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  Classes of Thomas Uttenthaler   phpRealGallery   Download  
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<?php /* phpRealGallery - A class for displaying images sorted in galleries Version 0.1 - 14/07/2001 Thomas Uttenthaler ( || IRCnet->>z3non) Requirements: HTTP-Server (tested with Apache) PHP (tested with PHP 4) SQL-Server (tested with Postgre 7.0) a browser with graphic-capalities :-) Credits: PHPLib by Boris Erdmann,, Kristian Köhntopp, and Sascha Schumann, PHP_Thumbnail by Ryan Flynn (ryan@ryanflynn) Form class (forms.php) by Manuel Lemos ( Download: You can get the latest version from ChangeLog: Version 0.1 - 14/07/2001 + Initial release License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Installation: 1) Unpack the package and create a database 2) Create a Database-User (e.g. phpRealGallery) 3) Create the tables "galleries" and "images". I have included a dump-file for Postgre (pg.sql). galleries(gid(pkey), title, text) images(iid(pkey), gid, file, title, text, tech, size, date, price) 4) Grant the select-right for these tables to the DB-User (the pg-dump-file does it for phpRealGallery) 5) Put data into the tables and upload the images 6) Set the appropriate values for the DB-Connection in prepend.php3 (I have included, and, if you have nstallled the PHP Base Library on your Server, you also can use this one. Therefore copy the prepend.php3 and local inc into your directory, set the right include-path and db_* file in prepend.php3 and configure your database-connection in 6) Read the Documentation Documentation: Description: phpRealGallery is a gallery-tool with a Database-Backend wich can display several galleries, thumbnails of each gallery and the images in real-size with several information-fields (title, text, size, tech, date, price). The class should be embedded in the body-tag of an HTML-File. It produces valid XHTML 1.0 code. Methods: main Synopsis $error=$gallery-object->main() Purpose Show overview of galleries show_gallery Synopsis $error=$gallery-object->show_gallery($gid) Purpose Show thumbnails of specified gallery Arguments $gid The ID of the selected gallery show_image Synopsis $error=$gallery-object->show_image($iid) Purpose Show specified image in real-size with additional information Arguments $iid The ID of the selected image Properties: img_path Synopsis $gallery_object->img_path=string Purpose Specifies the directory where the images are stored thumbnails_per_row Synopsis $gallery_object->thumbnails_per_row=int Purpose Specifies the number of thumbnails per row file_name Synopsis $gallery_object->file_name=basename($PHP_SELF); Purpose Specifies the Name of the gallery file thumbnail_size Synopsis $gallery_object->thumbnail_size=int Purpose Specifies the Thumbnail-Size in percent of the original size Example Usage: require("./"); $g=new Gallery; $g->img_path="./img/gallery/"; (can also be an absolute path, or a ftp- or http-server) $g->thumbnails_per_row=3; $g->file_name=basename($PHP_SELF); $g->thumbnail_size=25; IF($show_gallery) $g->show_gallery($show_gallery); ELSEIF($show_image) $g->show_image($show_image); ELSE $g->main(); The Design can be changed by CSS with the following classes: a.thumbnail a.nav_button table.thumbnail tr.thumbnail td.thumbnail img.nav_button img.thumbnail Graphic-Navigation-Buttons: Put the following files in the image-directory: left.gif // for link-arrows left2.gif // for non-link-arrows right.gif right2.gif up.gif Todo: + Storage of Images in Database ? + Admin-Interface with File-Upload + Real Thumbnail-Generation for jpg, gif and png (Either gif or png, depends on GD-Version) + Multi-Language Support */ require('./include/prepend.php3'); require("./include/class.thumbnail.php"); class Gallery extends DB_gallery{ var $img_path; var $thumbnails_per_row; var $thumbnail_size; //in percent of the original size var $file_name; function gallery() { //Konstruktor $db=new DB_Gallery; if($db->Error!="") { echo "<p style='color:red;'>Keine Verbindung zur Datenbank!<br /> FEHLER!<br />".$error."</p>"; exit; } } function show_gallery($show_gallery){ //Shows thumbnails of a gallery $db=new DB_Gallery; $db2=new DB_Gallery; $t=new PHP_Thumbnail($this->thumbnail_size, $this->thumbnail_size, '%'); //set to 25% of default size $query="SELECT * from galleries WHERE gid='".$show_gallery."'"; $result=$db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $title=$db->f("title"); $text=$db->f("text"); if(file_exists($this->img_path."up.gif")): $size_up=GetImageSize($this->img_path."up.gif"); $up="<img class='nav_button' src='".$this->img_path."up.gif' ".$size_up[3]." alt='Up' border='0' />"; else: $up="Up"; endif; echo "<a class='nav_button' href='./".