\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=submit_modified_entry value=1>\n"; echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Edit\">"; } else { die ("Invalid command specified.\n"); } echo "</form>\n"; } function DisplayFormAddEditName ($command, $localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry="") { // Global variables global $ScriptName; echo "<p><b>Please enter the name for this entry</b>\n"; echo "<form action=\"$ScriptName\" method=POST>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=localepath value=$localepath>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=selectedlocale ", "value=$selectedlocale>\n"; if ($command == "ADD") { echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=add_entry value=1>\n"; echo "Value: <input maxlen=255 size=50 ", "name=entry><br>\n\n"; echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Add\">"; } elseif ($command == "EDIT") { echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=oldentry value=$entry>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=submit_new_name value=1>\n"; echo "Value: <input maxlen=255 size=50 ", "name=entry value=$entry><br>\n\n"; echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Edit\">"; } else { die ("Invalid command specified.\n"); } echo "</form>\n"; } function ShowTagAddEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $predisplay="", $postdisplay="") { // Global variables global $ScriptName; echo $predisplay; echo "<a href=\"$ScriptName?name_entry=1&localepath=$localepath", "&selectedlocale=$selectedlocale\">[Add new entry]</a>\n"; echo $postdisplay; } function ShowTagEditEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry, $predisplay="", $postdisplay="") { // Global variables global $ScriptName; echo $predisplay; echo "<a href=\"$ScriptName?modify_entry=1&localepath=$localepath", "&selectedlocale=$selectedlocale&entry=$entry\">", "[Edit this entry]</a>\n"; echo $postdisplay; } function ShowTagRenameEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry, $predisplay="", $postdisplay="") { // Global variables global $ScriptName; echo $predisplay; echo "<a href=\"$ScriptName?rename_entry=1&localepath=$localepath", "&selectedlocale=$selectedlocale&entry=$entry\">", "[Rename this entry]</a>\n"; echo $postdisplay; } function ShowTagDeleteEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry, $predisplay="", $postdisplay="") { // Global variables global $ScriptName; echo $predisplay; echo "<a href=\"$ScriptName?delete_entry=1&localepath=$localepath", "&selectedlocale=$selectedlocale&entry=$entry\">", "[Delete this entry]</a>\n"; echo $postdisplay; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (isset ($localepath)) { if (substr ($localepath, strlen ($localepath) - 1) != "/") $localepath .= "/"; if (!is_dir ($localepath)) die ("<p>The locale path you specified does not exist or " . "is otherwise invalid. <a href=\"$ScriptName\">" . "Please try again.</a>\n"); } if (!isset ($localepath)) { DisplayLocalePathForm(); } elseif (!isset ($selectedlocale)) { DisplayLocaleSelectionForm ($localepath); } elseif ($rename_entry) { DisplayFormAddEditName ("EDIT", $localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry); } elseif ($name_entry) { DisplayFormAddEditName ("ADD", $localepath, $selectedlocale); } elseif ($add_entry) { DisplayFormAddEditEntry ("ADD", $localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry); } elseif ($delete_entry) { DeleteLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry); DisplayLocaleData ($localepath, $selectedlocale); } elseif ($modify_entry) { DisplayFormAddEditEntry ("EDIT", $localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry); } elseif ($submit_new_name) { RenameLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $oldentry, $entry); DisplayLocaleData ($localepath, $selectedlocale); } elseif ($submit_new_entry) { AddLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry, $value); DisplayLocaleData ($localepath, $selectedlocale); } elseif ($submit_modified_entry) { EditLocaleEntry ($localepath, $selectedlocale, $entry, $value); DisplayLocaleData ($localepath, $selectedlocale); } else { DisplayLocaleData ($localepath, $selectedlocale); } ?>