$this->file_name."'>".$up."</a><br /><br />\n"; echo "<h2>".$title."</h2>\n"; IF($text) echo $text."<br />\n"; echo "<table class='thumbnail'><tr class='thumbnail'>\n"; $query="SELECT * FROM images WHERE gid='".$show_gallery."' ORDER BY iid"; $result=$db->query($query); $i=0; WHILE($db->next_record()): #$dir=opendir($img_path); $iid=$db->f("iid"); $file=$db->f("file"); $img=$this->img_path.$file; $title=$db->f("title"); if(file_exists($this->img_path.$file)): $size=GetImageSize($this->img_path.$file); $file_size=filesize($this->img_path.$file); $file_size=round($file_size/1024); endif; if($title) $alt_string=$title; $alt_string=$alt_sting.$title.", ".$size[0]." x ".$size[1].", ".$file_size." kb"; echo "<td class='thumbnail'><a class='thumbnail' href='./".$this->file_name."?show_image=".$iid."' title='".$alt_string."'>"; $t->show($img, "class='thumbnail' alt='".$alt_string."'"); echo "</a></td>\n"; $i++; if($i==$this->thumbnails_per_row): echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; $i=0; endif; ENDWHILE; echo "</tr></table>\n"; } //end of function show_gallery function show_image($show_image){ //Shows a picture in real-size and data $db=new DB_Gallery; $db2=new DB_Gallery; $query="SELECT * FROM images WHERE iid='".$show_image."'"; $result=$db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $file=$db->f("file"); $title=$db->f("title"); $text=$db->f("text"); $gid=$db->f("gid"); $tech=$db->f("tech"); $size=$db->f("size"); $price=$db->f("price"); $date=$db->f("date"); $img=$this->img_path.$file; $query="SELECT iid FROM images WHERE gid='".$gid."' ORDER BY iid"; $result=$db->query($query); WHILE($db->next_record()): $prev_iid_tmp=$iid; $iid=$db->f("iid"); IF($next_id==1) BREAK; IF($iid==$show_image): $next_id=1; $prev_iid=$prev_iid_tmp; ENDIF; IF(!$prev_iid AND $iid==$show_image) $first=1; ENDWHILE; IF($iid!=$show_image) $next_iid=$iid; //IF $show_image is not the last in the gallery .. if(file_exists($this->img_path."left.gif")): $size_left=GetImageSize($this->img_path."left.gif"); $left="<img class='nav_button' src='".$this->img_path."left.gif' ".$size_left[3]." alt='&lt;&lt;' border='0' />"; else: $left="<<"; endif; if(file_exists($this->img_path."left2.gif")): $size_left2=GetImageSize($this->img_path."left2.gif"); $left2="<img class='nav_button' src='".$this->img_path."left2.gif' ".$size_left2[3]." alt='' border='0' />"; else: $left2="&nbsp;&nbsp;"; endif; if(file_exists($this->img_path."right.gif")): $size_right=GetImageSize($this->img_path."right.gif"); $right="<img class='nav_button' src='".$this->img_path."right.gif' ".$size_right[3]." alt='&gt;&gt;' border='0' />"; else: $right=">>"; endif; if(file_exists($this->img_path."right2.gif")): $size_right2=GetImageSize($this->img_path."right2.gif"); $right2="<img class='nav_button' src='".$this->img_path."right2.gif' ".$size_right2[3]." alt='' border='0' />"; else: $right2="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; endif; if(file_exists($this->img_path."up.gif")): $size_up=GetImageSize($this->img_path."up.gif"); $up="<img src='".$this->img_path."up.gif' ".$size_up[3]." alt='Up' border='0' />"; else: $up="Up"; endif; IF(!$first) $nav_code="<a class='nav_button' href='./".$this->file_name."?show_image=".$prev_iid."'>".$left."</a>&nbsp;\n"; ELSE $nav_code=$left2."&nbsp;\n"; IF($next_iid) $nav_code=$nav_code."<a class='nav_button' href='./".$this->file_name."?show_image=".$next_iid."'>".$right."</a>&nbsp;\n"; ELSE $nav_code=$nav_code.$right2."&nbsp;\n"; $nav_code=$nav_code."<a class='nav_button' href='./".$this->file_name."?show_gallery=".$gid."'>".$up."</a>\n"; echo $nav_code; echo "<br /><br /><h2>".$title."</h2>\n"; echo "<img src='".$img."' class='gallery' alt='".$title."'><br />\n"; if($tech) echo "<p><i>Technik:</i><br />".$tech."</p>\n"; if($size) echo "<p><i>Größe:</i><br />".$size."</p>\n" ; if($text) echo "<p>".$text."</p>\n"; if($date) echo "<p><i>Datum:</i><br />".$date."</p>\n"; if($price) echo "<p><i>Preis:</i><br />".$price."</p>\n"; echo "<br />"; echo $nav_code; echo "<br />"; } //end of function show_image function main() { //shows gallery-overview $db=new DB_Gallery; $db2=new DB_Gallery; echo "<h2>Bildergalerien</h2>"; $query="SELECT * from galleries"; $result=$db->query($query); WHILE($db->next_record()): $gid=$db->f("gid"); $title=$db->f("title"); $query="SELECT count(iid) as count FROM images WHERE gid='".$gid."'"; $result=$db2->query($query); $db2->next_record(); $pcount=$db2->f("count"); echo "<h3><a href='./".$this->file_name."?show_gallery=".$gid."'>".$title."</a></h3>\n <p>".$pcount." Bilder</p>\n<hr />\n"; ENDWHILE; } //end of function main } //end of class gallery ?>